Mortal Kombat
V.O.B (Voice over Black) RAIDEN: Years ago, a young earthrealm warrior named Shang Tsung learnt of a tournament.
As RAIDEN says this, we see a young man climbing a large mountain; he is halfway to the peak. He pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket; a scroll. He looks it over, and we see a large dragon symbol on the page behind the words. It is the symbol of the tournament, and this young man is SHANG TSUNG.
SHANG looks up the mountain towards a monastery at the peak, and continues climbing the mountain.
V.O. RAIDEN: He climbed to the high peak of Mount Shokaan to learn the ways of the tournament, and used his mastery of the Dark Arts to corrupt it.
SHANG reaches the monastery, entering quaintly, and approaching three men in light orange robes; they are all hovering above the ground with their legs crossed:
SHANG bows to them, and then we see a montage of his training with them, as RAIDEN speaks.
V.O. RAIDEN: Shang Tsung had been cursed by the Elder Gods to forever rely on the souls of his opponents to stay alive, and he saw the tournament as a way to steal millions of souls each generation.
We go through another montage, this one showing SHANG fighting opponents in MORTAL KOMBAT and taking their souls.
V.O. RAIDEN: Shang Tsung quickly became the Grand Champion of the tournament, and retained the title for thousands of years, until finally this title was taken from him by the Great Kung Lao, an equally powerful Shaolin warrior, whose determination revived the Elder God's interest in the tournament.
We see TG KUNG LAO kick SHANG, then throw him down, defeating him.
V.O. RAIDEN: As a side effect of not consuming enough souls, Shang grew older every day, and became bitter and filled with rage. Then one day, he decided that he deserved to host the tournament...
We see SHANG take the souls of each of the GRANDMASTERS as they struggle to get away.
V.O. RAIDEN: ... He killed the Grandmasters! He took their souls, and on one faithful day, he got his revenge... He trained a champion to kill Kung Lao.
It's a sunny day. The brightness could almost blind you if you stared at the sun for even a second. Suddenly, we hear a crowd of people chanting a name, they are yelling at the top of their lungs.
PEOPLE: Goro! Goro! Goro!
Suddenly, we see a face hit gravel.
It is the face of a broad-shouldered older man, with short, black hair, and he looks to be quite a strong warrior:
Then we see the crowd in the stands cheering, and KUNG LAO's rival in this fight; a large hulking brute, with four arms, and a bad temper (he is also a Shokan Prince):
The crowd continues to cheer as all of KUNG LAO's attempts at victory are denied by GORO's brute strength.
KUNG LAO gasps for air as blood trickles down his cheeks, and drops from his chin.
Then a V.O.S (Voice over Scenes) is heard.
V.O.S (RAIDEN): What happened next, determined the fate of every realm...
We see KUNG LAO get up off the ground for one final stand against the hideous monster that GORO is.
TG KUNG LAO: (looks at a man sitting in a chair behind Goro) you will never win, sorcerer.
We see the man snicker; he knows the outcome of the battle.
MAN IN CHAIR: Goro! Finish him!
Then, we see the grim fate of THE GREAT KUNG LAO.
PRINCE GORO rips THE GREAT KUNG LAO in half, smashes the halves together then, in an act of self-righteousness, throws the pieces into a nearby fire-well.
V.O.S: With the tournament corrupted, Shang Tsung's power grew. He took Kung Lao's soul...
We see MAN IN CHAIR get up, and realize he is Shang Tsung. He stands in front of the fire-well, and proceeds to walk through the fire with little, or no, damage being done.
Then SHANG TSUNG stands over what is left of TG KUNG LAO's body.
SHANG TSUNG: Your soul is mine!
Suddenly, a flash of light comes out of SHANG TSUNG's hands, and we see the soul of TG KUNG LAO enter SHANG TSUNG's body.
V.O.S: From that day, I could tell that the future for The Great Kung Lao's descendants would be grim...
SHANG TSUNG: Prince Goro wins! Fatality. (smirks)
V.O.S: I knew that I had to help prepare the Earth realm for the next tournament. A tournament known to many, as Mortal Kombat...
(Title Screen pops up with iconic MK logo and lots of fire)
(Suddenly, everything goes dark)
Then a big flash comes upon the screen. We realize that this is a camera.
Paparazzi are going crazy. A slick black limousine pulls up to a red carpet.
Then we see that we are at a theater, with the title of the movie being ``Dragon Fist II: Double Dragon.''
We see the starring role, which belongs to none other than JOHNNY CAGE!
Return to the limousine.
JOHNNY steps out, in a trimmed black suit, with his brown hair, and infamous sun glasses.
A reporter from what appears to be Access Hollywood address's Johnny.
A.H REPORTER: Johnny, Johnny! What are your thoughts on the allegations made against you involving the car chase with your ex-wife?
JOHNNY CAGE: I have no comment on the matter, other than the fact that the dispute has been settled out-of-court.
A.H. REPORTER: And what about your critics who say that you never do your own stunts? Do you have anything to say about that?
JOHNNY CAGE: Actually, I do. With all the hard work I do I think that it's only fair that I get the recognition I deserve for performing my own stunts! I mean, c'mon! Those critics can go-
JOHNNY CAGE is suddenly interrupted by another, tall, sturdy man. He appears to be some sort of superior to Mr. Cage.
MASTER PESINA: Listen, I work with Mr. Cage as a personal trainer and teacher, and I know, for a fact, that all of Johnny's stunts are real.
The paparazzi take more photos.
MASTER PESINA: That will be all.
Suddenly we realize we've been seeing this through a television screen the entire time.
We realize we're in a musty, old, darkened room. A man is sitting in a chair watching the TV.
The light from the TV flashes on the area where his right eye should be, to reveal a glowing, red, cyborg eye and a metal plate covering half of his face:
Then, a man in a light brown trench coat enters the room, turning the TV off as he does. The man gives KANO a disapproving glance:
KANO: Spit it out, will ya mate!
The man still stands looking at him.
KANO: Well... What the hell do ya want?! Oh for f***s sake... You pussy. Are you really afraid of the "Special Forces?" We can handle 'em.
JAREK: What makes you so sure of that, Kano? Remember how you got that eye?
KANO jumps up out of his chair and rushes toward JAREK.
KANO pushes JAREK up by his neck against the old wall of the room they're in. He flicks out his knife.
KANO: What the f*** did you just ask me?
JAREK (gasping for air): I mean... I'm just... Saying... We... Should take pre... cautions.
KANO slowly backs off, as JAREK gasps for air.
KANO: Listen, Jarek, I know what I'm doing here. I run things around here now, and you better f***ing believe that I won't hesitate to f*** you up, just like I f***ed up Sonya Blade's partner! Or have you all ready forgotten how brutal I can be!?
JAREK: No, but like I said, we need some better defenses! Random acts of violence aren't enough anymore, we need to start planning much larger attacks on the Special Forces and, in general, the city! They could be bringing a lot here for all we know.
KANO: You're acting too paranoid, mate. I mean, how can we even be sure they know we're here? We have men all over this city to offer multiple distractions so, by the time the Special Forces even get here; I'll be safely on my way out of the country. You can't jump to these conclusions, mate.
JAREK: Wait, what the hell do you mean by "I'll" be safely on my way out of the country? What about us?! What aren't you telling me?
KANO laughs and looks down at a piece of paper folded in his pocket; he pulls it out and gives it to JAREK.
KANO: I've been invited to a tournament by some crazy warlord who calls himself Shang Tsung.
JAREK: Why you?
KANO: He mentioned some kind of fascination with how quickly someone like me could attain so much wealth and power. From the way he was talking, it seemed that he himself also had great wealth and power.
JAREK: Steal the riches and leave unharmed...
KANO: Exactly, mate. It's the perfect plan; I'll take the speedboat out to the island where the tournament is being held, beat Sonya, sneak into his palace or wherever he hides the good stuff, take all of it, and drive the boat right back!
JAREK: Wait, you have to beat Sonya?
KANO: Yes, it's part of the agreement Shang Tsung and I came to if I were to go to this tournament.
JAREK: But I thought he invited you?
KANO: He did... After I bought the invitation off an old guy in a straw hat.
JAREK: That makes a bit more sense, I think. So what about the rest of the gang? What are we supposed to do while you're gone?
KANO: Watch over the empire; and just make sure that none of the Special Forces can infiltrate our system... It's as simple as that.
JAREK: Sure... "Simple."
KANO: It is... Unless, of course, you don't think you can handle it.
KANO gives a sleazy smirk and twirls his knife on his finger.
JAREK (nervously): No, no... I can handle it.
KANO: Good.
Suddenly, a call comes in on a radio sitting next to the t.v.
KANO picks it up, and answers.
KANO: This is Red-Eye.
A skinny man, with no nose, pale skin, and sunken eyes is standing in a darkened hallway, walking towards an open door. He answers KANO.
NO FACE: (in a somewhat monotone voice) No-Face here, sir.
KANO: What's the situation down there, freak-boy?
NO FACE: Look who's talking!
KANO: Don't even get started you ugly son of b****.
NO FACE pauses for a few moments and then continues.
NO FACE: I've lost contact with the others, and I think I saw a van pull up around back.
KANO: Well go check it out; we can't afford to have any interference!
NO FACE walks through a door and continues down a long corridor with a single door at the end. He looks out the window of the door to see if anyone is out there, pulling out his gun as well. He doesn't see anything, and begins to walk back to the other hallway. Then a sly woman dressed in camouflage silently lands on the ground behind NO FACE and stands behind him as he stops and radio's KANO.
KANO: So, how does it look out there?
NO FACE: It's safe.
SONYA BLADE (behind NO FACE): Is it?
NO FACE turns around quickly pointing his gun right at SONYA's face.
NO FACE: What the f***?!
SONYA quickly trips him and stomps on his arm, twisting it, and disarming him. Then she proceeds to pick up the radio.
KANO: No Face? Are you there? No Face?
SONYA: No Face is in our custody now, Kano, and you're next.
SONYA begins scoping out the hospital, looking for anymore of KANO's unsightly cohorts; she can't wait to finally arrest KANO.
KANO: Why hello, baby. I'm glad you've shown up for our anniversary.
SONYA: What the hell are you going on about now, Kano?
KANO: I'm talking about the day I ripped your partner's heart out; just like you ripped out my heart...
KANO does a little fake cry, and then begins laughing.
SONYA: Oh shutup, Kano. When I arrest you yo-
KANO: Arrest me? I'm insulted; I'd have thought you'd want to kill me by now.
SONYA: I'd never play into your sick games you pathetic monster; you're going right where you belong! When I find you, I'll make sure you never see daylight ever again.
KANO: Really? Then I guess that'd be one thing that your ex-partner and I would have in common. I can still hear his screams...
SONYA: Shutup Kano...
KANO: Carving deep into his skin, pulling that bloody heart from his open chest! But, like the people in prison used to say to me, "examples must be made."
KANO: Get over it already, will ya baby?! Your partner is dead, and now it's just you and me.
SONYA: I wouldn't be so sure of that.
KANO: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
We stay in the room with KANO and JAREK. JAREK has a worried look on his face, as he begins pacing back and forth. KANO is standing with the radio looking over the security cameras, watching SONYA make her rounds.
SONYA: It means I have a new partner!
Suddenly, a strong, tall, African-American man, clad in a Special Forces uniform bursts through the window in the room:
JAX runs over to KANO and they begin to fight. JAREK runs off into the dark hallways, meeting SONYA on his way. JAREK throws a few punches and SONYA dodges, and then kicks him in the stomach. Meanwhile, JAX grabs KANO by the neck and throws him at the security panels, then walks over to him. KANO kicks JAX away, and runs at him, tackling him into the t.v and it's stand. KANO punches JAX several times, but JAX punches KANO right back, making KANO fall back onto the floor, blood streaking downs his face and out of his nose.
JAREK throws a chair at SONYA knocking her back onto the ground. Just as JAREK is about to stomp on her head, SONYA trips him. JAX attempts to kick KANO while he's down, but KANO grabs JAX's leg and flips him onto the ground as well. As JAX lay there, slowly moving backwards as to get away from KANO, KANO grabs a bag full of bombs off of a metal table in the corner of the room. SONYA knocks JAREK unconscious with her left leg, and continues on her way to the control room.
KANO gets up, throws the bag at the ground, and jumps out of the window to the left of him; the bombs begin to beep violently! JAX gets up to quickly run out, but notices SONYA about to enter. He quickly grabs SONYA as the bombs are about to go off, and shields her from the explosion, which rips apart JAX's arms and back.
SONYA awakens to silence and looks around the room. She sees an I.V. and another man across the room who is being treated for third-degree burns. She reads the man's profile, and discovers his name is KABAL, a name she's never heard of. A man in a dark blue suit walks in.
SONYA: Detective Stryker. What happened?
STRYKER: Don't you remember anything at all?
SONYA: Only up until the explosion.
STRYKER: Jax shielded you from the explosion, and if it weren't for him you would have been toast.
SONYA: What about Jax? Is he okay?
STRYKER: He's... "Holding on," so to speak.
SONYA: Well what does that mean?
STRYKER: Listen, Sonya, he was pretty beaten up in the explosion, so the doctors are trying to find a way to fix him up.
SONYA: But is he okay?!
STRYKER: He's in critical condition, so we won't be sure for a while.
SONYA: Oh jesus, this is all my fault... I should have been there with him!
STRYKER: No, Sonya, noone could have predicted what happened; it was bad luck. Anyways, I have to go; we think we've hit a lead in a new case.
SONYA: New case? What about Kano?!
STRYKER: We have to drop that for now, this new case points to a major terrorist attack on Greenberg Tower. Kano has gone off-the-grid anyways, so we're trying to focus on bigger things.
STRYKER: I'm sorry, Sonya; I know that it meant a lot to you. You shouldn't worry though; Kano will serve his time soon. I'll make sure of that. Anyways, I don't have much time left here, so get some rest, okay?
SONYA: Wait, how long do I have to stay here?
STRYKER: The doctors say you should be out by Wednesday.
SONYA: Fine. Thanks, Detective.
STRYKER: See you later, Lieutenant.
SONYA, disappointed, looks up to her hospital TV to kill some time; CNN is on.
CNN REPORTER: We're live here at the Shaolin Temples of Honan Province in China, where many people have taken refuge after an almost otherworldly tsunami hit the entire province just two nights ago. We have with us here one of the shaolin monks who has been helping the people as they seek shelter and food. Tell us Mr. Kang, why do you think that the temples have been the only part of the province to not feel the effects of the tsunami?
PAK KANG: It is a miracle from the elder gods that we have not been hit and, fortunately, many people have made it here safely.
CNN REPORTER: Do you think that this could be another after-shock from the disaster in Japan?
PAK KANG: I suspect that this could be more or less related, but it appears to me that some force has intentionally blanketed us to save the temples. We are trying our best to ensure the safety of the people; that is what we have always done.
CNN REPORTER: Well it's been a pleasure speaking with you Mr. Kang. I'd like to thank you again for filling us in on all of this.
PAK KANG: Thank you, sir! We are honored by your presence.
CNN REPORTER: Stay tuned; there'll be more updates after the break.
Then we realize we're past just watching t.v.
PAK walks away to a group of monks, all dressed in robes just as he is.
Then, a light wind blows.
PAK turns around to discover his broad-shouldered, strong, and long-haired nephew:
PAK: Liu! You have returned!
LIU KANG: How could I stand by and watch this madness!?
PAK: Never mind that! Why is your hair so long?!
