Reptile vs someone.
07/03/2003 08:29 PM (UTC)by
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02/10/2003 02:51 AM (UTC)
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06/30/2003 07:14 PM (UTC)
Great Job 4/5
07/01/2003 03:18 AM (UTC)
Is not bad in fact you gave me some few detail ideas for my next fake pic which is Scarlet Redo.
But nobody's perfect so here...
The fake pic is cool although the text FATALITY is a bit weird. Lifebars will be helpful because w/ out them nobody will no who got Fatality. I don't like the idea of Reptile floating. If you could of done this im other programs the quality will be 10 times better but the jpeg really did ruin the Acid color. I like the text REPTILE in fact I like it so much Im going to ask you were did you get it?
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07/01/2003 05:52 AM (UTC)
you mean where it says reptile wins? because that is from MKwerehouse.
07/01/2003 03:17 PM (UTC)
Yeah.. okay.

I don't like what you did with the background. Are those islands or something? That's really the only ugly part of this fake, besides the scribble-scrablle you did on the chest part of his uniform. The strap coming down from his belt has nice "pictures" on it, I like that.

I like how you actually edited in this fake. FINALLY SOME ONE TAKES THE TIME TO DO SOME GENUINE EDITING. You did an awesome job on Reptile's shoes and knee pads (or whatever you call them). They look nice and "smooth" with the picture. I see the skull on his belt, nice touch, and I like the green skin you gave him. I also like the spikes you put on his wrists. I am guessing you gave him a mix of MK4 Reptile's alternate costume. I like that... of course.I like the "smoke" effects on the bloody skull, and very nice reflection you added in the puddle of acid.

I am glad to see you are putting more and more details in your pictures. Something these other people can learn from you. You're getting better.

You should show us a PNG version of this fake because the JPG quality is piss poor and makes the fake kind of ugly.
07/01/2003 03:19 PM (UTC)
wow that is pretty cool, i like it alot. 4/5
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07/01/2003 07:59 PM (UTC)

balkcsiaboot Wrote:

You should show us a PNG version of this fake because the JPG quality is piss poor and makes the fake kind of ugly.

What's PNG? because I have no clue what it is... and anywho, I have to make it a JPG or they won't take my submissions.
07/01/2003 08:22 PM (UTC)
I know that, I'm just saying, go to the original file you made and save it as a PNG, host it some where and show us next time. But since you don't know what a PNG is, then forget it. It practically saves the original quality like a BMP so it's better.

Gl1tch Wrote:
You should show us a PNG version of this fake because the JPG quality is piss poor and makes the fake kind of ugly.

What's PNG? because I have no clue what it is... and anywho, I have to make it a JPG or they won't take my submissions.

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07/01/2003 09:03 PM (UTC)
Oh, I see...but mine usualy look better as JPGs because they look really Squarry as BMPs... but that's probably because of MSpaint.
07/01/2003 09:39 PM (UTC)
bmp's are kinda the same thing as PNG's but when you attach or send something in bmp format it takes forever to load sad
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07/02/2003 03:59 AM (UTC)
i like this one,

making changes to reptiles clothes but not going to far with it,

the clouds in the background could of been done better but oh well,
the acid melted body looks kool. nice

all in all much better thna others i'v seen on here

07/02/2003 05:01 AM (UTC)
One of your best. I am more that happy to see this nice sprite edit. I think this edit gives Reptile a sort of 'jungle' feel to him. Though, I don't really like the levitating idea very much. But I will give you credit for adding the shadow under him, little things matter too. Since you purposely left the lifebars and such off, then thats fine I guess.

The 'smoke' from the body is awesome, and the colors in the remains look good. I also like the way the acid is 'bubbling' on the edges of the pool. What you did with the background... its not so bad, but it could have had a little something more, since we can't tell what it is right away. But overall, I would say this is your best work.
Okay, this is pretty nice.
List begins below (lol).

- I am glad you added a shadow, but I am not glad you made it so far below Reptile. Levitation? Not very Reptile.
- The Reptile edit - skin wise, excellent, the skin is perfect. The "outfit" however, I did not like the lines on the top half. It looks naf, in all honesty. Where it's green, you can't just draw a black line over it, if you want a black line to segment something off, also use the darker greens.
- The fatality text? Interesting, but I think it would be better in all capitals.

The good things:
+ I agree that the lifebars would make this a little bit too much.
+ The acidic effects, are great. Nice job on them.
+ Is that a reflection of the skeleton in the acid? If it is, then it's very, VERY good.
+ Putting the skeleton's hand up in the air, is a very nice touch, much better than pasting the skeleton.
+ Smoke effects are equally as good, if not better.
+ Little touches that you have included, like the skull on Reptile's belt. Very nice, and well thought out.
+ His shoes and shin guard thingies are well done.
+ The background is pretty good, it's not too busy (although the carpet is quite bright for that floor, lol).
+ You've had the most amount of +'s that I've done, lol.

Nice job, this is definately one of your best.
07/03/2003 02:18 PM (UTC)
LOL, Reptile looks like he's attached with the wall with those spiky handcuffs!!!

But I like the fake!
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07/03/2003 08:29 PM (UTC)
Thank you all for the critiques.
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