Now THAT, is sweet! 8)
Very dramatic interplay of shadow and colors here. I escpcially like how the highlighted 'peices' of the face all form a very convincing half-mug shot. The cavicle/neck area isn't as consistent in the detailing, and the range of hues seems to be too greyed from those of the face. But if the focus is on the face, perhaps the lessened details elsewhere are for the better..
Oh, and the mini fire dragon is a great touch. Great work smoothening colors to simulate a firey texture. His 'whiskers' could be softened a bit more (as they looks slightly pixelated), and theres no real glow or shadow he casts on Liu.
Theoretically, the neck area should be well-lit up with oranges from the dragon's glean (not to mention all the sun burns :p ). But I know glow effects/secondary lightsources can be a pain in the arse to incorporate, and the cg looks damn well done regardless.
Impressive Dreemernj. Look forward to seeing more from ya