MK Komic
Fan Kreations
Pages: 1
MK Komic
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i did some work for a mortal kombat komic a while back. it took place during the mk3 timeline, although i updated the character designs as the newer games were being released. that way the reader would feel more up to speed with characters in most cases. its a bit blurry from the resize, but otherwise its good enough. i'll post more pages as i find them.
Full Scale | 518x687 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 14 | Score | 5.0 |
EmpressJade •06/17/2008 03:55 PM (UTC) •
Chicks like me don't read comic books but i do believe i will read this one. great job. 5/5 dp.
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan •06/17/2008 08:58 PM (UTC) •
**KingBaraka** •06/24/2008 06:26 PM (UTC) •
Its cool but dont you think sub zero is talking kinda of querish?
ninja_snowman •06/24/2008 08:03 PM (UTC) •
it was a while ago when it was worked on. in any case, Sub-Zero was doing everything he could to talk Smoke out of a fight. it was either that or take it out of context entirely and have him say stuff like: "look Smoke, dont make me hurt you." coz if he said that to me and i were a cyborg ninja, i'd take that as a threat to my mission and throttle his icy ass even harder.
phenom-forever •06/24/2008 09:01 PM (UTC) •
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WoW player Name:grubgrub realm:dragonmaw HORDE
cool i like it very well drawn
I thought it was Sektor at first, haha, but the fact that it is Smoke makes a lot more sense. I much prefer the art on the top panel than the lower panel. Something about Subby seems a little midget-ish. I don't see a problem with how he speaks at all either.
As for Smoke, I totally understand robots breaking their speech down into syllables because that's how they're known to be in media. But as I read it out loud to myself, I hated it. But you know what, it is probably just my own voice that I hate.
Lastly, I love "something... lost in the smoke of time." I could TOTALLY imagine reading that in a real MK comic scene between these two.
Ah, sorry if you just re-drew an existing comic page. But if this is fresh, extra extra kudos.
Good job. :)
As for Smoke, I totally understand robots breaking their speech down into syllables because that's how they're known to be in media. But as I read it out loud to myself, I hated it. But you know what, it is probably just my own voice that I hate.
Lastly, I love "something... lost in the smoke of time." I could TOTALLY imagine reading that in a real MK comic scene between these two.
Ah, sorry if you just re-drew an existing comic page. But if this is fresh, extra extra kudos.
Good job. :)
ninja_snowman •06/30/2008 03:30 PM (UTC) •
the page is fresh. it was a komic that a few old friends of mine had come up with. it never got past 2 or 3 issues though. more or less because comics in general are an ignored medium these days. the proof of this is even exists on here. i have TONS of comments on my custom figures, and very few comments on this komic page.
but its rightfully so. if i were to post a komplete komic book, i probably would have more comments entirely.
Jerrod •06/30/2008 11:07 PM (UTC) •
It's not so much that they're ignored, it's more like this bored has only ever had comedy sprite comics, and seems to only respond to them. There was a time when people were making a ton of them in this forum, but obviously things have died out significantly.
In all honesty, I like what you did here. I've been waiting to see someone make a serious MK comic that had drama instead of jokes in it, and you did a pretty good job so far.
In fact, it's really good. Normally when someone tries to do something like this, it winds up as being pure crap, but it shows that you thought long and hard about what you wanted to do and put the appropriate effort into it, and I must applaud you for it. Perhaps someday you'll want to put the rest of your pages up here, or maybe create your own MK fan comic page to show off your work.
In all honesty, I like what you did here. I've been waiting to see someone make a serious MK comic that had drama instead of jokes in it, and you did a pretty good job so far.
In fact, it's really good. Normally when someone tries to do something like this, it winds up as being pure crap, but it shows that you thought long and hard about what you wanted to do and put the appropriate effort into it, and I must applaud you for it. Perhaps someday you'll want to put the rest of your pages up here, or maybe create your own MK fan comic page to show off your work.
ninja_snowman •07/01/2008 04:07 AM (UTC) •
in all honesty i woudlnt mind doing just that. perhaps someday, i will plan on a komic that is written by the fans on here as it unfolds using a voting system of sorts......
GrotesquetheBeast •07/01/2008 04:27 AM (UTC) •
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
This is awesome, I've been trying for a while to get a MK comic book off the ground.
ninja_snowman •07/01/2008 04:15 PM (UTC) •
better grammer? example please.
ninja_snowman •07/01/2008 05:09 PM (UTC) •
many thanks. i will change it up for the final posting of the full book.
ninja_snowman •07/01/2008 10:12 PM (UTC) •
after i find the rest of the pages. for whatever reason they are scattered throughout my past art folders. i never imagined i'd ever be showing anyone my art one day.
Pages: 1
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