LIU KANG: Uncle Pak!
PAK: You're right, on with business.
LIU KANG: How are the Temples?
PAK: Safe; it is truly a gift from Raiden himself that the temples have remained intact! That being said, we did catch a little damage, and I'm sure you heard of the Lin Kuei who attacked our temples over two nights ago as well.
LIU KANG: Wait, they attacked before the tsunami hit? Did anyone get hurt?
PAK: Thank the gods, no! But, like I said, they did damage the temples themselves a little, and they killed five of us...
LIU KANG: Five?! Why wasn't I told of this? Why wasn't anyone defending the temples?!!
Suddenly, a voice is heard from the crowd of monks.
UKNOWN MONK: What a good question, although maybe you should be asking yourself why you weren't here to help defend them!
LIU KANG: Who said that?! Show yourself!
A man who looks much like LIU reveals himself:
They look like they should be brothers, or at least related; and so they are.
They are both descendants of THE GREAT KUNG LAO.
LIU KANG: Kung Lao? I thought...
KUNG LAO: You thought I was dead? Well I am here now, Liu. So answer my question! Why weren't you here to help protect the Temples?
LIU KANG: I think you and I both know that all that stuff that our uncle's taught us was nonsense. Lies made up just to make us join the White Lotus Society!
PAK: How can you say such things, Liu? You were the only one, along with Kung Lao, who truly believed in fighting for our realm! You know what is at stake here!
LIU KANG: No! I refuse to believe in fairy tale monster's and dragon men! It cannot be real.
KUNG LAO: And you truly believe that? After all we've been through in the past? After all we've seen and done, you're going to stand here and tell me that those experiences... Weren't real?
LIU KANG: You just don't see it the way I do!
Then a thunderous voice looms over them as if it were the clouds speaking!
CLOUD VOICE: Of course. It was never good enough for Liu Kang. The world just doesn't understand him... But oh, you are so wrong...
PAK: Lord Raiden... Lord Raiden is calling to you! You see... You see what you have brought upon us?!
LIU KANG: What are you talking about?!
Then it suddenly begins to rain, and everyone in the area is completely astounded. Then, lightning bolts cross the skies, thunder is heard, almost as if applause of some sort is being given. A quick flash of light springs to the ground in front of LIU KANG, and what appears to be the figure of a man slowly forms out of the electrons engulfed in the lightning, light bends. Before them stood, in tattered old armor with a long, white cape, white robes, and a straw hat, the entity known as the ``thunder god,'' in his complete human form:
All of the MONK's, LIU, and KUNG LAO stare in astonishment!
RAIDEN: Now do you believe?
RAIDEN slowly walks towards LIU and his UNCLE PAK.
RAIDEN: What is unclear to me is how we don't understand when, in what you know as ``reality,'' you are the one who does not understand.
LIU doesn't back away; he stands tall in front of the ``thunder god.''
LIU KANG: I don't have to be afraid of you! You stood by as these Temples were being attacked, when you had the power to help protect them! You are pathetic!
RAIDEN: As a god it is only my duty to watch over you, not to serve you. I cannot alter time to my own wishes without destroying other realms, and I certainly cannot forget my responsibilities... Like you.
LIU begins to get even angrier.
LIU KANG: I have had enough of this foolishness!
As LIU proceeds to walk away, RAIDEN intervenes.
RAIDEN: What about the tournament?
LIU stops dead in his tracks, and turns back around to face RAIDEN.
LIU KANG: Mortal Kombat?
RAIDEN nods.
RAIDEN: I think you should remember what your uncle has taught you, after all, you will be entering the tournament.
LIU KANG: And why is that?
RAIDEN: Because Shang Tsung has invited you... And the fate of the Earth realm depends on our victory...
LIU KANG: ``Our'' victory?
RAIDEN: I have been invited to fight in the tournament as well.
LIU KANG: Then why not just use your powers to defeat Shang Tsung!?
RAIDEN: It is against the rules. They do call it Mortal Kombat for a reason, you know.
LIU feels wrong in his accusations that he made earlier, and remembers a couple of the rules to the tournament. He begins to re-evaluate things. RAIDEN smiles.
LIU KANG: Fine. I will enter the tournament, and I will restore balance. Is that what you wanted to hear?!
PAK: Liu, it was foretold that one day the balance between the realms would be disturbed, and someone, a hero, would have to put things right again. You can be that hero, Liu; I believe it, and so does everyone else here.
LIU begins to walk away, and then turns around for one last question.
LIU KANG: What about Kung Lao? Couldn't it be that he is this ``hero''? What if you are wrong?
RAIDEN: It is not his time; he is younger than you. You must compete, or suffer the consequences. I will help you, but I will not fight your battles for you.
KUNG LAO gives LIU a look of respect, LIU returns with an appreciative glance.
LIU: When does the tournament begin?
RAIDEN: Two Days; the Shokaan Islands.
LIU: Then I must prepare.
LIU then proceeds to walk away, as PAK proceeds to speak with RAIDEN.
PAK: Is he ready Lord Raiden?
RAIDEN: Only if you believe he is...
MASTER PESINA stands up and turns to JOHNNY.
MASTER PESINA: I just have to go to the bathroom; I'll be right back though.
JOHNNY: Okay, whatever.
JOHNNY waves MASTER PESINA through and then continues watching the movie, mimicking his own punches from his seat.
JOHNNY: Damn, I should have given him the left hook!
MASTER PESINA begins to urinate in the bathroom urinal; he notices that there are no other people around and it surprises him.
Suddenly, the lights begin to flicker in the bathroom; the lights go off, then on; RAIDEN is standing there.
RAIDEN: Hello, Mr. Pesina.
MASTER PESINA jumps and zips up his pants; he turns around quickly to confront this surprise visitor.
MASTER PESINA: Who the hell are you?!
RAIDEN's eyes flash with electricity, almost as if to intimidate MASTER PESINA.
RAIDEN: My name is Lord Raiden. I am the Protector of Earth Realm.
MASTER PESINA: Ummm... What?!
RAIDEN: There is not much time...
RAIDEN pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to MASTER PESINA.
RAIDEN: Give this to Johnny Cage.
MASTER PESINA: Why? What is it?
RAIDEN: He has been invited to a tournament known as Mortal Kombat. Make sure he agrees to attend and, by all means, that he is there on time!
MASTER PESINA: Okay, okay, okay... Please don't hurt me...
RAIDEN laughs, but it is a creepy laugh.
RAIDEN: I do not intend to hurt you mortal; but the consequences will be dire if Johnny does not show! I trust you to complete this task for me. Farewell, Mr. Pesina.
MASTER PESINA falls backwards in shock, gets up again, washes his hands, and exits the bathroom out into the lobby.
The movie has come to an end.
People who attended the premiere of the movie have been walking out of the theater since the movie started. JOHNNY looks disappointed, and gets up, as the credits begin to roll.
Then we cut to JOHNNY in the theater plaza. MASTER PESINA pats Johnny on the back sympathetically.
MASTER PESINA: We tried Johnny.
JOHHNY CAGE: That doesn't change the fact that the whole movie was a complete flop! God, the critics are going to decimate this one...
JOHNNY proceeds to sit on a nearby chair, as MASTER PESINA sits next to him. The theater lobby is empty, albeit there are a couple people cleaning.
JOHNNY: I mean, what is it going to take, Master Pesina? Do I really have talent, or has everyone been lying to me!?
MASTER PESINA: C'mon Johnny, don't think like that! I trained you myself, and I can tell you that you are a talented actor and martial artist.
JOHNNY: Thanks, but the critics'll never believe that; I really have hit rock bottom... My ex-wife was right.
JOHNNY throws his head down into his arms on the table. MASTER PESINA suddenly remembers something.
MASTER PESINA: Y'know, there was this one thing that I wanted to talk to you about Johnny.
JOHNNY: Oh yeah, what is it? Can it bring my career back to life?
MASTER PESINA: It's a tournament. All the best fighters from around the world gather on an island, and basically just fight to see who will win. It's a big deal too! Held once a generation or something like that. I didn't really have much time to iron out all the details...
JOHNNY slowly raises his head.
JOHNNY: Really? There's gotta be a catch. C'mon what is it?
MASTER PESINA: No catch. Just fight to win and, if you do this, you can show the world that you're the real goods.
JOHNNY: All expenses paid?
JOHNNY gives a smart look to MASTER PESINA.
MASTER PESINA: Pretty much. The only exception is your method of transportation there-and-back.
JOHNNY: I don't know. It sounds kind of risky.
MASTER PESINA: If you do this, you'll be proving your skills to the world! To your critics! C'mon Johnny. Some of the best fighters/actors I know have gotten great publicity from taking some interesting risks.
JOHNNY: Oh yeah? Like who?
MASTER PESINA: Don't grill me on it, just say yes!
JOHNNY: Okay, I'll go. But only because I need the P.R. right now. When and where is it?
MASTER PESINA pulls out a piece of paper with writing on it.
MASTER PESINA: Here are the coordinates.
MASTER PESINA hands JOHNNY a stained piece of paper.
MASTER PESINA: Be there by 10:00 on Friday.
JOHNNY: In the morning?!
MASTER PESINA gives JOHNNY a convincing look.
JOHNNY: Fine. I'll be there. Are you coming?
MASTER PESINA: Of course, but only to see you off.
MASTER PESINA proceeds pat JOHNNY on the back again as they exit the theater.
The person who was mopping the floor lifts there head to reveal that they are actually RAIDEN. His eyes flicker bright blue, flashing over the screen.
SONYA is asleep in a chair in the waiting room. A DOCTOR walks up to her.
DOCTOR WAN: Good morning Ms. Blade.
SONYA suddenly wakes up.
SONYA: Morning. How's Jax?
DOCTOR WAN: We're still working on it, but there has been some trouble.
DOCTOR WAN proceeds to sit down beside SONYA.
DOCTOR WAN: We had a minor complication.
SONYA: Oh? And what was it?
SONYA begins to look worried.
DOCTOR WAN: Well, we can't exactly find the necessary parts to rebuild Jax's spine and arms, so we are going to have to use a new, risky technology, to do so; but there are no guarantees that this could work.
SONYA: So, he's going to be okay?
DOCTOR WAN: Like I said, there are no guarantees, but we are working our hardest to make sure that Jax is back up to par.
SONYA: So what have you done so far?
DOCTOR WAN: Well, this new technology, once perfected, will not only give your partner Jax a new pair of arms, but also act as strength enhancers! So far, we've been trying to reconstruct his back with little success, but we'll keep doing tests.
SONYA: Interesting.
DOCTOR WAN: With time, and government funding you will have your partner back.
SONYA: Wait, ``with time?'' How much ``time'' are we talking about here?
DOCTOR WAN: About a year or two...
DOCTOR WAN smiles at SONYA. SONYA does not return with such an expression, but instead gives DOCTOR WAN a rude expression of distrust, and gets up out of her chair.
SONYA: You're going to keep him in there for two years?! What about his family?! What about his life?!
DOCTOR WAN: Like I said, we're working on it! The configuration and development of the technology could hit a surge and spike, but we won't know for at least a month. Now please, calm down, Ms. Blade.
SONYA proceeds to sit back down.
DOCTOR WAN: Now listen, I can see that you're upset, but the fact is Jax is a government worker. He signed a contract, and now he has to do what his government asks of him. Besides, he seemed excited about getting new arms! Here...
DOCTOR WAN pulls out a piece of paper. It's an invitation to a tournament. SONYA reads it over.
SONYA: A tournament?
DOCTOR WAN: My father fought in the tournament years ago, and he wanted me to go but, since your friend is in the hospital, I figure this should help you pass the time.
SONYA gives a dis-approving look.
SONYA (sarcastic): Thanks.
DOCTOR WAN proceeds to get out of his seat, and walk back to the operating room. SONYA gets up, and leaves the hospital, discarding the paper on her way out.
RAIDEN appears in front of DOCTOR WAN giving him a fright.
RAIDEN: Raiden, actually. Did you give her the invitation?
WAN: Yes.
RAIDEN: Very good then, you have shown you're worth Dr. Wan; your father would be proud.
RAIDEN suddenly disappears, and DOCTOR WAN continues walking down the hallway.
WAN: You're welcome...
In the parking garage, SONYA finds her car. As she gets in and sits down, she receives a call on her cell phone. The call she receives is from another team member:
MIKKA: Sonya, are you there?
SONYA: This is Blade.
MIKKA: We've tracked down Kano's location. He's heading to some sort of island to fight in a tournament. The frequencies on the island are way off. So we're going to have to go in there and take him down, but we're not quite sure when and where this tournament is.
SONYA ends the call, gets up, with a sigh, walks back into the hospital, and picks up the piece of paper she had gotten from the doctor earlier, and later discarded. She looks at the paper.
SONYA: Mortal Kombat, huh? What a joke...
SONYA walks out of the hospital again.
LIU is sitting in a chair. The BARBER walks up behind LIU.
BARBER: Liu Kang? I haven't cut your hair since you were a child!
LIU: Ha, I remember. So how are you lately Chan?
CHAN: Pretty good. Cutting hair at least keeps food on the table three weeks out of the month. Y'know, I remember when Pak had hair like this!
LIU: No, Uncle Pak?
CHAN: Our mother would always complain about his long hair, but he eventually had to shave it when he became a member of "the Order." I'll never forget the time mom cut his hair off while he was sleeping; or at least tried...
CHAN and LIU share a laugh.
We go through a short montage of CHAN cutting LIU's hair, and then we see LIU and CHAN sitting at a table eating. CHAN's wife, MIE, brings out a couple more dishes of food, and they all look happy.
LIU: Thank you for allowing me to stay for dinner.
MIE: The pleasure is all ours.
CHAN: Yes, we're very glad to have you stay! When you return to the Wu Shi Academy, can you tell Kung Lao to come visit us every once and a while!?
MIE: For heaven's sake, we're his parents, and he barely comes to see us anymore.
LIU: I'll be sure to tell him.
LIU gives a grateful look.
MIE: I remember when you two trained at the academy together; he was excited to be training with his favorite cousin.
LIU laughs.
LIU: Really? Did he tell you that?
CHAN: What do you mean? Kung Lao loved you like a brother!
LIU: Well he sure has a funny way of showing it; he was quite competitive actually.
CHAN: He was just a boy. We sent him to the academy so that he could be given strong moral guidance.
LIU: Ah, well that was one thing that certainly stuck with him.
MIE: And what about you, Liu?
LIU: Some of it is still there, but America has a funny way of changing that. You meet some people who lack any moral code or guidance, and a whole new world opens up to you. Behind the walls of the Wu Shi Academy, you don't see the real world; you don't see the reality of death and life.
CHAN: Sounds like the ``real world'' hit you hard.
LIU: It was definitely an eye-opener. You see so many things that they never teach or even mention at the Wu Shi Academy, and it resonates within' you. Some people are just so foolish... Killing, raping, and stealing from good people; when you step back to take a look at it all, you must ask yourself, how many good people are truly left in this world?
CHAN: There are many good people, Liu. Never lose faith in humanity; it is the one thing that keeps the good people going, and the bad people falling. As long as people like you and Kung Lao exist, this world will always be able to face any rising evil.
MIE: We believe in you, Liu, and so does Kung Lao.
LIU smiles.
MIE: Now, onto a bit of a lighter topic: who wants dessert?
LIU and his aunt and uncle laugh in unison.
LIU: I'll have some, thank you.
We go through a short montage of them all eating dessert, and sharing some laughs.
