Name: Grave
Age: Unknown
Former Name: Jericho Magnus
Weight: 215 lbs
Height: 6'6
Eye Color: Unknown, glow red
Hair Color: Unknown. It was black in his former life.
Skin Tone: Unknown
Disciplines: Command Sambo, Xynyi Liuhe Quan. Armageddon (Hajin Mon/Hayabusa mixed Ninjitsu)
Weapon: Cerberus as well as concealed wrist blades.
Place of Origin: Unknown (Suspected to be Nocturne).
Alliance: The One Being
Power Specialty: Necromancy, Alchemy
Quote: ``Don't make your life any shorter then it already is.''
Grave appears as a ninja crossed with a necromancer in his solid state. His outfit consists of a cross between ninja chain mail, necro-armor, and leather type material which is outfitted with a skeletal design. His head is masked with a ninja hood that completely covers his face, exposing only his eyes. A spine-shaped piece of armor stretches from the back of his head, over the top and then down to his chin and separates his face in half. From that spine, rib-shaped armor stretches to both sides, covering his face. The ribs make up the metal portion of his face guard and start from the top of the mouth, and end at the bottom, wrapping his head in almost a type of cage. The ribs latch on to the back of the spine, and complete the mask. From where his spine starts, another extension goes from the mask, all the way down to his tail bone, also in the shape of a spine. From that, another set of ribs stretches across his chest and forms the chest plate portion of his armor. The ribs converge in the center and create a sternum from where he has a series of jet black panels set behind the ribs to from the final piece of his chest plate. His fore arms are wrapped with gauntlets. The gauntlets, as well as his boots also share the same rib out line as his chest and helm. The gauntlets have plates which stick out of his leather material and make up the body of its protection. The rib design then overlaps the plates and wraps around the arms. He has a cloak that is crimson red, wrapped round most of his body. If examined closely, the cloak has outlines of screaming faces embedded into it. Through untold generations, the cloak has absorbed the blood of those who were foolish enough to take on grave and paid with their lives. The cloak drapes over both of his shoulders and has a tattered appearance. It actually gives of a low moan which comes from the helpless cries of Graves's victims. The cloak has several offensive and defensive purposes. The leather material which is strewn through out his body is much like Spawn's armor. It has many neural connectors all over the body which make it more then just fabric. The fabrics color is red and black. The black is used to most of Grave's muscle mass, while the red is used to highlight it. On several places of his body, Grave has metal plates which are strewn from the leather fabric, his gauntlets and boots are two places, but he also has several plates on his thighs, on his abdomen, and on his shoulders. He also has a set of armlets and anklets on his body which shimmer like gold and show up strongly against the black and red background colors. He has fabric on the inside of his gauntlets, around the palm area also on both calves. His whole outfit acts as one unit which gives him great power. However, unlike all the other fighters, his outfit is only a physical shell for his essence, any body he can take over will immediately transmute into the above form if he wills it or his shell is destroyed. He also has two hidden arm blades which come out of his forearms, from underneath the armor. On his forehead resides a fabled gem, the Philosopher Stone.
Design 2:
Grave wears an overall body suit just like in his first outfit, but it's black instead of red. He has a chest plate with a strange emblem in the center. His abdomen is also covered in plating except it's more broken up into individual pieces. His body suit has several places where instead of it being the same material, it's more like a mesh, this is usually around his biceps. His left shoulder has a skull plate covering some of the other texture on his body. His forearms are covered with guards that look like a surrounding rib cage. In between the ribs, are Graves's actual muscle fibers for his arms. His belt has the same emblem that his chest plate does with two red sashes coming down each side, draping over one thigh, while the other drapes down a bit lower. His right leg is covered in armor from his upper thigh all the way down. The frame of the armor is a metallic color, while the plating itself is red. Grave's skin tone is slightly tan, and he has an X shaped scar in the center of his face. His right eye is blank out, but his left has a red iris. He has his long black hair which would go reach half way down his back. Although it's not shown, his hair has red highlights in a few places. This would be the form he mostly appears in, but with his head covered by a hood which would rest on his shoulders, connecting to his cape.
Fighting Styles
Command Sambo
The Central Asian region of the Soviet Union is a vast storehouse of martial arts. Sambo is a technique developed by combining over 200 types of regional martial arts in the area. Its advanced moves, which target the joints, are feared by many. The damage toward the joints is definitive, immediately obliterating the opponent's ability to fight. Of course, this carefully constructed system gets real results in battle.
Command Sambo is a military martial art form based on Sambo, as developed by the Soviet Union to focus completely on the offensive. Command Sambo leaves no room for mercy. It's a cold, mechanical martial art created for the purpose for surviving modern warfare and the constant struggle between life and death.
Xynyi Liuhe Quan
Xynyi Liuhe Quan is a powerful form of martial art capable of ending a battle in a single blow. In fact, it's considered by many to be the most powerful of all Chinese martial arts, and is a secret martial art form passed down through the ultimate secrecy of the Kaizoku (Chinese followers of Islam). Xynyi Liuhe Quan was introduced into the world recently, and its deadly combat characteristics became quickly well-known, Today there is virtually no martial art that doesn't know of its existence.
Xynyi Liuhe Quan completely ignores any weakness on the part of the user, who aggressively engages in battle at close range. The intended result is to defeat before one can be defeated. Therefore, the offensive is extremely heavy and damaging, often not even allowing time for the opponent to retaliate. Headbutts and bodily collisions are its main weapons.
Hajin Mon
The backside of the Mugen Tenshin style of Ninjitsu; a well-kept secret within the already secretive Ninja society Mugen Tenshin. Members of this side are believed to possess superhuman physical strength and battle technique. Additionally, they're said to have magical powers, and this makes them all the more feared.
The members of this side of Mugen Tenshin- a very exclusive group- are known to provide background support to the Tenjin Mon. the Hajin Mon possess unbelievable powers, but, strangely they're sworn to utmost obedience to the Tenjinmon.
Hayabusa Ninjitsu
This is another faction of Ninjitsu. The Hayabusa don't form a large tribe as the Mugen Tenshin do, but instead carry forth their legacy through the skills of elite individuals. They're undoubtedly close to the Mugen Tenshin in terms of technique, but as with all shinobi history there is no documentation that explains how these two tribes are related.
The Hayabusa are considered to have the closest relationship with the Yamabushi and Tengu, and are accorded much respect.
By combing these two sets of Ninjitsu, grave has formed a new style known only to him as Armageddon . This style is a rare sight because of its destructive potential. This style has only been witnessed in battle once, and those who have seen it, now lie buried in their graves. It's also an incredibly difficult system to not only master, but to use in general.
Grave uses his powers of Necromancy and Alchemy to form a powerful blade made of a strange glowing metal and the bones of the dead from beneath the ground. By using his power of Necromancy, Grave forms the hilt of his sword which is made of reinforced bones. The sword has two spines going down each side, leaving an opening in the middle. The blade is fused with a bone design which connects it to the hilt. Unlike a normal blade which has a gradual decrease in the blade as it goes from hilt to point, this blade has outlying segments and a more square look to it for maximum damage. At the bottom of the hilt, the handle has a finger guard which is also razor sharp. It lets itself for a quick sneak attack at close range when the blade can't be swung. On the very bottom of the sword, there is a red globe, filled with a swirling red energy which emits a powerful aura of despair. The actual blade of the sword is made from Grave's blood using a transmuting technique known as Equivalent Exchange. Grave gives up some of his blood, a vital part of anything living to create a blade that is unbreakable, and tainted with evil. The metal that is made from this technique constantly pulses with hatred. Those who have been cut by its blade are said to have been driven mad before being put out of their misery by its finishing blow. The blade grows stronger when it is soaked with blood and surges with the energy of pure hatred every time it's wielded. Its true potential has never been seen, but rumors stated that it has been able to split mountains and shatter the sky.
