Mortal Kombat Project Online
posted03/26/2013 08:29 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/14/2012 06:04 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat Project Online
This project was started out of desire to play online a different blend of 2D MK aside of MK1/MK2/UMK3 via MAME/kaillera.
Its a work in progress, but betas are released time to time. Currently, latest release is MKPO beta 11.
Any feedback about bugs, infinite combos, or other issues found is welcome.

This project features:
-Netplay support (2 players, peer-to-peer connection, can use Single/Simul/Team mode)
-Automatic replay recording
-Camera zoom in / zoom out (similar to camera in MKM)
-Versus screen (groove select, 46 kombat codes available)
-Win screen (winquotes)
-31 character
-each character is available in 3 different grooves (inspired by MK2, UMK3 and MK9 respectively), which affect the gameplay mechanics and movelists.
-one of grooves features unique intros and ability to play own music theme (instead of stage music) for all characters.
-lots of new special moves and enhancements to all characters (can juggle combo->anti-air jabs-> special move; Shang Tsung has morphs, etc)
-104 arenas, including some rare/unique ones.
-Aside of stage fatalities, a small health regeneration zone is located in center of some arenas (deliberately to create a King of the Hill competition between players)
-finishing moves are present, and while they arent the focus of this project, each beta typically adds several (some of them being unique to this project as well)

Download links:
Mirror 1 (single file, after captcha uncheck the checkbox before download)
Mirror 2 Part 1
Mirror 2 Part 2
Mirror 2 Part 3
Mirror 2 movelist typo fix:

This game needs C++ runtimes installed:

after downloading game, refer to "README & MOVELIST" subfolder for
-Explanations on control config and netplay (Readme.txt)
-Gameplay system explanation / groove comparison
-Finishing moves list
-Stage fatality & recovery zone list
-Kombat kodes list

To play online, the hosting player goes to Netplay and simply presses OK.
The connecting player goes to Netplay, enters IP address of hosting player, then presses OK.

Youtube channel (videos from beta 11 and earlier betas)
10/15/2012 05:56 PM (UTC)
I might try this out in the following days. I saw some clips on YT and it seems a bit over the top for my taste (Sektor using a hammer?), but still interesting. I like how the combo counter also displays damage percentage, I missed that in MKP4.1.
10/15/2012 07:32 PM (UTC)
New mirror added (now can download as single file)

If you dislike that particular move, you can use the two other grooves on Sektor instead, or just disable it with one of Kombat kodes. In any case, this game is the only one of MK mugen bunch, that will take care of "no one to play with / AI not being fun" problem due to netplay option.

As example, here's a quick comparison of Sektor movelists:

HONOR groove:
-Chest Missile
-Teleport Uppercut
-(SCS) Cyber Punch
-(KF) Hammer Strike

ULTIMATE groove:
-Chest Missile
-Homing Missile
-Teleport Uppercut

-Volt Grab / EX version
-Chest Missile (front / above / behind) / EX version
-Upward Missile / EX version
-Flame Burner / EX version
-Teleport Uppercut / EX version
-(SM) Massive Missile
-(D) Pulseblades
-(D) System Overheat
10/15/2012 09:35 PM (UTC)
Black_Shroud Wrote:
New mirror added (now can download as single file)

The web page is in Russian? I think it's asking me to install some kind of program/client (Yandex) before I can actually download the file.

I've now started downloading the first part from the 2nd mirror, but it's going slow. I'll download the first part tonight and the other two tomorrow probably.
10/16/2012 07:38 AM (UTC)
Yes, its in russian.
First you input the captcha and click on green button, then uncheck the checkbox (if left checked it will install yandex bar you dont need), and only then click on big download link above.

When get the game, PM me with your msn or skype so we could play.
10/16/2012 09:15 PM (UTC)
Black_Shroud Wrote:
Yes, its in russian.
First you input the captcha and click on green button, then uncheck the checkbox (if left checked it will install yandex bar you dont need), and only then click on big download link above.