MIE: Chan, could you help me clean the dishes?
CHAN: Of course honey.
LIU sits and waits patiently, as CHAN and MIE are in the kitchen cleaning dishes. LIU gets up and walks over to some old photos hanging on the wall. One of the photos LIU notices is of Kung Lao and himself at a very young age; LIU smiles.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, a knock is heard at the door.
CHAN: I'll get it.
CHAN kisses his wife on the cheek, and then walks towards the door. He opens it with friendly greetings.
A YOUNG MAN is at the door, and he returns the greetings, punching CHAN unconscious as he does.
LIU hears MIE scream, and proceeds to run into the room. There, LIU is knocked unconscious by the YOUNG MAN, as he listens to MIE and CHAN's deaths at the hands of the criminal.
The YOUNG MAN then proceeds to take all of MIE and CHAN's valuables, but leaves only the picture of KUNG LAO with his parents. Then the YOUNG MAN leaves.
SONYA is sitting at her desk, looking over some paperwork on KANO and the BLACK DRAGON criminal organization. Then, she pulls out a picture of her ex-partner, LANCE RIZXE. She looks the picture over a little, and then stuffs it in her coat pocket. MIKKA walks in.
MIKKA: It never gets any easier, does it?
SONYA remains silent; MIKKA breaks the morbid silence once again.
MIKKA: Y'know, I hate to say it, but Kano was right about one thing...
MIKKA proceeds to sit down on the edge of SONYA's desk.
SONYA: Oh yeah, and what's that?
MIKKA: You have to get over this, Sonya. It's consuming your life; and that's exactly what Kano wants!
SONYA: You just don't understand. I have to get Kano. That's my goal, and that's what I'm going to achieve.
MIKKA: I'm not so convinced that you only want to arrest him anymore...
SONYA: What do you mean?
MIKKA: Revenge will consume your life, Sonya... I don't want to see you make a decision that you'll regret.
SONYA: This isn't revenge! This is justice!
MIKKA: Is it? Since when has justice ever meant killing the people who have done wrong?
SONYA: He deserves it!
MIKKA: That's not up to us, though.
SONYA looks out the window to see a rainy night, rain drops filling up the window and obscuring her view of the city.
MIKKA: By killing Kano, we're no better than him. I can understand you're in pain... But what would Lance do?
MIKKA gets off of SONYA's desk and walks to the door, stopping just before she leaves.
MIKKA: Think about it... See you tomorrow.
MIKKA leaves. SONYA sits at her desk silently as the rain continues to fall outside; tears form in SONYA's eyes; she closes KANO's open file on her desk, gets up, and leaves.
Outside, BAYSIDE CITY is noisy, and massive. The streets are filled with crime; the scum of the world thrive here if they have good connections.
SONYA hates having to walk home at this time of night, even if she can defend herself, she's an emotional wreck right now; for the first time in a long time, SONYA is actually a bit frightened by the streets she often patrols. Just as she begins walking away from the BCPD building, JAREK, followed by two men dressed in dark clothing, run up behind SONYA and proceed to ambush her. The two men grab her arms and hold her down, while JAREK pulls out a lead pipe and proceeds to beat SONYA with it, hitting her twice in the stomach, and once on each knee.
JAREK: You stupid bitch! You should have never attacked our territory!
SONYA: You do everything Kano tells you to do, and you're calling me a bitch?
SONYA, although taken off guard, kicks one of the two men holding her to the ground, making him fall down. Then, she punches the second man in the stomach several times, making him fall backwards. However, during this short scuffle, JAREK manages to get behind SONYA, and hits her in the back with the lead pipe, making her fall down to the ground.
JAREK: Yeah, you are a bitch, and now I'm going to finish you off!
SONYA spits out some blood on the ground.
SONYA: Go... Ahead... Jerkoff.
JAREK: The name is Jarek, you ignorant slut!
He is about to finish her off when he feels a gun being pointed at the back of his head. Detective STRYKER is there after hearing the commotion while unlocking his car. Officer JOHN TORSON is also there to ensure JAREK doesn't pull any ``funny business.''
STRYKER: Put your hands on your head you son of a b****. Do it!
JAREK: Alright! I'm going to...
JAREK kneels down with his hands on the back of his head.
STRYKER: Officer Torson...
JOHN TORSON walks over to JAREK and does a quick search of him, kicking away the lead pipe as he does this. JAREK smiles slyly.
JAREK: That's all I had, so calm down.
JOHN: Just shutup, fool; you have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can be used against you in a court-of-law where you will be judged by a jury of your peers. You have the right to an attorney-
JAREK: Blah, blah, blah... Just cuff me already.
STRYKER throws handcuffs to JOHN, who quickly cuffs up JAREK.
STRYKER: Take him in, John; I'll be up in a second to question him.
STRYKER walks over to SONYA who had gotten up during the arrest; she appears to be holding back cries of pain.
STRYKER: Are you going to be okay, Lt. Blade?
SONYA: Well what do you f***ing think?
STRYKER: Calm down now, Sonya. I understand you're in pain.
SONYA: You got that right...
Detective STRYKER begins to walk away. SONYA feels bad for her outburst.
SONYA: And thanks, Kurtis... I'm-I'm sorry I got angry.
STRYKER: That's okay, I understand. I can give you a ride home if you want; unless you need to go to the hospital?
SONYA: No, I only have a few bruises; the pain should go away eventually. A ride would be nice, though.
SONYA gives a little smile; STRYKER smiles back. The pair walks off towards STRYKER's car.
The car comes to a halt outside of a rather tall, brown brick, apartment building; this is where SONYA lives.
STRYKER: Is this it?
SONYA: Yeah. Thanks again, Kurtis.
STRYKER: Anytime, Sonya.
STRYKER and SONYA look at each other intensely for a brief moment. Suddenly, STRYKER moves in to kiss SONYA, but SONYA backs off immediately and gets out of the car quickly. STRYKER calls after her.
STRYKER: Sonya! Wait, I'm sorry... Sonya!
SONYA: Thanks again, Stryker...
Tears are forming in SONYA's eyes as she walks away, she hasn't been in a relationship in years, and she got really hurt the last time she was. STRYKER looks disappointed and confused; he drives off into the night.
SONYA gets inside and sits down on the couch sitting in a large, messy room attached to an open kitchen, and a doorway to her bedroom. She takes off her boots and jacket, pulling out the old picture of her ex-partner. She takes it to her bedroom where she lies down on her bed, wide awake, staring up at the ceiling as the fan blows her hair sideways. She sets the picture of her ex-partner on the bed stand beside her, curls up under the blanket while looking at it, closes her eyes, and falls asleep.
LIU wakes up the next morning. LIU barely remembers what happened last night after being knocked unconscious; he walks back out into the kitchen. There he makes a horrific discovery; CHAN and MIE both dead. LIU kneels down beside both of their bodies. A tear develops in one of LIU's eyes, but he tries to fight it. Suddenly the camera pans to reveal RAIDEN in the room as well.
RAIDEN: I am so sorry...
LIU: Shang Tsung did this; I know it.
RAIDEN: Liu, we cannot be sure of such a thing, and it would be unwise to make an assumption like that at this point. Why would Shang Tsung kill your aunt and uncle? He has no reason to do this.
LIU: He doesn't need a valid reason. Besides, I can still feel that presence. It had to be him...
RAIDEN: If you go into this tournament only concerned with vengeance... You will die, Liu Kang; but we have no more time to waste. There is a boat waiting for you down at pier 40; it will take you to the island, and I will meet you there.
LIU: He has their souls... I can't let that pass. You may see yourself as the Protector of Earth Realm, but how can you be Protector of a realm if you do not understand its inhabitant's emotions.
RAIDEN: I may not be capable of expressing emotions such as fear, sadness, or hatred, but how dare you accuse me of not understanding them! There are far more important things here to discuss, but now is not the time! Go, Liu Kang, Mortal Kombat awaits you...
LIU: What about you?
RAIDEN: I will be there in good time; first, I must inform Kung Lao of his parent's demise.
LIU: No. Let me do it.
RAIDEN: There is no time. I will let Kung Lao know you send your regards.
LIU: Wait-
Suddenly, RAIDEN disappears in a flash of light.
LIU slowly walks out the door, trying to maintain his strength. The sun is clearly beginning to rise on the horizon; it will be a beautiful day. LIU proceeds to leave the house.
CRITIC 1: Good morning folks. Today we're going to review the newest ``gem'' from superstar actor/martial artist Johnny Cage. The film is called Dragon Fist II: Double Dragon.
CRITIC 1 turns to CRITIC 2.
CRITIC 1: SO what were your initial thoughts on Johnny Cage's newest film?
CRITIC 2: First of all, I'd like to start off by saying that the first Dragon Fist did not warrant a sequel; of course we all know that that movie was a messy remake of the earlier Dan Forden film ``Lutte des poings dragon'' (or translated, Fight of the Dragon Fists), so I think we all knew that if a sequel were made, we couldn't expect much and, boy, what an over-estimation.
CRITIC 1: I completely understand what you mean, this film was literally atrocious! It was all over the place and didn't really know what it was. Definitely one of the worst films of the year, hands down.
CRITIC 2: It was an interesting move for Mr. Cage, who has been in some great films like ``The Green Ring'' and ``The Inception Bureau.''
CRITIC 1: That may be, but this is also the man who starred in the short-lived ``You Got Caged,'' a television show where he went around and protected citizens from random street criminals in what were clearly poorly staged fight sequences! Hell, he even expected some of the people on that show to pay him! You know you've hit rock bottom when...
CRITIC 2: Fair enough. Now, moving on...
Giant letters fly across the screen:
CRITIC 2: The story begins 12 years after the first Dragon Fist as we follow John Reynolds, the son of the original protagonist from Dragon Fist I (who was also played by Johnny Cage), in his attempt to save his father from the quite evil and enigmatic Dr. MD. Along the way, Mr. Reynolds is hired to protect the President's daughter and her baby as they travel through southern China. Mr. Reynolds sees this as an opportunity to save his father who has, conveniently, been placed in southern China as well.
CRITIC 1: The film sees Johnny Cage playing double duty as the son and the father, and I think that was definitely one of the things that made this film so confusing and ridiculous.
CRITIC 2: I couldn't agree more. Now, here's a clip from this very strange and unneeded film...
The show cuts away to a clip of JOHNNY standing in a room with a baby in his arms, 7 other men in front of him, and one woman who he is protecting behind him, each of the 7 men ready to attack.
JOHNNY looks around the room at each of the guys.
JOHNNY: I'm taking you down. I'm taking you down. I'm taking you out.
JOHNNY turns to the girl behind him.
JOHNNY: And I'm taking you out... to dinner.
Suddenly, a bald man with a dragon tattoo covering his face and a monkey standing on his shoulder, orders the 7 men to attack JOHNNY, who he refers to as Mr. Reynolds.
DR. MD: Attack, my minions! Show Mr. Reynolds how we punish vigilantes in this town!
JOHNNY acts swiftly as action music plays over the scene. He takes out each of the 7 men with several kicks and punches, all while the baby is in his hands (although, there are a few shots where the baby is not in his hands). He throws the baby to the last guy, who is completely confused, then kicks the guy in the stomach, catching the baby afterwards. Suddenly, he reaches over to the woman and pulls her in for a kiss. A large explosion develops in the background, but the three, including the baby, remain in place, unharmed.
The television show cuts back to the CRITICS.
CRITIC 1: After not much thought, I give this movie 0 out of 5. The acting, the sets, the lighting, and the sheer principle of this film are horrendous, not to mention Mr. Cage's clear lack of skill in the martial arts ``department.''
CRITIC 2: I enjoyed the action actually; I'll give it 1 out of 5.
CRITIC 1: Stay tuned, we'll have a sneak peek at the newest-
JOHNNY turns off the TV.
JOHNNY is sitting on the edge of his king-size bed, with a disappointed look on his face after watching the critics on his 18' flat screen tear him a new one. A woman gets up out of the bed behind him.
CARLY: Is everything okay, Johnnykins?
JOHNNY turns his head a bit to acknowledge her.
JOHNNY: Yeah... I'm fine. Listen, I'm going to be leaving soon, so just let yourself out.
JOHNNY gets up and walks out of the room. Outside, JOHNNY's butler JENKINS is waiting for him.
JOHNNY: Please tell me you weren't waiting out here all night?
JENKINS: Ha, I see you are in a good sense of humor today, Master Cage.
JOHNNY: I try, I try.
JENKINS: The limousine is waiting to take you to your private jet, Master Cage. May I suggest you eat breakfast before your departure, sir?
JOHNNY: Oh, no thank you, Jenkins; I'm not quite hungry.
JENKINS: Alright, sir. Your bags have already been loaded onto the jet.
JOHNNY: Thank you. Oh, and could you take care of my lady friend in the bedroom; y'know, feed her, show her the way out.
JENKINS: Of course, Master Cage.
JOHNNY: Thank you, Jenkins. See you soon!
JENKINS: Goodbye, sir!
JOHNNY exits the LOFT and enters a long, black limousine. The limousine drives off, as JOHNNY sits and contemplates his career.
JOHNNY: Pesina better be right about this tournament...
JOHNNY looks out the window to see the ocean.
KUNG LAO is sitting with his legs crossed, meditating. RAIDEN appears in a flash of light. KUNG LAO is surprised by this visit.
KUNG LAO: Raiden? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the tournament?
RAIDEN takes a few steps towards KUNG LAO; he has a look of displeasure on his face.
RAIDEN: I come bearing grim news, young shaolin monk.
KUNG LAO is curious.
KUNG LAO: What is it?
RAIDEN: It is... Your parents, Kung Lao; their home was robbed while Liu Kang visited them, and they were murdered.
KUNG LAO drops to the floor as tears of anger begin to fill his eyes. RAIDEN walks over to comfort KUNG LAO for a few short seconds, and then backs up as if to imply his departure.
RAIDEN: I know how difficult this must be for you; I am so sorry. I will leave you as you were.
KUNG LAO: Wait, before you go, I want to know who killed them!
RAIDEN: A random robber... Noone could have predicted the incident.
KUNG LAO: That's not good enough; there's something you're not telling me...
KUNG LAO drops to the floor again.
KUNG LAO: There has to be...
RAIDEN: I am sorry, Kung Lao... But that is all I know. I am sorry for your loss, but I must bid you a farewell for now.
RAIDEN disappears from the room leaving KUNG LAO with a sense of loneliness and loss.
SONYA is standing at the back of the boat, looking out at the sea. MIKKA STONE comes up and stands beside her.
MIKKA: Hey Sonya.
SONYA doesn't respond.
MIKKA: You must be thinking' about Jax...
SONYA still doesn't respond. MIKKA understands. She looks down.
MIKKA: He'll be okay. Just think, we'll have Kano back in jail soon and, who knows, we might even get the rest of the Black Dragon at this tournament.
SONYA: He would never risk that much. Kano is going alone; and I intend to get him.
MIKKA: He could recruit more members though.
SONYA: He could...
MIKKA: And from what research the foreign customs department did, the whole island where this tournament is being held is owned by one man...
MIKKA pulls out a pad with writing on it.
MIKKA: Some ``Shang Tsung'' guy.
SONYA: So if he owns the whole island, he must have a lot of cash.
MIKKA: Definitely, and if Kano's actions as of late prove anything, it's that Kano will do anything to get his hands on a wad of cash, especially potential millions. He'd need it to fund his operation of the Black Dragon anyways.
SONYA: Or for his own leisure.