Command List: Command Sambo
Palm Arrow- Diagonal BU, 1
Tomahawk Elbow- Diagonal FU, 1
Smash Uppercut- U,U, 1
Rising Tomahawk- Diagonal FU, 2
Javelin Kick- U, 2
Body Sabot- 3+2
Blast Trass- B, 1,2
Blast Drive Knee- B,1,F,2
Smash- (hold diagonal DF, 1)
Heel Hammer- B, 2
Head Butt- 1+2
Arm Grenade- F, 1+2
Flame Knuckle- F, F, 1
Reverse Double Hammer B, 1+2,1
Leg Spike- (Diagonal DB, 2)
Solid Crush- F, 1, 1, 1
Crush Leg Spike- F, 1, 1, D, 2
Stomach Break F, 1, 2
Rush Sabot-1, F, 1, 2
Rush Leg Spike- 1, F, 1, D, 2
Storm Hook- 1, 1, 1
Storm Blast Knuckle- 1, 1, B, 1
Turn Low Javelin- D, 3+2
Desert Cross Hold- 3, 1
Neck Hanging Tree- B, 3+1
Neck Hanging Blow (next to wall) B, 3+1
Desert Falcon- (half circle forward, 3+1)
Ground Submission- D, 3+1 (to opponent on the ground)
Throw Combos:
Note: The * symbol means pause
Half Boston Crab- Half Circle Forward, 1+3, Half Circle Backward, 1+3, *, D, 1+3
STF- Diagonal FD, Diagonal FD, 1+3, *, D, D, 1+3
Crazy Crash (Low throw combo)- D, 1+3, *, D, 1+3, *, D, D, 1+3
Command List: Xynyi Liuhe Quan
To- Sho- D, 1
Rensui Tanpa- 1, 1, 1
Tanho Kosonzan- Diagonal DF, 1,1
Kohoto- Diagonal FU, 1
Banchu, Tanho, Kosonzan- F, 1, 1, 1
Banho-Yokei- F, 1,1,1+2
Kaiho, Yosoku- B, 1, 1
Kaiho, Sosui, Soha- B, 1, F, 1, *, 1+2
Choryo- Hold Diagonal FD, 1
Tanapa- F, F, 1
Kosonzan- Diagonal FD, Diagonal FD, 1
Sen- Shippo- Quarter circle forward, 1, 1
Kobokuha- 1+2
Yosokuha- Half circle backward, 1
Ugyu- Haito- Diagonal BD, F, 1
Soha- F, 1+2
Yoshi- Saiken- D, 1+2, *, Quarter circle forward, 1
Toha- B, 1+2
Rokugo- Rihosui- Diagonal BD, 1+2
Yokei- Diagonal FD, 1+2
Hakuja- Honsui- Diagonal BD, 1
Senryu- Ha- Diagonal FD, 2, 1, *, Half circle forward, 1
Keitai, Han- Senpu- Hold F, 2, 2
Sohi- Kyaku- 3+2
Zenso- Tai- D, 3+2
Juji- Kao- 3+1
Shini-i-Ha- B, 3+1
Ryuyo (next to wall)- B, 1+3
Shutai- F, 1+3
Kokai-San-Osa- Quarter circle back, 1+3
Kohaibi (from behind of opponent)- 1+3
Batetto (low throw)- D, 1+3
Throw Combo:
Kokei- F, F, 1+3, *, F, 1+3
Unpei- Rakuho- Quarter circle forward, 1+3, *, 1+3
Command List: Armageddon
Ren-Geki-Dan- 1, 1, 1
Kusen-Zangeki- 1, 1, B, 1, F, 1
Mekki-Tatsumaki- 1, 1, B, 1, 2
Ren-Kikohu-Shintei- 1, 1, 2, 2, 2
Jinpu-Ren-Kyaku- 1, 1, D, 2
Hato-Geri- 1, 2, 2
Hatotsu-Rensho- F, 1, 2, 2
Raishin-Geki- 1, 2, 2
Amatsuki- U, 1
Kushin-Geki- B, 1, F, 1
Hayo-Nagi-Geri- B, 1, 2
Mizore-Uchi- Diagonal, BU, 1
Hazumi-Guruma- 2, 2
Hagen-Koryo-Kyaku- U, 2, 2
Haja- Rensho- F, 2, 2
Ura-Chiso-Kyaku- Diagonal FD, 2, 1, 2
Jusuberi- F, F, 2
Tenshu- Diagonal FU, 2
Tenji, Renchi- 1, 2, D, 2
Rengo-Kyaku- 2, 2, 2
Getsuro-Shu- F, 2, D, 2
Ren-Engetsu- 1, 1, F, 2, 2
Ren-Genraku- 1, 1, F, 1, D, 2
Kasumi-Gaeshi- 1+3
Kegon-Enbu- F, 1+3
Tenro- Kyaku- B, 1+3
Hayabusa-Geri- F, F, 1+3
Ura-Nage (from behind opponent)- 1+3
Kandachi-Otoshi (from behind opponent)- B, 1+3
Throw Combo:
Izuna-Otoshi- Half circle forward, 1+3, *, Half circle upward, 1+3, *, a190; circle downward, 1+3
Hien-Saka-Otoshi- U, 1+3, *, B, 1+3
Ibara-Otoshi- F, F, 1+3, *, D, 1+3
Ibara-Kudaki- F, F, 1+3, *, D, 1+3
Special Strikes:
Bone Shield:
Grave raises a shield of bones in front of him to protect himself from an oncoming projectile.
Ba'al Flame:
A searing and freezing jet of undead green and blue fire that is shot out of Graves hands like a flamethrower. The flame can either be used as a direct assault or, used to ensnare the opponent in a ring of fire.
Equivalent Exchange:
Using Alchemy, Grave can either give up a quarter of his health to increase his power four times over, or he can give up some of his power to increase his health. Since the effect is random, this move should be used sparingly.
Death Wave:
Grave shoots his hand upward creating a crescent shaped blade of energy which shoots across the ground at great speed. If it hits it acts as a knock back along with causing 25% damage and has a lasting drain effect, which reduces the opponents' damage, and decreases their guard.
Wraith Strike:
Grave is able to abandon his physical body and attack his opponent in the form of a wraith, before returning into his physical form.
Kinetic Lightning:
Grave uses alchemy to charge up the air around his hand and his opponent. With one snap of his fingers he sends a small spark from his hand through the super heated air, creating an instant lightning bolt on command. He can send it either through the air, or send it across the floor b touching it.
Grave takes his spectral form and vanishes from sight. Suddenly he reappears behind the opponent and sinks into their body. The opponent instantly goes insane and begins to scream uncontrollably and falls to their knees. They smash their head into the ground several times, leaving a pool of blood on the floor. A cloak shoots out of their back and covers the opponent's body. A red light glows from under the cloak and a sickening crunch is heard from under the cloak. The pool of blood increases as the cloaked figure stands back up. Grave disappears from sight and in his place is the pool of blood with a scorch mark on the floor.
Judgments Right Hand:
Grave channels energy into his right hand, causing it to glow with mystic, tribal runes. The energy begins to spike out from the hand and hit the ground. With one quick motion, grave charges the opponent. He leaves after images in his path so the opponent can't follow him. Before the opponent can move, Grave reappears in front of them and grabs them by their face. Grave's eyes glow red as the energy from his arm begins to surge into the person's head. Finally, the energy is too much for the opponent to take and it begins to spike out of the opponent's flesh, causing it to bleed uncontrollably. The energy shoots out of the opponent's body and into the ground. It begins to swirl and then shoots back up into the air, destroying the opponent's body with only their head in Grave's palm.
Level: Chaos Citadel
The Chaos Citadel is located in the realm of Nocturne, a place that Grave used to call home. The citadel rises high above the landscape, standing as a monument to all the lives Grave has taken, and acts as a conduit between the material world and the ethereal consciousness of the One Being. The tower is composed of rock, metal and the bones of fallen warriors. It towers in the outskirts of the main city in Nocturne. To those who still live in the broken city, the tower almost looks like a pillar to the sky. With the One Being's consciousness always flowing through it, it keeps the realm under a dark cloud, hidden from the elder gods and keeps the city, as well as the entire realm under its dark influence. Murder is a common thing here, nobody cares whether one of their family members die, or one of their comrades. Everybody is always in a constant state of fear and suffering. Atrocities in the streets are common place and cannibalism is looked as a means of survival. If Grave is successful in his mission, then this will serve as the base realm from which the One Being will become whole once more.
The tower itself is cylindrical in shape with a flat top, this is where the fight actually starts. The roof is quite huge, since the tower is so high, this makes it perfect to fight on, however because its so high, the upsweep of wind makes it difficult to stay in one place since your always being pushed off the edge, this acts as one of the hazards of the stage, as well as a death trap. The top of the tower has four statues positioned at the ends of the roof. The statues are an additional 20 feet in height. Each statue is made to look like one of the four main people that Grave feels he was betrayed by the most, and each statue is shaped to look like it's in a constant state of suffering.
Around the roof are panes of glass which act as sky lights and can be broken through by delivering an uppercut to the opponent which sends them into the air, and then back down through the glass. The panes are positioned so that once the opponent goes through one and falls through, he'll keep falling through several more before hitting a solid surface several floors down. The reason for this is more for decoration since each pane of glass is a different color and a different design, so when light shines from above it displays a pattern on the floor below. There is no hidden weapon at the top of the tower but the glass hazard does do quite a bit of damage if knocked through.
The music here is very orchestral, with a chorus in the background, singing a very unified and haunting chant.(Halo style).There is also a mix of pipe organ and piano in the background for music.
With the upsweep in wind, as it races across the top of the roof, providing a wind streak effect, and lightning in the background, all against a grayish black sky, it provides a very cinematic feel. And if you manage to stay on the top of the tower it begins to rain severely. The opponents will have an extra glossy look to them because of all the rain on them.
Tower Innards:
If you get knocked down into the final floor of the tower through the pane of glass, you are thrown into Grave's chamber. Just like the roof, the arena is circular, and it has also has panes of stand glass windows reaching from the floor of the room to the ceiling, needless to say these can act as death traps. However, there are also to gigantic statues of two skeletons which are positioned on each side of the arena. You can only see their torsos but they why they are built is meant to make it look like they are holding up the ceiling. In front of the two statues is a mote which always emits a wall of flames in front of the statues which acts like a hazard.
On one side of the room is Grave's throne, it sits on a raised platform, on a red carpet with the red drapes hanging high above. The throne is made of steel and bones, two real skulls are used at the ends of the chair, and another at the top of the throne. These are the actual skulls of the people represented by the statues on the roof. The back of the throne is decorated with the final statue on the roof and is the skeleton of the former leader of this realm which sentenced Grave to die. The room itself is mostly black with red, which matches Grave's uniform. The only light that comes in is from the giant panes of stained glass around the edges of the room, and the flame pits underneath the two giant skeleton statues.
Stage Weapon: Zatoryu (Dragon Killer)
The stage weapon was Grave's favorite sword in his past life. A sword which has been tainted by untold amounts of blood, its blade is a crimson color and from the top of the handle to the end of the blade it's about 5 feet in length. The sword is carried on the back, or by the side with both hands because it is so heavy. Its hand guard is an actual dragon skull, which is molded around the base of the blade. It acts, and plays a lot like Nightmares Soul Edge from Soul Calibur, but it deals much more damage. The weapon isn't actually seen in the stage. You must shatter Grave's thrown, and then it will transmute into the sword from the throne's pieces. (Note: If Grave is to take possession of the sword, during play, his attacks will be augmented by 200% because it is his own weapon)
Stance One (Sword at side): F, D, 2
Stance Two (Sword held behind) : F, B, D, 2
Stance Three (Sword placed on ground): U, D, F, 2
Iron Twister: F, F, 1+2 (Stance 1)
Ravine Rush: D, D, F, 3 (Stance 3)
Violent Strike: D, Diagonal Down Forward, F+1 (Stance 2)
Summersault Smash: B, D, F, 2 (Stance 3)
Steal Hurricane: D (3 seconds) U, U, 2 (Stance 2)
Note: * means pause
Ravine Rush to Violent Strike combo:
(Stance 3) D, D, F, 3 * F+1
Summersault Smash to Steal Hurricane
(Stance 3) B, D, F (hold 2 seconds),1, U, U, 2
Dragon Fury (Summersault Smash finish)
(Stance 3) B, D, F, 2, *, D, D, F, 3, F+1, D (3 sec,), U, 2, D, F, 2
Dragon Fury (Iron Twister Finish)
(Stance 3) B, D, F, 2, *, D, D, F, 3, F+1, * F, F, 1+2
Music: Once knocked down into Grave's chamber, the music is a slight remix of what you heard on the roof top, but it also has a mix of metal with heavy drum beats and guitar in the back with also a bit of a synthesizer to add an echoing effect, and mix it all together.
