Multi-Ice Spike Fatality
Fan Kreations
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Multi-Ice Spike Fatality
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a new fake pic, Sub kills Cage with multiple ice spikes, im doing the lifebar dissapearing thing from Mkda until i can think up some good ones. so hope ya like this one done in paint and WS Picture Editor. P.s. Sorry for the crappy Jpeg quality
Full Scale | 395x254 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 5 | Score |

well this is interesting, its an odd concept, for starters the shadows should be gong the other way, and there is no shadows of the ice or johny cages arms, second the backround is kind of confusing, the floor anyway, i see what your trying to do but the proportions dont seems to match up, its also a little simple. I must say the blood running down his body needs a little work. I do like the way cages arms are falling off, and the idea of the pick i would start playing around with the backround a little bit it looks really bland right now.

Okay, interesting idea, however, could be better executed:
- Shadows, as Sand said, good, but the wrong way around (for the games anyway), but, it doesn't matter so much, because at least you put them in.
- That background, I'm not liking it, though it may be just me, but it just seems to have so many colours in it.
- I don't feel you should have added such bold flares for the ice spikes. They should be a bit shorter, thinner and more transparent I think. At the moment they are a bit too visible.
- The blood and ice spikes are too blurry. Is this a Jpeg conversion problem, or was it the way you made them (by blurring the colours)? Either way, they aren't crisp, and it would help.
- That floor in the background, hrm. A repeated (or flipped) texture, I'm not liking it.
- Background dimmed?
Good things:
+ It's not bad, I guess.
+ You did include the basic main things, shadows and did edit some sprites.
Decent attempt, but could be much better
- Shadows, as Sand said, good, but the wrong way around (for the games anyway), but, it doesn't matter so much, because at least you put them in.
- That background, I'm not liking it, though it may be just me, but it just seems to have so many colours in it.
- I don't feel you should have added such bold flares for the ice spikes. They should be a bit shorter, thinner and more transparent I think. At the moment they are a bit too visible.
- The blood and ice spikes are too blurry. Is this a Jpeg conversion problem, or was it the way you made them (by blurring the colours)? Either way, they aren't crisp, and it would help.
- That floor in the background, hrm. A repeated (or flipped) texture, I'm not liking it.
- Background dimmed?
Good things:
+ It's not bad, I guess.
+ You did include the basic main things, shadows and did edit some sprites.
Decent attempt, but could be much better
This could have been nice I think, but some parts weren't done so well. Like I said before, its not neccesary to create lifebars every time, just use an existing set of lifebars/win tokens/timer/texts from the warehouse. Or even just use those others you had been using previously, its better than no lifebars at all I think. About the shadows, I think they should only be cast the way you have them is when a light source is introduced into the picture itself. Since there really isn't much of a light source here, I'd prefer them going in the other direction opposite to the way you have them now. Also, what is that 'blob' under Cage? If that's supposed to be blood it is a bit too light in color, and a little flat looking to me.
The background, well I don't really care for it. You used that 'neon' like portal again, I really don't like the effect on it and to me its just too bright for MK. On the floor, you just 'flipped' part of it around at tried to line it up again. You lined it up okay actually, but the general idea of 'flipping' has never been good. Personally, I think you have far too much floor, that space behind Sub-Zero and Cage is just a bit bland. And even if the shadows were back there, the foreground of the stage woudl be sort of lifeless. I think you should have added in more props, or not have tried the 'flipping' techinque because there is too much space here.
The fatality idea is not bad really, and you executed some parts quite well. Cage's facial expre-ssion is one of pain, so that's a plus. The blood work is sort of bad though, the blood is far too light in color, it doesn't look like blood to me. Sort of reminds me of that other fake you did with the bright red, almost pink blood. Get a sample from the warehouse, and try to use those basic colors, give it more depth and a darker color and it would be better. The blood below Cage's waist looks more like strings or ropes to me, blood usually doesn't flow that well, spread it out some or use less. I do like the way the arms have been positions' pretty good editing there.
As for Sub-Zero, well again, the ice effect around his hands isn't very good. Go back and look at your original version of the "Ice cube fatality", the ice effects you used there were much nicer that this. The ice he's throwing at Cage doesn't look bad, texture seems nice. But the trails behind it should be shorter, and more transparent. It looks more like a 'matrix' type effect than an ice effect to me, and I believe you want the ice effect here. Anyhow, some parts of this are good, and if you were to redo this with these advices I think it would be excellent.
The background, well I don't really care for it. You used that 'neon' like portal again, I really don't like the effect on it and to me its just too bright for MK. On the floor, you just 'flipped' part of it around at tried to line it up again. You lined it up okay actually, but the general idea of 'flipping' has never been good. Personally, I think you have far too much floor, that space behind Sub-Zero and Cage is just a bit bland. And even if the shadows were back there, the foreground of the stage woudl be sort of lifeless. I think you should have added in more props, or not have tried the 'flipping' techinque because there is too much space here.
The fatality idea is not bad really, and you executed some parts quite well. Cage's facial expre-ssion is one of pain, so that's a plus. The blood work is sort of bad though, the blood is far too light in color, it doesn't look like blood to me. Sort of reminds me of that other fake you did with the bright red, almost pink blood. Get a sample from the warehouse, and try to use those basic colors, give it more depth and a darker color and it would be better. The blood below Cage's waist looks more like strings or ropes to me, blood usually doesn't flow that well, spread it out some or use less. I do like the way the arms have been positions' pretty good editing there.
As for Sub-Zero, well again, the ice effect around his hands isn't very good. Go back and look at your original version of the "Ice cube fatality", the ice effects you used there were much nicer that this. The ice he's throwing at Cage doesn't look bad, texture seems nice. But the trails behind it should be shorter, and more transparent. It looks more like a 'matrix' type effect than an ice effect to me, and I believe you want the ice effect here. Anyhow, some parts of this are good, and if you were to redo this with these advices I think it would be excellent.

The bg is just horrible. The colors of that 'Portal' don't match the floor at all, when doing your bs make sure everything connects nicely.
No lifebars
The shadows are a bit nicely done except for Cage, take some notes on the game, to get an idea of how should or how shadows face.
The idea has been done so many times is not even funny, try to come out w/ something more original. The ice spikes should be facing staright not up, thats stupid.
The blood looks a bit plain could use more careful editing
Well I think u should take your time more when doing your fake pics, try some actual editing yourself, fake pics is not homework so take your time and focus more on details.
No lifebars
The shadows are a bit nicely done except for Cage, take some notes on the game, to get an idea of how should or how shadows face.
The idea has been done so many times is not even funny, try to come out w/ something more original. The ice spikes should be facing staright not up, thats stupid.
The blood looks a bit plain could use more careful editing
Well I think u should take your time more when doing your fake pics, try some actual editing yourself, fake pics is not homework so take your time and focus more on details.
The pic aint that bad, well maybe. But that would be a tight ass fatality
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Very good work!!! it looks in some way like a pseudo 3d pic, you know like MKM:S-Z... was like a kind of 3D game but using 2D sprites...
I hope you improve your skills!
I hope you improve your skills!
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