Konquest: For Earthrealm
07/31/2010 11:35 PM (UTC)by
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11/04/2003 01:05 AM (UTC)
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Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

07/29/2010 05:01 PM (UTC)
I loved it... well written, fit in with a lot of stuff from the game mythos, and made sense over all, it's nice to see an epic piece of writing like this when a lot of the stuff other that gets submitted is written in the exact same way, and doesn't make a lot of sense.

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07/29/2010 10:27 PM (UTC)
Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. smile
Been working on it for a long while, glad that someone liked it. I'll be submitting a biography this week, maybe even two if I can re-read one and re-write the other.
07/30/2010 02:37 AM (UTC)
I dunno how concerned you were with following the canon since you're already going "Hey, why not have Kai, Jarek, etc. be spared from getting their souls stolen and fighting off the invasion too"...

But Hsu Hao's supposed to have been an informant for the Special Forces for as long as they've been hunting the Black Dragon, like all the way back to before MK1.

Continuity complaints aside, though, it's obviously very well written and I'm intrigued to see where some of the hints and mysterious elements go if you continue.
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07/30/2010 06:05 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I dunno how concerned you were with following the canon since you're already going "Hey, why not have Kai, Jarek, etc. be spared from getting their souls stolen and fighting off the invasion too"...
But Hsu Hao's supposed to have been an informant for the Special Forces for as long as they've been hunting the Black Dragon, like all the way back to before MK1.
Continuity complaints aside, though, it's obviously very well written and I'm intrigued to see where some of the hints and mysterious elements go if you continue.

To be honest, I was hoping you'd read it, because I am very concerned about the canon in my fanfictions, it's the main reason why this one took me almost a year to finish.
I like adding and fleshing out much of the story that never was brought out, but with only minor changes, which is why I added Kai and Jarek. They only appeared in two games, and they were pretty forgettable, so making them participate in the war without encountering the other heroes gives them more importance because it implies they were Chosen like Sonya, Jax, and the other favourites, survived the Extermination Squads, and makes their appearances in later games that much more meaningful. It gives them more purpose and allows me to make them deeper than the way they were in MK4. Basically, I want to make it so that every character in the MK series has a purpose for being there, which is why to date, my Meat biography is the longest. Generally though, my writing doesn't follow the canon, as most of the stories I write are based on some short fanfiction bios I wrote before anything was known about MKD.
I hadn't read up on Hsu Hao for a while, didn't think his story was more fleshed out and that he and the SF were in contact prior to MK1. To be honest, that Red Dragon bit was a part I added within the last few weeks, just to tie in the importance of the Red Dragon clan. Big mistake on my part... I'll most likely re-write it when I can submit it to fanfiction.net, as well as some of the Kenshi part.
07/30/2010 04:37 PM (UTC)
Ah. Well I suppose certain characters who are obviously quite capable and powerful kombatants like Kenshi and the Red Dragons being secret chosen ones makes some sense. Though I personally wouldn't have used Kai because while it's not strictly supported by the canon, I've always thought of him as a young and inexperienced student of Liu Kang's, new to the White Lotus, who probably wouldn't have been a worthy fighter before MK4. I think that gives him a little more personality rather than just being Black Kung Lao.
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07/30/2010 04:50 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Ah. Well also, I wouldn't have used Kai because he was supposed to be a young and inexperienced student of Liu Kang's, new to the White Lotus, so he probably wouldn't have been a worthy fighter before MK4. But other than that, I suppose others who are obviously quite capable and powerful kombatants like Kenshi and the Red Dragons being secret chosen ones makes sense.

