Scorpion character sheet
Scorpion character sheet
Artist's Remarks: | |
sumthin for a mortal kombat animation i'm working on.
Full Scale | 885x705 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 15 | Score |

About Me
Man, I love your style. And this MK animation has me intrigued, will we be seeing or hearing anymore about it?? Are there any other characters you have done that we can see?? I like the little pointers youve added to your work, you could do a series like this to help those of us who lack any skill but still like to draw. Perhaps some coloring tips as well. Keep it up.

Shit! Good job N00bert. Thats very nice loking you should do more like Sub and Ermac. But i always have to say somthing. You shouldn't have him in his old ninja suit you should make him like MKDA or MKD style that would be sweeett. 4.5/5

About Me
Women pay me to give them pleasure...
Why does it say copyright Midway 2004 on the bottom right?
Do you work for them?
Do you work for them?

i like, looks cool, but ewwy, gross! he's too creepy looking for me
jax : thanks glad u like
moosie fate:ofcourse u'll hear more about it.its in progress right now,probably post it in bout 2months,sorry bout the wait.the pointers where for me so i don't forget hehe,but glad they help anyone else.
Mobster_For_SATAN:i like the old style suits,i hate the news ones sorry,but glad u like.
Spartikiss: no,sorry if that confused u,i just didn't anyone to think i was stealing the characters thats all.
go_sonya_go: hehe then my work here is done.
thanks guys more to come.....
moosie fate:ofcourse u'll hear more about it.its in progress right now,probably post it in bout 2months,sorry bout the wait.the pointers where for me so i don't forget hehe,but glad they help anyone else.
Mobster_For_SATAN:i like the old style suits,i hate the news ones sorry,but glad u like.
Spartikiss: no,sorry if that confused u,i just didn't anyone to think i was stealing the characters thats all.
go_sonya_go: hehe then my work here is done.
thanks guys more to come.....
About Me
I need a great pic here. Edenian people would be my fav. Inbox me pls.
I'm not an artist in any way, but I love animation on TV, Movie and on print, expecially good animation. Yours is fantastic. I would really love to see more character under your animation. I would love to see your stuff in a TV show or movie. Great job.
ok heres a special clip for u guys, i will tell u now that loads of frames are missing,excuse the jumpyness.
You know what, the more I look into your design of Scorpion, the more I like it and I think it suits him a lot more than the one we all know and used to.
Simply because Scorpion being slim makes him a lot scarier imo. Another thing is that Scorpion reveals is skull while performing his fatality so I think it makes more sense if his skinny. He is a dead warrior!
5/5 Keep the originality. I'd love to see that animated.
Simply because Scorpion being slim makes him a lot scarier imo. Another thing is that Scorpion reveals is skull while performing his fatality so I think it makes more sense if his skinny. He is a dead warrior!
5/5 Keep the originality. I'd love to see that animated.
thats the most postivie thing i have heard man,thanks so much
see animation here
see animation here
Wow! That is great, very smooth. I like the background a lot too. Tremendous Blow on Scorpion!
This type of animation reminds Zelda: The wind Waker (I'm Currently playing it). I'd like to see more of it. I presume you are working on it.
Can't wait to see the whole fight if you ever plan to finish it!
This type of animation reminds Zelda: The wind Waker (I'm Currently playing it). I'd like to see more of it. I presume you are working on it.
Can't wait to see the whole fight if you ever plan to finish it!

That animation was awesome. Very nice detailing. Great job.

About Me
I love the animation, how long is the final product going to be and where will we be able to see it??? Which other characters are you working on?
thanks glad u like that little preview.i'm working with jax, sonya,johnny cage,rayden in this short movie.not sure how long it will be yet.or where u wil be able to view it.
Wow, he's very cool!
I come with a request!
I would really like, if you could draw Jade for my Jade Fanart section on my web-site!
That would be so cool, if you would do that for me!
Thanks on advance!
I come with a request!
I would really like, if you could draw Jade for my Jade Fanart section on my web-site!
That would be so cool, if you would do that for me!
Thanks on advance!

About Me Dig it
Wow, I am highly impressed. I was content with the picture by itself. You have really done a great job establishing a new look for Scorpion.
So if that wasn't enough you showcase this excellent animation. I can imagine the amount of work that went into this. If any of you haven't seen Ninjai yet I would highly suggest taking a look. You are fast approaching this quality. No need to critique yet as you said it was incomplete.
So let me ask, what are you planning to use for your final product? I see it's a gif right now. Flash would be an obvious choice.
Keep it up, this will be great
So if that wasn't enough you showcase this excellent animation. I can imagine the amount of work that went into this. If any of you haven't seen Ninjai yet I would highly suggest taking a look. You are fast approaching this quality. No need to critique yet as you said it was incomplete.
So let me ask, what are you planning to use for your final product? I see it's a gif right now. Flash would be an obvious choice.
Keep it up, this will be great
sure man,i'll draw jade up this weekend.
yeh that was gif,the real thing will be in flash with sound and everything.the story is based around scorpion and sub zero...and that all i can say.sorry,i'll check out that link
yeh that was gif,the real thing will be in flash with sound and everything.the story is based around scorpion and sub zero...and that all i can say.sorry,i'll check out that link
the ninja is pretty cool,i reckon i wud be better lol haha,but if i was to draw the ninja he wud look waay better.but its aight,thanks for the link.

About Me
Erm.. Sometimes its better not to boast about stuff because now youve put the idea in my head that I want to see your impression of the ninja.
LOL sorry didn't mean to boast.glad u like.
omg ur drawings rock, love the style, I wish I could draw like that *gets on his knees* teach me master! I beg you!
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