-- Doubting -
We were together, all four of us... Sub-Zero, Mileena and Sareena. I was telling her, Sareena, that Quan Chi and Shang Tsung are out to get her, but for some reason she just laughed, as if she's not going to take me seriously. I thought this woman was kind enough to help me escape from the Red Dragon headquarters, but for some reason, this laugh made me start to think otherwise. She gave out these cold stares at me whenever I'm talking to Sub-Zero, completely ignores Mileena, and just makes it seem like she's more important than anyone else.
It was still nighttime and we were all huddling towards a campfire. Sub-Zero and I were sitting together and Sareena just looked as if she was growing more and more jealous by the second. I asked Sub-Zero to come with me on a small walk he accepted.
``You know, at first when I saw you again, I wanted to just let you be... But the fact that you did horrible things in the past I just can't let you go unpunished if you were to come back as a Lin Kuei student.'' I just simply looked down.
``I don't even remember doing anything like that... Why I would do such a thing is a question still playing around in my mind. But, I'm not here to ask about my past just yet. This woman, Sareena... I don't trust her.''
``Why's that?''
``She just seems like someone that might turn against us suddenly...''
``Well, she did say befriend her with a chance of a risk happening. I helped her a while back and she said that it's very risky to trust a demon, especially her. But...''
``User your judgment then, if you think she's risky then why bother having her to help you out? Especially if she worked with the man who kidnapped me not once but twice. You think she's going to be friendly and help us throughout this mess or are you just going to let her do something evil and it'll be the end of all of us?''
``You don't understand, she's not the kind of person you think she is.''
``Then tell me exactly who she is.''
``She's a demon, yeah, but she's fighting that off she's trying to be on the good side. But, it's just that she has this demon holding her and trying to make her become evil once again. It's not like she's going to purposely get us all killed by betraying us to Quan Chi...''
``But she worked with him, how can you not understand that?''
``Because she helped my brother, freed him from the Netherrealm many years ago.'' I was a bit surprised.
``Okay... But I'm only giving her one chance. If there's any suspicious activity come from her, that's it...'' I turned and walked away.
``You've changed.'' I stopped, turned around and stared at him. ``You are you again, I'll tell you that. You may have lost your memory, but your personality has been restored. Very stubborn, very observant, very caring.'' I cared about Sub-Zero only because of this woman doesn't seem very trustable. Why should I let him be stuck with a woman who is bound to betray at any moment?
``Well, hopefully it's a good thing then.'' I turned around and walked back. I feel that he wants to be a good friend to me again, but because of my past, what I did, it's holding him back. Sareena approached me and I sensed a bad feeling here.
``I think Sub-Zero is pretty stupid to trust someone like you again. You turned against him and then you turn against the Lin Kuei.''
``You don't even belong in the Lin Kuei. So you can't say anything about me.''
``I have sanctuary.''
``So what.''
``So what? Frost, I've never betrayed him.''
``But you've warned him about you though.''
``Yeah, I did, I gave him a fair enough warning about myself. I'm still fighting off the demons within me, but at least I gave him a fair warning that, okay this might happen... But you, you just turned on him. Snapped within a second when he turned his back away from you. And not only did you do that, you also killed many other people. I'm amazed that Sub-Zero is willing to trust you again. I wouldn't. I would have left you there at the Red Dragon headquarters if I knew your past at that time.''
``I had a feeling this was going to happen...'' I walked away but she grabbed me the hand.
``I'm not done speaking to you just yet...'' She freed me and I stared at her. ``One more move you make against Sub-Zero, it'll be the end of you.''
``Making a threat like that is useless. I have no urge to kill anyone except for those who kidnapped me... That is it.'' I turned around and left. We all huddled by the campfire again. But it just felt so quiet and uncomfortable.
-- A Deadly End -
I told her that I don't trust her one bit, but Sub-Zero trusts her. Why's that is beyond me.
``I don't get it, she stabbed you in the back, took your medallion and thought she could be this powerful Grand Master? And then, she was given a second chance and she kills a heck of a lot of your students, and for some reason you're giving her a third chance? Why? You have feelings for her don't you? Tell me the truth.''
``Fine, I will... She is a student, she still is a student. It was my fault that I made her like that. I put too much in her hand making her believe that defeating the Deadly Alliance could make her become like me. Unfortunately, it was too much for her to bear, and she snapped. It was my fault, and I want to take this time to redo everything. Treat her in the way that she needs to be treated... Like a student, and nothing more.''
``Fuck you, believe what you want then. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you. I told you why I'm having her by my side. If you cannot stand that, then oh well.'' Angry and disappointed, he left. Maybe this was a bad idea, to try to help Sub-Zero, but... I just went along with him.