Ambiance: The light from the windows forms patterns on the floor, like in the Beetle Lair. The floor itself is a marble white with Grave's final battle designed into it. If you get close to the fire pit, you can see the shadow and bloom effects on the characters, as well as the hot air rising which makes it look all wavy.
Eons before the Mortal Kombat tournament, the One Being was torn to pieces, and his consciousness scattered in the form of six mystical items known as the Kamidogu. The Elder gods believed that they have seen the last of this menace, and decided to rest on their laurels, and let humanity take its course a foolish mistake to say the least. Although the One Being was scattered through out the six realms, Order, Chaos, Earth, Nether, Edenia, and Outworld, its power has not diminished, it only laid dormant. From the moment its physical form was destroyed, it began to harness its power through out the ages. For what seemed like an eternity, the One Being's influence slowly crept through out the realms, eventually tainting the minds of the Elder Gods themselves. With the collaboration of both, humans and deities, Mortal Kombat was born.
Realms began to fight for power, for greed, and for bloodshed. With each new champion, the One Being's power and influence grew stronger. Every time a fighter experienced a surge of power before finishing off his opponent, what he felt was the One Beings power surge through them, giving them the strength to thin the ranks, and move forward. By continuing this cycle, the One Being drew ever closer to reassembling itself. Finally, after the hundredth Mortal Kombat tournament, the One Being had enough power to create a vessel into which it could pour its essence. The One Being's reach was endless, and its power spanned through the realms like a tidal wave, destroying many and corrupting others in the process. The One Being's search lasted two decades, its power seeping through the realms finally found a suitable vessel to hold its power and carry out its purpose. The vessel it has chosen was a great warrior in his realm. An enforcer to his higher power, he was commander of an unmatched army. He went by the name, Jericho Magnus. A warrior who not only excelled in the art of combat was also well versed in the mystic arts. On the battlefield, he was looked at as a demon. His eyes glowed with the crimson hatred and distaste for his race. He killed without mercy, but also without any sense of pleasure or remorse. His eyes were the last things his victims saw as they took their last breath. Not much is known about his history since anybody who knew it was killed either by Jericho or one of his associates. The fact that Jericho would not talk about his personal history lead to many people questioning his allegiance. However, because of his skills in Alchemy and his devotion into the black art of Necromancy have made him a widely sought after agent. The One Being could see the hatred buried deep in Jericho's soul, the locked memories in the deepest recesses of his mind although inaccessible, even to the One Being have made him an easy target. The One Being would wait for the perfect time to contaminate him. It was not long after when the One Beings influence had created the perfect opportunity to seize his prize.
The One being would weave his power in an upcoming battle set to take place at the Senaturan Valley, an enormous crater, created by a meteor shower centuries ago. Jericho's army numbered in the thousands, a see of black armor filled one half of the crater, his opponent's army, which was equally as massive, led by the a former god stood against him in his pursuit of conquest for the entire plane of Nocturne. On his steed, Jericho paced back and forth for a split second before finally raising his sword into the air and commanding his troops to attack.
Jericho- As long as one of us survives, we are a legion. We fight as one, we fight without fear, and we fight with Nocturne on our side now attack my warriors!!!!
The two armies clashed with the sound of thunder. Their armies merged into a sea of chaos. The sound of metal smashing against metal was deafening. Jericho's army showed unseen ferociousness in their attacks, within the first 6 hours of battle, the two armies were now knee deep in each other's blood.
Jericho- I will not be denied this victory by anybody, mortal or god, living or dead!!
Grave leapt off his steed and into the thickness of battle. Carnage rained like never before as those who even took a step towards him were cleaved in half. The battle lasted for what seemed like an eternity; however, with the adrenaline rush that Jericho experienced it made absolutely no difference if this fight would ever end, and he'd take anybody's life to claim this battle for himself. Powered by blood lust and filled with rage, Jericho opened himself up to the One Being's influence, and with out him realizing, Jericho was implanted with a dark seed. To set the next part of his plan into motion, the One Being's power, now having a physical presence to emanate from put Jericho into a state of berserker. Letting out a vicious cry, he lost all consciousness as well as all control of his body. Filled with unimaginable power, Jericho tore through the rest of his adversaries, leaving nobody alive. The leader of resisting army, a former god who was cast from the heavens and became a demon had his head torn off by Jericho's bare hands. The opposing army soon fell with their lord, however, Jericho wasn't finished yet. He was still in a state of berserk, and unwittingly turned on his own army, slaughtering them as well. He lost awareness after that and feel into a comma. His next memory was kneeling in front of his king for suspected treason against Nocturne, having no memory of recent events, Jericho pleaded not guilty to his accusation, but it feel on deaf ears. His crime was thought to be inhuman, and giving him death would do nothing more then serve as a release. Instead, he was to have his right arm tattooed with sacred chevrons and sentenced to life in the cells below Tartarus, an active volcano which is what many of us think Hell looks like. A special table was made for Jericho, placed directly in the center of the volcanoes Magma Chamber, Jericho would be chained to it and suspended several hundred feet above the magma pools, just out of the way of the rushing magma. The metal used to craft the chains that suspended him as well as those that bound him to the table were made out of an ancient alchemic mix of unknown materials that could resist even the highest temperatures of a volcanoes core. The heat from the volcano singed Jericho's skin, searing the chains into his flesh. There he would stay for an eternity, suspended above a constantly erupting pool of liquid rock that would kill any mortal being before ever got within 100 feet of its surface.
Jericho's mind began to fade, and his humanity began to slip away. His only emotion was anger. Anger for what those he served did to him, as long as his soul survived, they would never know the meaning of the word ``Peace''. Now was the time for the One Being to take his prize, to hatch his dark seed inside of Jericho and make him the embodiment of his power. As Jericho began to fade, he also started to hear a low voice in his head. It had no spoken language, but somehow Jericho could hear it perfectly. Its purpose, its desire, and its offer, all of these thing rang clearly in Jericho's ears.
Jericho- Whoever you are, whatever you are if you release me from this hell, my soul is yours!!!
Silence was the only thing inside of Jericho's head. The constant magma flow was the only thing that rang in his ears. Suddenly, he felt a stinging pain course through his body. Jericho tried to rip the chains that held him prisoner of the hinges and fling himself into the magma. He tried to do anything within his power to stop the pain. Jericho was able to channel enough power into his arms to break the chains and plummet into the river of liquid rock below. Jericho lost consciousness before his body hit the magma pool seconds later.
Once again, everything was quite, at first glance it looked as if this was where Jericho's story ended. Suddenly, an enormous force shook the chamber and a pillar of magma shot from the depths of the chamber and through a nearby platform. As the pillar gushed with liquid rock a hand stretched out into the open air. A silhouette stepped through the pillar with frightening power. It is believed that the man once known as Jericho Magnus did in fact die in that pool of lava, and a new demon was born. He wasted no time in claiming what was his from those that betrayed him. The demon stormed the Central Hall of Nocturne and made his way into the inner sanctum. The guards that stood there for protection were killed in a heart beat with a strike to each ones chest, causing their hearts to explode inside their bodies. Without a second thought he grabbed his former ruler by the throat and used his power to turn him inside out before tearing him in half. As his final of vengeance he used the powers given to him by the One Being to set the realm on fire and extinguish nearly all life within the blink of an eye.
From the bones of the dead, he assembled the Chaos Citadel, a tower that plunged the entire realm into everlasting turmoil. From this tower the One Being would continue to pour its influence into the new demon known as Grave granting him the power required to set the final plan into motion.
Through out the centuries, mankind has evolved in the different realms, forgetting of the One Beings existence. However, its avatar was constantly searching for new recruits to add to its army. The newly established Mortal Kombat Tournaments held by the, then young Elder Gods to keep order proved to be a perfect scouting ground. Although they didn't realize it, every champion from Shang Tsung, to Lui Kang has been marked with the One Beings touch. Grave would pass through their body like a surge of energy, giving them the power they needed to claim their victory. If one of them died, it didn't matter since Grave's expertise in Necromancy would restore them back to life when the time is right. However, the recent tournaments have spilled forth more powerful warriors then expected. This has lead to Grave being involved more and more than just surge of power. He would occasionally need to make an appearance to sway the events of the tournament. His first visible appearance would be made in the presence of one of the most powerful deities in the Higher Plane, Ryoko. He would have no intention to kill her, but to show his power, in hopes that she would report her experience to the other gods.
As Ashrah and Ryoko are about to depart, they feel a dark aura approaching. Ashrah's Kriss Blade begins to surge uncontrollably and burns her hand. She drops the sword instantly and recoils in pain.
Ashrah-Aaagghh! What the hell was that? I've never felt that sort of power before.
Ryoko-Sensui? No, it's not. This is a power that I haven't felt before. It feels.......empty.
As Ryoko looks around, she can't seem to pinpoint the source of the power. As she lets her guard down she hears a low voice.
Grave-Ba'al Flame.
As soon as she turns around she, and Ashrah are surrounded by a green circle made of fire. Yet it doesn't emanate heat, instead it feels ice cold.
Ryoko-What's the meaning of this? Do you know who I am? Release me at once!
The flames burn brighter
Grave-Know this Ryoko, your Gabrielle has gotten into something much larger then you realize. If you insist on pursuing her, your efforts will not only destroy you, but her as well.
Ryoko-You lie!
Grave-I have peered into your mind, and I have studied your soul. You have grown insecure and self-doubting. You're powerful true, but power is nothing unless you are willing to use every single ounce of it. That is the difference between you and Sensui. He has abandoned all morale and honor. He has dropped all emotion, he is willing to extinguish all of existence to reach his goal. That is why you won't be the one to beat him.
