Smoke Concept
Fan Kreations
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Smoke Concept
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The_Suit drew this Smoke Concept and e-mailed it to me asking if I would color it. I gladly accepted and it came out looking like this. Hope you enjoy, C+C's would be nice. :)
Full Scale | 600x776 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 33 | Score |

I must admit, I prefer this to the original.
Nice colouring
Very nice colour choices, it all matches Smoke well, and the drawing as well.
All nicely shaded, while still retaining the original detail the_suit put into it.
The background is what I feel should have been done instead of those "lines", which made it wat to busy.
The smoke you added is excellent, it looks, like, well, smoke! Lol, but it is a nice addition.
The black background colour was a nice choice as well, to make the smoke stand out, and Smoke blends well with it, while still being well visible.
Nice title as well, lol.
All very nice, as usual. Nice work
I must admit, I prefer this to the original.
Nice colouring
Very nice colour choices, it all matches Smoke well, and the drawing as well.
All nicely shaded, while still retaining the original detail the_suit put into it.
The background is what I feel should have been done instead of those "lines", which made it wat to busy.
The smoke you added is excellent, it looks, like, well, smoke! Lol, but it is a nice addition.
The black background colour was a nice choice as well, to make the smoke stand out, and Smoke blends well with it, while still being well visible.
Nice title as well, lol.
All very nice, as usual. Nice work

well i must say i wasnt a big fan of the original drawing,l but i like this a lot more, it makes it really stand out, and the backround was a nice touch, but it seems almost too dark to me,but i have an old monitor so it may just be me lol.
Excellent work. I like this much more than your previous attempt, though I do understand how you had more difficulty with that one. But really, this is an almost flawless coloring job. The background is nice, though when the_suit said it was a storm I could see what he was talking about. The 'lines' were meant to be the smoke I believe, and the other was meant to be the storm. But, I like what you have done with it too, looks good I think. The text you added is also nice, I quite like it.
The gray colors you chose to color Smoke were great, very great choices indeed. The mask's design was extremely intricate, and you have done a superb job in retaining the majority of the original details. Though, I think if perhaps the symbols and markings were colored in, rather than being hollow, it would look pretty cool. But, this way looks nice too, the gray you used wasn't dark enough to damage them. I like the darker gray you used for the armguards, and the way you colored the spikes was also very nice.
I like the way you blended your colors, you used two basic shades and did the work with them. I think it was a nice idea, and it turned out very excellent looking. Good skin tone as well, and the muscle structure is intact perfectly. I like this alot, it does the original drawing justice I think.
The gray colors you chose to color Smoke were great, very great choices indeed. The mask's design was extremely intricate, and you have done a superb job in retaining the majority of the original details. Though, I think if perhaps the symbols and markings were colored in, rather than being hollow, it would look pretty cool. But, this way looks nice too, the gray you used wasn't dark enough to damage them. I like the darker gray you used for the armguards, and the way you colored the spikes was also very nice.
I like the way you blended your colors, you used two basic shades and did the work with them. I think it was a nice idea, and it turned out very excellent looking. Good skin tone as well, and the muscle structure is intact perfectly. I like this alot, it does the original drawing justice I think.

wow that looks awesome. Nice details and colors, good job.
thats pretty good:
the symbols could have another color in them
i like the text
tips for shading/depth
use more shades of the color you are using.
are you using photoshop,
use more layers one for each color or object
the more shades you use the more real it looks and gives it depth.
don;t just use dark black and light gray
medium gray
light gray
hope this helps
it'll give it more "life" .
good BG (its a Render-clouds isn't it :)
thats pretty good:
the symbols could have another color in them
i like the text
tips for shading/depth
use more shades of the color you are using.
are you using photoshop,
use more layers one for each color or object
the more shades you use the more real it looks and gives it depth.
don;t just use dark black and light gray
medium gray
light gray
hope this helps
it'll give it more "life" .
good BG (its a Render-clouds isn't it :)

About Me
The Storm Has Returned...
Realm of Khaos
Yeah I am using photoshop, and thank you for the pointers. I understand I need improving but I didn't know where to start. But I must say for it being my first couple of colorings I am improving at a very fast pace, and with your help I will only get better. Thanks Zombie, I will try your tips next time. And yes it was a clouds rendering. ;)
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TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.
1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.
You did a very nice job of coloring this. I like the grays and yellows, but I don't like the spikes for some reason. I think that they would have looked cool as a shiny black. It probably would end up less interesting but, well, I guess that's just my personal preference. I really like how you did the values though. They blend very nicely and the lighting adds for a nice, soft balancing tone.
I gave you a 5/5.
I gave you a 5/5.
U 2 make a good team!
Though, The ninja look should wear off him, and a more original look to him instead!
Anyway, it's very awesome!
U 2 make a good team!
Though, The ninja look should wear off him, and a more original look to him instead!
Anyway, it's very awesome!

TThe Smoke concept looks more like a night than ninja, but it's still nice. As I can see, there is alot of texture added into the drawing, as always !
By the way, I like your sig', Hydro !
Dragon points: 4/5

About Me
Go Noob-Smoke!! Gamertag:Nath2812
i likey!!!!!!!!!! 5/5 for sure!!!!!!!!!!! (Smoke is one of my fave characters!!!!!!!!) i am gonna use this for my wallpaper(tiled!) looks a lot like spawn....hmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!! the arm pads, the ripped cloth..... very similar..... dont worry, i like spawn!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay for Hydro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pages: 1
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