submitted 10/25/2003 10:08 PM (UTC)by
dfgnsbsdgrt Member Since
06/02/2003 10:57 AM (UTC)
well its not that bad of a sketch you need to clean it up a little bit. Also the pants need a little definition, there just "there". his arms are skinny too, he needs more muscle there, i like the face that looks ok, his weapons need to be a little bigger, there too small for his body, not a bad start.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, wow, thats kinda bad dude, how hairy do you think kano is, that looked like a naked hannibal lecktor with a butterfly and a laser eye
if his knives were a little bigger and his arms/pecs were more defined (ie: a bit more meat on them bones-more muscle) that'd be a pretty good picture.
yeah i think the face is pretty well done.
id like to see your future drawings.
Jut Alors! they hqve e,qil in frqnce, but the keyboqrds here qre f66king ridiculous.
Anyhow, thanks for commenting. Now you draw my attention to it i agree- those arms are a bit skinny. I'll try and fix that next time.
Au revoir!
BTW, kano is hella hairy in MKDA.
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