Ryoko-Are you saying Gabrielle is the one?
Grave-No, if you challenge him head one you will die swiftly.
Ryoko-You dare question my power?! Show yourself and we will see who is stronger.
A silhouette appears beyond the flame, and stares at Ryoko. By this time, Ashrah has gotten over her injury and walks up to Ryoko.
Ashrah-Who is he?
Ryoko-I don't know but if he challenges me, he will be a dead man.
Ashrah looks down at her Kriss blade as it surges with energy. She puts her foot underneath it and kicks it into the air, as it twirls on the way down Ashrah performs a flip kick, sending the surging sword at the silhouette. As it's about to hit, the sword hits a barrier and shoots back at Ashrah who quickly dodges it and lets it shoot through the flame on the other side.
Ryoko-Ashrah, stand your ground I will deal with this idiot myself.
Ashrah-As you wish, just don't get killed.
Ryoko steps forward, full intent on taking on the stranger.
Grave-I may have come from the afterlife, but don't think that I won't send you there.
Ryoko shoots a blast of concentrated light at the silhouette which goes right through.
Ryoko-Gottcha! What?
To her surprise the silhouette reforms.
Grave-You have been warned, if you die here, it is of your own fault.
The figures eyes squint as their glow becomes more intense. The flames around Ryoko and Ashrah intensify, as a blast is created in the place of the silhouette.
The blast is launched at Ryoko and Ashrah with blazing speed. Ryoko is unable to block at such a close range and is hit dead on. The blast shoots through both Ryoko, and Ashrah as the let out a scream and are engulfed in freezing and burning flames. They both collapse to the floor as the flames on their bodies die out. The flames around them morph into an undead dragon and rises to the ceiling before shooting into the ground and disappearing, leaving no trace or markings that it ever existed.
Moments later Nightwolf comes in to find the two warriors on the ground. He quickly rushes over to Ashrah and tries to wake her up.
Nightwolf-Ashrah wake up. C'mon open your eyes!
Ashrah wakes up with a gasp for air.
Ashrah-What the hell was that?!
Nightwolf-What are you talking about?
Ashrah-We were attacked and.....
Nightwolf-Get a hold of yourself. Listen I'll get back to you, I have to go help out Ryoko.
Ashrah-Yes, she was hit harder then I was.
Nightwolf walks up to Ryoko and holds her in his arms.
Nightwolf-She's ice cold! It feels as if her essence was drained. I need to do something.
Nightwolf starts chanting and his body begins to glow a blue flame and the howling of wolves is heard. Nightwolf opens his eyes as they glare white and a wolf spirit leaves his chest and enters Ryoko. She glows blue and instantly revives.
Ryoko-(gasp) what....what was that?
As she looks up she sees Nightwolf come out of his trance.
Nightwolf-Welcome back to the world of the living.
This would be the first time anybody would feel a small portion of Grave's power for over 10,000 years, and it wouldn't be the last...
After Grave made his presence felt by showing a small fraction of his power to Ashrah, and the goddess of light, Ryoko, he would pay the god of death, Anubis a visit, testing him if he would be a worthy candidate for an upcoming part in the One Being's final plan.
As Kilvan and Piroh laugh and celebrate their new source of knowledge, they are cut short by a strange power. Kilvan stops and looks straight ahead.
Kilvan- You've got a lot of nerve to interrupt me. And know, you will die.
With lightning speed, Kilvan takes his scythe and tosses it over his shoulder, straight at his target. He turns in time to see as it it's about to make contact. However, instead of the figure being cleaved in half, the scythe passes right through and gets imbedded into a near by wall.
Kilvan turns towards Piroh and lets out a laugh from underneath his mask.
Kilvan- Of course, nobody could be that stupid. The coward only sent an astro image to spy on me.
Piroh- Truly a foolish coward.
Kilvan- Indeed, so let's retrieve my weapon and be on our way.
Kilvan and Piroh approach the shadow figure, excepting to walk through and pick the scythe out of the wall. As they approach, Kilvan reaches over, hoping to have his hand pass through image and grab his scythe.
Kilvan- An admirable image. Not many can hold a copy together for this long.
Piroh- Yes, the coward does seem to poses some skill. Unfortunately for him, he'll fall at your feet before long.
Kilvan proceeds to reach through the shadow and extract his weapon. As he does, the image comes to life and grabs Kilvan by his throat with great speed.
Grave- I assure you, I'm quite real.
Kilvan (choking)- What the hell?!
Kilvan- Piroh *cough* banish him from my sight!
Piroh quickly casts a warp spell, and the figure dematerializes. Kilvan quickly takes a breath as he stumbles to one knee. He reaches to his throat and massages it, while extracting the scythe with his other hand. Kilvan- I've never seen a technique like that. That idiot, how dare he mess with a warrior of such skill as me?
Grave- If you truly where great you wouldn't have been caught off guard so easily.
Kilvan turns around and meets a the shadow figure once more, face to face before he is hit hard in the mask with a quick right hand from the figure, sending him into the wall.
Piroh tries to warp the figure once more, but is quickly turned into a statuette by the figures gaze, and falls to the floor, shattering on impact.
Kilvan- You'll pay dearly for that!
He swings at the opponent with his scythe, but the figure raises his forearm, and the scythe hits hard against a bone shaped gauntlet. Then, without warning, the figure puts his foot against Kilvans throat, pinning him to the wall. By applying pressure, he imbeds him into the wall, leaving an imprint.
Kilvan realizes that he can use his Devil Hands and can disable his opponent by applying pressure points. A great plan but as he tries to attack his opponent's legs, his hands pass right through, as if his leg was made of vapor.
Grave- Don't get too full of yourself, Anubis. It's one matter to have a plan, it's quite another to execute it.
The figure grabs Kilvans scythe and throws it to the side.
Grave- I could kill you right now, but I am not your executioner.
The figure retracts his leg and frees Kilvan, letting him fall to the floor.
Kilvan- You may not be my executioner, but I have now become yours!!!
Kilvan uses his power to summon his scythe to him and with one slash, he cuts through the shadow figures mid-section, but just like before it goes completely through.
Kilvan- What's going on?!
Kilvan slashes up dices the figure vertically in half, still he reforms.
Starting to feel fatigued, Kilvan manages to swing once more, but before he can reach enough momentum to swing it, the figure quickly puts his foot on the scythe, preventing it from rising, then he runs up the scythe and knees Kilvan in the bridge of the masks nose, creating a huge dent, then he flips back and lands on the ground.
Kilvan grabs his mask as blood drips from his face slit.
Grave- Don't fool yourself into thinking you're invincible, doing so will lead to your quick and painful downfall.
Kilvan- Shut-up! Once I get the heart of the Dragon King, I will be invincible! My armies will reign supreme.
Grave- How disappointing, you are not the Anubis you think you are.
Kilvan- Silence, you know nothing about me. When I take Onaga's heart and learn the secrets to resurrection....
Kilvan is stopped short as the shadow figure looks over at Piroh's broken body and fire a blast of energy at the pile of rubble. The statue instantly comes together and returns to flesh, bring back the cyclops from the dead.
Kilvan- That's not possible! Who are you?
Grave- Be aware from this point on. You are far from invincible.
With that the figure then fades from view.
Because of Hatsuma's condition and prolonged exposure to the Black Chaos, he would make a perfect, soon to be general if he was guided down that path. Unfortunately, that would mean that Grave would need to full cross over into the material realm and retrieve Hatsuma's body from the Dragon King's guards.
As the guards make their way into the junction chamber, they're instantly surrounded by an eerie green flame.
Guard 1-What is this trickery? Come out and face us worm.
A shadow appears behind the guard and grabs him by his neck.
Grave-Drop the body and one of you will live. Refuse and my fist will by the last thing you see in this life.
Gaurd1- don't frighten me, my king will resurrect me if I die.
Grave- Well then, I'm sorry you feel that way.
The shadow tightens his grip on the guard's neck, cutting off his circulation.
The second guard rushes the shadow from behind, he raises his sword, hoping to cleave the figure in half. However, instead of cleaving the shadow, he splits his comrade in half. The guard splits open vertically as his entrails shoot out of his body and on to the floor.
At this time, Gabrielle and Ryoko rush in to see the guard get dissected.
The other guard, now quivering, drops Hatsuma's body, along with his sword and tries to make a run for it when he realizes that he is completely ensnared in the fiery circle. As he turns around he sees the shadow charging straight at him.
Grave-I'll see you on the other side.
With that, the shadow sinks his fingers into the guards face, then swings around, breaking his neck. The figure fallows up with a horizontal slash, cutting the guard in half, launching his corpse forward, tearing his head off in the process.
Gabrielle and Ryoko run in as the shadow walks over to Hatsuma's body.
Gabrielle- Get away from him!!!
The shadow only looks at her with his blazing red eyes, piercing through the darkness. Without a word, he picks up the body and the circle of fire around him flares, blocking Gabrielle's view, then subsides, revealing that he, and Hatsuma's body are nowhere to be found.
After recovering Hatsuma's body, Grave dumped it into the furthest reaches of Nocturne and proceeded back to the living world to once again test Kilvan, he needed to make sure that even after such a fight, he still had the spirit of a true god.
-Grand Hall-
Kilvan, pleased with his victory takes the time to relax and drink some wine.
Kilvan- Pathetic, she thought that she could actually defeat me. Hmph, I'll deal with her in my own and in my own time. As for now, I suppose I should enjoy the finer things in life.
Kilvan sits in a chair and puts his feet on the table, leaning back. He picks up a glass and swirls the wine inside it. He then puts it to his mouth slit and drinks to his victory.
Kilvan- Piroh? Come forth.
There is no answer, not one to be kept waiting, he screams
Kilvan- Piroh!!
The mini cyclops appears, it seems that he's out of breath.
Kilvan- Do you enjoy keeping me waiting?, no.
Kilvan- You seem a bit jumpy, anything you want to tell me? Hmm.
Piroh- No, no. Piroh has nothing to say.