I had thought about that too, but then I thought just because he's not skilled now, doesn't mean he can't be considered important enough to be Chosen, which is why I thought he could be paired with a more experienced warrior to survive (Jarek [even though it's an unlikely pair, I will build on it]). I even thought of throwing Frost into the mix as a child, surviving the squads with her parents, but I doubt she was even old enough to be born at that point.
07/30/2010 05:04 PM (UTC)
There's only about ten years from MK1 to MKDA, so Frost would be alive. She'd be like in elementary school though, not nearly old enough to believably be chosen by Raiden and survive extermination squads.
And it would probably come off as contrived if whichever parent she inherited her powers from actually knew about them and was made into some sort of noteworthy character. Raiden shouldn't just throw chosen one status at every single person on Earth with even the slightest inkling of metahuman power. It cheapens it. Raiden was using the last of his authority as a god to give his world a fighting chance, picking the absolute best fighters in the realm...not Joe Smith who could've had heat vision if only he'd discovered it sooner and trained more.
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07/30/2010 06:22 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
And it would probably come off as contrived if whichever parent she inherited her powers from actually knew about them and was made into some sort of noteworthy character. Raiden shouldn't just throw chosen one status at every single person on Earth with even the slightest inkling of metahuman power. It cheapens it. Raiden was using the last of his authority as a god to give his world a fighting chance, picking the absolute best fighters in the realm...

I never got the impression that Raiden himself picked who was to help save the world, just that these handful of beings were the lucky ones. I also never got the impression that Kai couldn't fight before joining the White Lotus, I figured it'd be better if he already knew how to do some things, and it was his goal to join the White Lotus.
As for the Frost thing, I had originally tried coming up with a lot of scenarios to make it work, including having her and her parents trying to survive by getting to the portal, or that Hsu Hao saves the girl to look good in front of the Special Forces, or that Mavado does it to show he's a more honourable person than, let's say, Kano (just to add to his character, not to trick anyone). I even thought about having her family at the time all have Kori powers and fighting, but being killed, and so Frost has to get by on her own... But you can already see that most of these ideas suck and don't have any logical way of working. Ultimately, it was just easier to not put her in.
07/30/2010 07:35 PM (UTC)

It's not flat-out stated, but it does imply that Raiden personally picked out the ones who were spared, especially since his own bio/ending explicitly state the Elder Gods refuse to interfere and he has to keep taking matters into his own hands. Nobody was "lucky" or immune just out of some random chance, they wouldn't be called "chosen ones" unless someone had actually...y'know, chosen them. And every single Chosen One was picked because they were someone who had real power and potential to help end the invasion, in most cases because they were already an ally of Raiden's from MK1 or 2.

Also, Nightwolf used shaman magic to protect his entire reservation from the soul stealing and that place became the basecamp for the good guys, with Nightwolf himself or Raiden leading them there one by one to form a party.
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07/30/2010 08:17 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It's not flat-out stated, but it does imply that Raiden personally picked out the ones who were spared, especially since his own bio/ending explicitly state the Elder Gods refuse to interfere and he has to keep taking matters into his own hands. Nobody was "lucky" or immune just out of some random chance, they wouldn't be called "chosen ones" unless someone had actually...y'know, chosen them. And every single Chosen One was picked because they were someone who had real power and potential to help end the invasion, in most cases because they were already an ally of Raiden's from MK1 or 2.
Also, Nightwolf used shaman magic to protect his entire reservation from the soul stealing and that place became the basecamp for the good guys, with Nightwolf himself or Raiden leading them there one by one to form a party.

That's a problem I have (and I have to admit, exploit), when it comes to the vagueness of some of these biographies/endings. I don't like making implications with regards to stuff that isn't outright stated, like in this case, Raiden choosing who Shao Kahn can't steal the soul of. I sort of like the idea that some people are just naturally chosen because they have something that puts them above the other people in the world, like the fact that they have "superpowers". Kind of what I was getting at with Johnny Cage (he was chosen was because his bloodline is special and unique, not just because he's one of Raiden's chums). It sort of puts more importance on the fact that these individuals are there for a reason that not even Raiden can control or understand. It's also a part I'm working on with the Scrivener concept.
I don't think I contradict the Nightwolf bit in this story, just have it so that while they are fighting at Kahn's Tower, they are technically on a more Outworld area that divides with Kahn losing his power.
07/30/2010 09:01 PM (UTC)
Implications factor rather a lot into my interpretation of the canon. I don't really see a choice in the matter when it comes to the first four games, though. Almost everything in the bios is hinted at, rather than spoken outright, and the endings are always only half-canon or not canon at all...and the only confirmation ever comes from outside sources. For instance, the games never actually SAY that Scorpion is the one who killed Elder Sub-Zero, they insist on just vaguely saying "he's believed to be dead"...but when you read the official comic, Liu flat-out confirms "Raiden saw Scorpion kill Subbie." and Scorpion later shows up to go "I have taken a life, now I must atone by protecting one."
But outside of that, I don't personally believe that chosen one-ness being random or a destiny that the gods have no say in makes any plot sense in this instance, because it's not like Shang and Kahn can't steal their souls EVER, it's just that someone had to take action and spare some warriors from the initial purge to be the rebellion and prevent Kahn from winning in a clean sweep.

