It was less than an hour before dusk when she began to stir. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she tossed and turned, haunted by the same dream she'd had many times before. A woman; her beauty distored by the sheer agony in her face as she called out for help. She seemed eerily familiar. Her words echoed through the horrific green mist that surrounded her, 'Help me, Kitana! Beware of Shao Kahn!' And with that her face was replaced with the image of the war helmet Father often wore. Kitana awoke and sat up. Her heart raced and her mind was clouded by the dream. She didn't realise there was someone in her room until the lantern was lit. 'What is it, Kitana? I could hear you from my room.'
Mileena set the light down by the bed and put her hand on Kitana's, taking a quick glance around. She didn't care for Kitana's room. It was minimul and far too blue. Still, at least she kept it tidy. Kitana looked up at Mileena and sighed. 'I've been having this reoccuring dream of a woman calling out to me for help. Though I'm beginning to doubt it's a dream at all.' Mileena studied her face and could clearly see that Kitana was shaken. An unusual sight considering this same woman had easily slaughtered countless warriors without a second thought. 'What did this woman look like?' said Mileena, trying as best she could to hide her own concern. 'I can't really remember. It's all a blur. She had long silvery hair and she was beautiful but she was in so much pain.' Mileena stood up and walked to the window.
Kitana's view was breath taking. Her balcony overlooked the Lei Chen mountains where the sun was slowly starting to arise from its own bed, casting a mixture of dancing light and shadow across the Outworld. 'It was probably just a dream, Kitana.' she said, though she didn't believe it herself. 'You shouldn't worry yourself with it.' Mileena needed to divert Kitana's attention. 'I need your help later tonight.' Kitana smiled as she wrapped herself in a blue, silk robe. 'I'm not helping you sneak into Father's armory again.' Mileena couldn't help but laugh. 'What? I like pretty things. No, I was hoping you would accompany me to the Living Forest tonight. I'm meeting Baraka there and in case he's changed his mind, I could use some reinforcements.' Kitana extuinguished the lantern as the sun began to illuminate her room. 'Of course. We should ask Jade to come. She knows the Forest more than either of us.' Mileena looked down into the courtyard where a woman dressed in emerald was performing an intricate kata with a bo staff. 'She's already up and training, wouldn't you know? I'll go and speak with her.' Mileena turned from the window and walked to the door. 'Mileena, thank you.' She stopped, confused. 'For what?' she asked. 'For coming to see if I was alright.' Mileena giggled, 'What are sisters for?' and made her way to the courtyard but not before telling one of the servants to find Shang Tsung.
There was a quick, impatient knocking at the door. 'Come in,' she called and the heavy door creaked open. The sorcerer stepped in and looked incredibly out of place. The extravagant pink velvet and black lace contrasted heavily with his withered, dishevelled appearance. Still, Shang Tsung had a regal quality befitting of his impressive skills. 'This better be important, Mileena.' She decided to cut to the chase. 'I believe Kitana has been recieving visions from our...her mother.' Mileena could swear she saw a flash of terror in his eyes but it quickly disappeared. 'Why would you think this?' he said, taking a seat by the window which overlooked the Living Forest. Mileena, gracefully took a seat opposite him. 'She's been having dreams of a woman, with long silvery hair calling out for her help. How is this possible?' Shang Tsung sighed. It was obvious this was something he had expected but hoped wouldn't occur. 'After Sindel took her own life, The Emperor refused to let her soul move on. He instructed me to trap it in one of my soul cages. I believe the Queen is tapping into Kitana's mind through their paternal bond.' Mileena paused as she took in everything the sorcerer had said. 'So, what do we do? Can we not simply destroy this "cage" and force her to move on?' But Shang Tsung shook his head. 'I will inform Shao Kahn and see what he wishes to do, but we cannot destroy the soul cage. Shao Kahn needs Sindel as a back-up plan should we lose the Mortal Kombat tournament against Earth.' Mileena was growing tired of half-answers. 'What do you mean?' she asked but Shang Tsung had already walked to the door to leave. 'I will explain later, but now I must speak with Shao Kahn. Anway, you should get ready, the Tarkata will most likely resist our gracious offer.' And with that he was gone. Mileena walked to the door and slammed it closed. She wasn't sure why, but she was seething with rage after her conversation with the sorcerer. She hoped Shang Tsung was right about the Tarkata, she needed to vent. She quickly changed from her robe into her battle gear, tucking her sais into her belt and bound her hair in a ponytail. After surveying the result in her mirror she decided to once again wear her veil and made her way to the main hall to meet Kitana and Jade.