We ventured backed to Shang Tsung's palace because Frost said she saw something very interesting apparently when she was leaving the palace. She said that there were hundreds of these undead soldiers in this giant hall and it grabbed Sub-Zero's attention. Sub-Zero said that Quan Chi was in the search for the amulet to control this army, and my god... There were so many of them.
``What do you think they're planning on doing with this army?'' Frost asked.
``Control the realms now that Kahn is dead.'' Sub-Zero answered. Mileena stood frozen after he said that. ``They're planning on taking control of the Dragon King's army; they were undefeatable according to what Raiden told me.'' Out of the blue, I felt something very different on me. I felt as if I was being controlled again, like how I was with Quan Chi. Surprise, surprise he was actually around and controlled me to attack Sub-Zero, which instantly caused Frost to attack me.
She lashed out a vicious blow to my stomach. Sub-Zero tried to stop her but she kept going after me.
``Frost stop!''
``No! I told her if she ever laid a hand on you, she's get it.'' Sub-Zero tried to fight back against Frost but she pinned him down with her powers and went after me. So did Mileena. I was fighting two-on-one here. Mileena came after me with her sais in her hands and sliced opened my right arm. I started to throw my knives at her, stabbing her twice in the stomach and one in the leg. I came over to her, but Frost was charging after me. I turned around and punched her in the face, knocking her out cold. Sub-Zero was trying to get all of us to stop but, I seized the opportunity to destroy Mileena right there and then. I grabbed her face, bashed her in the mouth as she tried to snap at me and sliced her mouth off.
``You want to keep trying to eat me you disgusting pig?'' I stabbed her in the eye and then sliced her by her neck. With the blood splattering me, I hurled her to the ground. Sub-Zero managed to free himself and came after me. But I attacked him rather than not doing anything to him. This caused him to attack me. There was nothing he can do to stop himself from coming after me. He froze me, that's all he did. But as soon as he turned around to help Frost up, I was attacked by a vicious projectile that was shot by Quan Chi. He shattered the ice completely, killing me instantly.
Sareena was finally dead, good riddance. I knew that she wasn't good enough to be trusted. Sub-Zero helped me up to my feet, seeing Quan Chi walking closer to us, laughing at the fact that he killed Sareena in front of us.
``I'm very intrigued to figure out exactly why you're here in this palace when instead you could have been doing other things.''
``We wanted to see if the rumors were true about the Dragon army. Apparently they are true.'' Sub-Zero said. Shang Tsung suddenly appeared in front of us with a badly injured Mavado right next to him.
``This foolish creature I swear... Oh, we have guests.'' He said. ``Mavado was about to grab the amulet from us, use the army against us.''
``Really, interesting enough they're here about the same thing. The army, they wanted to see if the rumors were true. Yes, we have the army with us, they're not going anywhere for a while. Until this amulet gets combined they're pretty much lifeless, but, it'll be a matter of minutes until they're up and living. And you'll be the first two to witness their lives being restored.'' Shang Tsung walked over to a pair of giant doors and opened them to reveal the Soulnado.
``This is the Soulnado. A portal in which souls of the dead head into the Heavens above. But, they won't be any longer. I'm planning on using every single soul in this to use into the army. By then everyone will bow down to us and serve us all.'' Shang said. Sub-Zero and I were about to attack but we were suddenly stopped by a bolt of lightning.
``Damnit he's here.'' Quan Chi shouted out. Suddenly out of nowhere a man in white appeared within our sight. He turned to Sub-Zero and smiled.
``Lord Raiden.'' Shang Tsung said.
``It's about time you two are put at an end. You've done too much damage to these worlds, you've destroyed several clans thanks to the Red Dragon, you've defeated not only Shao Kahn but Liu Kang as well... so many people have died within your hands and it's going to end now.''
``Say what you want, Raiden, but you're too late in saving everyone now!'' Quan Chi took the amulet piece out of Shang's hand and combined the amulet together. Raiden was about to charge after Quan Chi, but Shang Tsung stopped him. Sub-Zero told me to hide and I did. I watched as Sub-Zero and Raiden fought against Quan Chi and Shang Tsung.
Author : Drew
Creation date: 2010-9-14-16-50
Modification date: 2010-9-14-16-50
Author's Remarks: | |
It comes to almost a concluding halt for Frost's story as we find Sareena and Frost in a "I don't trust you" kind of scene. Frost takes the group back to Shang's palace after discovering the Dragon Army within the place. A battle takes place not only within the good guys, but the Deadly Alliance also makes a surprising visit.
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