Opinions on my Kano Halloween costume
posted12/08/2012 06:59 AM (UTC)by
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Do not underestimate humour, you'll be dying of laughter!

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10/15/2004 01:48 AM (UTC)
Long time since I've been on this board. I just made my own unique Kano costume with a little of MK3 and Deadly alliance feel to it. Just wondering what you guys think of it.

Thanks smile
09/02/2012 01:00 AM (UTC)

Ricardo Snow
09/02/2012 02:02 AM (UTC)
You have a really good chin for kano cosplay
09/03/2012 04:47 AM (UTC)
That's actually pretty sweet, man.

Add a rugged beard and you're in business.

Try making a more menacing expression, you look almost sad or scared. Perhaps you thought it was rally Kano in the mirror? ;P
09/04/2012 01:59 AM (UTC)
If you didn't look so awkward you'd make a better Kano.

Also, not sure why you decided to not go with the beard... It's pretty much iconic of Kano.

Eye piece looks pretty chill.
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09/04/2012 02:43 AM (UTC)
Thats not bad. Could be improved, but I still think its pretty cool.
09/04/2012 02:12 PM (UTC)
I'm actually very unimpressed. Not to be mean, but it doesn't look like too much thought, effort, or money were put into it.

09/04/2012 09:01 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
I'm actually very unimpressed. Not to be mean, but it doesn't look like too much thought, effort, or money were put into it.

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09/07/2012 01:51 PM (UTC)
Your hair and facial expression kill it for me.

The costume itslef has the right color scheme and you kinda have his metal face going on... but that's it. Everything else just looks like you grabbed stuff out of some dusty old box from the garage or attic.

You still have some time to make your improvements. If I weren't a MK fan id say you were a low budget terminator. The only thing that gives u away is that cheesy shirt.

UNdiscovered Wrote:

What a stupid response. At least contribute to the thread in a productive way.
09/08/2012 12:58 AM (UTC)
I think your response was douchey was honestly

I'm backing up the OP, got a problem then too bad
09/08/2012 06:34 PM (UTC)
The OP doesn't need your "back up."

It's not going to make me or Saizero like it any better. Sorry if I've seen so many better costumes that this just doesn't tickle my fancy like it does yours. That doesn't make me a douche. If I said it fucking sucks and he should go kill himself, then yes, that'd be "douchy"
09/08/2012 07:34 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
The OP doesn't need your "back up."

It's not going to make me or Saizero like it any better. Sorry if I've seen so many better costumes that this just doesn't tickle my fancy like it does yours. That doesn't make me a douche. If I said it fucking sucks and he should go kill himself, then yes, that'd be "douchy"

Well your right, your not a douche, you just have sand in the vaginal region, big difference, I suggest doing something about it before you permanently become a bickering bitch

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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
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09/09/2012 12:37 AM (UTC)
I like the faceplate but the red and silver tape, the bullets and small strap, combined with the fact that your Kano's wearing a shirt about Kano kind of doesn't make me take this very seriously.
My best suggestions? Trim the hair/gel it back, have 5 o'clock shadow, and put more emphasis on red and black (with actual black pants, a solid, black, low-cut v-neck t-shirt, and tape the sleeves red), and you could look a lot better.
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Get that ass BANNED

09/09/2012 01:25 AM (UTC)
You just don't look grisly enough to be a Kano. The metal plate is just fine, just fix... well, everything else.
09/09/2012 09:34 PM (UTC)
Also forgot to mention it before but the white socks don't help the look at all.
09/10/2012 01:15 PM (UTC)
Get rid of the Kano Wins shirt, it'll look a bit more decent without it. Granted that this is all made from low-budget stuff, from what it appears, it's not bad.

I'll give you props for growing a beard, and doing something with the curly hair too.
09/18/2012 01:34 AM (UTC)
It's a pretty good costume, but some aspects look a bit out of place. Here's my critique:

I can sort of see why you chose to wear the "Kano wins" shirt with a picture of Kano on it (is that custom, by the way, or does someone sell them?) but for an actual costume, I'm not sure if it goes very well. Sure, everyone would know who you're supposed to be, but that's about the only benefit. If you're trying to go low budget, I recommend getting a plain black shirt that's either sleeveless or that you wouldn't mind cutting the sleeves off of. You could put some red tape around the edges to get that red trim for the MK3 colors.

I don't think you need the strap of bullets around your body. Maybe you could do a bit of work on the plain brown strap. I bet you could find a way to make something like that red glowing thing that Kano has on the strap around his chest. That's all the decoration you'd need for the torso.

I think the pants should match the shirt; you should get a pair of black pants. The knee pads are pretty much perfect, but I think the bright red shin guards don't contrast very well with them. A pair of black boots might look better. Maybe the shin guards would look better with black pants. Either way, I bet you could throw together some makeshift knife holsters for the shin areas (that's where Kano grabs his knives from) and find a pair of cheap plastic Halloween knives to pull out for poses and what not.

The face plate is my favorite part of the costume. It looks like you put a lot of effort into it. I don't think the costume necessarily NEEDS a beard; Kano in MK3 had a pretty smooth face. If you want you could get a fake beard from a Halloween store or just grow it out a bit. However, I highly recommend gelling back your hair; It will give it that slicked back, receding look that the real grizzly depictions of Kano have.

I know that sounds like a lot, but if you shop at the right places, you could probably get everything you need for less than $20. If there are any thrift stores near you, they're good places to get clothes dirt cheap. The most expensive things would probably the knives and fake beard if you decide to get them.

You've got a good start, and you already make a pretty perfect face plate, which seems like it is one of the hardest pieces to make. With a few improvements, you could probably make a badass Kano costume by Halloween.
About Me

Do not underestimate humour, you'll be dying of laughter!

11/02/2012 01:01 AM (UTC)
I appreciate the feedback. I did what I could despite working 7 days a week. Here's hopefully a better look at the final product. I took drama as my art credit High School so...haha
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

11/02/2012 05:51 PM (UTC)
You look like you don't know if you want to be Kano, Kabal or Stryker.

"Fuck it, I'll be them all!"
12/08/2012 06:59 AM (UTC)
Alexei09 Wrote:
I appreciate the feedback. I did what I could despite working 7 days a week. Here's hopefully a better look at the final product. I took drama as my art credit High School so...haha...

Wow! You made a LOT of improvements to the face plate. It looked good before, but now it looks top notch!

It looks like you decided to do something else with the shin guards; whatever you replaced them with, I think it looks better. It looks like you turned the shin guards into arm guards, which puts them to good use.

You went with the Kano Wins shirt, which is understandable, and it doesn't look so bad. I don't think it would work for a film or dead serious cosplay, but as a Halloween costume it passes. Besides, at least you won't have to deal with people asking you who you are, and if they do, you can just point to the shirt.

Looks like you ditched the strap and kept the row of bullets too. I guess that strap might have been to thin and plasticy, and the bullets are pretty realistic, so I guess they were the better choice.

Overall, nice improvement. It looks like you really cleaned the costume up and added a lot of detail where it really matters. I'd give it a solid A.
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