Netherrealm Sunset -fake-
Fan Kreations
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Netherrealm Sunset -fake-
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I made the background lighter and changed Khameleon's hair. I know it's still pretty half-assed and has a lame star-wars feel to it but I don't feel like going thru any effort in editing it more.
Full Scale | 400x254 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 10 | Score |
Cool fake. It's cool to see you improved the hair, and I like the BG. The Kai and Khameleon sprites are great, nice editing.
Just some personal preferences I had for the weapons, I think maybe you should've put like a fan-blade on one end of Khameleon's staff and like a sai on the other end, to make it look like a combination of all the female weapons. I think Kai should've kept the standard staff instead of a trident, maybe put some lightning sparks around the staff since it was Raiden's staff I'm guessing.
BTW I don't care who they are, and I think I probably know, but whoever rated this fan sub so low is being a troll. It's some of the best work I've seen here in a long time.
Just some personal preferences I had for the weapons, I think maybe you should've put like a fan-blade on one end of Khameleon's staff and like a sai on the other end, to make it look like a combination of all the female weapons. I think Kai should've kept the standard staff instead of a trident, maybe put some lightning sparks around the staff since it was Raiden's staff I'm guessing.
BTW I don't care who they are, and I think I probably know, but whoever rated this fan sub so low is being a troll. It's some of the best work I've seen here in a long time.
That entire picture looks beautiful. You have Khameleon in a great 2D form.
Kai looks like he's going to impale her right in between, but the agile Khameleon dodges it.
Kai looks like he's going to impale her right in between, but the agile Khameleon dodges it.

hot stuff indeed.. I am one of the few who liked her hair the way it was before tho... it looked more in-game like... this hair looks better overall tho
Kamionero Wrote:
hot stuff indeed.. I am one of the few who liked her hair the way it was before tho... it looked more in-game like... this hair looks better overall tho
hot stuff indeed.. I am one of the few who liked her hair the way it was before tho... it looked more in-game like... this hair looks better overall tho
Yeah believe me when i was changing it i thought about your comment on the other thread. I knew you liked the old hair as it was but I personally wasnt entirely happy with it. Still I'm glad you think the new hair is good too.
Thanks for bringing the score up a couple of points guys.

nice fake, love the background. only got two things i don't really like about it and they are, the wonkey looking sun and Kai's stance looking a little boring. but other than that its great.
foot_of_adhesive_tape Wrote:
nice fake, love the background. only got two things i don't really like about it and they are, the wonkey looking sun and Kai's stance looking a little boring. but other than that its great.
nice fake, love the background. only got two things i don't really like about it and they are, the wonkey looking sun and Kai's stance looking a little boring. but other than that its great.
1. just realised what you mean. Yeah it does look wonky
2. I agree.
Hmm i never realised you were a kiwi Foot :|. I love NZ accents

haha never knew you were an Aussie, never really knew we have accents spose tho thats cause i hear them all the time.
Useless info: Kai means food, in the Maori language.
Useless info: Kai means food, in the Maori language.
foot_of_adhesive_tape Wrote:
haha never knew you were an Aussie, never really knew we have accents spose tho thats cause i hear them all the time.
Useless info: Kai means food, in the Maori language.
haha never knew you were an Aussie, never really knew we have accents spose tho thats cause i hear them all the time.
Useless info: Kai means food, in the Maori language.
lol yeah the MK team dont put much thought into names. Fujin means housewife or something in Jap according to my dictionary
-Jago- Wrote:
Actually Fujin is supposed to be the god of wind in Japanese mythology. The name Kai is also supposed to mean sea or ocean in Japanese.
Actually Fujin is supposed to be the god of wind in Japanese mythology. The name Kai is also supposed to mean sea or ocean in Japanese.
Ahh the wonders of language. There can almost be a reocurring joke about Fujin meaning God of Wind and Housewife. People will be like "LOL so you're Raiden's housewife?"
"No, dammit! It means god of wind!"
I smell another lame sprite-comic idea...
Love the background.
The sprites arent realy edited that much But I like what you did, The positioning of the weapons and character could have been a little better.
I give you a 3/5. Its got a few bad points, but they are canceled out as its just nice to look at.
The sprites arent realy edited that much But I like what you did, The positioning of the weapons and character could have been a little better.
I give you a 3/5. Its got a few bad points, but they are canceled out as its just nice to look at.
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