Kabal concept
Fan Kreations
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Kabal concept
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Not anything overly innoveative but I like how it turned out. I don't work in color too often so I'm not sure how to judge it.
Full Scale | 452x640 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 13 | Score |
submitted 09/19/2005 05:34 PM (UTC)by

About Me
Just like the pied piper lead rats through the streets. You dance like
marionettes, swing to the symphony of destruction.- Megadeth
Member Since
03/14/2004 02:31 AM (UTC)

His Elbows should be bent backward, and not out to the sides.

About Me
Just like the pied piper lead rats through the streets. You dance like
marionettes, swing to the symphony of destruction.- Megadeth
sandspider Wrote: His Elbows should be bent backward, and not out to the sides. |
You're right, I guess I just am not used to having joints bent at a straight back to front angle in a drawing, I'll try to work on that in later submissions.
This thing is WOW!
Concept wise it could lead to so many things...
Kabal as an livingdead caus of his implants!
Mavado's kinda coat... symbol of the fall of Mavado at Kabal's hands!
I like it.
Concept wise it could lead to so many things...
Kabal as an livingdead caus of his implants!
Mavado's kinda coat... symbol of the fall of Mavado at Kabal's hands!
I like it.
It's good.
Everything seems to be in proportion, which is half the battle with drawing.
The coat suits him too. Somehow makes him appear more powerful.
Over all it's pretty nice, nothing groundbreaking about the design as you said, but still it's a job well done.
Everything seems to be in proportion, which is half the battle with drawing.
The coat suits him too. Somehow makes him appear more powerful.
Over all it's pretty nice, nothing groundbreaking about the design as you said, but still it's a job well done.

About Me
I Have Become as the Wastelands of Unending Nothingness. Now Shall the Night Things Fill Me with their Whisperings, and the Shadows Reveal their Wisdom.
Nice job. The details of the costume and respirator look great. Excellent job on the hookswords, too. Just a couple problems: as has been mentioned, the angle of the arms looks a little awkward. Also, maybe it's just me but the wounds on his arms look a bit too pale. Finally, the hair looks a bit unusual, in that the hair in front of his face looks so much shorter than the hair behind his head, blowing in the wind.
Other than these minor problems, this is a greaqt piece. Keep up the good work. 4/5 dragons.
Other than these minor problems, this is a greaqt piece. Keep up the good work. 4/5 dragons.

Yah, Kabal is sweet alright, especially this one.

I would say the feet are kind of small in proportion to the rest of the body, and then any other flaws everyone else already mentioned (except for the scars being too pale, I see no problem with that). Other than that, this is pretty decent. 3.5/5

About Me
Nice to have you back. Nice work here, except on the arms, they're bent weirdly..for some reason i have something against his left leg, looks kidna strange..awesome work on the hooks, decent colouring job overall for an attempt. The mask looks a bit complicated in detail, kinda jammed up i think. Everything else looks good. Your style of drawing is quite different compared to many other people, has that oldschool feel to it. I think the colouring added the extra feel :) Nice job keep it up bro. 4/5
Pages: 1
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