How I would like to see Jade in MK6
How I would like to see Jade in MK6
Artist's Remarks: | |
The b-ground is rendered with "Vue D'Esprit" and I made Jade editing(with "Adobe Photo Shop") the sprite from UMK3. I tried to make her outfit more ninja. :)
Full Scale | 800x600 | Category | Digital Art (Wallpaper) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 25 | Score |

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That's pretty tight. Nice shadowing and coloring. 

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Great stuff! It kicks ass! 

SaiBot Wrote: That is really awesome. I love it. |
you took the words right off my mouth

kurupt Wrote: hey this is pretty good, very nice background |
Think so too.

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Save a life; Kill a necromorph
Jade you always do a good job
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TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.
1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.
Wow, that's fantastic Jade. I love the saturation of the color! By the way, what does her pants leg say? I think it says Jade in Katakana but I'm not positive.
At first I was wondering why Jade was so small, but then I read that you actually worked from her in-game sprite. Considering that, this is a pretty damn good editing and painting job.
I really like how ya refined and blended the skin and face. The blending on the green parts to the outfit is well put too.
There are a few parts that seem too pixelated though: the back tuft & front strand of the hair and the green type on her arm & right pant leg could use some smudging to fit with the painted look of the rest of the edit.
Also, the edited extensions to either side of her waist are nice additions, but they could have more outline to them- making them look they wrap around the waist more and not seem as flat on it.
The cast shadow is nicely implemented- I like how it has a bit of perspective and transluscence to it, rather than just simply being skewed and completely blackened.
The green and black of Jade's oputfit has a neat interaction with the background- its contrast makes it pop-out, yet the green and orange complement each other. Portrays a message- like even in isolation, Jade stands out as a prominent figure. Alone, yet keen-willed; Mysterious, strong, isolated, sexy: Jade.. 'Its a neat composition' is what I'm getting at. I espcially like the thumbnail view of it for this reason 8)
Consierding the small canvas ya had to work with initially, this edit is well done. Kudos Jade :)
I really like how ya refined and blended the skin and face. The blending on the green parts to the outfit is well put too.
There are a few parts that seem too pixelated though: the back tuft & front strand of the hair and the green type on her arm & right pant leg could use some smudging to fit with the painted look of the rest of the edit.
Also, the edited extensions to either side of her waist are nice additions, but they could have more outline to them- making them look they wrap around the waist more and not seem as flat on it.
The cast shadow is nicely implemented- I like how it has a bit of perspective and transluscence to it, rather than just simply being skewed and completely blackened.
The green and black of Jade's oputfit has a neat interaction with the background- its contrast makes it pop-out, yet the green and orange complement each other. Portrays a message- like even in isolation, Jade stands out as a prominent figure. Alone, yet keen-willed; Mysterious, strong, isolated, sexy: Jade.. 'Its a neat composition' is what I'm getting at. I espcially like the thumbnail view of it for this reason 8)
Consierding the small canvas ya had to work with initially, this edit is well done. Kudos Jade :)

The environment is well chosen and made. Even without Jade its like i think a pic u can look at and enjoy it but Jade just makes it kinda perfect!
I like the idea of making Jade to look a bit more like a ninja as u said!
I also like the rock in the background next to the sun. It gives the pic kinda a nice touch!
I like how the sun shines on the invironment, Jade, the trees and on the bushes.
The hmm points:
I think that the shadow of Jades left arm doesnt look like the same! Because the shadows arm is a bit bent and Jades real arm not! I still think that theres at least a differents even if its not a big one!
The ground looks like water to me so beside that Jade is standing on water(if its water like i think) why are bushes and trees growing on the surface of the water or in the sea? They couldnt survive!!!
But after all its a good idea that is realized and a good pic! Well done!
PS: And well TLag- made again a good statement of the pic!
I like the idea of making Jade to look a bit more like a ninja as u said!
I also like the rock in the background next to the sun. It gives the pic kinda a nice touch!
I like how the sun shines on the invironment, Jade, the trees and on the bushes.
The hmm points:
I think that the shadow of Jades left arm doesnt look like the same! Because the shadows arm is a bit bent and Jades real arm not! I still think that theres at least a differents even if its not a big one!
The ground looks like water to me so beside that Jade is standing on water(if its water like i think) why are bushes and trees growing on the surface of the water or in the sea? They couldnt survive!!!
But after all its a good idea that is realized and a good pic! Well done!
PS: And well TLag- made again a good statement of the pic!
the_god_Anubis Wrote: The ground looks like water to me so beside that Jade is standing on water(if its water like i think) why are bushes and trees growing on the surface of the water or in the sea? They couldnt survive!!! font> |
You're right...the texture of the ground is a bit wasn't suppose to be water...

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wow. I really like the background and the pic of Jade.
I was thinking the same thing about the sand being water. it looked like water at first but then I noticed it is sand. I really like texture.
As for Jade I like how you have her name on her leg. It looks flawless.
Me personally I would like to see her unmasked and with her hair down.
I was thinking the same thing about the sand being water. it looked like water at first but then I noticed it is sand. I really like texture.
As for Jade I like how you have her name on her leg. It looks flawless.
Me personally I would like to see her unmasked and with her hair down.

Daywalker01 Wrote: I was thinking the same thing about the sand being water. it looked like water at first but then I noticed it is sand. I really like the texture. Me personally I would like to see her unmasked and with her hair down. |
Yeah as Daywalker said thats its maybe sand i can see it too now!
We complement each other.... at least up to now!
PS: Umm im sure everyone likes to see her at least once unmasked and with open hair! >>>

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