MIKKA: Well, maybe, but word on the street is that the money is going toward some sort of deal with a foreign gang in China.
SONYA: Sounds like they're looking to enter the international market.
Suddenly, a beep is heard from a small device on MIKKA's wrist.
MIKKA: My tracker states we're nearing the island. John should be out to tell us soon.
A very muscular, African-American man walks out the door to the cockpit:
TORQUE: Guys, we're approaching the island.
MIKKA: Okay, Torque. Told ya; you wanna come see the island, Sonya?
SONYA: Might as well.
MIKKA walks through the door, and SONYA follows.
From the cockpit, they see a large shadowy figure in the middle of the sea, and isolated from the rest of the world:
They slowly approach the island, and a large gleaming mass on the top of the island's mountains comes into their line of sight:
MIKKA: What's our first assignment, Lieutenant?
SONYA: We rig the entire island with explosives.
TORQUE: Sounds like my kinda operation.
SONYA walks to the side of the boat to look out over the sea. MIKKA walks up beside her.
MIKKA: Why the whole island?
SONYA: Kano is a slippery sleaze-bag; we'll need a back-up plan.
MIKKA: But doesn't that make this a suicide mission?
SONYA: Only if it needs to be.
We see JOHNNY CAGE in a light blue parachuting suit. He looks nervous. He's sweating; heavily.
Then, MASTER PESINA and another MAN walk up to him.
MAN: Are you ready, Mr. Cage?
JOHNNY: I think so.
JOHNNY proceeds to get up out of his chair, and walk to the side-door of the plane. There, the MAN helps JOHNNY get a parachute on. The MAN opens the side-door.
MAN: Okay, now you're not gonna want to pull the `chute until your closer to the island. Remember, you're a long way from safe ground, so be careful. You pull the `chute too early and it's not going to be much fun! Now get out there!
JOHNNY: Y'know what? I think I actually can do this!!!
JOHNNY pulls his shoot while he's on the plane. Both PESINA and the MAN look disappointed, and worried.
MAN: Are you f****** crazy!? Now look what you've done!
JOHNNY gives them his classic smile, and then gets sucked out of the side-door by his parachute.
JOHNNY: That was actually easier than I thought!
As JOHNNY gets to the halfway point, the parachute proceeds to tear, and JOHNNY, now screaming, falls into the cold Atlantic waters. Shortly thereafter, a boat appears in his line of sight. JOHNNY screams for help, and then the boat comes rushing over, stopping right beside him.
On the boat, JOHNNY is greeted by a face unknown to him:
JOHNNY: Thanks for helping me, I was trying to get to this island, and I would really appreciate if you could give me a ride there. It's not very far, and-
JOHNNY looks up. LIU looks like he can't understand JOHNNY. JOHNNY gives a laugh.
JOHNNY: Oh! You don't speak English, sorry, what was I thinking?! Um...
JOHHNY gives a pathetic attempt at the Chinese language. LIU laughs at him.
LIU: What? I couldn't understand you. Was that supposed to be Chinese?
JOHNNY gives a surprised look, then an upset one.
JOHNNY: Now wait just a minu-
LIU: Calm down, superstar, it was joke. I am also going to the island you speak of, the Shokan Islands.
JOHNNY: Oh, well that's perfect then!
LIU: In fact, we're approaching the island right now. I'm Liu Kang.
LIU KANG offers his hand politely. JOHNNY accepts his friendship.
JOHNNY: Johnny Cage.
LIU: I know.
JOHNNY proceeds to turn around, and is greeted by tall, rocky mountains and, on top, a large golden palace fit for the gods, it's golden walls shimmering in the sunlight, making it seen from miles away.
JOHNNY: Wow...
Then we see a short montage of both SONYA's team, and JOHNNY and LIU, approaching the island.
They both proceed to walk towards a large, and very steep, set of stairs that continue on to the GOLDEN PALACE. Then, we see SONYA arrive, with her team, and they start scoping out the island.
SONYA: Fan out; we'll meet back here in an hour. The geographical locations for each bomb have been uploaded to your GPS devices.
TORQUE and MIKKA pull out two I-POD TOUCHES rigged with a bunch of special features for their operation, including GPS tracking, KANO's location, and a satellite layout of the entire island. The location for each explosive is pinpointed on both devices.
Meanwhile, JOHNNY and LIU are about to be on their way.
JOHNNY looks at the stairs, and almost faints, almost as if he can already feel the experience of walking up the large steps. LIU laughs at him. They then proceed to make their way up the stairs.
JOHNNY: Is this supposed to kill us before we even get to fight?
LIU: You'd almost think so.
RAIDEN walks up behind them.
RAIDEN: Well, I can tell you that there aren't any escalators around here, Mr. Cage. Besides, you'll need to keep in shape for this tournament. Heh heh.
JOHNNY: Wait, who are you?
JOHNNY turns around to see RAIDEN is gone.
JOHNNY: Well that was weird.
Then we see a montage of LIU and JOHNNY getting to SHANG TSUNG's PALACE.
JOHNNY: How much longer?
LIU: Not very much.
JOHNNY: Are we there yet?
LIU: Don't even start.
We see SONYA and her team placing explosives across the island; rappelling down waterfalls and moving silently through forests and rivers, SONYA and her team place each explosive, efficiently, carefully, and with ease.
JOHNNY and LIU have finally reached the PALACE GATES after an exhausting walk over at least seven steep sets of stairs.
JOHNNY: Wow, this guy must be rich. I mean look at these panels!
JOHNNY rubs his hand along the palace walls.
LIU: Shang Tsung owns a million souls, and he has one thousand slaves working for him. They built this palace for him with their bare hands.
JOHNNY: He sounds like a good businessman!
LIU gives JOHNNY an estranged look.
LIU: Johnny, what did they tell you about the tournament?
JOHNNY: Well, I've been told it's just a regular martial arts tournament. Why do you ask?
Walking through the gates, they suddenly reach a spot where they can look over anyone training in the COURTYARD. There JOHNNY see's something horrifying to himself. A large hulking beast, with four arms, and a penchant for ripping things in half:
Then LIU answers JOHNNY's question.
LIU: Because someone lied.
JOHNNY: What the hell is that?!
A woman walks up from behind them. She is dressed in a blue dress, although it is toned down, she looks like a princess; she is:
KITANA: He is Prince Goro, and you are clearly not ready to face him.
She continues to walk past them, and down a nearby set of stairs which lead to the throne room.
JOHNNY: Wow, she's pretty hot! Who is she???
LIU: So now you're not concerned about Goro?!
JOHNNY: Goro who?
LIU slaps his hands against his head, and then continues to walk down the nearby set of stairs.
Then JOHHNY follows LIU down the steps.
All of the fighters are gathered in the room, save for KANO and GORO.
SHANG is sitting on his throne. He gets up and begins his introductions.
SHANG TSUNG: Good day fighters, and welcome to Mortal Kombat! My name is Shang Tsung, and I have gathered you all on this island to do one thing, and one thing only: fight to survive.
Everyone laughs.
SHANG: Oh this is no laughing matter my dear fighters but, please, feel free to enjoy these last few moments of your life that you will be spared.
SHANG TSUNG gives out an enormous laugh that fills the entire room. JOHNNY looks worried, and looks over at a MAN IN ROBES beside him.
JOHNNY: Man this guy is a real nutjob. Don't you agree?
MAN IN ROBES: Shang Tsung gives many people chills, as do I.
The MAN IN ROBES walks away. JOHNNY is confused.
JOHNNY: What was that supposed to mean? Man it's cold in here all of a sudden.
JOHNNY looks at LIU.
JOHNNY: Are you cold?
LIU: Yeah, and I think I know why.
LIU walks past JOHNNY, and begins following the MAN IN ROBES. JOHNNY, now even more confused than before, decides that it's best to stick with LIU, and follows suit.
LIU: Why are you still here, Johnny?
JOHNNY: Because I honestly don't know where I am...
LIU: And you think I do?
JOHNNY: Listen, you helped me, and I just want to return the favor.
LIU: Fine, just don't get in my way.
JOHNNY: So why are we following this guy?
LIU: I believe him to be the ancient Lin Kuei warrior known as Sub-Zero.
LIU: Never mind.
JOHNNY and LIU suddenly lose the trail of the MAN IN ROBES.
LIU: Now look what you've done?!
JOHNNY: You think this is my fault?!
LIU: We wouldn't have lost him if you hadn't distracted me earlier!
JOHNNY: Oh no, no, no, you are not going to blame this on me!
LIU: Well I just did! Now leave! I must find this man, and I can't afford to be denied any answers!
JOHNNY, now enraged, walks away, as LIU continues on to search for the MAN IN ROBES.
Not too long after JOHNNY is far away, the MAN IN ROBES suddenly jumps out from behind LIU, and holds him in a crippling move. He is as swift as a ninja, and his stealth is effective. He takes the robe off to reveal blue ninja garb, along with a custom mask, and glowing blue eyes:
SZ: Why were you following me, monk?
LIU: I need help.
SZ: Why would I help you?
LIU: Because I know who is after you, and we come from the same realm.
SZ: That doesn't make us allies, and I don't need your help.
Suddenly, SUBZERO is about to kill LIU, but LIU elbows SUBZERO in the stomach. SUBZERO laughs, and jumps up, off of the wall, and kicks LIU right in the face. LIU staggers backwards as SUBZERO freezes a large portion of the ground behind LIU making him slip. The ice already melted, SUBZERO is about to freeze LIU, but LIU breaks SUBZERO's concentration by kicking him directly in the face with both feet. SUBZERO falls backwards, but jumps right back up. Just as LIU gets up, SUBZERO does a Lin Kuei Slide, and manages to get LIU in a deadly hold. Taken off-guard, LIU pleas for his life.
LIU: Please, I have been chosen by Raiden to stop Shang Tsung.
SUB ZERO slowly releases his grip on LIU KANG.
SZ: Raiden sent you?
LIU: Yes. He did. Now can we stop this fighting?
SZ: What exactly do you want from me?
LIU: I need you to spy on Shang Tsung, just for now.
SZ: Why?
LIU: I believe his intentions are more than what they seem.
SZ: I understand what you mean.
LIU: Then you will do this for me?
SZ: Fine, but what do I get in return?
LIU: You owe my people.
SZ: What do you mean?
LIU: There was one more thing I came here to talk with you about; why did the Lin Kuei attack the Wu Shi Academy?
SZ: I have no idea what you speak of... That is madness!
LIU: While the tsunami hit the coast, and the Academy was protected by Raiden, the Lin Kuei launched an attack!
SZ: Well I have no knowledge of any attack warranted by the Grand Master... Unless...
LIU: Unless what?
SZ: Never mind. I will look into this matter personally, my friend; in the meantime, I bid you farewell.
LIU: Meet me at the large statue of Goro in 36 hours.
SUB ZERO and LIU shake hands, and then part ways.
A MAN begins to speak.
MAN: This was quite unexpected of them.
We realize that whoever is in the room was watching the entire confrontation between LIU and SUB ZERO. Then we hear SHANG TSUNG's voice.
SHANG: Don't worry; Scorpion will get to Sub-Zero before they get a chance to initiate the terms of their deal.
MAN: Sub-Zero is a curious bird, Shang Tsung. I think once he discovers the Emperor's plans he could prove useful to us.
SHANG: Don't be foolish, my friend. Sub-Zero may appear to be easily manipulated, but he has the heart of a hero. We shall see to it that this heart is torn out!
MAN: And what of the other earth realm warrior you spoke of? Blade, I believe her name is.
SHANG: Ahh yes, Sonya Blade. She will not stand a chance against Goro.
MAN: You dare waste Goro's strength on such a puny mortal?!
SHANG: Sonya Blade is a strong participant, and she will soon have a reason to fight.
MAN: And why is that?
SHANG: Because her team is about to be ambushed and held hostage.
SHANG and the unseen MAN snicker.
TORQUE: Where exactly are we going?
MIKKA: I don't know, but this is the way Kano's signal is leading us.
SONYA: I never did trust those trackers.
TORQUE: What do you trust?
SONYA: Myself. Listen, can we not talk about this?
TORQUE: Whatever you say.
Suddenly, a group of men with spears ambush, and kidnap, SONYA's team. SONYA, now left helpless, is confronted by SHANG TSUNG.
SHANG: Good evening Ms. Blade.
SONYA attempts to shoot SHANG, but the bullets do not seem to affect him.
SHANG: Now, now, Ms. Blade, your team is safe.
SONYA: What the hell do you want with me?
SHANG: Fight in my tournament, and I will safely release your team.
SONYA: And if I refuse?
SHANG: Then they will all die. Just remember, this is my island, and I did not issue a search warrant to you...
SHANG expresses his grim delight with a sharp grin, disappearing as he does so. SONYA has a look of disbelief on her face, but decides to head for some small straw huts near the jungle where she can find some answers about the strange happenings on the island.
SZ: Where could that devilish sorcerer be?
Suddenly a loud, monotone voice is heard from behind SUB ZERO.
VOICE: Get the f*** over here!!!!
Then SUB ZERO turns and ducks, as a spear is hurdled towards him. Then the attacker comes into focus. He has yellow ninja garb, and is a bit more confrontational, and less stealthy. He is loud, and also boasts a flaming skull, a sign that he is undead:
SZ: You would do well to return to the Nether realm, Hanzo; where you belong!
SCORPION: Don't you remember, Bi Han? You killed Hanzo Hasashi! I am Scorpion!
SZ: These are not official fighting grounds my friend.
SCORPION: You dare call me your friend?! You had me murdered, and then made me watch my family suffer! You are no friend of mine!!!! Now get over here, b****!!!
SCORPION hurtles another spear from his hand, but it is countered by SUB ZERO's freezing. SCORPION, now completely fueled with rage, makes a mad dash towards SUB ZERO, grabs him, and throws him down the hill beside the barracks, successfully forcing SUB ZERO through the walls of six straw huts which were at the bottom of the hill. SCORPION proceeds to burn down the last remaining hut, which had SUB ZERO in it!
Believing he has successfully killed SUB ZERO, SCORPION begins to laugh, and walks away into the night, putting a mask, disguised as a human face with milky white eyes, over his flaming skull. Once far enough from the burning structure, SCORPION watches to ensure SUB ZERO's defeat. SUB ZERO lay inside the hut and gets up in a panic. He quickly freezes the walls of the hut, and escapes before the ice shards come crashing down. He has managed to escape with minimal damage having been done to him, although he can still feel the pain in his back from being forced through the walls of the huts. SUB ZERO suddenly comes face-to-face with SCORPION!
SCORPION: You will never win!
SZ: I already have! I am living, and you are not!
SCORPION: What torturous joys I shall show you in the Netherrealm, Bi Han! You will burn with me!
Now SCORPION and SUB ZERO begin to duke it out in the middle of another straw hut. SCORPION throws the first punch, as SUB ZERO tries to counter, unsuccessfully, and is punched right in the jaw. Then, SCORPION throws SUB ZERO once again, this time off into a tree. SUB ZERO, now near defeat, is now beaten, bleeding, and bruised. He reaches out for forgiveness, and SCORPION denies him this, and breaks his arm. SUB ZERO lay on the ground defenseless, as SCORPION raises his spear to decapitate SUB ZERO. Suddenly, a cloaked figure pounces on SCORPION, and kicks him aside. Then, the figure knocks SCORPION unconscious. SUB ZERO, now in shock, looks up to see the figure who has saved his life.
