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Kitana:"Lui... My love... Where have you gone to?"
Full Scale | 592x1030 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 12 | Score |
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Don't stop, you can sleep when you're dead."
wow, thats really nice, i really like the victorian way you have the dress, though, the face really doesnt look like kitana, but this is a very very nice piece of artwork, i rate this, 4 dragons for excellent workmanship

Well, this is an interesting idea, i like the costume, it looks pretty good, the face is a little distorted though, some of the lines are a little thick, and the mouth is a little low. As stated before it doenst really "look" like Kitana, but ther really is no exact was she looks,also her face seems a little small for her body, and hair, but not a bad job.

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Immortality, this a major improvement. You must have changed your procedure or software or something. This is markedly better than what I've seen in the past.
Beyond all that fun, work on her face. The proportions are pretty good.
Beyond all that fun, work on her face. The proportions are pretty good.
This would be a different look for Kitana, which is good because she is a character who needs a change somewhat. This actually does remind me of Victorian style clothing, it probably wouldn't fit any other character than Kitana, or perhaps Sindel, so nice choice in character.
The hat was drawn and colored well, nice use of colors here. I would have liked to seen a bit more detail around where the hat meets her head, it just seems to "sit" on top of her head to me, doesn't seem all that held in place. The veil is alright, I'm sure than you didn't want conceal her face too much with it, and you did a pretty nice job. I would have liked to see more of a screen effect though, I don't think we'd be able to see through any veil this clearly. I like how you have her hair hanging out the top of her hat, but it seems too stiff, it should lay over somewhat in my opinion. As mentioned, her chin seems too long, and the face overall is a bit flat. You should use as many details on the body of a character as you do on the attire, I think the results would be wonderful.
Her skin tone is pretty nice, a little too solid in places though. Also, the coloring styles vary too much, her skin and clothing don't look like they were colored in the same procedure. Its important that you use the same basic style when coloring, to make it balanced. The proportions seem correct though, nice job there. The only thing I dislike are the nails, they're just too long in my opinion, and give a claw-like appearance. The nail on her right finger (not her thumb) seems to bend somewhat as well. Love the goblet though, again, the details there are pretty nice.
I love the cloths here, probably my favorite part of this, and in my opinion the best of all your outfits so far. The color is consistant, as are the patterns. The red and blue go together nicely as well, very elegantly done. The shading is pretty nice too, good job on this overall. The way the cloth bunches up is sort of odd, doesn't seem loose enough to me, but still this is very nice. Good concept.
The hat was drawn and colored well, nice use of colors here. I would have liked to seen a bit more detail around where the hat meets her head, it just seems to "sit" on top of her head to me, doesn't seem all that held in place. The veil is alright, I'm sure than you didn't want conceal her face too much with it, and you did a pretty nice job. I would have liked to see more of a screen effect though, I don't think we'd be able to see through any veil this clearly. I like how you have her hair hanging out the top of her hat, but it seems too stiff, it should lay over somewhat in my opinion. As mentioned, her chin seems too long, and the face overall is a bit flat. You should use as many details on the body of a character as you do on the attire, I think the results would be wonderful.
Her skin tone is pretty nice, a little too solid in places though. Also, the coloring styles vary too much, her skin and clothing don't look like they were colored in the same procedure. Its important that you use the same basic style when coloring, to make it balanced. The proportions seem correct though, nice job there. The only thing I dislike are the nails, they're just too long in my opinion, and give a claw-like appearance. The nail on her right finger (not her thumb) seems to bend somewhat as well. Love the goblet though, again, the details there are pretty nice.
I love the cloths here, probably my favorite part of this, and in my opinion the best of all your outfits so far. The color is consistant, as are the patterns. The red and blue go together nicely as well, very elegantly done. The shading is pretty nice too, good job on this overall. The way the cloth bunches up is sort of odd, doesn't seem loose enough to me, but still this is very nice. Good concept.

About Me
As always, thanks for the advice. Kitana is a Princess, therefore I chosen this design to give her a royal feel/look that a person of her status should have.
Well, I like this one. I really like the whole royal and elegant look to her, but I do have a few issues. My first issue, and this has been brought up already, is the face. I think that needs a lot of improvement. Secondly, the head needs to be shaped a little better. And third, her ears make her look like an elf. However, aside from that, I really liked your drawing and I give it 3 Dragons out of 5.

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I do have to agree w/Sub7 about the facial details. But the overall image quality is excelent. Keep it up.
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That's pretty good, man. She doesn't remind me Kitana that much but, yeah, it's pretty cool.
3/5 Dragon Points.
3/5 Dragon Points.

With that face, it's no wonder Liu Kang is hiding from her.
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Khardynyl Wrote: With that face, it's no wonder Liu Kang is hiding from her. |
Man, why is it that you always have something negative to say? If you don't have anything good to say, please reserve your comments for yourself. A lot of users will apreciate it.
If everybody was nice when it came to art, the art community would be flooded with shit. That's not to say that this piece is shit, though. I actually quite like the clothing. The face and hair is horrible, but he shows promise.
RedScorpio Wrote: Khardynyl Wrote: With that face, it's no wonder Liu Kang is hiding from her. Man, why is it that you always have something negative to say? If you don't have anything good to say, please reserve your comments for yourself. A lot of users will apreciate it. Peace. |

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What would the world be like without any midgets?
Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics...
Even if you win, you're still retarded.
Now let the flame wars end before you get in trouble. Now I would say that is pritty good. It dosn't look like Kitana so I will give it 3/5.
Even if you win, you're still retarded.
Now let the flame wars end before you get in trouble. Now I would say that is pritty good. It dosn't look like Kitana so I will give it 3/5.

About Me
Hey Everybody, it looks like it about to turn ulgy. Now, it does not need to go there. You all have your own opinion, and I respect that... To all ARTIST out there, if someone has nothing good to say about your artworks, don't let it get you down. Remember it, and just keep improving.
Thanks for all the comment!!!
Thanks for all the comment!!!
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