I also wouldn't have given Cage's powers a "heritage" explanation. I believe most individuals in Mortal Kombat got their abilities by training in the martial arts and learning to tap into chi, and this is something any human can do if they work hard enough at it, and that the ones like the Lin Kuei whose abilities are genetic are the exception, not the rule. I do see why you would think of it though, looking to explain the "red shadow" moves. It's certainly a creative take. I'm not sure if Cage's powers being rage-fueled fits such a laid-back guy though.
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07/30/2010 09:22 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Well, I don't personally believe that chosen one-ness being random or a destiny that the gods have no say in makes any plot sense in this instance, because it's not like Shang and Kahn can't steal their souls EVER, it's just that someone had to take action and spare some warriors to be the rebellion and prevent Kahn from winning in a clean sweep.
I also wouldn't have given Cage's powers a "heritage" explanation. I believe most individuals in Mortal Kombat got their abilities by training in the martial arts and learning to tap into chi, and this is something any human can do, and that the ones like the Lin Kuei whose abilities are genetic are the exception, not the rule.

Oh yeah, I'm not denying that some kind of action was taken, but with the way I'm writing these stories, I'm having it so that it's not Raiden responsible for said action. I'm making it so that even as a God, Raiden can't control who lives or dies, and has to work with what he gets. He's a puppet to fate, but he can see the strings.
As for the heritage versus training bit, meh. I got to be honest, I don't like the idea that anybody can learn how to fly like Sonya, or cause minor earthquakes like Jax, or create a trail of shadows with attacks like Cage with martial arts training. It makes the characters seem less special and unique if what they can do is something that any human can do with practice. Also, with the Cage bit, it makes him a more complex character. When we see him in the games, we think he's the happy, funny guy, but he's also an actor, he can be whatever suits his purposes. I wanted more depth for him.
Just a note, I'm not having it so that all the characters have Demon origins or something, as that'd be boring. I'm trying to make them all stand out in their own ways.
07/30/2010 09:28 PM (UTC)
"Anyone can learn it" doesn't mean it's an easy thing to do so.

Anyone can be a surgeon too in theory, but that takes a full decade of training and a lifelong dedication, and some people just aren't smart enough for all that study or dexterous enough to handle a scalpel. Same thing with learning magic. (Or becoming Batman, lol)

It's more like...the comic book characters Iron Fist and Dr. Strange. They're not mutants, their parents weren't special, they're ordinary men who spent major portions of their life learning secret techniques and completing magical rites of passage to acquire powers. That's what I equate the likes of Liu Kang and Johnny Cage to.

Chi is, after all, supposed to be the inner power all men possess and martial artists who are very dedicated and spiritual like the real world Shaolin Monks do train to unlock the energy within themselves for various, albeit more mundane, uses. And Cage's bio in MK1 does state he's "trained by great masters around the world."
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07/31/2010 02:21 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
"Anyone can learn it" doesn't mean it's an easy thing to do so.
Anyone can be a surgeon too in theory, but that takes a full decade of training and a lifelong dedication, and some people just aren't smart enough for all that study or dexterous enough to handle a scalpel. Same thing with learning magic. (Or becoming Batman, lol)
It's more like...the comic book characters Iron Fist and Dr. Strange. They're not mutants, their parents weren't special, they're ordinary men who spent major portions of their life learning secret techniques and completing magical rites of passage to acquire powers. That's what I equate the likes of Liu Kang and Johnny Cage to.
Chi is, after all, supposed to be the inner power all men possess and martial artists who are very dedicated and spiritual like the real world Shaolin Monks do train to unlock the energy within themselves for various, albeit more mundane, uses. And Cage's bio in MK1 does state he's "trained by great masters around the world."

