JADE ink zombie has returned
JADE ink zombie has returned
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some quality may have been lost do to the 250KB requirement
Full Scale | 313x625 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 32 | Score |

About Me
Just like the pied piper lead rats through the streets. You dance like
marionettes, swing to the symphony of destruction.- Megadeth
Damn, very nice.

About Me
hey, thanks for all the nice comments everyone,
yeah i've been gone from the site for a while probly almost a year
been working on my skillz and thought i'd drop by with some new art,
i'll probly color this and maybe do some other characters as well....
yeah i've been gone from the site for a while probly almost a year
been working on my skillz and thought i'd drop by with some new art,
i'll probly color this and maybe do some other characters as well....
I wonder if your skills are as good with disorganized/organized movement as with the stills you make. This jade is however flawlessly drawn, at least for the contures and contrast. I'm not keen of the shadows on her legs. It has no "transemission" to shades.

About Me

It's alright... except for her awkwardly and unevenly placed right eye and the weird part in her arms close to the elbows...

OML! Jade looks perfect! Flawless! I give you a 6/5!

Great job Zombie!

About Me

My only complaint is the arms seem too small... other than that, good.
Nice to see you back Zombie. I considered e-mailing you at one point, but I decided against it later. The art has a been a bit barren at times here... especially compared to the days you and The_Suit had new stuff to show every week.
Great work as always.
Great work as always.
endofdays- hey, ever try holding your arms up like that then look in the mirrior, i think i got them lookin fairly good, thanks anyway
Vampyre- i don't understand what "cough tanya cough" has to do with anything? .............
Crow- hey man, long time no chat, yeah i've been stopping by lately and there ain't nothing on here anymore, where did everyone go?....good old days with The_Suit. heheh
thanks for comments.
Vampyre- i don't understand what "cough tanya cough" has to do with anything? .............
Crow- hey man, long time no chat, yeah i've been stopping by lately and there ain't nothing on here anymore, where did everyone go?....good old days with The_Suit. heheh
thanks for comments.
It's absolutely delicious. Mega kudos to you Zombie, mega kudos...*thinks to himself* "mmmm...kudos..*drools*"
uh...Keep up the great work man. 

deadly but sexy nice

You are incredibly talented. Crow showed me some of your previous work. I love it all.
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