Thanks for the guide, I downloaded it earlier today, messed around a bit. Button configuration was a puzzle, but I finally configured my gamepad (I'm using it via JoyToKey program). I was going by the read me file, but the BLOCK & HK as well as the RUN & LK buttons were messed up at first.

One thing that bothers me a bit are the long pauses between the character select screen and the versus screen, same happens at the start-up of the game (screen is black for some 10 seconds or so).

Is there any way to improve the graphics using some kind of filters? Also, is there any way to change the command inputs some special moves? For example, I'd like Kitana's fan-lift to be b,b+HP instead of b,b,b+HP. I know this was editable in MKP4.1, as well as other stuff like move properties etc. That was the most fun part for me, customizing the game. XD

I liked some of the stages from post MKT games, such as MK4 ice pit, looked really good. I played a match, 1p vs CPU, Ultimate Kitana (me) vs Awakening Mileena (CPU) and got bodied lol.
10/16/2012 10:06 PM (UTC)
About controls:

I personally dont use gamepad, but there is other option aside of Joy2Key, is to set controls similar to this:[0].set(
0, -3, -4, -1, -2,
1, 2, 7, 0, 3, 5,

first digit corresponds to keyboard device (if -1) or gamepad (if 0); furthermore it accesses gamepad buttons in order provided by Windows.

next four digits correspond to directions (typically negative numbers correspond to joypad directions, however in some cases these are used by analogue directions instead, then d-pad directions would be positive numbers)

next seven digits correspond to attacks & run & block, with start being final button. For these, Windows sends their identifiers in order of 0,1,2,3,4,5 etc..., depends on how many buttons your pad has. Next you experiment and figure out which part corresponds to which button.

About pauses:

the pause is technically when the content actually loads, during versus screen everything is loaded already, so its just there to provide you extra time for inputting kombat kodes and selecting grooves.

There is currently a glitch regarding pause that I havent figured how to fix - when going to fight on Pit III arena, unless you press or mash attack buttons, versus screen wont appear (would seem that pause after select screen is "endless"), but once you know the trick its not too severe.

As for now, engine isnt really using graphical filters.

Commands and character/stage data cannot be changed for a simple reason: this is netplay oriented game, which means any pair of players must have identical sets of data, or else it would cause desynchronisation. For example if one player had Kitana fan lift as b,b,HP and other as b,b,b,HP, when first player executes b,b,HP, at his computer he sees himself doing Fan Lift, while his enemy during netplay battle sees him performing a simple punch, and off that moment gameplay flow differs at each end, which ultimately makes no sense and may lead each of players to believing they have won, at same time.

Im also gotta say I havent worked too much on characters' AI in this game, for same reason; thinking that if people were looking for mostly single-player experiences (story/arcade mode, alteration of game content, and AI decent enough to substitute a human opponent), there are really tons of MKP games for them to choose from, while there is only one netplay-oriented project. Try the netplay and you will see that experience differs radically from playing versus AI.
03/25/2013 11:24 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat Project Online (MKPO)

Beta #12 (33 characters, movelists included)

Beta 12 Links:
Mirror 1:
Mirror 2:

This application needs C++ runtimes installled:;=en

Main updates:
-Blood system updated (current character roster uses 6 blood types)
-Deep Freeze fatality reactions added to all characters
-Fatality system redirects into generic fatality if opponent lacks needed fatality reaction sprites
-Hard Fall system to counteract ground bounce attacks
-MK2 mode became a sub-groove selectable through Honor groove (no Kombat Code required)
-2 new characters (Stryker, Unmasked Sub-Zero)
-All old characters updated (new moves/animations) and bugs fixed
-4 new arenas
-Added the rest of missing UMK3 arenas

Full list of updates:;=InPIf

Refer to "README & MOVELIST" subfolder for
-Explanations on control config and netplay
-Gameplay system explanation / groove comparison
-Finishing moves list
-Stage fatality & recovery zone list
-Kombat kodes list