The issue I have with the whole they learned the attacks after many years bit is that during the first parts of MK, the characters are in their early to mid 20s, all with the exception of Kano who's 35. It's entirely possible that intense training and harnessing chi can make guys like Liu Kang powerhouses compared to people who haven't mastered it, but he defeats a 2000 year-old Shokan warrior, and the most-likely older sorcerer who trained him. Liu Kang was 24 when he beat them both. Even if Liu had started his training at a ridiculously young age, I find it hard to believe that just harnessing his chi would allow him the kind of skills and strength to deal with people who've most likely been mastering their chi for centuries. It's just too far-fetched, even if he was trained by Bo' Rai Cho.
Though Cage's bio does state he trained with martial artists around the world, he's still performing feats that no martial artist has ever been documented doing before. And besides, the only other characters who're documented as even having shadow abilities like Cage are Nightwolf, who delves in magic, Shao Kahn, an evil warlord sorcerer monster thing with great magical powers, and to some extent Liu Kang (Red Bicycle Kick), and it was only in one game.
I liked playing with the idea that maybe Johnny Cage and Shao Kahn have similar abilities because they are both dark characters, and perhaps the reason some of these characters can do shadow-based attacks is because they have some darkness they can channel, something deeper than we see in the games. Of course, I'm not doubting you're right about some of the stuff being as "simple" as they've trained and mastered techniques for years, but as the writer of these fanfictions, I find that that's not enough to explain some things in the MK mythos.
07/31/2010 06:11 PM (UTC)
Well the thing about Liu constantly beating foes who are far stronger than you'd think he would be is I don't think of him being "THE Chosen One" as a creation of the movie. I think that's one of the many story beats Tobias gave them that we just didn't know was part of the games before (like the 10 tournaments in a row rule), and that he's always intended Liu to be somehow attuned to or directly channeling power from the Elder Gods, either because he's naturally gifted or because he was literally given a gift, which would explain why his attacks take the form of dragons.

But Cage, Sonya, and the other "regular" humans aren't nearly powerful enough that they need an "excuse" for why they can use chi. I hate to use a Dragonball Z reference, but to me, they're all the Krillins. They can handle the henchmen but they'd be no match against a boss (which is exactly what happened in DA/Deception, even the leader-type heroes, Kung Lao and Kitana, couldn't beat Shang and Quan) Krillin wasn't an alien and he didn't have to train until he was an old man to get there, but by being taught by the right master, he learned to fly and shoot energy blasts, albeit he was far, far less powerful than the truly special characters. That's just the rules of magic in that world, and MK basically works the same.
I'm not saying that the secrets of chi are common knowledge or that every single monk at the Shaolin Temple should know how to make fireballs, mind you. I'm still talking about techniques that are "secret", that only a Bo' Rai Cho or a Raiden can teach you and only if you prove yourself worthy to learn...but still. It's a matter of knowledge and discipline, not time spent. And you don't have to be born special, that would just result in everyone having an origin story that revolves around who their ancestors are, and while it works for Liu and Kung Lao and the Sub-Zeros, it would be contrived if everyone had one.
Also, personally, I think of Shadow moves as a "super-speed" effect, not some sort of Akuma-style "evil power" effect, so I guess I don't really see a need for those who do it to have anything in common. And like I said, I just don't see Johnny as a "bottled rage" kinda guy.
Speaking of which, Nightwolf does a Shadow charge too, but he's about as pure and peaceful as you can get. And while his power source, using shaman magic to tap into the spirit world, is similar to Kahn's power source, stolen souls...neither is similar to "my ancestors were demons"...so I'm not sure I see the connection to Johnny you were going for?
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07/31/2010 08:42 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Cage, Sonya, and the other "regular" humans aren't nearly powerful enough that they need an "excuse" for why they can use chi. I hate to use a Dragonball Z reference, but to me, they're all the Krillins. They can handle the henchmen but they'd be no match against a boss (which is exactly what happened in DA/Deception, even the leader-type heroes, Kung Lao and Kitana, couldn't beat Shang and Quan) Krillin wasn't an alien and he didn't have to train until he was an old man to get there, but by being taught by the right master, he learned to fly and shoot energy blasts, albeit he was far, far less powerful than the truly special characters. That's just the rules of magic in that world, and MK basically works the same.