Kilvan puts the glass of wine down and remains motionless for a second, then in one quick burst, lunges across the table and grabs Piroh by his head. He brings him face to face and a red glow is seen emanating from his eye slits.
Kilvan- Piroh, are you hiding something from me?
Piroh- Of course not. Why would Piroh hide something?
Kilvan- Because you know that I will separate your head from your body if I find out that you are. I'm going to ask one last time. Are you hiding something from me?
Piroh feels his heart jump into his throat and stares Kilvan in the face.
Piroh- I'm not hiding anything.
Kilvan remains silent for a second and the red glow from his mask disappears. He lets go of Piroh and leans back in his chair.
Kilvan- Very well then. Now, what do we do about the Dragon King? His heart is valuable to say the least. We need it to make an indestructible army.
Piroh- But, Kamon has amassed an army that dwarfs even the Dragon Kings by 10 fold. Why do we need his heart to reanimate them?
Kilvan- Giving me that power in this mortal form will let me rule from both sides. This will also rid me of that handicap, Kamon. His true power is still dormant, we must get rid of him before it is awakened.
Piroh- We do it the traditional way, yes?
Kilvan- No, his body holds to much power, doing it that way may shatter the barrier between life and death. We must be cautious, we can't let him know. Bring him to me.
Piroh- Yes, of course.
Piroh fades out and leaves Kilvan to himself.
Kilvan picks up his glass of wine and is about to drink it when he realizes that it's empty.
Kilvan- Who dares.....
He's cut off by a voice in the shadows.
Grave- I do.
A crimson glow emanates from Kilvan's mask, accompanied by a smoke.
Kilvan stands up and punches through the table in a fury.
Kilvan- You will pay for your transgression. My jackals will feast on your corpse when I drag you down into the after life.
Grave- Death doesn't bother me. I have walked that line countless times. Each time getting stronger.
Kilvan- Well then, you won't mind me sending you back!
Kilvan grabs his scythe and swings into the shadows.
Grave- We've already been through this. Do you want to embarrass yourself again?
Kilvan puts the scythe down in anger.
Kilvan- When this is over I will personally hang you from the ceiling.
The shadow quickly lurks across the ground and wrap itself around Kilvan, forming a figure. The shadow puts Kilvan into a lock and bends him to one knee. The shadow then shoots its hand into Kilvans body and out the other side.
?????- I can tear your heart out right now and you won't even have time to scream. Do you feel that? The ice cold sensation rushing through your body? That is what true due is. The slow realization that you are powerless to do anything about it, no matter how hard you try.
Kilvan- How are you doing this? You can easily make contact with anyone you choose yet I can't harm you. What trickery is this.
Grave-It's a perfect control of ones spectral and physical balance. I call it Surface Contact. I can solidify any part I need to make contact with.
The shadows hand retracts out of Kilvan's chest and he lets off the pressure, allowing him to get to his feet.
Kilvan- Surface Contact, I see. That's why I can't touch you. What do you want with me?
Grave- Want? "Want" is a meaningless word where I come from. I'm not here to take nor give anything from anyone. I'm only here to ensure balance. If necessary, I will TAKE the life I that is intended to preserve that balance. My role in this tournament is much larger then you can fathom. Do not cross me.
Kilvan- What exactly are you?
Grave- Some call me the Grim Reaper. However it makes no difference what they call me, I answer to a higher authority.
Kilvan- The Elder Gods?
Grave- No, nothing as weak as the Elder Gods. My time hear is wasted, you are clearly not the one I'm looking for.
Kilvan- Do you have any idea who I am? I am....
The shadow cuts him off by grabbing him by his throat and lifting him into the air. Two blazing red eyes appear in the darkness.
Grave- Yes, Anubis. I know who you are.
The shadow lets him drop to the ground and lets him catch his breath.
Grave- Do not think that armor can protect you. I have more then enough strength to tear through it and rip your essence right out.
With that, the shadow disappears in on itself leaving Kilvan alone.
At this time, Piroh and Kamon enter the room.
-Furthest reaches of Nocturne (a.k.a. Hell) -
A ball of energy shoots from the green sky and smashes into the ground like a meteor. Wandering souls, hungry for flesh begins to approach the crater. The flames around the crash site scorch all those who try to get near it. A silhouette appears in the flames, screaming in agony as the they die out. The figure inside is Hatsuma, the ninja killed by Sensui. His deeds under Sensui's control have not gone unexcused. His soul has been sentenced to burn in the depths of Hell. As he regains his consciousness, his memories flood back into his head. He sees Gabrielle, the pain in her eyes is all too clear. They both know that he's going to die, but she still refuses to accept that fact. Hatsuma's next and last memory in the living world is the edge of Sensui's blade. His final sense is the edge of the blade going into his chest and his vision of Gabrielle fading. He sees her heart brake as the walls come tumbling down and her tears flow from her eyes.
Hatsuma- Gabrielle.......
He takes his first step into the fabled underworld. As his foot touches the soil, he is filled with an immense pain. His body ignites in flames, he has now officially entered Hell. His being is stripped completely bare, leaving him defenseless. Hatsuma is barely able to stand, his body is barely holding together. He tries to take another step, again he is filled with the same pain as before. He can feel that Hell itself is alive, breathing, seething, and moving ever so slowly. Skies, filled with fire, forests of bones, and winds of tortured screams, all come together to create a canvas, too nightmarish to imagine.
Once again, Hatsuma falls to his knees, collapsing on the burning soil made of bones fire. Trying to breathe is like trying to inhale fire. Hatsuma looks ahead of him. Huge towers of ash and bone stretch into the sky. As he surveys the area, what looks to be a twisted willow tree catches his eye. It glitters brilliantly against the green sky and the ash black soil. Hatsuma makes his way towards the glowing tree. As he gets closer, his head is filled with screams, and his face with horror, an emotion that has been lost to him for what seems to be an eternity. The glowing lights in the tree are actually cages. The fires burning on its branches are actually people.
-Help me please!
-I've learned my lesson!
-Let me out, please! Even for a second.
-It was all a mistake. I didn't mean to kill them. Please let me out.
Hatsuma- Is this..... Is this the fate the awaits my soul?
-Are you here to help us?
Hatsuma doesn't answer, shedding only a tear.
As Hatsuma is a bout to leave, the ground beneath him begins to quake. Suddenly, something that looks like a serpent shoots from the ground. Its size is enormous, it towers at least 60 feet above Hatsuma, or at least the visible part. It has no skin, and its gore is all too visible, caged in only by its skeletal structure. Its eyes burn with the fires of Hell as it lurks over the damned ninja.
Hatsuma- How is this possible? This can't be the Netherealm? Where am I?
- Ha ha ha. Stupid little soul. You are in Tartarus, you are in Hell.
Hatsuma- Hell? But I was killed in Mortal Kombat!
-We are very well aware of where you died. However, Mortal Kombat has no barring here. All those who die outside the tournament end up here.
Hatsuma- Perhaps you didn't hear me. I said I WAS killed IN Mortal Kombat.
-You were NOT!!!! You were killed in an exhibition match. That has no barring. As well, you were struck down by the Malice Blade. Your soul is was damned from that moment on. Now, prepare to receive your punishment!
The beast lets out a fearsome roar as it lunges at Hatsuma.
-Non Existence!
The serpent opens its mouth, letting its tendrils shoot forth. The dig into Hatsuma's soul, immobilizing him. The serpent shoots him high into the air and opens its gaping mouth beneath him.
-Enjoy your suffering while it lasts. These moments are your final.
As Hatsuma plummets into certain doom, a shadow figure appears from nowhere, slicing the serpents head in half, killing it instantly. its body twitches wildly, and soon disintegrates. The figure shoots into the air, catching Hatsuma at the same time, and delivering him to safety.
Hatsuma reaches into his arms and pulls out the dead serpents tendrils.
Grave- How careless.
Hatsuma- Who, what are you?
Grave- That makes no difference. You should just be grateful I've saved you.
Hatsuma- Saved me? From what?! My release? Look around you? How can you tell me that I'm saved?
The figure grabs Hatsuma by his throat, giving him time to speak.
Grave- Non-existence, is far too an easy path for you. It will not bring you salvation.
Hatsuma- This is Hell. Salvation is non-existent here.
Grave- Not this far out no. But live long enough, and travel far enough and you will find it.
Hatsuma- Travel? Every time I take a step, my body ignites.
Grave- The fire you feel are your sins. you must carry there burden. Only when you reach the end can they be forgiven.
Hatsuma- Tell me. What am I supposed to do?
Grave- Hell is divided into 10 circles. Each representing a different sin. You must traverse these circles to reach salvation in the middle.
Hatsuma- 10 circles? I have been taught that there where 9 layers?
Grave- You speak of the Inferno. That was Dante's own rendition of it. The only way his mortality could cope with it. The visions he saw were only suppressed images. What awaits you is far worse.
Hatsuma- What sort of "salvation" awaits me at the center?
Hatsuma- Life? That can't be! No one has ever escaped from Hell. So, how are you here?
Grave- My from was forged in its fire. I leave this choice to you. You can make the journey, and if you succeed, your life will be restored. If you renounce it, or fail, your soul will become part of this for all eternity.
Hatsuma- How will eye return to life?
Grave- If you make it that far, I will await you there, with your body. If you make it that far, we shall meet again.
Hatsuma- Very well. But who are you? You're not a demon, but I suspect you're far from a saint.
The figure is quiet for a moment.
Grave- Grave.
With that, the figure vanishes, leaving Hatsuma with his trek towards salvation.