Vkontakte group
Youtube channel (check for beta 12 videos)
About Me

03/25/2013 11:41 AM (UTC)
Wow this looks pretty neat! (I checked out ur youtube vids)

R u accepting members for moves/ideas? I know that blacksaibot has a lot of creativity in his unused MUGEN concepts and animations. Ive got a few of my own. grin
03/25/2013 11:50 AM (UTC)
Well if animations are compatibe costume-wise with characters, why not? MKPO has 8 grooves planned (currently 3 are implemented), so I guess any move could fit into at least some of them. I am not familiar with blacksaibot's creations though, if he wants he can contact me at my youtube channel.
03/25/2013 12:53 PM (UTC)
Black_Shroud Wrote:
Well if animations are compatibe costume-wise with characters, why not? MKPO has 8 grooves planned (currently 3 are implemented), so I guess any move could fit into at least some of them. I am not familiar with blacksaibot's creations though, if he wants he can contact me at my youtube channel.

Well I am not sure what this is all about. I think saiZero was referring to the new moves that I implemented in the following animations:

There are quite a few others ideas that I posted many moons ago.
About Me

03/25/2013 01:17 PM (UTC)
Black_Shroud Wrote:
Well if animations are compatibe costume-wise with characters, why not? MKPO has 8 grooves planned (currently 3 are implemented), so I guess any move could fit into at least some of them.

What do u mean compatible?

03/25/2013 03:19 PM (UTC)
Grooves are different fighting styles selected at versus screen.
Honor groove gameplay is reminiscent of MK2 (no combos, no run, small amount of special moves, and characters have some damaging single-hit attacks)
Ultimate groove gameplay is based on UMK3
Awakening groove gameplay is similar to MK9 (super gauge, EX moves, breakers, supers) with some additions.
Basically this allows you to play every character in multiple ways.

Compatible costume means, for example in MKPO you can see Ermac's costume being similar to MKD one, so if someone submitted sprites or animation for Ermac with his UMK3 costume instead, that one would be incompatible.
03/25/2013 06:25 PM (UTC)

About animations shown, I use MK2 maleninja costume as base for Chameleon in my game, all other maleninjas use UMK3 costumes. Also I use MK3 shang tsung (MK2 characters are among his morph options though).

I am interested in Tanya fireball-shooting animation in 2nd video (when Shang Tsung morphs into her)

About the character fake sprites that are often posted here (when only 1 sprite is edited and not whole spritesheet), I use this kind of sprites as secret winpose in MKPO, shown when you achieve a perfect victory without using block. You can test whichever I currently have in the game, and maybe link me to better quality replacements.
03/26/2013 12:08 AM (UTC)
Click for the full resolution. This website cuts shit off that is > 400 pixels. I am sure a man with your skill can fix the fugly yellow I put on her costume. I wasn't too worried about quality when I made her for my animation. When I have time I'm going to play through your game to better understand your previous posts.
03/26/2013 09:09 AM (UTC)
I checked your "Fakes Portal" site, and some arenas look interesting, but the question is, are these arenas available in set of separate layers? Like separate sky, separate terrain in background, separate foreground etc, because that way is preferrable for building stage to be used ingame.
Also if stage has water, that water would need animation for it to be used.
03/26/2013 12:49 PM (UTC)
Black_Shroud Wrote:
I checked your "Fakes Portal" site, and some arenas look interesting, but the question is, are these arenas available in set of separate layers? Like separate sky, separate terrain in background, separate foreground etc, because that way is preferrable for building stage to be used ingame.
Also if stage has water, that water would need animation for it to be used.

95% of the stages (from my section of the website, anyway) are lost in time (faulty hard drives). I wouldn't say that it's impossible to recreate.

You can tell me which ones you're interested in.

The thing is, those of us who make fakes don't use the ENTIRE background layer for our fake. Just the sections of it we're interested in for our particular fake pic. So even if you were to ask one of the newer artists like saiZero, you'd have to give the artist a bit of time to gather the other layers that aren't featured in the fake picture.