That's my problem with some of the aspects of the story, and it's one that is repeated in a lot of stories. We have to either assume that the heroes are super strong and Raiden only asks for their help because he doesn't need more than a bunch of strong Earth warriors to take on an army of Tarkata (excluding Raiden himself, they were 5 people against an army and two sorcerers), or we have to assume that their enemies are weak and less skilled despite being trained militias/four-armed Dragon based creatures/bullet-proof behemoths/psychotic bladed monsters and can always be defeated by people who are basically only just strong enough to overcome a bunch of them. It's this imbalance that bothers me a lot because it's cheap and it makes it seem like nobody knows what they're doing. It also makes it seem like either Raiden overestimates his and his allies's strengths or underestimates his enemies. It always bothered me that even Raiden couldn't beat Quan Chi and Shang Tsung despite his being a God, so I'd much rather have it in my stories that these people are the best of the best that the Earth has to offer and that they are facing the best and most dangerous enemies they can only imagine. It's either that, or I have to make do with the fact that without Liu Kang, they stand no chance, like they did in the Deception story.
With that being said, none of my bios/stories take into account anything after MKDA because I started writing most of them before Deception came out, and I was thoroughly disappointed with how Deception and beyond turned out.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'm not saying that the secrets of chi are common knowledge or that every single monk at the Shaolin Temple should know how to make fireballs, mind you. I'm still talking about techniques that are "secret", that only a Bo' Rai Cho or a Raiden can teach you and only if you prove yourself worthy to learn...but still. It's a matter of knowledge and discipline, not time spent. And you don't have to be born special, that would just result in everyone having an origin story that revolves around who their ancestors are, and while it works for Liu and Kung Lao and the Sub-Zeros, it would be contrived if everyone had one.

Oh yeah, like I said, I won't have that done for everyone, just a select few. I like the idea of being able to explain how and why they have specific special abilities, but don't think I'll make everyone a Harry Potter or Goku.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Also, personally, I think of Shadow moves as a "super-speed" effect, not some sort of Akuma-style "evil power" effect, so I guess I don't really see a need for those who do it to have anything in common. And like I said, I just don't see Johnny as a "bottled rage" kinda guy.

I never saw it as a super-speed thing, but it's entirely possible that it is just that. I just thought I'd play up the fact that maybe Johnny Cage isn't the happy-go-lucky guy we think he is, especially after facing the tortures of war, and being killed (obviously despite that retcon, I used it in writing his biography). I wanted to emphasize that he is a good actor and can be whatever he wants us to believe.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Speaking of which, Nightwolf does a Shadow charge too, but he's about as pure and peaceful as you can get. And while his power source, using shaman magic to tap into the spirit world, is similar to Kahn's power source, stolen souls...neither is similar to "my ancestors were demons"...so I'm not sure I see the connection to Johnny you were going for?

Think back to what we knew about Nightwolf back in MK3. All we knew from his biography is that he's a historian and knows Shaman magic. Like I said, these stories ignore MK Deception, and there's no mention of Nightwolf in DA Konquest (that I can recall at least), so aside from his MK3 bio and ending, we don't know much about his character except that he wanted to help his own people and the other good guys. Heck, in his ending, he and the Native Americans wind up ruling the world (peacefully, I know), you have to have a lot of ambition to go from wanting your land back to becoming a global leader. Does that make him evil, or even slightly evil? Of course not, but it doesn't mean he's an altruist either. I'm just showing that in my works, nobody is perfectly good or completely evil, because life isn't black and white.
07/31/2010 11:05 PM (UTC)
Well of course they're the best fighters on Earth. That's right there in the plot, that's how the first seven got invited to the tournament.

But there's logically going to be a huge gap between "best human" and "best Outworlder" because the two societies are so different. Earth is the modern world, people stopped believing in magic and embraced science and technology, so magic became rare. Learning it at all is what makes them so special as fighters. But in Outworld, the supernatural is part of everyday life. It's simultaneously a more primitive culture and a more powerful one, and hell, most of Jax's story has been trying to catch his science up to be the equal of magic, inhancing his strength, inventing portal tech, etc.