With Hatsuma delivered and the final phase of the tournament complete, Grave needed to make sure that all of this was for nothing. He would give the unsuspecting sorcerer Vandon the power he needed to defeat Kilvan in the final round of the tournament. Disappointed with Kilvan's performance, the time spent on conditioning him was deemed as waste, and a new champion needed to be scouted. Grave has been given permission by the One Being to, appear in person in the next tournament, but to, and under no circumstances reveal his true identity. His power would need to be constricted because it would unmake the realms if he was to let it run wild for an extended period of time. As a result, Grave would need to come back in his long abandoned human form with only about 40% of his true power intact, at least until the final stages of the tournament. Upon his journey through the realm, he came across a female ninja going by the name of Saika, located in Earthrealm. Sensing that she had much potential, Grave had to devise a plan to get her into the tournament. He decided to play on the oni that lived in the Dark Forest but use the savage Outworld race, the Tarakatans to accomplish this plan. Because of their ferocity, and love of carnage, they would serve as a perfect testing ground for Saika. However, the only problem was that the Tarkatans are loyal to their commander, and the one that has the biggest army, just happens to be the Outworld commander, Baraka. Grave would need to go and find him before anything else take place.
Finding Baraka was not a problem, with a reputation such as his, he wasn't hard to track down, feeding on the constant urge for a battle the tarkatans are born with, Grave would face Baraka in a hand to hand contest. The winner got to keep living, the looser was served as food for the mutant race.
Baraka: You will never leave this place alive!!! (Roars)
Grave: Shut up, and fight, I have a deadline to keep.
Baraka extended his arm blade and dashed at Grave with full speed, hoping to impale him on the spot. However, he grossly underestimated the challenger's skills. Grave was able to quickly side step the attack and grab Baraka by the back of his neck, then throw him over his side, planting him on the ground.
Grave: How disappointing, I thought that at least one of Kahn's lapdogs would be much more of a challenge then this.
Baraka sneered as he leapt to his feet and let out another roar.
Baraka: I will have your head for insulting me like this!!!
Baraka began to roar even louder then before. His arm blades began to extend even further out and his eyes began to glow with a fiery red. A state that few have ever seen him in, Baraka entered ``Frenzy'', a state in which the only instinct is to kill, regardless of the cost to ones on self.
Unimpressed, Grave taunted him even more:
Grave: And I didn't think you could get any uglier, come at me, if you can. In fact, I'll fight you on your own level.
Grave clenched his fists, and the spines of the guards on his arms began to rise upward, turning into blades them selves. The two warriors looked as if they were frozen in time before finally coming at each other. Baraka tried to get Grave with a strike to the head, but Grave blocked it with his own arm blade. Grave then tried to deliver a thrust kick into Baraka's stomach, but Baraka was able to flip over the attack and land behind Grave. The tarkatan tried to cut Grave's head off by running his blades intersected, like a pair of scissors and cut through Grave's neck. However, Grave ducked under the attack, and rolled backwards, through Baraka's legs, and came back up behind him. He immediately tried to place him in a bear hug, hoping to dislocate Baraka's torso from his legs, and ending this.
This would be the time that Baraka would clench his seeming victory. Once Grave grabbed on, Baraka shot several spike out of his back and pierced Grave straight through, killing him instantly. As Grave's body became limp, he loosened his grip and fell backwards. As his body hit the floor, a pillar of blue light shot from his body and into the sky, were it looked as if it had cracked the sky. His body instantly turned to ash and blew away in the wind.
Baraka unleashed a fearsome roar as the fight concluded, but he also felt a bit strange. In that instant he returned to his normal state and made an announcement to the horde.
Baraka'' Get ready, we take Earthrealm for our ruler tonight!!!!''
The surrounding tarkatans let out a huge roar and with that, the invasion of Earthrealm began. A portal was opened into the Dark Forest, where the barrier between realms was weakest and the flooded in Earthrealm like a disease. However, they would soon run into opposition in the form of two ninja's Koga, and Saika. These two warriors were unlike anything the tarkatans faced, swift and agile, but strong and brutal. The hordes numbers dropped quickly from several dozen to only half a dozen. Knowing that the invasion was a loss, Baraka called in for a retreat, as he ran back into the portal, knowing his master wouldn't be pleased, what he didn't anticipate was that one of the ninja's Saika would follow him shortly after. He tried to flee, but the earth ninja was inhumanly quick, making escape not an option.
Baraka (Snarl)-You're persistent, a perfect candidate for my master's new bride.
Saika- I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm nobody's prize.
Baraka (laughs) -That's not what Hatsuma's memory's showed.
Saika freezes dead in her tracks.
Saika- What did you say?
Baraka- Three years ago, Hatsuma was held captive at a tournament known as the Mortal Kombat. My master, the great Onaga, was able to show his memories to a select few. We know all about your feelings for him, where you trained, and the eventual goal you had for the both of you.
Saika- Where is he now?
Baraka- ....Dead..... (laughs)
Saika is driven to tears. She can't believe that Hatsuma was killed two years ago. The fact that she couldn't find him made it all too clear. Hatsuma was one and wasn't coming back. Saika is sent into a tear filled rage and attacks Baraka.
Baraka extends his blades and takes pleasure in the fact that Saika is in so much pain. he extends his blades and comes at Saika with full force. He swings at her face with one of his claws, Saika manages to jump back as Baraka's blade graces Saika's kimono, leaving a slash mark that just barely cuts her chest. Saika comes back at Baraka with a fury of kicks to Baraka's face. However, Baraka is a General for a reason. He manages to block all of them.
Baraka- By this time, your friend has probably been killed by my soldiers.(snarls)
Saika- He's stronger then you think. But you will die here and now.
Saika comes around with another round house kick. Baraka is ready to duck again, but Saika never throws it out. Instead, she comes up with her foot and kicks Baraka in the teeth as he's ducking.
Baraka stumbles back as some of his teeth tear through the inside of his mouth, causing him to bleed internally.
Baraka stumbles back- You'll pay for that!
He rushes Saika once more, with a beastly roar. H comes in with a fury of swipes and lunges.
The tables have turned, and now it is HE who is telegraphing his moves. Saika moves fluently avoiding his attacks. She gracefully flips behind him and puts her palms an inch away. Then, by channeling her power, she blasts Baraka in the back with her Shadow Mine. He flies forward and lands several inches away from an active lava flow. However, his left arm blade isn't as luck. The tip of his blade dips into the lava, melting it instantly. Baraka screams in pain as the heat shoots up the blade and into his forearm.
Baraka- You witch, I'll make you suffer!!!!
As Baraka is about to make a move he's stopped by the look in Saika's eyes. For the first time, at least for a brief second, Baraka feels true fear.
(To himself: What IS she? No matter. My master will have his way)
Baraka- Mortal Kombat begins in several days. I suggest you get ready. You may even see your Hatsuma if you live long enough.
Before Saika can question him the Tarkatan does a back flip and disappears as a wall of lava shoots from the flow into the air. Saika is left alone on the volcano, overlooking the Outworld Wastelands.
-Small Forest; Shortly After-
Baraka is stumbling around in pain.
Baraka- Get out of my head!!!!
He grabs onto a tree and bashes his head against it until he cracks his skull. However, Baraka has gone into frenzy and doesn't care. He stumbles to the forest ground and beats his had against it. He lets out a horrific roar that echoes through the branches.
Baraka's body glows an eerie blue as something begins to emerge out of it. Baraka feels as if his skeleton is being torn out, with one last scream he collapses from the pain. The blue glow takes the shape of a person as it leaves the tarkatan's unconscious body.
The blue light takes the shape of a human form, which happens to be Grave. It appears that he was inside of Baraka the entire time, influencing him since the end of their duel.
Grave- The second phase of the plan is complete.
With that, the figure shoots into the branches and out of site.
Now that everything was in play, Grave, needed to reappear as a contestant in the tournament. He would need to keep his face hidden for the time being incase Baraka or any other of the tarktans decided to infiltrate the tournament as a spy.
Location: Preliminary Floor.
Grave makes his way trough the crowd. He moves quickly leaving a strange power in his wake. Grave is shrouded in a dark cloak, and his head is covered with a hood. He moves through the crowd, making his way to a group of fighters in one area of the room. One fighter, a huge muscular shokan sees Grave and purposely steps forward and bumps into him. Grave steps back, but says nothing.
Shokan- Watch your step worm, or I'll break you in half.
Grave keeps silent
Shokan- Do not ignore me. I have enough power to turn you inside out.
Grave still says nothing....
Frustrated, the shokan lifts Grave up by his cloak and lifts him into the air, shaking him violently.
Shokan- Why do you not speak? Does my mass frighten the little worm?
Grave suddenly kicks the shokan in the face, breaking his nose on impact. The shokan lets out a loud roar as blood drips into his eyes, blinding him for a second
Grave lands and looks up at the Shokan, a red glow can be seen from under the hood.
Grave- You have size, but that is all. I suggest you stay where you are. Size doesn't always guarantee a victory, or supremacy for that matter.
Shokan- You will pay dearly for that.....(Roars)
The crowd instantly forms into a circle, and work up into a frenzy. Among the onlookers, Gemini, Templar, and Saika observe the fight.
Saika- What IS that thing?
Templar- That is what we call "shokan" a race of humanoid beings crossed with dragons. A very powerful race of beings who once ruled Outworld under the banner of it's emperor, Shao Khan. However, their leader, Prince Goro joined the Edenian resistance and fought bravely in battle. He was wounded in battle and later passed away. Ever since then, the shokan tribes have fallen apart and have become nothing more but scavengers. It appears one of them has made his way into the Mortal Kombat. I'm more interested in the cloaked fighter however. There's something terribly unsettling about him.
Grave suddenly creates a screaming ring of green fire around himself and the shokan. A nearby fighter is caught in the flame and is dissolved instantly into a pile of ash.
Shokan- You have signed your own death warrant....
The shokan jumps high into the air and comes down with tremendous force, causing an earthquake under his feet, shaking Grave. He shoots a skull shaped fire ball from his mouth at extreme speed and aimed at the warrior. It hits it's mark, sending him backwards, up in flames.
The shokan grins and straights out.
Shokan- Ha, a worm all the same.
Grave gets back up, with some of the cloak on his right arm burnt off, revealing a rib shaped gauntlet.
Grave- I'll give you one final try to finish me off before I kill you. Make this one count.
The shokan, a little distraught that somebody could survive a blast like that takes the opportunity and leaps even higher into the air, touching the domed ceiling, then pushing off and storming back down at the warrior.
Grave looks up from the corner of his cloak and clenches his fist.