Animating water shouldn't be too difficult as long as you don't expect something more sophisticated as this:

03/26/2013 04:20 PM (UTC)
Would be good to make a version of Swamp arena out of this
I guess it will need some dinosaur bones/remnants here to fit style of that arena
MKP games had a version of Tomb arena but it had color loss, a very dark sky for some reason, and was overall disappointing.
Maybe it could be used as base for recreating stage from this fake picture though.
This MKM arena is available for MKP but background is very pixelated (as it was in MKM), on this fake background seems far superior.
Same case, MKM arena is available for MKP with an pixelated background, having updated one like this would help
I guess this can be done by recoloring original Hidden Portal stage for MKP, while using portal animation from this stage:
If you visited Outworld in Konquest mode of MKD, there was a river area in lower right corner of map; this stage could represent said location, although in that case the statues of major MK characters wouldn't be necessary (simple statues similar to those used in MK1/MK2 stages could do)
An interesting take on Kahn's Arena type of stage, would be good to make the background look less flat by adding depth to columns perphaps

I can send the "available" arenas I mentioned in case you do not have them already
03/26/2013 04:29 PM (UTC)
I will get with saizero and see what we can come up with to help you out. I can't give you a time line.

One thing I can ask is what are the color depth limitations?
(ie 256 colors = 8 bit)
I remember when trying MUGEN it would take my images and force them to have less colors (I guess its a game engine restraint for performance issues).

If there is a color depth limit, I can just tweak them to their best before sending it to you and having the game engine auto-reduce the colors in a way that look terrible.

Also, that's the only reason I can come up with as to why MK Project has pixelated backgrounds.
03/26/2013 06:30 PM (UTC)
In fact there is no color depth limit if one uses the RGB method; which is taking any image and saving its red, green and blue channels as separate 256 images, then adding them to stage, setting one in background and other two on top of it as transparent ones - as result colors mix back to initial image, without any color loss. If you were to send me all images separately (without being inserted into *.sff of stage), then just send them as they are, without converting to 256 colors. As for mugen stages being pixelated, it was because community went through several stages of learning how to make them, initially the could just have background and foreground as single 256 image (biggest color loss), then they learned to split them into layers, then started to cut the stage elements colors of which stood out and reinsert them as small patches to have own 256 colors, then started to try to divide certain colors between a set of images, and final line was the RGB method, which is "absolute".
03/26/2013 07:13 PM (UTC)
iiiiiiiiiiiinteresting. I would have never thought of that.

I wills tart off with the Dead Lake Forest and work my way down the list.

My only other question is how large in terms of pixel width do the layers have to be to "fit" correctly in your game?
03/26/2013 07:22 PM (UTC)
well minimal dimensions of stage would equal to internal resoluton (320x240), maximal would be unlimited (because my engine allows camera to zoom out when characters are far from each other); as for the relation between stage elements and character sprite sizes, it should be obvious once you put the two together.
03/26/2013 07:59 PM (UTC)
Well my question was, for example, the ground/floor total image size.

Since characters can walk from the left to the right in a stage, and the ground "scrolls" with the character movement, the floor image could be 960 pixels wide in total, but your actual screen only sees 320 pixels at once.

In the below example, the living forest's floor is actually 600 pixels even though in the game you'll probably never see than 400 pixels at once.

So I just wanted to know what the width of the backdrop (usually a sky of some kind) and floor layers need to be to allow for the proper amount of scrolling.
03/26/2013 08:29 PM (UTC)
Lets see...
width of a very small stage (Meteor Storm) floor is 500 pixels
width of medium stage (Pit II / Waterfront) is 750 pixels / 1100 pixels
width of big stage (House of Pekara) is 3600 pixels, but such stages are more of exception than a rule

Sky is located in background so its layer wont move as much and it can be shorter than ground layer, but not shorter that 320 pixels of course. Sky of Pit II or Portal is 400 pixels, Sky of House of Pekara stage is 640 pixels, some other skies are 700 pixels wide
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