Mileena's MK6 Fatality - MK2 style
Fan Kreations
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Mileena's MK6 Fatality - MK2 style
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Credit to Silochin for his 'Wastelands' background.
Full Scale | 397x254 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 8 | Score |

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Gold You have golden eyes. You tend to be quite
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wow nice done of millena make a awsome sprite of sub zero i say about 3/5 stats

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Gold You have golden eyes. You tend to be quite
distant, and may come off as depressed. In
truth, you are, but once people get to know
you, a smile or a laugh breaks through your
emotion barrier every now and then
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wow nice done of millena make a awsome sprite of sub zero i say about 3/5 stars

The only thing you should work hard so you will not make the same mistakes for you next fake is, effects. The blood needs to be detailed more. When I say this I am talking about what direction, it should be splatting at. Good job, nonetheless.

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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
-Isaac Watts
Love the background! I think it works well. It looks strage with Subby's head just dangling from Mileena's mouth. Maybe you should have used a different fatality.
Good job though!
Good job though!
I really like the idea of the new fatality MK2 style. The Mileena sprite looks excellent with subby's head in her mouth. Silohcin background looks cool in your fake. The Sub sprite looks pretty good too. The only thing is that the blood should be going the other way unless you had blood squirting to the left and the right. But other than that it is very good imo. 4/5 Dragons.
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The background is too dark, while the characters are very bright. I think should have darkened the characters so it could look like they are actually there. The blood squirting out of sub's head doesnt look very good. Im not sure if its going the right direction. I like the font used for the time and "wins". Overall nice attempt. 3/5

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The background is very dark, maybe too dark. The fatality looks great except sub-zero looks like he's in his fighting stance instead of showing any pain. But overall pretty nice, I give it 4/5.

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The back ground on this is too dark, its hard to make out the detail on subzero in his black areas. Next time if youre planning on darkening a back ground you should only do it enough so its noticeable not enough to obscure detail. Subs blood spurts seem a little too big and miss directed compared with the direction his body is leaning. Over all its still pretty good and its great to see one of the new fatalities making an appearance.
Pages: 1
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