Some characters can jump that gap. Sonya and Johnny Cage do not deserve to be among those characters in my opinion. If nobody's the Krillin, then nobody's the Goku either. You gotta have main cast and you gotta have supporting characters.

Now Raiden, Liu Kang, Sub-Zero, maybe Kung Lao with the right buildup, these are the guys who do have something more to their origins than just "I can throw chi", and could logically take down boss characters, and should have defeated the Deadly Alliance in theory...but sometimes the best just isn't good enough. Why should the good guys win every time? You have to look at the circumstances.

Quan Chi had the amulet, a magical artifact containing the power of an Elder God. Albeit, he can only use a portion of that power, that's still a big deal.

Shang had stolen Liu's soul, and he was cheating by having constant access to the soulnado to restore himself.

Sub-Zero couldn't even make it to the battle because Frost's betrayal interrupted the trip.

It came down to a two-on-one and why can't sorcery at a level as high as Shang and Quan are be the equal to lesser godhood? Raiden's nowhere near omnipotent, he's not THE god, he's A god. All the word means for him is he doesn't age, people worship him, and he has control over one measly element.

As far as Nightwolf's political aspirations, I'm not quite sure how that answers my question about him, Cage, and Kahn all having Shadow moves.

Y'know, I feel awkward arguing this long about something as inconsequential as Johnny Cage's origin story in a fan fic, though. You're welcome to your opinion, I was just wondering about the motivation behind it and I know that now, so it's like...that's that. Anything more feels redundant.
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07/31/2010 11:35 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Well of course they're the best fighters on Earth. That's right there in the plot, that's how the first seven got invited to the tournament.
But there's logically going to be a huge gap between "best human" and "best Outworlder" because the two societies are so different. Earth is the modern world, people stopped believing in magic and embraced science and technology, so magic became rare. Learning it at all is what makes them so special as fighters. But in Outworld, the supernatural is part of everyday life. It's simultaneously a more primitive culture and a more powerful one, and hell, most of Jax's story has been trying to catch his science up to be the equal of magic, inhancing his strength, inventing portal tech, etc.
Some characters can jump that gap. Sonya and Johnny Cage do not deserve to be among those characters in my opinion. If nobody's the Krillin, then nobody's the Goku either. You gotta have main cast and you gotta have supporting characters.
Now Raiden, Kung Lao, Sub-Zero, these are the guys who do have something more to their origins than just "I can throw chi", and could logically take down boss characters, and should have defeated the Deadly Alliance in theory...but sometimes the best just isn't good enough. Why should the good guys win every time? You have to look at the circumstances.
Quan Chi had the amulet, a magical artifact whose true power is that of an Elder God.
Shang was cheating by having constant access to the soulnado to restore himself.
Sub-Zero couldn't even make it to the battle because of Frost.
It came down to a two-on-one and why can't sorcery at a level as high as Shang and Quan are be the equal to lesser godhood? Raiden can't rewrite reality. The word "god" doesn't automatically mean he should be invincible, all it means is he doesn't age, people worship him, and he has absolute control over one measly element.
As far as Nightwolf's political aspirations, I'm not quite sure how that answers my question about him, Cage, and Kahn all having Shadow moves.
Y'know, I feel awkward arguing this long about something as inconsequential as Johnny Cage's origin story in a fan fic, though. Like, it doesn't hurt anything to just have a difference of opinion and drop the whole thing.

Never thought about it like that for the Deadly Alliance against Raiden, or that Raiden may not be as powerful as what I would assume a God should have, so that's an interesting take on it. When I think God, I really do think highly of the kind of power he should have, even in mortal form.
As for the Nightwolf, Cage, and Kahn thing, I was just referring to stuff for my stories, nothing that could actually explain why they have similar abilities in the canon, so let's just not get into that anymore, as there's no point. How I interpret the shadow abilities already differs drastically from your view, so let's just agree to disagree? It's also something I don't want to outright say, as it is part of an eventual fanfic I'm writing that explains everything from the beginning, including the war for Earthrealm between Shinnok and Raiden.
And if you want to stop the discussion, that's cool. Never thought of it as a heated argument or anything, and I enjoyed this talk with you. wink Perhaps I can use something from these posts to have my stories make more sense in the future for the guys who know the story as well as you.
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