submitted 03/10/2003 01:06 PM (UTC)by
Mortanius Member Since
02/11/2003 09:54 PM (UTC)
Nice work. Not diggn' the DBZ influential style, but at least his hair is normal. ^^ Did you use a mouse? Please say you didn't. I'm going to bitch-slap you from here to May if you did. *cries*
bleed •03/09/2003 04:17 AM (UTC) •0
Cool, nice job.
I like his name too.
Keep them comming.

he looks like a cross between squall from ff8 and cloud from ff7 pretty good job dude
blue_dragon Wrote: he looks like a cross between squall from ff8 and cloud from ff7 pretty good job dude
SaiBot •03/09/2003 02:33 PM (UTC) •0

! I love it!
Thanks Guys and by the way I did draw it with a mouse. My wrists are really flexable.
Are you flexable in bed?...erm I mean good pic. And jeez that's great with a mouse.
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