submitted 07/21/2010 07:26 PM (UTC)by
JAX007 Member Since
09/07/2002 08:09 PM (UTC)
MINION •07/02/2010 10:50 AM (UTC) •0
It's clear that you're good at drawing stuff. You can't go far wrong with scorpion. I really like this. He's so badass here that he even kind of pulls off the ninja flip flops. Well done.
The "Traditional" look fits him very well.
Your very skilled, Overall great design.
MacyG88 •07/14/2010 02:15 AM (UTC) •0
Holy hot-shits. Why the hell aren't you working for Netherrealm Studios?
Terrific job! 5/5.
Jax, you never disappoint!
You would gain instant badass status if you redesigned as much of the MKT roster as you could before the new game comes out. Then we could compare your designs to theirs. So far the Scorpions are a tough race! I would LOVE to see this as his alt. I'll make a call, see if we can't get you a job...
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