Ice Slidin Sub-Zero
Ice Slidin Sub-Zero
Artist's Remarks: | |
Sub-Zero is slidin' in the snow.
Full Scale | 760x985 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 31 | Score |
Exactly what I'd expect from you...
Exactly what I'd expect from you...

About Me

Well, atleast now we know what Sub-Zero does on his time off. Nice job.

About Me

Looking over this picture, the only thing I see missing are his leg decals. But it's a small gripe which doesn't affect the overal quality.

Wow, Jax your work is amazing.
Right when I saw your name, I knew right then that you would get a 5/5 rating from me 
You can bump threads in the fan art section as long as you are not the author.
Don't believe me? Ask ~Crow~.
Great work as usual Jax. 5/5
Don't believe me? Ask ~Crow~.
-A-nubis Wrote:
y do u bump this thread? u should get skulls!
y do u bump this thread? u should get skulls!
Great work as usual Jax. 5/5
-A-nubis Wrote:
y do u bump this thread? u should get skulls!
y do u bump this thread? u should get skulls!
Here we go again with youre"u bumped a thread u should get skulls!"shit again.Don't u ever shut the hell up?
-A-nubis Wrote:
I'll shut the hell up if you leave this site and never come back
I'll shut the hell up if you leave this site and never come back
Um how about no.It'll be good if u do shut the hell up.
Now, now nice..if you'll notice, the guy who bumped this in the first place has like 6 visits to his name. He doesn't quite understand the rules of MKO yet, so have a little understanding next time, anubis, k?
Keep flyin', Phoenixwarrior
Keep flyin', Phoenixwarrior
AJustinA Wrote:
holy crap,jesus jumping christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,u r amazing,sub is my fav,i come from a family of artists,but im not that great,i have a drawing that i want to submit,but it is bitmap,can u tell me how to make it JPEG?{im new}
When you SaveAs you see the "File name", under it, it says "Save as type:". Then you choose which type you want to save it as
About Me
My Action Short Films:
Sub-ZeroMasta Wrote:
You can bump threads in the fan art section as long as you are not the author.
Don't believe me? Ask ~Crow~.
You can bump threads in the fan art section as long as you are not the author.
Don't believe me? Ask ~Crow~.
-A-nubis Wrote:
y do u bump this thread? u should get skulls!
y do u bump this thread? u should get skulls!
Sub-ZeroMasta is right. Threads on the Fan Art Forum can be bumped as long as the author doesn't do it.
Hmm.. add some colour to it.. it's an alright drawing, good job.
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