Artist's Remarks: | |
After watching Raiden sacrifice himself in an ethereal blast in a vain attempt to stop the Dragon King, Kidd Thunder decides it's time to act. Taking matters into his own hands, he meets the Earth warriors through way of a mystical portal known only to sorcerers and deities. Taking his place as Earth's new God of Thunder, he vows to stop evil at all costs... even if it means defying the Elder Gods and risking his own immortality.
Full Scale | 324x438 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 24 | Score |

For the most in-depth, in-detail, Mortal Kombat lore analysis vids, there's only one source:
That had to be the most.. Most..wonderdful thing I have ever seen in my LIFE! K0MBAT, not only are you my hero, but now your my favourite artist here!
You better watch your back, Jax007. Theres a new artist in the house!
PS) Randomized avatar? Sweet.

There's just so much emotion packed into this...! It brings a tear to my eye. :'(
This man should be in industry.

475023948752348570238475/5 DRAGONS! Omfg!!!!!

Gold You have golden eyes. You tend to be quite
distant, and may come off as depressed. In
truth, you are, but once people get to know
you, a smile or a laugh breaks through your
emotion barrier every now and then
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes?
brought to you by Quizilla

Gold You have golden eyes. You tend to be quite
distant, and may come off as depressed. In
truth, you are, but once people get to know
you, a smile or a laugh breaks through your
emotion barrier every now and then
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes?
brought to you by Quizilla


Mortal Kombat , is not about death , but cheating in mame32 . Need Mame32 cheats ? Go Here .
I grew up playing Mortal Kombat.. I guess Mortal Kombat didn't grow up with me.
- JandS -
5/5!! ^__^