That's pretty damn good. I could never draw like that. I like the detail you put into it. However, his head is waaaaaaaaaaaaay tooooooo small, and his shoulder muscles are so damn big. Also some parts of his muscles look too "sqaurey" and not round.
I agree, the head stands out as being far too small. It looks good though, it just needs to be alot larger than this. His equipment all looks pretty well drawn, especially across his chest. But alot of his features are pointed, and should be more rounded like a normal figure would be. His right hand also looks a bit smaller than his left hand, but I expect thats probably due to the quickness in which you say you did this. Its not bad, good for just a quick sketch.
wow, that's funny, you had the same problem i did with my goro sketch, the way too tiny. i know what you mean by over exagerating the body but if you're really going for the steroid look, then you need keep the proportions the same, but make muscles REALLY big. making the head smaller simply makes him look like beatle juice, you know what i mean? the proper proportions for his head should be like this: from the top of his head to the chest line (draw a line from one arm pit to the other) should be the length of 2 heads. from the chest line to the waist should be the same, each section of the body is 2 head lengths long. from waist to crotch, from crotch to knee, and from knee to the bottom of the foot. also, both sections of the arm is 2 lengths as well.
Actually, I had a book a long time ago and I don't remember who was the author, anyway, Igave it to a friend who was staring to draw. I did the head small on purpose but I think I did it TOO small.