SUB ZERO looks up to come face-to-face with a scaly, sharp-toothed creature. Its face covered partially with a dark black cloth, wearing dark green and black robes, almost as if to hide its features, and its teeth gleaming in the moonlight:
SUB ZERO: And you are?
REPTILE: In my realm, I was known as Tknak'Ter, but in your realm, they call me Reptile.
SUB ZERO: In ``your'' realm?
REPTILE: I am a Saurian; an ancient race, forsaken by the Elder Gods. Our realm, Zaterra, was taken from us, and merged with Outworld. I swore on the future of my race that I would do anything to save us.
SUB ZERO: So you are a servant of Shang Tsung?
SUB ZERO gets up, and prepares a defensive stance.
REPTILE: Ha, ha, ha, ha! I am no servant of Shang Tsung!
SUB ZERO: Then why have you come here? Are you planning on killing the Emperor?
REPTILE: I work for the Emperor, on the promise that my race will be restored once again. I have come here to inform the Emperor of every move Shang Tsung makes, and to keep an eye on his daughter, Princess Kitana.
SUB ZERO: She will be fighting in the tournament?
REPTILE: Yes, but that is not the matter of which we are to discuss. I understand you are spying on Shang Tsung?
SUB ZERO: I don't believe that is any of your business.
REPTILE: Oh, but isn't it?
SUB ZERO: Listen, all I want to know is why you would help me when you don't even know who I am?
REPTILE: I know you are of Lin Kuei origin, and I also know that Shang Tsung is planning something against the Emperor.
SUB ZERO: What?!
REPTILE: I have said too much. I need you to tell me who sent you.
SUB ZERO: I never giveaway the name of my employers.
REPTILE: Then you are an enemy of mine, and whether you tell me or not, I will find out what I want to know.
SUB ZERO: Then face me!
REPTILE gives SUB ZERO an unconvinced look.
REPTILE: I'm not going to waste my time on you, weakling. I have much larger prey to hunt!
Suddenly, in a puff of black smoke, REPTILE disappears, and SUB ZERO is left bewildered. He looks at the body of SCORPION, and decides to go back to the FIGHTERS RESTING QUARTERS in the tournament. He looks up at the BARRACKS, and then continues walking.
Inside, we see GORO sitting on a large golden throne. Then we see SHANG TSUNG enter the barracks. He begins to laugh.
SHANG: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
GORO: In a good mood I see...
SHANG: Everything is going according to plan! Before long, Sub Zero will have been killed, and then we can lure the humans into Outworld.
GORO: The Emperor's realm? What are his plans?
SHANG: The Emperor would have you believe that we're all important to his plans, but really he just considers us pawns on a chess board; like he can stop and risk our lives for us.
GORO: What do you mean, Shang Tsung?
SHANG: I mean, I spent years working under him, and the thanks that I get?! I have to host this tournament until I die; cursed to forever steal the souls of anyone who crosses me. I have seen the Emperor's true plans and, once this tournament is over, he will be sorry that he crossed Shang Tsung!
GORO is baffled by all of this, and starts to get angry.
GORO: What are you talking about?!
SHANG: Calm yourself Goro, all will be revealed in good time... I am simply saying that the Emperor is not the only one with "plans."
GORO: Whatever Kahn is planning, I want no part of it!
SHANG: You believe my intentions are based upon orders from the Emperor?
GORO: Well it is evident; after all, who else could you be working for?
SHANG: Not ``for,'' but ``with.''
Suddenly, a VOICE is heard from another side of the room, but the person themselves is not seen.
VOICE: You would be a fool to think that we truly work for the Emperor, Prince Goro.
GORO looks at the person speaking, and he is in shock.
GORO: What is the meaning of this? Is this some sort of alliance?!
SHANG TSUNG smiles fiendishly.
The COURTYARD of the palace is large, with a throne on top of a large square in the background. Here, SHANG TSUNG sits in a golden throne, and watches as the tournament begins. All of the other fighters sit in the stands and watch as their fellow fighters get beaten to a bloody pulp. It is a bright and sunny day. You'd almost feel as if you were sitting on the surface of the sun.
KANO walks out into the arena with pride, as JOHNNY CAGE is still pondering why he even decided to enter the tournament. KANO gives an evil smile, making JOHNNY feel uncomfortable, and weak. They both approach each other. JOHNNY looks around at all of the other fighters out in the stands. He can feel their judgment and their assumptions. He returns his sight to KANO, who is now in a fighting position. JOHNNY decides to prepare as well, and gets into a defensive fighting stance.
KANO: Are you ready, movie star?
JOHNNY: I'm always ready.
SHANG TSUNG: Round One! Fight!
KANO socks JOHNNY in the stomach, and then throws him to the ground. JOHNNY stays on the ground, trips KANO, and then uppercuts him. KANO hastily gets up, and starts vigorously throwing punches at JOHNNY, who is now receiving every last one of them. JOHNNY, now severely beaten, falls down.
KANO backs away from JOHNNY, as JOHNNY finally gets up. They both return to their defensive stances, although JOHNNY is much weaker now.
SHANG TSUNG: Round Two! Fight!
JOHNNY finally gets aggressive, and starts throwing punches just as KANO did, but with less satisfying effects. KANO blocks most of JOHNNY's punches, and kicks JOHNNY down. JOHNNY uppercuts KANO once again, and then gets up. Just as he is about to kick KANO, KANO trips JOHNNY, and punches him. JOHNNY, now entirely weakened, lay still on the ground.
SHANG TSUNG: Finish Him!
RAIDEN looks on with a worrisome look.
KANO decides to spare JOHNNY's life, and helps him up. SHANG TSUNG does not seem disappointed by this, almost as if it were planned.
KANO: Guess we know how real your movies are now.
JOHNNY doesn't say anything, but has a look of anger on his face.
SHANG TSUNG: Kano wins! Flawless victory.
JOHNNY is sitting by a large statue of GORO; he is depressed due to his defeat at the hands of KANO. A woman walks up to him. She is beautiful, blond, and serious looking, with a special forces uniform on:
SONYA: I saw what happened to you out there.
JOHNNY (still looking down at the ground): Yeah, you and hundreds of other people.
SONYA: Too bad you don't actually know Martial Arts.
JOHNNY (looks up in anger): Listen buddy, I don't need tho-
JOHNNY suddenly looks up to see SONYA, and he is at a loss for words, then suddenly his hormones speak for his brain.
JOHNNY: ...those supple breasts.
Suddenly, JOHNNY realizes what he just said, and then he gets an apologetic look on his face. SONYA gives him a look of disgust.
SONYA: What did you just say to me?!
JOHNNY: Um, I, uh, I said people can be such a pest! That's what I said.
SONYA gives JOHNNY an unconvinced look, but decides to forgive him, which surprises her, especially since she hasn't forgiven anybody since her ex-partner had been murdered. She proceeds to sit down beside JOHNNY, as another person walks their way:
LIU: There you are Johnny! I've been looking everywhere for you!
JOHNNY: You have? I thought you never wanted to see me again?
LIU: Listen Johnny, I'm sorry about that whole ordeal, but I had to speak privately with Sub Zero.
LIU looks at SONYA and smiles politely.
LIU: Who is this?
JOHNNY: I don't know, she hasn't introduced herself yet.
SONYA looks at the both of them.
SONYA: Sonya Blade, I'm a Special Forces agent. And you two are?
LIU: Liu Kang.
JOHNNY: You obviously already know who I am.
JOHNNY laughs; LIU and SONYA just stare at him, as RAIDEN watches from a palace balcony. SHANG TSUNG comes into view behind him.
RAIDEN: What do you want sorcerer?
SHANG: Oh nothing, I just wanted to see if you were enjoying your lodgings? After all, this is a room only fit for a god.
RAIDEN turns to face SHANG TSUNG.
RAIDEN: Rooms are no concern of mine, and your pithy mortal expressions are redundant, especially for someone like you. Tell me sorcerer, how is it that all three of the Mortal Kombat Grandmasters died, and only you were left to take their place?
SHANG: If you came here to investigate Raiden, I suggest you leave. This is my island, and I am the grandmaster of this tournament, so get over your silly paranoia. If you do not trust me, you do not have to fight in this tournament.
RAIDEN: I have no intention of fighting just yet; I have spent most of my energy ensuring my fighters could be here, on the right path. So, it is not you and your hidden agenda that I am entirely concerned about.
SHANG: Ah yes, your little group of warriors from Earthrealm, the ``chosen'' ones. Ha, ha, ha. Your confidence in them is unbelievably naive of you, thunder god. Tomorrow, Sonya Blade will fight Kano. When she wins, she will kill him, and then I shall pit her against Goro! In her confidence, she will get cocky, and die! Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha...
RAIDEN: How dare you! These mortals shall show you that there is more to them than what you may see. They are powerful warriors, sorcerer, and I assure you that they will overcome all the odds.
SHANG: For their sakes I hope you are right!
RAIDEN: I know I am.
SHANG bellows another evil laugh, as he disappears in thin air. RAIDEN becomes worried about his chosen warriors, and then looks out into the distance to see the sunset.
RAIDEN: I know I am.
JOHNNY: So your team was ambushed?
SONYA: Yeah, all of them, by that Shang Tsung guy you were talking about. He told me if I didn't fight in the tournament, he'd kill them.
JOHNNY: Well, Liu and I will help you find them, right Liu?
JOHNNY looks at LIU with a desperate face.
LIU: We'll have to start looking tomorrow; night is almost upon us.
They all look off into the sunset, as JOHNNY turns around to be met by RAIDEN. JOHNNY jumps.
JOHNNY: Who the heck are you?! I don't like it when people sneak up on me!
SONYA: I thought you were an ``action hero,'' Johnny? Cause last time I checked, action heroes don't cower at surprises.
JOHNNY: Yeah, I know. I was just testing this guy.
JOHNNY tries to hide his true emotions, as LIU and SONYA laugh.
JOHNNY: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it. So what I was frightened a bit? It happens to everybody!! Anyways, who the heck are you?!
RAIDEN: I am Lord Raiden, God of Thunder, and protector of your realm; earth realm.
JOHNNY suddenly has a look of confusion on his face.
JOHNNY: Oh... Cool, I guess?
LIU: Don't worry, Johnny. Raiden is on our side, and he is here to guide us.
RAIDEN: Thank you, Liu. I see you have all met each other.
SONYA: You know all of us?
RAIDEN: Yes; in fact, very well, Sonya! You are all the ``destined'' earth realm warriors.
JOHNNY: Hold up for one minute! Did you say ``destined''?
JOHNNY gets a look of excitement on his face.
RAIDEN: This is no laughing matter, Johnny, because if you fail, then Shang Tsung will merge your realm with Outworld; the realm he fights for. Yes, you are the ``destined'' warriors, but that does not mean that you cannot fail. You are mortal, and therefore are not invincible.
JOHNNY's excitement is replaced by curiosity.
JOHNNY: So technically, you could be wrong about us. We could all die.
JOHNNY begins to get scared.
LIU: Calm down, Johnny. Overreacting is not the solution to our problems. We need to stick together if we are to defeat Shang Tsung and Prince Goro.
JOHNNY: You mean that big guy with the four arms?
LIU: Yes.
JOHNNY faints. All of them crowd around him.
JOHNNY wakes up to find himself in his room in the FIGHTERS RESTING AREA. LIU, SONYA, and RAIDEN are still with him. JOHNNY sits up, gets out of bed, and walks to them.
JOHNNY (apologetic): Sorry about that, guys. I'm just not entirely used to whatever the hell that Goro thing is...
RAIDEN: It's okay Johnny, I understand this is your first time encountering creatures such as Goro, but we mustn't lose sight of our main goal.
JOHNNY: To win the tournament?
RAIDEN: Precisely.
LIU: But what about Shang Tsung?
RAIDEN: He will choose one of you three to fight him at the end of the tournament; if one of you wins, then balance will be restored to the tournament, and the Emperor will not be able to crossover into your realm.
JOHNNY: Wait, there's an Emperor now? I'm confused.
RAIDEN: The Emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn, is a power hungry monster bent on merging his realm with any other realm that stands in the way of his goal of total domination. He's willing to do anything to reach that goal; if his servants can win ten consecutive Mortal Kombat tournaments, the Elder Gods grant him the ability to crossover into your realm. From there, he would conquer it and merge it with his own. However, Kahn is not what we need to be focusing on at the moment...
LIU: Right. So who will fight Goro then?
RAIDEN: Shang Tsung has already chosen one of you to fight him.
RAIDEN looks directly at SONYA implying what she wishes was not true.
SONYA: Me? No, no, no... I think you have it all wrong. He couldn't have chosen me! Could he...?
RAIDEN: I am sorry, Sonya, but there is noone else. He will pit you against Goro whenever he feels fit to; I can assure you it won't be during your first fight though.
SONYA: I can't fight this Goro guy... I just can't.
RAIDEN: That is exactly what Shang Tsung wants you to think; as long as you think you cannot defeat a challenge like Goro, you will not be able to. Therefore, Sonya, you must earn your own confidence and trust. You all have things you must work on if we are to win this tournament.
RAIDEN: Johnny, your weakness has always been your ego; it is time to let go of what others think of you, and start taking a look at how you view yourself.
RAIDEN turns to LIU.
RAIDEN: Liu, you are an excellent fighter, with the support of the spirits of your ancestors, but you lack moral guidance and belief in what makes this tournament so important. You must look beyond your anger towards Shang Tsung, and be the hero you were meant to be.
RAIDEN gets up and prepares to leave.
RAIDEN: Now, I am sure I have given you all something to think about. I will see you all tomorrow; get lots of rest, tomorrow will be a busy day.
RAIDEN walks out the front door, into the night, and disappears into a flash of light.
SONYA looks at LIU and JOHNNY.
SONYA: So what's the plan?
LIU: We do this as a team, and we stick together.
JOHNNY: You can count on us, Liu.
SONYA and LIU look at JOHNNY, and JOHNNY just smiles.
Sub-Zero is sitting on the ground in the small resting hut. He crosses his legs, touches both of his hands to the ground, and forms two ice stalagmites up out of the ground. Between these two stalagmites, he creates a thin, icy window, through which he can contact the Grand Master of the Lin Kuei clan. Suddenly, the face of an old man with a short, grey goatee appears on the other side of the window.
SUB ZERO bows his head.
GRAND MASTER: Hello, Bi Han. What is the meaning of this meeting?
SZ: Good evening, Master. A monk from the Wu Shi Academy has informed me that our clan launched an attack on the Academy yesterday... Is this true?
GRAND MASTER: Ah, I remember hearing about such an incident; your brother informed me of it earlier this morning.
SZ: So, it wasn't our clan then?
GRAND MASTER: No. And it worries me that they could so easily imitate us.
SZ: Could it have been new Shirai Ryu recruits?
GRAND MASTER: No. Your brother was informed by the monk Kung Lao that they fought exactly like our own.
SZ: Then who could have done this?
GRAND MASTER: A few days ago we intercepted a message sent to us from Smoke, who we had sent to Outworld to investigate the on-goings in Shao Kahn's regime.
SZ: What was the message?
GRAND MASTER: He explained that some sort of "transaction" of technology was going on via a trade route between Outworld and Earth realm. This was the last message we have received from Smoke since then.
SZ: So you believe the Emperor could be behind this?
GRAND MASTER: I would not doubt it at this point.
SZ: I see. Then I will continue my investigation here. Oh, and Master...
SZ: How is my brother?
GRAND MASTER: Growing like you'd never believe; he hopes to see you after the tournament. He looks much like you.