The shokan crash lands right on top of the warrior, creating a crater underneath him. He lets out a sinister grin as if to say "it's Over" Suddenly he hears a voice behind him, whispering into his ear.
Grave- That was your last chance. Now it's time for you to die.
The shokan turns around with a back fist, but only strikes the air behind him.
He flips right over him and lands on the other side. The blade on his arm is covered in blood. The surrounding flames subside revealing both warriors. Suddenly, a geyser of blood shoots out of the Shokan, as his body falls slides vertically apart. The blade on the Grave's arm sinks back into his arm as he departs the arena, with the other warriors creating a path. As he leaves, he shoots a look at Saika from under his hood.......
It would be sometime before Grave would find a new suitable champion to replace Kilvan, but he found one nonetheless. Templar, an Earth born Siedan had entered the tournament. His reign was well known, as was his friendship with the legendary sorcerer Shang Tsung. Grave found Templar on the shadow monastery grounds, and wanted to see if his instincts where correct, was Templar the next champion to be a part of the One Being's plan?
Templar- Hmm, Amara.........
He looks at the shattered pieces on his chain mail.
Templar- I'll need some ore to have these injuries repaired. It's been quite some time since anybody has managed to take me to such a limit.......
A voice is heard from beyond the trees of the living forest.
Grave- You shouldn't let your mind wander. It can be quite deadly.
Templar- Show yourself, or I will drag you into the light my self...
Grave- Hahaha. The great Templar, associate to Kahn and dear friend of that sorcerer Shang Tsung. Both, powerful beings in their prime, that have all but crumbled to dust under their enemies.
Templar's eyes glow with an off orange, resembling the magma that he wields.
Templar- Do not test me, because I assure you that I will snap you in half.
The intruder walks into the moon light. It is the same warrior that killed the shokan not too long ago.
Grave- You think that you can kill me? Your more then welcome to try. But, if you attack then I'd have no choice but to retaliate.
Templar- So be it. I won't need much of my mail to put you in your place.
Templar takes off his gauntlets, and the pauladrons. As the come off, the crash to the ground, leaving impacts where they land. He cracks his neck and sinks into Goshindo. Grave sinks into a type of Ninjitsu stance. Templar was well knowledge in this fighting style, but the stance Grave took was nothing like Templar encountered before.
Templar- Before we commence, I'd like to ask that you show me your face. I'd like to know the identity of the man before I kill him.....
Grave- Humph, very well. I'll show you my face, but I won't reveal who I am.
Templar- So be it, it won't matter in a few seconds.
Grave puts his hand in front of his face and ignites a flame. The icy green flame ignites the inside of the stranger's hood. The stranger is a man with long black hair, and an X shaped scar across his face.
Templar- Very well. Let's begin....
As soon as those words are spoken, the Grave comes in with blazing speed and jumps into the air. He rotates his body and becomes nothing more then a silhouette in front of the moon. The stranger flips several times in mid air and then comes down with his legs straight, and arms folded, spinning like a cyclone.
Templar crosses his hands in front of him to block the attack. He puts one leg behind him to brace the impact. As the stranger comes down he makes impact with Templar, however, what's unusual is that it lasts for less then a second, yet Templar can feel the impact as if it lasted an eternity. However, such an attack would still require the opponent to at least bounce off in the other direction.
A voice of Grave from behind Templar mocks him...
Grave- Are you confused, distracted? Or are you just looking for me?
Templar charges up his palm and turns around with it extended, thinking that he can grab his opponent. And it appears as if his plan has succeeded, but then realizes that his opponent his slipped though his fingers, and realizes that he's right below him.
Grave- Too slow.
The warrior plunges his hands forward and to Templar's surprise they pass through the mail on his body, and hit him square in the stomach with quite some force. He can feel Grave's fists open, and an intense mix of hot and cold form right in front of his stomach. Before Templar can say anything, the feeling increases and is blasted backwards. To slow him self down Templar unsheathes his Bastard sword and plunges it into the ground. He gradually comes to a stop, breathing heavily.
Templar- Explain yourself. What technique was that? How were you able to pass through my armor and hit me from the inside.?
Grave- It's a technique that I have perfected through eons of training. Somewhat similar to your dematerialization, I have control of both, my physical, as well as spectral forms. That's all I'm going to tell you. Do not be discouraged, not even the god, Anubis was able to touch me.
Templar- You killed Anubis? Absurd....
Grave- You're not listening. I never said I killed him, but I was responsible for his down fall, as well as that of Kahn, Shinnok, Onaga and Tsung.
Templar- Lying scoundrel. The Earth realm warrior Lui Kang was responsible for those victories. You are not him.
Grave- I never said I was.
Templar- Enough. Now prepare to have your head handed to you.
Templar pulls his bastard sword out of the ground and wings it around his body.
Templar- Those arm blades you used to kill that shokan will not help you.
Grave- You're right, but I never planned on using my arm blades on you...
Grave walks a bout a little bit and then stops in front of Templar who tightens his grip on his blade.
Grave- Behold........the power of Alchemy......
Grave touches the ground beneath him and what looks like a pentagram glows under his palm. Suddenly, he raises his hand into the air, and before Templar's eyes the Grave pulls out a blade straight from the ground. The blade is split down the middle, and a hallowed cry can be heard from the blade.
Stunned, but not phased, Templar comes in first, with his blade swinging above his head. Grave calmly raises his blade and deflects Templar's blow. Templars then retracts his blade and tries to swing from the side, again Grave calmly let's his blade drop and grabs it at the last moment to give it some body, and blocks Templars assault.
Feeling insulted, Templar manages to lift his sword once more, but doesn't strike. Both warriors look at each other for a brief second, and then both step in with the blades. The blades let out a loud cry as they are both thrown to the side. Templar's armor has been pierced and the hood on Grave's cloak has been cut. Grave has one of Templar's hands held above his head, and has his own hand on top of Templar's breast plate.
As Grave begins to pull his hand away, the same pentagram glows on Templar's chest. He feels extremely dizzy all of a sudden and coughs up some blood. His eyes open wide when he sees that a sword handle is coming out of his chest.
A multi-tiered voice calls out.
It's the lead Shadow Priest, the so called Shadow Prophet.
The warriors look around and see that their little skirmish has drawn quite a crowd. Grave stops his technique and pushes the sword handle back into Templar's chest. The iron clad warrior lets out an agonizing scream.
Grave- Consider this a bit of advice. You have the skills and determination to win, but if you get side tracked, somebody like me will make sure that your loss is great.
Grave looks around and sees Saika.
Grave- Saika, try to stay alive, at least until HE returns to you.
With that, the warrior goes through the crowd, on the way back into the Monastery. One of the warriors, jealous of the stranger's skill tries to attack him, but is grabbed by his head and lifted up by the cloaked Grave. Grave's hand glows red, and the assaulter is turned inside out from the neck down, and then blown to pieces. With out a second thought, Grave vanishes from sight.
Templar falls to one knee and tries to breath as he was comforted by Saika.
Pleased by Templars performance Grave would relate his findings to the One Being in due time. It was impressive how a mere mortal could stand with grave when he used about 20 percent of his true strength, something like this was extremely rare, and therefore Templar gained Grave's respect. However, when Templar had his match against the nano colony going only by the name Delta, he would be taken to a true limit, and as an end result he would lay at death's door step until Grave stepped in, he couldn't let such a promising candidate be between this early in the tournament.
Templar- At last, I have earned my death, and now, I can finally exhale the heavy burden of battle.
- Are you giving up so easily?
Templar turns around and looks into the blackness, but sees no one.
Templar- You have no idea what I've been through and what I've seen. Now show yourself.
-I thought that a war hero like you would have had more life then this......
Templar- I have no accountancies to you. I have finally found peace.
-No, you've taken the cowards' way out. My benefactor will not be pleased with this.
Templar looks up above him and sees that the voice is emanating from the cloaked warrior that he fought earlier.
Templar- Ah, I see, it was partially your fault that I have taken this route with that attack before.
Grave- I usually don't get involved so directly in the tournament, my.......benefactor prefers for fate to take its toll. However, in the past few tournaments, it has become necessary to directly determine the outcome. Kilvan had to find this out the difficult way. A shame really.
Templar- So, what do you want with me? Am I one of your benefactors chosen few?
Grave- Perhaps.....
Grave, who is about 20 feet above Templar, hanging upside down from nothingness comes down and lands in front of Templar.
Grave- HE hasn't decided yet, but if you accept this, then your soul will not find peace, only oblivion. A man will come when the preliminaries are over. Saika will know him instantly, look for this sign. I won't be too far behind. Until then, I suggest you keep living.
Templar- With my body broken, and the burden of battle coming back to me, what can you offer me, so I decide to keep living.?
Grave- We will discuss that later, but my name is one thing.
The necromancer creates a ball with a flickering flame.
Grave- This is your life, if you let it flicker out, then you have chosen death. If you seize it then you choose to live. What will it be?
Templar- Very well, but tell me your name.
Grave- You'll have that knowledge when you awake.
Templar contemplates the decision, and then thrusts his arm forward, grabbing ball. As soon as he touches it, the ball shatters, and the small flame grows, engulfing Templar.
Grave- I'll see you on the other side.... and try to stay alive, at least, for now.
Up to this point, Grave has violated almost ever rule that the tournament holds high, but because of his power, nobody can do much except reprimand him. In this fashion, Grave was put into a match against a rival of Baraka
Shadow Prophet- Your actions have been inexcusable, you have killed all of your opponents outside of the tournament. This will no longer be tolerated.
The Shadow Prophet shoots out a ball of energy which is used to bind its opponent. However, as it reaches Grave, he simply waves it away like a child's toy.
Grave- Do not test me, my benefactors have a much higher standing. I'd suggest you show respect or my restraints maybe loosened, and those whole realm will burn.
A remark like that would have sealed a person's death for certain, however, the Shadow Prophet sees inside of this Grave's eyes that he is not one to bluff.
Shadow Prophet- Very well, but, you must at least participate in one match to officially have a standing. Your opponent is waiting for you.
Grave turns around and looks at his opponent from under his cloak, it's a tarkatan war lord, a leader of Baraka's rival tribe, Kartarak.
