MK9: Jade Design
Fan Kreations
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MK9: Jade Design
posted07/15/2009 01:16 AM (UTC)by

Member Since
05/04/2008 09:09 AM (UTC)

How I envision Jade's appearance were she to return for MK9.
I didn't draw the image above. But I did use a sort of warrior
creator much like the Hero Machine to put this together. There
were no options to change the color of the ensemble pieces, so
I colored them green in Paint Shop Pro and added the staff glow.
I feel the outfit has a good balance, not too revealing, yet still sexy.
What do you guys think though. Is this something you could see
Jade wearing? How do you feel about the Hawk accessory?
Myself, I've always thought of Jade as huntress, someone that is an
expert at tracking and spying. I'd like to think this is why Kahn chose
her to capture Kitana during the UMK3 era. The hawk could be used
as Jade's extra set of eyes, tracking from the sky and she on foot.

About Me
Turn on your light and they'll see you. Make a sound and they'll hear you. If you think it's scary being lost...
Just wait till you're found
Nice. I love the idea with the hawk and it would fit with Jade's character perfectly.

Riyakou Wrote:
O.O lol, what what?
Yeah Jade retunin' for MK:9 is a good look. Jade been a beast since them Deception days to me. The skirt idea is not too revealing, yet I don't see why people complain or put so much thought into it. It's just video games, but I guess Catwoman from MK vs DC set a new standard with her stripper It would be well worth it if a Midway worker took a quick glance at this version of Jade. Atleast make this her alternate costume. The hawk idea can work for Jade's uniqueness. Or just have the hawk attack her enemy in the game as a special move. I can see it happen. Why not. Then they could explain it in the story mode section in MK:9 about why she has a Hawk or something like that.
I think it looks very good, though maybe a bit too "tribal princess"-ish.
What's the name of that warrior creator you've used to make this?
What's the name of that warrior creator you've used to make this?

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I think it looks very good, though maybe a bit too "tribal princess"-ish.
What's the name of that warrior creator you've used to make this?
Heromachine. I've used it before. It's quite interesting.I think it looks very good, though maybe a bit too "tribal princess"-ish.
What's the name of that warrior creator you've used to make this?
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I think it looks very good, though maybe a bit too "tribal princess"-ish.
What's the name of that warrior creator you've used to make this?
Heromachine. I've used it before. It's quite interesting.I think it looks very good, though maybe a bit too "tribal princess"-ish.
What's the name of that warrior creator you've used to make this?
I heard of that.
One of my cousin's obssesed with it. He's always trying to reinvent comic book characters with it. He does a good job, though.

Hey thats a cool design. Thats kind of like my vision of Jade if I designed the character. I not sure, but I think I might have invisioned Jade with some kind of a bird to. I'm cool with the Hawk. That sort of adds something interesting to the character and it isn't just sort of their as it acts as an extra set of eyes for Jade. Hell even if it was just a pet that'd be cool to.

I love it, just the glove on her right arm is kinda meh.
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