SZ: Could you give him this for me?
Suddenly, SUB ZERO reaches his hand through the window, and it comes out the other side. He drops a small item in the GRAND MASTER's hand. It is a small, blue colored pin.
SZ: It belonged to our mother. Keep him safe, Master.
GRAND MASTER: Don't worry, he is fine. I will see to it that he receives this pin.
SZ: Thank you for your time, Master. Goodnight.
GRAND MASTER: Goodnight, Sub Zero.
SUB ZERO bows his head again.
The stalagmites and icy window dissolve into the ground. SUB ZERO gets up off the ground and moves to sit on his bed. There, he takes off his mask and lies down.
SONYA wakes up, and walks outside to see the rising sun. She is amazed at how beautiful the sun can be. Then, JOHNNY walks outside as well; he looks at SONYA with eager eyes. She is one of the most beautiful women he has ever seen, and he wants to know her better (surprisingly not just in a sexual way). He walks over to SONYA confidently.
JOHNNY: Wow. Look at that glow.
SONYA: I know, have you ever seen anything so beautiful?
JOHNNY: Well I am looking at you right now...
SONYA (sarcastic): How sweet of you to say that.
SONYA laughs, and JOHNNY follows with a fake laugh, and decides to halt his advances for now. Then, LIU appears from out of the RESTING QUARTERS.
LIU: Well, today is a new day, and we have to get to work.
SONYA: Liu is right. I have to find my team, and Kano.
LIU: I must find Sub-Zero.
JOHNNY: Um... I'll go with Sonya.
SONYA: I don't need your help, Johnny.
JOHNNY: We all need help sometimes.
SONYA: This isn't the time.
LIU: Stop it, you two! He's going with you Sonya. We'll meet at the Warrior Shrine in four hours and re-group.
SONYA: Fine, c'mon Johnny.
SONYA begins walking down a path that leads to the COURTYARD, and JOHNNY follows. LIU goes the opposite way towards the BARRACKS.
KITANA is walking down the hallway; she is looking for something, or someone.
KITANA: I could have sworn it came down here! Where are you?!
Suddenly, REPTILE appears behind KITANA in the middle of the hall. KITANA quickly turns around to face the creature.
REPTILE: Hello, Princess Kitana.
KITANA: What are you, creature? Explain yourself!
REPTILE: Calm down, Princess, I am here to protect you. Your father-
KITANA: Shao Kahn? Of course, he would be the only one stupid enough to send one of his minions to watch me. I intend to fight back against that madman, and I am about to start now!
KITANA tries to throw a punch at REPTILE, but REPTILE does not desire to fight KITANA; he turns invisible, as KITANA looks around to try and find him.
KITANA walks over to one of the palace balconies to see if REPTILE is near the window. From there, she spots SONYA and JOHNNY arguing in the COURTYARD.
JOHNNY: Why won't you just trust me?! I know what I saw!
SONYA: Well what you saw doesn't make any sense and, in fact, probably doesn't even exist!
JOHNNY: I'm telling you, there is a man-lizard somewhere in the forest out there! He ran by as we were walking down here!
SONYA: Listen, Johnny, I don't need your help to find my team! I can do this on my own!
JOHNNY: But I want to help!
JOHNNY stops and SONYA continues walking.
JOHNNY: Why won't you just trust me?!
SONYA turns around and walks straight up to JOHNNY.
SONYA: Trust you? You wanna know a little something about trust? It always seems to fail me at every turn; I trusted Lance; I trusted Jax; I trusted Stryker; hell, I even trusted Kano, and you know what?!
JOHNNY is now completely taken aback and confused.
JOHNNY: Are we still talking about what I saw?
SONYA: You're all the same. You'll all always be the same. You just don't understand.
JOHNNY: Sonya, I can help!
SONYA: I don't need your help!
JOHNNY: What about what that ``lightening guy'' said? Doesn't any of that matter to you?!
SONYA continues walking through the COURTYARD.
SONYA: Not now, Johnny!
JOHNNY: If not now, then when?
JOHNNY just stands there, as SONYA enters the PALACE.
JOHNNY (to himself): Yep, she's gone.
JOHNNY sits down on a large stone-carved bench.
JOHNNY (to himself): Why won't she trust me? I know what I saw!
Suddenly, a voice similar to SONYA's looms over in the air, as JOHNNY can hear her faint whispers.
LIGHT VOICE: Johnny... Johnny... I'm over here...
JOHNNY follows the voice as it leads him out into the jungle.
JOHNNY: Sonya? Is that you?
LIGHT VOICE: Johnny... Over here...
Suddenly, JOHNNY comes to a large bridge connecting two sides of the island, with two outposts on each end:
JOHNNY hesitates to make his way across the bridge, but is concerned about the voice and decides to walk across. Unbeknownst to JOHNNY, two guards have been following him the entire way. Silently, they proceed to cross the bridge behind JOHNNY, who doesn't even notice them, or so it would seem.
LIU is about to walk into the BARRACKS when SUB-ZERO finally appears. LIU calmly turns to face SZ.
LIU: What did you find?
SZ: Shang Tsung is planning something against the Emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn, and he is using the tournament as a distraction. Also, the Emperor may have been responsible for the attack on the Wu Shi Academy.
LIU: How does Shang Tsung have the power to do this alone? And what does the Emperor gain from an attack like that?
SZ: I don't know, and Shang Tsung doesn't have the power to do it alone, he's working with-
Suddenly, SHANG TSUNG himself appears in front of them, he was about to enter the BARRACKS when he overheard their conversation.
SHANG: Hello, Sub-Zero! I didn't think you would be able to make it.
SZ: And why is that?
SHANG: Oh, no reason, but I figured the devastation of the Shirai Ryu clan might have hindered your travel arrangements.
SZ: Well I am here, and might I say that I thought you wouldn't be here.
SHANG (In a copycat tone): And why is that?
SZ: Because I assumed you would be dead by now, old fool.
SHANG gives SZ a menacing look. SZ holds his stance.
SHANG: Liu Kang, be ready in 10 minutes. That is when your first fight in this tournament will begin, and I expect you to be punctual. Carry on, gentlemen.
SHANG proceeds to enter the BARRACKS. SZ and LIU end their conversation.
LIU: Maybe we should continue this later.
SZ: But we don't have much time!
LIU: I have to go to my fight!
SZ: Fair enough.
Both fighters go their separate ways, as the sun is nearly at it's peak out in the distance. We see some shots of the large island as the light begins to shine on it. There is a seamless radiance to the island that makes it shine a plethora of dazzling colors; the island has come to life.
As JOHNNY proceeds to make his way across the bridge, the guards continue to follow him. Suddenly, JOHNNY stops to see the sunrise on the horizon, that's when the guards finally decide to attack! JOHNNY notices one of the guards just in time to stop his dagger, which he throws down into the PIT spikes below. Then he proceeds to grab the guard and throw him as well.
The second guard is a bit tougher; he roughs up JOHNNY a bit, but in the end, JOHNNY uppercuts him off the bridge and, fearing that more guards will follow, hastily continues across the bridge, but not before getting one look at the sunrise again. That's when JOHNNY sees a strange figure pass by the moon.
JOHNNY: Hm. I wonder what that was.
Suddenly, JOHNNY feels a cold, wet tongue rap around his neck, and it begins to choke him. He proceeds to pull the tongue from around his neck, and turns to face his attacker:
JOHNNY: What the- What are you?!
REPTILE: I am your death!
Suddenly, REPTILE pounces at JOHNNY as he tries to dodge, but REPTILE's claws dig into his flesh and tear across his chest. JOHNNY backs away in pain, trying to exit this surprise challenger's fight.
JOHNNY: Why the hell are you attacking me?!
REPTILE: Who hired Sub-Zero to spy on Shang Tsung?!
JOHNNY: What the hell are you talking about?!
REPTILE: Tell me you stupid mortal!!!
REPTILE pulls him closer using his tongue, and then proceeds to lash JOHNNY across the face with it.
REPTILE: I know you have answers!!!
JOHNNY: God dammit, I have no idea what you're talking about! So get the f*** away from me!
JOHNNY tries to maintain his strength and performs a shadow kick, which temporarily incapacitates REPTILE. Then, JOHNNY punches REPTILE several times, and knees him in the stomach. REPTILE flinches and falls to the ground and turns invisible; slowly, and unknown to JOHNNY, REPTILE gets back up and proceeds to run away, but makes his presence known once he is a safe distance away.
REPTILE: We shall finish this later, Cage!
JOHNNY (to himself): What the f*** just happened?!
The WARRIOR SHRINE boasts statues of many of the tournaments past ``kombatants,'' each statue representing each generation. Here, many people have gathered to watch as fighters brutally pulverize each other. Now, it is Liu's turn to fight the good fight. SUB-ZERO, RAIDEN, and SONYA (who is wirily looking around for JOHNNY) have all come to see LIU's fight.
SONYA (to RAIDEN): Where's Johnny?
RAIDEN: He is probably back at the resting quarters, just give him some time.
LIU and NIMBUS bow to each other, and then get into their ready positions. NIMBUS kicks LIU in the stomach causing LIU to fall back. LIU does a flip kick as he gets up fracturing NIMBUS' jaw. NIMBUS shrugs the pain off as if it was nothing, and throws a punch at LIU, which LIU dodges. LIU then, trips NIMBUS, but NIMBUS trips LIU as well. They both quickly get up as LIU throws several punches at NIMBUS, but NIMBUS returns with a swift kick to LIU's face, causing LIU to fall down instantly, and almost knocking him unconscious.
LIU delivers the first hit of the round by punching NIMBUS directly in the stomach, and pushing him up against one of the statues in the WARRIOR SHRINE. NIMBUS attempts to punch LIU in the face, but LIU ducks and NIMBUS punches another one of the statues, fracturing his knuckle. LIU then trips NIMBUS, and NIMBUS lies on the ground in pain.
Now, angrier than ever, NIMBUS runs at LIU, grabs him, and throws him at one of the statues, nearly breaking LIU's back. LIU slowly gets up as NIMBUS rushes at him once again. LIU dives out of the way, trips NIMBUS, and NIMBUS falls hitting his head off of a statue, and knocking him unconscious.
SHANG TSUNG: Liu Kang wins!
SHANG TSUNG walks over to the unconscious NIMBUS, and takes his soul. LIU watches in disgust, and walks off. RAIDEN, having watched the fight from the crowd, proudly smiles over LIU's victory.
RAIDEN follows LIU, as he walks off into the forest, to catch up with him.
RAIDEN: You did well, but you must be patient.
LIU: Patient? I'm beyond impatient! What Shang Tsung is doing is wrong; to take peoples souls is wrong!
RAIDEN: He does not take souls because he wishes to; he is cursed to have to do so.
LIU walks off in anger; RAIDEN is disappointed by LIU's impatience.
SHANG TSUNG appears behind RAIDEN.
SHANG: Well it appears your favored warrior is not as understanding as you thought he would be.
RAIDEN: What do you want, sorcerer?!
SHANG: What I want is for you to stop snooping around!
RAIDEN: What are you afraid of? Is there something you don't want the Elder Gods to find?
SHANG: I could care less about the Elder Gods.
RAIDEN: You dare say such things, you fool!
SHANG: You'll see, Lord Raiden, this is just the beginning. Hahahahaha!!!
SHANG disappears, as RAIDEN gets a worrisome look on his face.
SONYA finds a staircase leading down, and decides to follow it. As she is walking, she finds one of the communicator watches that belonged to her teammate, MIKKA STONE.
Suddenly, SHANG TSUNG appears in front of her.
SHANG: Sorry, Sonya, this part of the palace is off limits.
SONYA: Where are they, Tsung?
SHANG: I don't know what you're talking about Ms. Blade.
SONYA: Don't play coy with me; I know you're hiding my team in here! And one way or another, I'm going to find them!
SHANG: I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Ms. Blade.
SONYA: You can't stop me, Shang!
SHANG: Please be rational about this, Sonya. If you give me what I want, I'll give you what you want, remember our deal?
SONYA: Fine, what exactly do you want?
SHANG smiles devilishly.
SHANG: Be in the Throne Room this afternoon, and be prepared to fight.
SONYA: Okay, fine. Is that all?
SHANG: I suppose.
SHANG smirks and disappears, and the path he was standing in front of has now disappeared as well. SONYA walks off angrily.
JOHNNY and LIU are waiting for SONYA. Finally, JOHNNY spots her walking towards them.
JOHNNY: Sonya! Thank god you're alright!
SONYA: Can it, Johnny!
JOHNNY: What's eatin' you?
SONYA: Shang has my team, and I have to fight this afternoon to get them back.
LIU: Then what's the problem?
SONYA: I have a bad feeling.
LIU: Well you can't dwell on that, we need to win this thing, no matter who we're up against.
JOHNNY: Liu's right, we can do this!
SONYA: Whatever you guys say. Johnny, what happened to your shoulder?
SONYA looks to see JOHNNY's shoulder and fists rapped in bandages.
JOHNNY: Let's just say that they have some serious reptile problems on this island.
SONYA: Right.
RAIDEN is looking around to find out what SHANG TSUNG's hidden agenda might be. He walks up to a large crystal ball in the center of the room. RAIDEN touches the ball and discovers that it holds a record of everything that's been going on in the tournament, from LIU and SUB ZERO's deal to JOHNNY's confrontation with REPTILE. RAIDEN is confused. Suddenly, SUB ZERO comes into view behind RAIDEN.
SZ: Hello, Raiden.
RAIDEN turns around surprised to see SUB ZERO.
RAIDEN: Hello, Sub Zero. It has been quite a while since we last saw each other.
SZ: It truly has. I see you've been snooping around. You suspect Shang Tsung has done something wrong?
RAIDEN (smiles): You of all people should know never to trust a sorcerer.
SZ: Of course, but who can you trust, nowadays?
RAIDEN: Have you seen this crystal ball before? I find it very interesting that Shang Tsung would keep a record of everything going on...
There is suddenly a cautious look in RAIDEN's eyes; he is being facetious.
SZ: Really?
RAIDEN: Yes. But what intrigues me the most is why he would keep such a close watch over, Hanzo Hasashi.
SZ: I wonder why...
RAIDEN: Or why Hanzo would be here in the first place.
SZ: Mysterious.
RAIDEN: So why are you here, Sub Zero?
SZ: I thought that it would be in my best interest to attend, why wait for Shang Tsung to invite me? After all, my worst enemy is here. Hanzo Hasashi must die!
RAIDEN: Ah, of course! There's only one problem with your story...
SZ: Oh?
RAIDEN: You were invited by Shang Tsung.
Suddenly, RAIDEN sends a bolt of lightening at SUB ZERO sending him backwards onto the ground. SUB ZERO begins to twitch and contort until... He shape shifts... Lying on the ground, in front of RAIDEN, was another sorcerer, bald, completely painted white with some black as well, and dark eyes:
RAIDEN: Quan Chi... Did you really think that you could put one past me?
QUAN CHI: You are but a foolish and ignorant god, Raiden! You'd be surprised what else has been kept from you...
RAIDEN: Hahaha, your threats are nothing to me!
QUAN CHI: Fight me!
RAIDEN: Fine, I will entertain to your pitiful request.
RAIDEN and QUAN CHI get into fighting stances.
QUAN CHI: I'm a lot more powerful than I used to be, thunder god.
RAIDEN: Then show me!