'So, what's the plan should we need to defend ourselves?' Jade whispered as they crept through the forest. Despite the fallen foliage, branches and twigs, the three women moved silently. Alone, each was respected for their fighting abilities. Together, they were feared throughout the realm for their devestation of armies. 'Mileena will go in first, we'll stay in the shadows. If they attack, Mileena can get back and we'll move in together. Tarkata are known for their keen sense of smell so we won't remain hidden for long.' Kitana brushed a strand of hair from her face and placed a hand on Mileena's shoulder. 'Good luck.'
Mileena stepped out into the clearing and within seconds Baraka, along with two other soldiers emerged from the shadows. 'Hello, boys,' she said 'I hope you bring me good news.' Mileena took a step closer, focusing on Baraka and trying not to appear too alert. 'We have discussed your offer, Mileena and we reject it. Shao Kahn is not to be trusted and we are no fools.' Baraka barked, drawing his blades. His comrades followed suit but Mileena kept her composure. 'Are you sure? We could do great things together.' But the Tarkatan leader had made up his mind.
'Leave this place, Mileena, while you still can.' The corners of her mouth began to tug upwards and she laughed. 'I see we're going to have to do this the hard way.' Baraka roared and dove towards her. His blades cut through the air where Mileena had stood but she was no longer there. In an instant, her foot came crashing down on Baraka's skull, knocking him to the ground. The other two had began to move in but were too late as Kitana and Jade had emerged from hiding and attacked. The battle had begun.
Mileena kicked out at Baraka before he had time to stand up but his reflexes were quick and he latched on to her leg, using remarkable strength to throw her backwards. She twisted in mid air and landed cat-like on her feet. Baraka charged but Mileena could see that it was a ploy to make her attack again. She stood her ground until the last second and ducked as Baraka's fist swung over her head. She pushed out her arms, palms first, sending the demon soaring but before he'd landed Mileena tucked herself up into a ball and shot forward, catching him. Baraka was back on his feet in an instant, using his blades to lift him self and retracting them just as quick. He delivered a swift kick to Mileena's leg and followed up with a punch to the jaw. She growled and spat out the blood she had tasted.
I need to be careful, I'm not going to overpower him. She shot out, leg raised and caught him with an axe kick that brought him to his hands and knees and took the oppertunity to backflip, putting some much needed distance between them before drawing her sais. For a moment, they stared at each other, both with an odd feeling of respect before racing towards each other. Baraka lashed out but Mileena jumped, narrowly avoiding his blows and used his shoulder to propell herself through the air. Time seemed to slow down as adrenaline coursed through her. She caught a glimpse of one Tarkatan being completely torn apart by a flurry of serated, metallic fans while the other was impaled on a sharpened staff. The other two were free to help her if she needed it and with that added comfort, she fought with an intensified ferocity.
What was over in seconds felt like hours as the two warriors traded punches and kicks until Baraka's lack of discipline once again exposed him and Mileena siezed the oppertunity. She grabbed hold of his attacking limp, vaulted through the air and felt the meaty crack of breaking bone. Baraka roared in agony and Mileena ducked down and knocked him on to his back with a sweep kick. Tired and in pain, Baraka couldn't get back up as Mileena confidently strode over to him, sais raised and firmly placed her boot over his neck. 'I tried to be nice to you, but you just wouldn't let me. Unfortunately for you, I always get what I want.'
Author : Keith Byrne
Creation date: 2009-2-2-15-24
Modification date: 2009-2-2-15-24
Author's Remarks: | |
Continuing on from Pt. 1, Mileena awaits Baraka's decision and learns a shocking discovery about Kitana. I wanted to show character relationships in a way that wasn't widely accepted as a norm, i.e Kitana/Mileena rivalry. Given that this is centuries in the past, I wanted some sort sisterhood between them.
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