Mortal Kombat: Living Armageddon
Fan Kreations
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Mortal Kombat: Living Armageddon
Disclaimer-------------I don't own Midway, Mortal Kombat, or anything. There we go: I own nothing. Mortal Kombat: Living Armageddon by The Debaser"I want to make it clear to all that if you stand in my way, I will turn you into bloody chunks of meat. To complicate my efforts is to taste my hammer!" Shao Kahn, emperor of Outworld, barked at his comrades as he walked on.Kahn gazed at his surroundings through the eye holes in his crown. Many warriors that most of the realms would deem corrupt marched with him. Reptile, Kano, Jarek, Kabal, Hotaru, Master Shinnok, Reiko, Shang Tsung, Goro, Motaro, Tsu Hao, Mavado, Drahmin, Moloch, Sektor, Mileena, Baraka, Rain, Kobra, Kira, and Tanya all marched together as one impressive army. Kahn claimed that he was the general of this massive force, but he would be a fool if he didn't have doubts concerning his authority over this group. These warriors put him on edge - he knew he couldn't fight them all if they assaulted him. Kahn eyed Onaga, the so called "Dragon King." Onaga had recently been defeated by an Earthrealm mortal named Shujinko. If Onaga's plan to abuse the power of the legendary Kamidogu would have succeeded, Kahn would have certainly lost his kingdom in Outworld as well as his life. He did not trust Onaga to be a respectful, neutral soldier in this army, but he knew that he needed Onaga's assistance for what could possibly be the final battle for everything alive within the realms.Spies had informed Kahn that the children of Argus, Taven and Daegon, had been summoned from their slumber, and that the Armageddon that Argus had planned many centuries ago was now underway. Kahn had secretly been watching the younger brother of the two, Daegon, for quite some time. Daegon had been summoned early for some odd reason, and not once did he go after the elemental Blaze for the "prize fit for a God." It was when Daegon's normal actions broke overnight and the demi-god began to head to this deserted plain that Kahn knew to prepare.Kintaro, the new commander of Kahn's army, stayed far ahead of the rest of the group. The tiger-like shokan would signal to Kahn if they met resistance. Kintaro had gained the rank of commander after Prince Goro had become missing for quite some time. There were many rumors that Goro had been slain by the wraith Noob Saibot, and the rumors appeared to have been true when Kahn found Goro left for dead on an abandoned battlefield months ago. Kintaro did not lead the group to make a personal achievement; he led in honor of the wounded prince.Kintaro quickly stopped his marching pattern and stood in place. He could barely make out something several yards away. The something then became several somethings as the figures were clearly marching in his direction. The shokan growled deep within his chest and let out a destructive roar, raising all four of his fists into the air. The battle for the prize had begun.---Raiden could clearly hear the roar from the mammoth shokan in the distance. He stopped abruptly and lifted his land -a signal for his troops to stop as well. He tapped a fist against his dark armor twice and armed himself with his pole. "We do not know when the brothers are scheduled to compete for the prize, but it will happen sometime within the next two days. We cannot let them defeat Blaze. Earthrealm and every other realm is at stake! We must also fight the urge to challenge Blaze ourselves. We defend the pyramid when it manifests until either Taven or Daegon defeats the elemental," Raiden briefed his soldiers.'Why are we hiding the truth from them, Lord Raiden? These brilliant beings are willing to do for us, and all they ask in return is peace and happiness,' a voice whispered inside of Raiden's mind. The former elder god turned to the wind god Fujin who looked at Raiden with a stern glare. 'You have your orders, Fujin. I have mine. We are to protect Earthrealm at any cost.'Raiden then let out a ground-shaking battle cry and charged forward. The rest of the group drew their weapons and followed their leader into the fray. Sonya, Cage, Kenshi, Fujin, Stryker, Sub-Zero, Kung Lao, Kitana, Jade, Sindel, Shujinko, Cyrax, Mokap, Nightwolf, and many others were ready to defend the realms with their lives.---The clash sounded like a volcanic eruption as warriors from both sides clashed with each other - hand to hand, sword to sword. Raiden was quickly capacitated by the dark magics of Shinnok as Sub-Zero froze the Red Dragon brute Tsu Hao. Motaro took the chaotic scene's opportunity and attacked the wounded Goro in a revenge attempt for the minotaurian curse the shokans had placed on Motaro's people. Cage performed a quick split and landed a punch into Kano's groin. Sektor and Cyrax simply stared at one another.After a brief fifteen minutes of fighting, the warriors were interrupted by a slow rumbling in the earth beneath their feet. The slow rumbling soon became chaotic shaking as giant rocks began unearthing and flying in all directions. The fabled pyramid quickly rose to the sky from its hiding place deep underground, and a single torch magically lit after the pyramid was fully erected. Every warrior on the field could feel the deep urge that suddenly filled their souls when the torch lit - an urge to