QUAN CHI and RAIDEN run at each other. RAIDEN karate chops QUAN CHI in the neck, as QUAN CHI attempts to kick out RAIDEN's leg. However, RAIDEN teleports out of the way, and zaps QUAN CHI with more lightening, causing QUAN CHI to fall, face first, to the ground. QUAN CHI gets back up to face RAIDEN, and throws a green, flaming skull at him, which RAIDEN dodges by teleporting once again. He teleports behind QUAN CHI and trips him. QUAN CHI angrily kicks RAIDEN in the face, getting back up as he does this. RAIDEN falls back but teleports just as he's about to hit the ground. He appears a few feet behind QUAN CHI, and performs his infamous ``Thunder Fly'' move, knocking QUAN CHI unconscious.
RAIDEN: Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some fighters to oversee.
RAIDEN leaves the BARRACKS. He now fears that QUAN CHI is here for more than just HANZO HASASHI.
SONYA, JOHNNY, and LIU all walk into the room.
There is an area in front of SHANG TSUNG's throne that will be the fighting area.
RAIDEN appears in front of them. He looks to SONYA.
RAIDEN: Sonya, here you must confront your past, and make peace with it. Only then, can you save your team. Good luck.
SONYA: I'll be fine.
SONYA walks over to SHANG TSUNG's throne, which appears to be made out of solid gold! Suddenly, her opponent enters the room, and she is stricken with anger:
KANO: Hey there, baby, how long has it been? About a year, right? I remember the look on your partner's face- oh, I'm sorry. Am I upsetting you? By the way, sorry about your new partner...
SONYA: You're a dead man Kano!
SHANG walks out and takes his place on his throne.
SHANG: Fight!
KANO throws a punch at SONYA, and SONYA blocks it swiftly. She then uppercuts KANO and he falls to the ground. KANO trips SONYA and jumps on top of and then starts punching her in the face continuously.
KANO: Sorry, baby. I'm ending our relationship!
SONYA quickly turns on her back and pushes KANO, with her feet, to the ground. KANO is stunned. SONYA quickly gets up, and manages to kick KANO multiple times.
KANO kicks SONYA in the stomach making her drop to the ground. KANO proceeds to punch SONYA in the face, and kick her in the torso. SONYA, in agonizing pain, hasn't given up yet.
She trips KANO, and brings her foot directly down on his crotch. KANO, now nearly paralyzed, is gasping for air.
KANO: Cheap shot!
KANO slowly gets up as SONYA still lay on the ground. KANO walks over to her to finish her off but, is surprised when SONYA grabs his head between her legs. She then throws him to the ground this way, and stands up. She puts her foot on his neck; KANO can't move.
KANO: Kill me, I dare you!
SONYA looks at him in contemplation as RAIDEN, who has been watching, fears that SONYA may make the wrong decision; she proves him wrong.
SONYA kicks KANO in the face, knocking him unconscious. SHANG TSUNG looks on in dissatisfaction.
SHANG: Sonya Blade wins!
SHANG gets up off his throne, and makes a quick exit. SONYA looks to the throne to see him, but he has disappeared, and she is left upset, and confused.
SONYA walks off through the palace doors, as JOHNNY and LIU follow behind.
JOHNNY: So what do we do now?
SONYA: I have to find my team!
LIU: No, we need to find Shang Tsung first!
SONYA: I know where my team is and, if we find them, I can make sure that this whole place is blown to high hell! We can still save our world... or whatever!
LIU: Shang Tsung could have already killed them, how do you know we aren't looking for what isn't there!?
Suddenly, RAIDEN appears.
RAIDEN: Enough! (Looks at Sonya and Liu) You two pick such an important time to be making foolish arguments!
JOHNNY: Just for the record, I'm not in on this.
SONYA: Shutup, Johnny!
JOHNNY: Don't yell at me like that!
SONYA: I'm not yelling!
RAIDEN: I said enough!!! Now you all need to realize that the tournament is drawing to it's conclusion. You all need to be together in this, for there are no others like you three! Remember, your world depends on it, and that is not going to change!
SONYA, LIU, and JOHNNY look around at each other apologetically.
SONYA: I'm sorry Liu; I didn't mean to get upset with you; same with you Johnny.
RAIDEN smiles at this newfound growth and development.
RAIDEN: Very good then. You should proceed to your resting quarters, for night is almost upon the island. I will speak with you all tomorrow.
LIU and SONYA start to head back to the RESTING QUARTERS.
LIU: Johnny, aren't you coming too?
JOHNNY: I have some unfinished business to attend to; I'll be there in an hour... Give or take.
LIU: Whatever you say.
SONYA: Johnny...
SONYA: Be careful.
JOHNNY: I always am.
SONYA: Those bandages say you aren't.
JOHNNY (smiles and laughs): Shutup.
JOHNNY begins walking out to the path leading to the PIT, as LIU and SONYA continue on their way to the RESTING QUARTERS.
SONYA and LIU arrive.
SONYA: I'll just be inside, okay Liu?
LIU: Alright.
LIU sits on a rock-bench outside of the RESTING QUARTERS and looks out at the sunset. Suddenly, KITANA appears behind him.
KITANA: Beautiful... Isn't it?
KITANA sits down beside LIU. LIU turns and smiles.
LIU: Yes, (looks down then back up) yes it is.
KITANA: Raiden tells me things... About you.
LIU: Like what?
KITANA: That he believes you will be the one who defeats Shang Tsung...
LIU: But?
KITANA: First you must learn to put aside vengeance; hatred. All it will do is consume you.
LIU: This isn't just about vengeance though, this is about freeing souls.
KITANA: No, it's about fighting for your realm. This, you must understand Liu Kang, is, and always will be, what Mortal Kombat is about.
KITANA puts her hand up to LIU's cheek.
KITANA: You have greatness within' you; I can see it.
LIU: But what if I don't believe in all of the things they tell me...
KITANA: You will believe; seeing is believing. You must accept your role, Liu Kang.
LIU: What about you? What is your role in all of this?
KITANA: I'm here because a greedy emperor wants someone to keep a close eye on me while he's out conquering realms and killing innocents. I wanted no part of that.
LIU: And what of your mother?
KITANA: She died giving birth to my sister and I (or so I'm told).
LIU: I'm sorry.
KITANA: Everything happens for a reason. One day, we will be reunited but, until then, I just keep looking towards the horizon.
LIU and KITANA both look at the sunset.
KITANA: It's amazing.
LIU: It really is.
LIU and KITANA look at each other intensely for a few moments, then move in and share a kiss. The sun sets just as KITANA and LIU run off into LIU's room. There, they make passionate love to each other.
The moon shines like a midnight sun, and the whole island is lit up, casting shadows behind.
JOHNNY slowly walks out to the middle of the PIT Bridge. He looks around in curiosity.
JOHNNY: Hey! Where are you?! Let's end this!
JOHNNY, now tired and confused, looks out over the island, and at the moon. Suddenly, a figure passes by the moon!
JOHNNY (focused and squinting): What the hell was that?
All of a sudden, he is grabbed and thrown, by his shoulders, onto the cold, hard stone of the PIT Bridge.
JOHNNY, in pain, quickly turns to face his opponent:
JOHNNY: Why do they always sneak?!
REPTILE: Ha ha ha!
JOHNNY quickly tries to kick REPTILE, but the ninja turns invisible. Suddenly, JOHNNY is elbowed in the face, and falls down. REPTILE re-appears and attempts to stomp on JOHNNY but, JOHNNY trips REPTILE and punches him in the face. REPTILE kicks JOHNNY off of him, and spits acid at JOHNNY. JOHNNY quickly grabs his glasses and uses them to protect him from the acid. His infamous sunglasses are destroyed!
JOHNNY gives REPTILE an angry look.
JOHNNY: Those were really goddamn expensive you son of a bitch!
JOHNNY punches REPTILE in the face, and then kicks him in the stomach. This sends REPTILE to the ground but, REPTILE quickly trips JOHNNY, and rips his mask off to reveal the full extent of his horrific appearance. REPTILE prepares to dig his sharp teeth into JOHNNY's flesh, when JOHNNY suddenly punches REPTILE in the face. He then uppercuts REPTILE and, in a fit of rage, Shadow Kicks REPTILE to the ground; JOHNNY has succeeded!
REPTILE gets up, and stumbles back in pain, falling down into the PIT; his true fate is unseen, and remains a mystery to us, and to JOHNNY.
JOHNNY: Johnny Cage wins. Fatality.
LIU and SUB-ZERO are standing outside the entrance talking.
LIU: So you're not entirely sure about whom Shang Tsung is working for?
SZ: From what it seems, he is working with somebody.
LIU: But whom?!
SZ: That is what I did not discover, Scorpion got in my way.
LIU: Well we don't have much time! Find out all you can tomorrow, and bring the information to me.
SZ: I will find what I can.
SZ disappears into the forest. Suddenly, KITANA comes out of LIU's RESTING QUARTERS behind him.
KITANA: Seems like your keen on discovering whatever Shang Tsung is planning.
LIU: I know he is up to something... I can feel it. God, I hate that sorcerer!
KITANA: Liu, you have to let go of the anger within'. You have to be an honorable warrior, not a ruthless killer. Trust me.
LIU and KITANA get close; face to face. They share a brief kiss, and then KITANA backs off.
LIU: Where are you going?
KITANA (smirks): To talk to Shang Tsung...
KITANA disappears leaving LIU feeling dazed.
Then JOHNNY walks from out of the forest, as LIU goes into the RESTING QUARTERS and lies down. JOHNNY sits outside, and lies down, looking at the moon above.
SONYA has a disgruntled, and alarmed, look on her face. She gets up, puts some pants on, and walks outside. It is pitch black outside, and the only light is that of the moon. As she looks up at the moon, she sees a figure fly by it; a figure resembling a dragon. She ponders about the mysterious figure when, all of a sudden, she hears a voice.
VOICE: Wondrous, isn't it?
She looks over at whoever is speaking in a panic, and the speaker is revealed:
SONYA suddenly drops her worries.
SONYA: Oh, Johnny, it's you. I thought you were someone else.
JOHNNY: Nope. It's just me and you out here, and the moon.
They both share a laugh, and then look at each other under the moonlight.
JOHNNY: You know, you're pretty tough for being such a beautiful woman.
SONYA blushes. She hasn't heard a nice comment in years; a side effect of being a Special Forces officer.
SONYA: You don't mean that. You're a movie star, and I'm sure you've seen plenty of beautiful women.
JOHNNY: Maybe, but none of them were as beautiful as you.
SONYA: So, Mr. Cage, you think you can just woo me under the moonlight all of a sudden? Like... Nothing else... Matters...
Then JOHNNY and SONYA look at each other in curiosity, and in love. JOHNNY embraces her, and they share a kiss.
Suddenly our focus is on the moon, its gleaming loom.
KITANA walks into the room.
KITANA: Wake up, Sorcerer!
SHANG TSUNG slowly opens his eyes, and raises his old decrepit hands to welcome KITANA.
SHANG: Ah! Princess Kitana. How long has it been?
KITANA: I have not come here for small talk.
Suddenly, RAIDEN beams down in a bolt of lightning, now he too has joined the discussion.
KITANA: Raiden?
RAIDEN: Good evening, Princess Kitana. Now...
RAIDEN turns to SHANG TSUNG in anger.
RAIDEN:... You need to tell me why fighters have been disappearing from their sleeping quarters! Not only that, but also why Quan Chi was in the barracks!?
KITANA looks at SHANG TSUNG in anger as well.
KITANA: And were you aware that the Emperor sent someone to watch me!?
SHANG TSUNG sits calm and still in his throne. He has a look of displeasure on his face.
SHANG: Calm down, the both of you! Lord Raiden, I had no knowledge of these supposed disappearances you speak of or Quan Chi's arrival, neither, Princess Kitana, of your father's intentions.
KITANA: Shao Kahn is not my father!
SHANG: You would do well to keep your mouth shut, Princess. Your father, nor I, has the patience to deal with your skepticism and paranoid theories!
RAIDEN: You have corrupted this tournament, sorcerer, and one way or another I am going to put an end to it.
Both RAIDEN and KITANA leave, as SHANG TSUNG prepares to sleep again. Suddenly, GORO bursts through the THRONE ROOM doors.
GORO: I have done what you have asked, Tsung, now where is my reward?!!
SHANG TSUNG returns to a look of displeasure, and looks at GORO.
SHANG: You will get your reward when you kill Liu Kang! Now leave me be!
GORO: You said if I killed the other fighters you'd give me riches beyond my wildest dreams!
SHANG: No, I said when you kill the other fighters and Liu Kang, only then shall you get your reward!
GORO, now enraged, begins to walk away.
GORO: Fine! I killed Kung Lao, and I can kill his descendant!
SHANG: You're not going to kill him right now?
GORO: I have to catch him off guard!!!
As GORO walks out, SHANG TSUNG gets a restless and worried look on his face.
JOHNNY: Y'know, I've never sat around a campfire before.
SONYA: Really? That's surprising!
JOHNNY: How so? I'm a big movie star! I never had time for camping... for fun.
JOHNNY starts to feel a little depressed; SONYA puts her hand on his shoulder to give him some re-assurance.
SONYA: Well you have me now.
JOHNNY looks up at her, and smiles. Suddenly, they both hear a noise coming through the woods, then they see GORO's figure!
GORO (yelling): Where are you, Liu Kang?!!!!
LIU wakes up after hearing loud footsteps, and finds JOHNNY standing over him with a metal bowl.
JOHNNY: Sorry about this buddy...
LIU: What are you talking about?
JOHNNY knocks LIU unconscious with the bowl.
Then SONYA and JOHNNY grab LIU, and hide him in the forest, and devise a quick plan.
JOHNNY: Sonya, you go that way, there's a pit over there. I'll lure him to it, and then we can push him into it.
SONYA: But I don't want you to get hurt!
JOHNNY passionately kisses SONYA.
JOHNNY: Don't worry, babe, I'm an action hero.
SONYA quickly runs out to the PIT. JOHNNY runs out into GORO's view.
GORO: Come out you pathetic Shaolin Monk! I know you're around here somewhere!
JOHNNY: Over here, dumbass! You're the weakest piece of s*** I've ever seen!
GORO becomes infuriated, and starts running towards JOHNNY.
JOHNNY starts shaking in fear.
JOHNNY (whispering to himself): Oh s***, this better work!
JOHNNY starts running towards the PIT Bridge. He sees SONYA on the other side waiting for him. Suddenly, GORO reaches out and grabs JOHNNY! He starts flailing JOHNNY around, as SONYA starts running towards them.
SONYA (screaming and running): Johnny!!!!!!!!!
She gets up to GORO and kicks him, but GORO grabs her leg, and throws her onto the ground and knocks hers unconscious. GORO is about to step on her, when all of a sudden he gets a knife thrown through the back of his head. GORO drops JOHNNY, and staggers around to see the knife-thrower:
Taking full advantage of the moment, JOHNNY trips GORO off the bridge, sending him far down to the pits bottom, where he lands in a bed of spikes, and his organs are pushed up and out of his body. JOHNNY is surprised by KANO's appearance, and gives him an appreciative nod. KANO accepts the nod, and wanders off into the forest. JOHNNY picks SONYA up.
JOHNNY: Why the hell did Kano, of all people, just help the both of us?
JOHNNY begins to walk SONYA back to the bedroom, albeit with a slight limp, and a bloody nose. Then we see KANO far away in the forest, he suddenly transforms to reveal SHANG TSUNG. Then SHANG TSUNG walks by the limp corpse of KANO, and restores KANO's soul. KANO wakens suddenly, and runs off into the night.
