Self Desruct, MtF style
09/29/2003 03:35 AM (UTC)by
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06/20/2003 01:46 PM (UTC)
09/28/2003 08:13 PM (UTC)
The bg is boring, just black and I see a moon and theres the floor, try to connect things that match.

I hate that Cyrax effect + the quality ruins it, a lot. Same goes for the other cyborgs, they have a nice glowing effect but could use more detail they look like there enjoying it.

Why the hell is the blood, blue?

No shadows

Since the bg is already dark, making it dimmed is optional since you did that.

Your not taking your time. You do a fake every 2 days, and your probably rush yourself.

Upgrade to another program, check if your school has any good programs like Adobe Photoshop or Micro Fireworks then save it as a PNG or a JPEG not a "jpeg" in Ms Paint, plz. Try to challenge yourself, and come out w/ ideas that are original and something that even the big man Ed Boon himself might use. Im being nice today, because im in a very good mood. smile
09/28/2003 08:48 PM (UTC)
0 not quit sure about this one, it seems like more of a picture from a story than a "fake". I'm having trouble understanding why all the cyborgs look like ghosts, the pole stiking in the one laying down needs a lot of work, there should be some blood or somthing coming out of him. I also think the blood coming out of the one in the air is angled the wrong way from where the beam is going into him, it should be shooting up more than going straight back. The backround does need a lot of work, its just a bridge, and the moon, try putting something in the blackness. the beams coming off of Mtf look good, this pic is lacking some basic things but keep working at it.
09/29/2003 03:35 AM (UTC)
Alright, well this one is most likely the worse of this series with your character, MTF8T8. You were inputting the basics in your previous fakes, but you neglected to include any of them here. I suppose I see why you didn't add any lifebars, 1) the Cyrax sprite would have been in the way. And 2) Its three characters versus one, lifebars most likely could have made this look crowded. Here is my suggestion, why not have two of the robots already defeated, or at least weakened in some way and have just one of the cyborgs active. This way, you could include the lifebars (as you could just use the standard again, since the two defeated cyborgs wouldn't need lifebars), as they are neccesary here because the fake looks very lacking without them. Shadows are missing as well. I can tell you didn't put any amount of true work into this, because you normally don't leave off such basic aspects. Take this advice, slow down. There is no need to show us all a fake every update, we aren't going anywhere so just take your time. I remember you once said, "I'm going to get a 5/5 rating, even if I have to submit 50 fakes!" Well, if you don't slow down, then most likely you're going to need more than 50 submissions to get a 5 dragon rating. In fact, you'll never achieve this goal unless you change these ways. There is no set time for you to submit a fake, so why rush yourself?

Anyway, on to the rest of this. The background obviously isn't good, its that standard 'spikes and moon/earth with a black sky' idea that people seem to use so much. You've made good backgrounds before, at least respectable ones. If you don't feel up to the task of creating a proper BG, then just use what is provided at the warehouse, it isn't neccesary to create one everytime unless you put some real thought into it.

The 'fatality' itself is a bit stange. I suppose the idea isn't bad though, it could look good with some additions and a few changes. For the 'explosion', you used the prop that looks like this and switched the colors. The color choice isn't bad actually, the only thing I'd fix is the way the bottom-most left beam looks. The rest of the beams seem blurred to some point, and that one should be changed to look like that too, it would fit better into the scene.

The 3 other cyborgs need some work. The 'glow' effect is decent I suppose, but I feel its a bit too solid. The 'beams' should also be edit so they appear to be 'holding' the cyborgs up. The 'beam' going to the cyborg lying on the ground is just at its feet, it would have been much nicer had it been up near his chest area. The beam is passing through Cyrax, which doesn't really explain the 'tractor beam' like effect MTF8T8's attack is having on him. Cyrax's position is also odd, it looks alot more like he is reaching out for something. I would have rather seen a 'limp' look to him, one that makes he appear to not have control of himself. I'm not sure what that is supposed to be coming out of Cyrax's back, but if its supposed to be metal shards or something it isn't very good. Also, cyborgs don't 'bleed', they leak oil. As for the other right-most cyborg, again the pose is odd. And the beam appears to go behind him, so I don't know why he is 'glowing' at all. Edit that prop some, and this would look alot better. The cyborg lying on the ground is decent, but some oilwork and editing to the 'pole' are neccesary in my opinion.

As for your sprite edit, well ever since the first submission to this series it has gotten worse. The idea of him combining parts from the other cyborgs isn't bad really, an interesting idea I suppose. It isn't pulled off very well though, it just looks like a lot of randomly placed colors to me. Try adding some electric sparks, and show some of the pieces off the others 'flying' toward him, doing this helps better demonstrate what is actually happening. Anyhow, as I said earlier, take your time in the future if you wish to produce more satisfactory results.
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