submitted 06/09/2004 04:46 AM (UTC)by
Reptilelord Member Since
10/11/2002 01:28 AM (UTC)
Good drawing but that looks nothing like reptile. You should make him 100% less reptilian and make him like a cool ninja. Or like a ninja reptile not a full blown reptile. 3/5
I like it. I've always wanted to see Reptile in more of a true dinosaur-like form, and this is pretty good. A couple suggestions I would make, though: considering his stance he seems a bit top-heavy; his tail should be a bit longer, and he shouldn't be bent over that far. Also, I'd like to see his neck just a bit longer, and his head a bit more streamlined. Keep the spikes, but make the upper jaw a little thinner and the lower jaw longer. Aside from that I like this work. 3.5/5.
Great drawing of reptile man, I can see the evolutionary process that you made him undergo. He seems more dragonlike and less reptilian in my opinion.
The dual-edged blade coincides with his huge appearance as well.
Also his dragon scales and spikes look nice. Great work overall, 4/5.
Torchia •06/09/2004 03:29 AM (UTC) •0
It reminds me of a Sharpclaw of Starfox Adventures.
Cool, though.
*SGO* •06/09/2004 04:46 AM (UTC) •0
WOOOWWWW!!! YOU took your TIME to do the SKIN !!!!
hahaha.......good job!
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