RAIDEN: Good morning, Liu.
LIU suddenly wakes up and jumps.
LIU: Raiden! Uh, did you put me in this tree?
RAIDEN: No, but I know who did.
LIU looks over to the resting area to see JOHNNY standing there, waving at him. LIU smiles at JOHNNY.
LIU: Johnny put me here?
RAIDEN: And Sonya. They were protecting you from Goro.
LIU: Goro was here last night?!
KITANA walks up from behind the tree.
KITANA: Yes he was, and your friends defeated him, with a little help from another fighter. All the same, Goro is dead.
LIU: So what does this mean?
RAIDEN: It means your final challenge is upon you.
KITANA: You must defeat Shang Tsung.
LIU: Just like that? But what if I'm not ready? Unless... I was always ready...Deep down?
RAIDEN: I have nothing further to teach you. Now, I must go and help Sonya find her team.
LIU: Then I must hurry. Balance must be restored to the tournament!
KITANA: I will guide you to Shang Tsung.
LIU jumps down from the tree, and then begins his journey to SHANG TSUNG's FORTRESS. LIU follows KITANA.
SUB-ZERO is watching SHANG TSUNG through one of the FORTRESS windows. Suddenly, he hears a rustle behind him. SUB-ZERO stays calm and in position.
SZ: Hanzo. I knew you would return to fight.
SCORPION: I intend to end this right now, Sub-Zero. Now face me!
SUB-ZERO quickly turns to face SCORPION who is already in fighting stance.
SZ: Why do you wish this to end violently, when it can be resolved with words?
SCORPION: Ahahaha! This is beyond the point of solving with words. Typical Lin Kuei warrior, always trying to take the easy way out...
SZ: How dare you shame my clan with such words! I may be a man of understanding, but I am sick of this ridiculous arguing, lets finish this!
SZ lunges at SCORPION, and SCORPION grabs SZ's arm and throws him down onto the pavement of the shrine. SUB-ZERO trips SCORPION and gets up off the ground, then SCORPION proceeds to jump up and kick SZ in the face, and teleport behind SZ. Then he does an upwards flaming backwards kick, which sends SUB-ZERO through the large statue of GORO. He throws a punch at SUB-ZERO, and SZ counters with an ice-fisted punch. SCORPION returns with a punch to SUB-ZERO's face, breaking his nose. Blood flies across the pavement as SCORPION and SUB-ZERO war it out with each other.
SCORPION pulls off his mask and unleashes his fire breath on SUB-ZERO, and in turn SUB-ZERO makes an icy shield. SCORPION continues the force of his fire breath; SUB-ZERO keeps his shield strong; two forces are colliding, and the clash is all too much for the shrine any longer, suddenly, the shrine collapses, and a large flash of light is produced from SCORPION and SUB-ZERO's warring, sending both of the combatants flying in the opposite directions. Now, SCORPION and SUB-ZERO lay on opposite sides of the shrine.
SCORPION is the first to get up, he is still quite energetic. SUB-ZERO slowly rises from his fall.
SCORPION (yelling): You rushed into this fight, and you will die! Now, GET OVER HERE!!!
Suddenly, a spear is hurdled from SCORPION's wrist, and in a split second, it pierces SUB-ZERO's throat. SUB-ZERO falls to his knees; he is trying to breathe, but the spear has blocked his esophagus.
SCORPION: You had my clan killed, and I was made to watch them suffer. Now, it is your turn, and when I'm done with you, I will make sure your clan knows how powerful the Shirai Ryu really are!
SCORPION pushes his hand through SUB-ZERO's stomach, rips out his intestines, and shows them to SUB-ZERO. SUB-ZERO cries out in pain, and falls to the ground, as SCORPION rips out his spear.
SCORPION: Game over.
SUB-ZERO is dead.
SONYA, RAIDEN, and JOHNNY are all looking through the cells to try and find SONYA's team. In one of the cells, a man who looks skinned alive is being held, but he is acting perfectly fine! Finally, they reach the last cell, and only one of SONYA's teammates is still alive:
SONYA begins to get teary-eyed, and looks on as MIKKA looks at SONYA.
MIKKA: You came... *cough* ... We knew you would.
SONYA: Of course I came; I've been looking for you guys since he took you!
MIKKA: Thank you... Thank you.
MIKKA slowly trails off, and finally expires. SONYA looks away as JOHNNY raps his arms around her and pulls her in to comfort her.
RAIDEN: Life; not death...
RAIDEN: The meaning of Mortal Kombat is life, not death. Shang Tsung has broken the rules, and I will see to it that he is reprimanded for his foolishness. Sadly, he owns the island, and it's nearly impossible to stop Shang from crossing the realms here.
JOHNNY: What if we destroyed the island?
RAIDEN: Well that would take an immense amount of power...
JOHNNY: Sonya, didn't you say that you and your team rigged the island with explosives?
SONYA: Yeah... Why?
JOHNNY: I have an idea...
Suddenly, they come to a hall that splits into three separate halls.
LIU: Which way leads to Shang Tsung?
KITANA: Follow your instinct.
LIU: Wait, aren't you coming with me?
KITANA: This is as far as I go, Liu. You must find the rest of the way yourself.
LIU: But what will I do, I'm lost in here without you.
Suddenly, KITANA brushes up to LIU and kisses him; she smiles afterwards and begins to walk away.
KITANA: Good luck...
LIU just stands in astonishment. He suddenly breaks out of his trance, and continues straight down one of the hallways. At the end of the hallway, he comes to a large room; a dead end. He turns around to discover that the hallway is gone, and he is trapped in the room! All of a sudden, a passageway opens to his left, but to LIU's dismay, a large group of SHANG TSUNG's guards enter the room through the door way, and proceed to surround LIU.
LIU makes quick work of the first guard by swiftly, and brutally, breaking his neck. Then a second guard comes at LIU, and he slings the guard over his back, then towards the other guards, knocking over a quarter of the guards still standing. Suddenly, the guards all decide to attack at once, and overwhelm LIU. LIU struggles to break free, but fails; he has no idea how to deal with these overwhelming odds. Then, he hears the voice of RAIDEN in his head.
RAIDEN (voice only): Feel the power within' you, Liu. You have the power to annihilate these guards, you just have to find it, and harness it.
LIU, although still struggling, manages to feel a power flowing in him. Suddenly, he gets a look of anger on his face, and he quickly trips every guard around him, brutally attacking a few of them with fast punches, and kicks. Then, when he notices there are a few guards left standing, he sends a large dragon fireball their way, which incapacitates them.
Suddenly, a large passageway opens to LIU's right just as the passageway on the left closes. LIU enters the large passageway and finds himself in:
LIU: Show yourself, Shang!
Suddenly, SHANG's voice echoes around the room from different locations.
SHANG: Aha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You are mine now, Liu Kang! I have been waiting for this day since time immemorial. Your soul is mine!
Then, SHANG appears behind LIU, and attempts to snap LIU's neck, but LIU counters with an elbow to SHANG's groin. SHANG pulls back into a defensive stance, and LIU does as well.
LIU: You have corrupted this tournament, and now I will restore balance!
SHANG: Ha, ha, ha! You follow a foolish a god and you also believe in silly prophecies. What makes you think you're ready to face me?! You will die!!!
SHANG sends a flaming skull at LIU, which slightly injures LIU. LIU returns with a punch to SHANG's face, but this is countered by SHANG, and SHANG throws LIU across the room with his mystic powers. LIU gets up from being thrown, and starts throwing punches left and right at SHANG TSUNG, but the evil sorcerer dodges every one of them, and continues to use his sorcery against LIU.
Suddenly, SHANG TSUNG morphs into GORO! LIU is completely shocked by what he has just witnessed! Then, GORO (SHANG TSUNG) continues to pound punches into LIU, who is now bleeding, beaten, and bruised up. LIU falls to the ground. SHANG TSUNG then reverts back to his original form. He stares down at LIU in pity.
SHANG: You are pathetic, shaolin monk. You couldn't even beat me, and I'm an old man. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
LIU gets back up to face SHANG TSUNG.
SHANG: Still not hurt enough to quit??? Well maybe this will change your mind...
SHANG suddenly morphs into LIU's UNCLE PAK. LIU is horrified.
SHANG: You know it was easy to kill your uncle. I assure you, I made him suffer till his last breath...
SHANG begins to laugh again, so much so, that his laugh fills the room. LIU begins to get angry.
LIU: You son of a b****, you killed him! You killed him! How?
SHANG: Like I didn't have enough time on my hands... I even killed Chan and Mie!
LIU: I'll kill you!
SHANG: Aha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
LIU: Shut up!
SHANG: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
LIU: I said Shut up!!!!!
Suddenly, LIU feels the rage flowing through his body, and then he starts to hear voices in his head again.
KITANA (voice only): Follow your instinct.
LIU starts to run towards SHANG, who is still laughing maniacally. LIU starts to have flashbacks to his good times with KUNG LAO's parents, his UNCLE PAK, and his friends, JOHNNY and SONYA.
RAIDEN (voice only): Feel the power within'.
Then, LIU jumps up in the air towards SHANG TSUNG, and performs his Flying Bicycle Kick. Then we hear SHANG's back break, as he is propelled, back first, into his large golden throne.
SHANG (in pain): So that is what Master Bo' Rai Cho taught you; impressive. Although I know you will never have the courage to kill me! Ha!
LIU: Killing is no act of courage. It is an act of impulse, and weakness. A true warrior never kills the enemy, but leaves them to suffer. I will give you time to escape...
SHANG: Escape? Escape what?
LIU: Sonya's team rigged the island with explosives at the beginning of the tournament. This entire island will crumble into the sea.
LIU begins to walk away, as SHANG begins to laugh once more.
SHANG: This isn't over, Liu Kang! The Emperor will see to that! This is just the beginning!!!
Waiting for LIU at the steps to the PALACE GATES are SONYA, JOHNNY, KITANA, and RAIDEN. SONYA and JOHNNY hug LIU, and KITANA walks up and gives him another kiss, this one lasting a bit longer.
JOHNNY: Looks like Liu is finally getting somewhere.
SONYA: Johnny, shut up! You're ruining their moment.
JOHNNY: Oh, sorry.
LIU: It's okay Johnny, just don't let it happen again.
They both share a laugh, as they walk down to a boat waiting for them on the shore. They all (save for RAIDEN, who electrically flies away) get on the boat, and drive off back towards the mainland, as SHANG TSUNG's ISLAND FORTRESS is blown to pieces in a gigantic explosion. LIU looks towards the island, as a bright light flashes, and thousands of captured souls fly away into the sky; free at last. LIU smiles.
LIU: Goodbye, Uncle Pak.
LIU nods his head, then turns back to look at his friends.
LIU: Let's go home.
LIU, JOHNNY, and SONYA are all standing in a line one beside each other. RAIDEN is in front of them, with KUNG LAO and KITANA standing behind him.
RAIDEN: You have all made me proud to be the Protector of the Earth Realm, and it is on this day that I could not be any happier. Congratulations, warriors, you have successfully restored the balance needed to correct the tournament.
KUNG LAO proceeds to bestow medals to all three of them, as they all smile. KUNG LAO stands back beside RAIDEN, and they all bow their heads to one-another. Then KUNG LAO pulls LIU aside to talk to him.
KUNG LAO: Shang Tsung was the one who killed them, wasn't he?
LIU: He was. I am sorry, Kung Lao.
KUNG LAO: Just tell me one thing...
LIU: What is that?
KUNG LAO: Did you free their souls?
LIU: I did what I could.
KUNG LAO: Thank you... Brother.
KUNG LAO and LIU share a friendly handshake, followed by a small hug.
JOHNNY pulls SONYA closer to him, as they both share a long kiss. KITANA walks up to RAIDEN.
KITANA: So what happens now?
RAIDEN: We have officially won the tournament so, right now, we celebrate.
KITANA: But what of the Emperor?
RAIDEN: Shao Kahn cannot cross into this realm.
KITANA looks dissatisfied.
KITANA: Not yet... But he will find a way.
RAIDEN: Calm down, princess. Today is a glorious day for earth realm!
V.O.S (RAIDEN): I am Lord Raiden, the Thunder God, and Protector of Earth Realm, and I have witnessed great capacity for will, courage, and might in the mortals of Earth Realm. And although this would not be the last battle they would fight, it was the day I was proudest of them. The day they restored the tournament's balance, and restored the meaning to its name... Mortal Kombat.
Written by: theDark1N00b
A large, well-built man, wearing a skull helmet and a long cape is sitting on the throne. He is royalty and, in fact, he is the Emperor (that everyone has been talking about):
We hear the door to the THRONE ROOM open, and a man walks in. He is tall, slender, and bald. He is pale white, with parallel, vertical stripes running down the length of his body. Like Shang Tsung, he is a sorcerer, although he looks to be much younger:
QUAN CHI: Good evening, your highness. I was wondering if you had received the news about the outcome of the tournament.
SHAO KAHN: What do you think?!
QUAN CHI: Tis truely a disappointment to say the least sir, but I think I may have found a loophole pertaining to the merging of Earthrealm, and Outworld.
SHAO KAHN: And what would that be?!
QUAN CHI: We must kidnap two of the mortals.
SHAO KAHN: An invasion of Earthrealm?
QUAN CHI: Precisely, and I have just the warrior to help us.
Suddenly a ninja in entirely black garb appears in the large doorway.
SHAO KAHN: Who is that?
QUAN CHI: His name is... Noob Saibot.
QUAN Chi smiles a devilish smile.
Creation date: 2011-7-16-16-3
Modification date: 2011-8-24-16-35
Author's Remarks: | |
This is my script for a Mortal Kombat film that I'd like to see; granted, there are people who can write far better than me and could probably take my ideas and make them even better. But, thats what it's all about, right? Constructive criticism. Enjoy!
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Honestly, however, I can't imagine Scorpion ever saying "game over." It seemed really out of place. I also like all the little (admittedly corny) references to the people who worked on MK.

I'm glad you caught those little corny references in there! I wasn't sure if anyone would.
Anyways, I put alot of work into this, it's gone through editing and such, and I'm actually quite proud of it, even with all of it's cheesiness and corniness (which was not entirely intended



Just for future reference, here are some of the things I'd have in a sequel:
-It would follow the same basic story as the original MK 2 game: Sonya and Kano get kidnapped to lure the Earthrealm warriors into Outworld. There, Shao Kahn, along with the consultation of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, begins meticulously planning an invasion of Earthrealm. Kahn sends out his general, Baraka, to intercept, and slow down, the Earthrealm warriors. Meanwhile, the warriors are stuck dealing with the other horrors that await them in the realm of Outworld.
- All of the fighters from the previous film return, along with the new Sub-Zero, Kung Lao (who will fight in the tournament), Jax, Mileena, Smoke, Jade, and Kintaro.
- Sub-Zero will enter the tournament to find his brother and Smoke, who were both lost during the first tournament, and assassinate Shang Tsung for the Lin Kuei clan.
-Jax and Kung Lao will be recruited by Raiden in their efforts to fight back against Shao Kahn and his evil forces.
-Jade will be watching over Kitana and Mileena throughout the tournament; they will all fight eachother.
- Kintaro will be another one of Shao Kahn's generals.
-Shao Kahn will create Skarlet during the tournament to uncover Quan Chi's true intentions.
- The ending will be somewhat of a cliffhanger, leading into the third film which will deal with Shao Kahn's invasion of Earthrealm.