my 3rd fake
05/10/2003 06:16 AM (UTC)by
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02/10/2003 02:51 AM (UTC)
05/09/2003 03:25 PM (UTC)
not bad, pretty good for a 3rd fake
the electricity is not bad. its alright
i have no idea whats up with raidins face
i like the idea
the backgorund is pretty cool
btw whered ya get the bg
05/09/2003 03:42 PM (UTC)
I like the lightning effects, and the background is pretty cool (except for the blue sand and sky). Raiden's dark clothes look kinda goofy, but I like the idea.

Just fix those damn transparencies!!!!!!!
05/09/2003 05:31 PM (UTC)
Very, very nice for a 3rd pic. I like everything about it, except the lightning effects and Rayden's black and white outfit.
05/09/2003 05:43 PM (UTC)
Hmm your 3th pic hu? I think i gonna accompany you in your career as a fakemaker!wink

My opinion about the:


The background is not bad, its not something special but still something that hasnt been seen before i think:

-Blue sand!
-Brown Sky!


The room is well chosen and kinda perfect to fight! I really like those dragons at the sides of the pic and the throne in the middle, that is surounded by skulls! smile



Well Raiden got a new look in black and I think it also fits to Raiden very well! The only thing that would be better is if the colour of Raidens hat wouldnt be black. Choose white or blue so we can see a real differents btw his hat and his clotes and than u really can see the hat!
As i said i like Raidens look with the blue and the black!


I think that Jonnies face really shows that he feels pain bc of the lightnings! I think the Fatality just started and its good that you putted some blood at Jonnies body so its possible to see it! And the few smoke that comes out, shows also that he isnt in the lightning for that long!

The lightnings are not bad but at Jonnies body it looks like if he starts to freez and the lightning turns into ice!

But the only "real mistake" i can see if i look at Jonnies shoes! They are transparent so up to now he doesnt got any foots!

After all I like that fake and its good especially for your 3th one!

Your getting better so keep on working! wink

PS: Finally I can see at the side of the loser a dragon icon!grin The most pics mostly show us at the side of the winner a FULL lifebar and 2 icons and at the losers side an empty lifebar and NONE icons!
05/09/2003 05:47 PM (UTC)

Zentile Wrote:
Very, very nice for a 3rd pic. I like everything about it, except the lightning effects and Rayden's black and white outfit.

Hmm its more black and BLUE than black and white! glasses

Hmm, it's not too bad.
I'm not a fan of the Raiden's black outfit, it just doesn't feel like Raiden to me. I'm also not too keen on the background, but that's just a me thing, lol.
Anyhow, the lighting effects are - ok. Good for MSPaint. Although it is possible to do Raiden's MK2 lightning effect in Paint (as it only consists of two colours).
As for the lighting effects actually hitting Cage, they are superb.
Nice job.
About Me

05/10/2003 06:16 AM (UTC)
Oh GOD!!!!! I can't believe that I didn't notice cage's shoes being transparent!...UGHHH!...oh well... the background sand and sky is just jade's desert inverted, nothing special. And I had to make raiden's hat because the white wouldn't show up on paint without dissappearing.

-Well thanks to all for the replies. smile
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