reach the top of the pyramid no matter what the cost. Some resisted the urge while others suspected others would attack if they tried to climb the pyramid's stairs. Kurtis Stryker was the first to give in to the urge. He knocked his opponent, Mileena, to the ground with a clean punch across the jaw and quicly began to run up the stairs. Kabal was quick to intercept Stryker's attempt by dashing up the stairs with his incredible speed and standing before him. The two fought, but Kabal kicked Stryker squarely in the gut and sent him tumbling to the bottom. Shortly after, Bo Rai Cho grabbed Kabal by his mask and sent the Black Dragon tumbling over the edge of the stairs. The drunken master wailed out in pain when he felt Mileena's sai penetrate his back, but Bo Rai Cho was quick to use his voluntary vomiting skill and send both Mileena and Hotaru sailing toward the hard ground below.Bo Rai Cho met the end of his fulfilling life when Quan Chi climbed the stairs behind him and put one sword through Bo Rai Cho's abdomen while the other slide through his throat. Quan Chi retrieved the blood soaked swords from Bo Rai Cho's corpse just in time to block a masterful swipe from Kenshi's sword. The two clashed several more times before Quan Chi allowed one sword to be blocked and sliced through Kenshi's stomach with his other sword. A fireball struck Quan Chi squarely in the chest as he looked up from the corpses he had created. The assailant, Shang Tsung quickly took form of Ermac. Using the power of his form, Shang Tsung was able to lift Quan Chi into the air and throw him twenty yards without lifting a single finger. Shang morphed back into himself and continued toward the giant torch that reached to the darkened, cloudy sky."Shang Tsung!" Shao Kahn called to the sorcerer who had almost reached the torch. Kahn knew that Tsung would betray him at the first chance, but the sorcerer would face death for his treason this time. Kahn lept into the air with a mighty roar and landed directly in front of the treasonous Shang Tsung. He armed himself with his hammer and swung for Tsung's head. He missed and took a huge chunk out of one of the pyramid's many walls. Before Kahn could take another swing, he felt the huge, leathery hands of Onaga grasp his shoulders as the Dragon King took flight into the air with Kahn screaming to be released.Kahn could do nothing more than watch as Tsung battled the corpse of the deceased Liu Kang below. Onaga calmly circled around the torch, simply waiting for the right moment. They both caught the older son of Argus, Taven, leap through the air and land on top of the pyramid out of corner of their eyes, and they stared in astonishment as the torch manifested into the elemental, Blaze. Tsung and Kang both had fallen off the side of the pyramid, leaving only Taven and Blaze to battle.Kahn quickly swung his hammer over his own head, cracking Onaga in the face. The blow knocked the Dragon King unconscious, and they both fell from the sky, crashing into the top of the pyramid below. Kahn wasted no time; he scrambled to his feet and blasted Taven in the chest with an energy ball, sending the demi-god over the edge of the pyramid. "You will be my greatest victory, elemental!" Kahn shouted victoriously.Kahn's pre-victory celebration was cut short as Daegon stepped out from behind Blaze. "You fool! Don't you understand what the purpose of this battle is?" Daegon snapped, clenching his fist in anger. Daegon wanted nothing more than to destroy all of the warriors and claim Edenia as his own, but now Shao Kahn was greatly endangering his plan. Before Daegon could say another word, however, Kahn charged into him with his shoulder. Daegon landed hard onto the stone ground. He fought to stay conscious, but he lost his battle.The elemental Blaze roared in the face of Kahn, but Kahn was quickly to slam his hammer down onto the elemental's shoulder, tearing his right arm away. The elemental writhed in agony, but Kahn showed no sympathy as he swung toward the left shoulder and removed the other arm. Sulking, the elemental fell to his knees. "Finish me, and claim your prize," Blaze said to Kahn. With a sinister grin, Kahn lifted his hammer and swung it against the side of Blaze's head, tearing it from his shoulders and spraying the pyramid's top with lava-like blood. Kahn could feel the energy engulfing him and the realms tearing and knitting together just like he'd wished. He then raised his hammer over his head with both hands and cried out in victory - in pleasure. The realms were one, but the combining did not kill the inhabitants due to Blaze's magic. All were left unscathed to life their own never-ending Armageddon with Kahn as their overlord.New chapters in the future. Enjoy!
Author's Remarks: | |
I began this series because I thought that Kahn winning the prize would create a wonderful story filled with suspense and action. Hopefully I tell this story as well as it could be told.
Content | 1876 words | Category | Other | User Views | |
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Agh! Dude. I can't read this. You need paragraphs. This is nothing but a sloppy mess. Redo it, and then resubmit it. That's my suggestion. Then I can give you some feedback on the actual material.
Awesome story!! I would love to see your future chapters, man!! 5/5.
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