Grave turns around and grins from under his hood.
Grave- Alright, I'll give you a match, but, I will choose our location.
He channels a crimson energy through out his body and the famous dragon logo that they stand on begins to crack. Red light begins to seep through and the closed iris of the dragon is blown open, revealing a red portal. The portal's veil is bleeding with a crimson curtain of faces. Millions of screams flow out of portal like a tidal wave.
Grave- Follow me, if you truly want to test your mettle. Though, I can't guarantee your survival.
The warriors step through the screaming portal. The two warriors are transported the roof of a giant tower, overlooking a city at its feet. There is a full moon in the sky and it is beginning to rain.
Kartarak- (Grr) What is this place?
Grave- This? This is called the Chaos tower. This place, is called Nocturne. A place where there is always constant chaos and anarchy. Those from Earthrealm call it Hell, but whatever label you give it, the location is the same.
Kartarak- You lie, the place those weaklings call "Hell" is the Netherealm.
Grave- Don't be simple, the Netherealm is nothing more then a small part of Nocturne this place has no limits, it's boundaries stretch under every realm, known as well as yet to be discovered. Now, let's get this over with.
Kartarak- You DIE!!!!! (Growls)
The tarkatan extends his blades and charges Grave with ferocious speed. Grave's eyes widen a bit as he takes a quick step to his right, letting his cloak flail in the wind as the tarkatan's blades close in and cut through it's fabric. He pulls quickly, and the cloak wraps itself around the tarkatan's blades, cuffing his entire forearms. Grave then pulls his opponent in close, and flips him over his shoulder, sending him over and crashing to the ground.
Grave- (grin) I'll fight you on your own level!!!!! (Multi-tiered voice) GET READY!!!!!!
He grabs the brooch that keeps his cloak on his right shoulder and unclasps it, then tossing it to the side revealing his full figure. For the first time, the ones watching the fight back in Outworld, as well as his opponent can see the warrior's figure.
The warrior has long black hair, and an X shaped scar across his face. He wears a black body suit made of a leather type material. it has armor plates on his ribs, thighs, and shins. He has a huge clad of metal on his back, protecting everything except his spine. His rib shaped gauntlets are also exposed. He wears a belt with a strange buckle that is made of crimson metal. Off of it, he has two red sashes draping down and then coming back up, making two loops. On his left shoulder is a pauladron made to look like a demon's upper half of the skull. Underneath is some chain mail. the warrior wears chains on the bottom of his feet as well as around his upper right bicep. He also has metal plating that goes on his torso. It's not one huge piece, but rather small pieces imbedded into the outfit, highlighting his abs and chest. His chest has a matching buckle like his belt.
Grave- Now, let's get serious.
The tarkatan rips through the cloak on his arms and charges the warrior once more with rapid steps. The tarkatan moves with incredible speed, leaving a trail of shadows from his movements, but he can't land a single strike on Grave who effortlessly blocks with his gauntlets.
Grave- I've had enough of this...
As soon as the tarkatan opens himself up, the Grave extends the spine shaped blades on his gauntlets and strike forward, cutting into the tarkatan's shoulder.
Kartarak- ARGH!!
Grave moves in and severs the tarkatan's arm clean off.
In pain, but unwilling to give up, the war lord lunges forward with a quick kick Graves' knees, knocking him off his feet and down to the ground. The tarkatan jumps into the air and comes down with a series of rapid strikes, Grave rolls out of the way as the tarkatan's hand blade drills repeatedly through the ground.
With one hand, Graves flips him self back to his feet and smirks, his long black hair flowing across his face.
Grave- You've got great speed, but it pales in comparison to mine.
With that he lunges forward off his lead leg, leaving an explosion from his take off. The rain has become a down power, and the droplets spread as Grave closes in on the tarkatan, releasing a sonic boom on the pass by. Immediately the tarkatan is flung off the top of the tower's roof and down to the ground. Grave picks up the tarkatan's arm and dives down after him.
Grave- Before you die, you learn my name......
He pulls back his hand, and readies to throw the tarkatan's arm at him with the blade still extended.
Grave- My name is Grave, but you wont need one since the splat will scatter you all over this place!
While still running along side the tower's outside wall, he releases the tarkatan's arm and it shoots down like a comet, engulfed in flames. The blade pierces the tarkatan's chest, causing him to ignite and fall even faster to the ground.
Grave jumps off the wall and falls fast enough to stomp on the screaming tarkatan, and as the tarkatan hits the ground, exploding on contact, Grave flips off, landing on the ground, looking over his shoulder.
Grave- Fatality.
He looks up, and sees the gigantic tower, with a brief surge of power, he leaps back to the top, and picks up his cloak, casting it over him self once more. Since the portal transmits only images, without sound, his name remains unknown with the exception of Templar. The only other one who shared his name is now dead, with that, Grave launches a bolt of red lightning into the sky and steps through the portal to assume his nameless identity in the tournament.
As the preliminaries came closer and closer to the end, Grave would find out and report to the One being that Shang Tsung would be making a return, this was unexpected, but a welcome change to the landscape. One of the greatest sorcerers still had no idea the unwitting role he would play later on. However, to ensure that the plan was a success, Grave would use the council of Shadow Priests to gain entrance into Einhiender Castle where laid one of the most feared warriors to ever walk the surface of Outworld. The castle was located in the harshest of environments, a volcanic wasteland which was almost unlivable for any normal human being. But before Grave could free him, he felt that an old debt needed to be repaid, a lost soul has reached the final neck of his journey and Grave had to be there to meet him.
-Nocturne: Inner Sanctum-
A fallen ninja nears his goal. His body, stripped completely bare. He carries the weight of his sins in heavy chains. The ninja's body is a complete wreck, his skin is covered in blood, but to him, these are minor setbacks. With every step he takes, his body ignites. He has traversed the entire lame, to reach a single focal point and put all of this behind him.
The ninja takes a step into the light, of a nearby fire. His black hair, completely disheveled, his right arm, still a solid gemstone, and the slash in his stomach still bleeds from the fight that sent him here.
Ninja-Finally, my goal is within sight. Only a bit longer...
The ninja makes his way further into the final sanctum of Nocturne. As he moves forward, he is confronted with a shadowy figure in his way.
Ninja-Step aside, I must get through.
The figure only shakes his head in an eerie silence and doesn't move.
Ninja-Move aside or I'll go straight through you.
The figure opens its eyes, letting them glow red. It's details are completely shrouded due to the fire in the background. Instead the figure sinks into a Wolf fighting stance.
Taken back, the ninja sinks into the same stance. Each one stares at the other for a second. A brief gust of wind blows the flames in their path for a split second. As the flames pass the two warriors charge each other with intense ferocity.
The ninja and his opponent match each other blow for blow. One throws a quick uppercut, the other dodges, falling to one knee and performing a sweep, the other flips over it.
Ninja- I don't know who, or what you are, but you will not stand in my way. I will reclaim my own life, and I will find my purpose once again.
The figures eyes only narrow as it attacks the ninja once more. The ninja blocks the figures attack and comes in with a spinning palm strike figures chest, making solid contact, and bringing it to the ground.
The ninja jumps into the air and comes down with a vicious stomp, only to be countered by the figure with a swift kick to his face, sending him twirling to the ground. The ninja gets up and looks at the figure.
Ninja- That kick, how did you know how to counter that attack, only members of the Oboro clan know how to counter that. What are you?
The figure takes a step forward, revealing itself, it's non-other then the ninja's own self image.
Figure- I am your last obstacle. Your own self doubt, and hatred for what you have become. I am your inner demon. If you can defeat me, then you have earned your way. Fail, and you'll remain here for all eternity. Now kill me if you want to pass.
Ninja- I will not let my past fears and regrets rule me anymore.... Have at you
The ninja slams his palm against the floor releasing a wave of gemstones at his doppelganger. The figure simple crosses his arms and braces his back foot, awaiting the impact. The wave hits him dead on, but it is repelled by a shield just in front of the figure.
However, there is no time to rest as the ninja shoots over the wave and behind the figure, delivering a strong hit to it's back, casting it forward.
The figure stumbles shortly before flipping in mid air and regains it's balance. It only looks over its shoulder and slightly squints before vanishing from sight.
Ninja- What?!
He feels a slight breeze and then quickly puts his hands in front of his stomach, as he does, the figure reappear in mid air with a knee at the ninja's stomach, causing him to slide back several feet.
The ninja falls to one knee as blood trickles out of his mouth.
Ninja- Damn, he's strong. Have I really let my past regrets rule me this strongly? Well not anymore, I will return to life, and I will return to those who care about me..
He creates a diamond edged whip and braces it into a ninja sword. The figure ignites a fireball into his hand and then clenches it in his fist, creating an identical sword.
The two rush each other and clash blades. Sparks fly from the edges as the two are evenly matched. Each exerts enough pressure to drive the other into the ground. The figure then focus all of his force upwards, sending the ninjas blade into the air, and opening up his torso. Before the ninja can know what's happening, the figure comes around with a second swing, fully intending to slice the ninja in half. Victory is assured.
Figure- You've failed...
He can feel the blade make contact with its target.
Ninja- Not quite....
The figure turns around and sees that the ninja placed his gemstone arm in the blades path, causing the blade to crack.
Figure- That can't be...
Ninja- You are all that I hate and all that I despise about myself, now that this has been removed, you can't hurt me.
The ninja's blade comes down from the air and into his hand. As soon as he can grab it, he slices down with incredible speed. Black blood is spilled onto the floor, as the figure let out a deafening scream before turning into millions of little droplets and falls to the ground in a puddle.
The ninja takes a deep breath and looks at the inner sanctum. The heavy iron doors open as the ninja makes his way towards them. As he walks inside, at the center of the room is a glowing blue pillar of light. As he moves forward he sees a figure inside the light. As promised, the figure is actually the ninja's physical body.
As the ninja is about to make contact, he hears a familiar voice in the background.
-Well, well. You've succeeded. I must admit that I underestimated you.
The ninja turns around and sees the figure in a corner of the giant room.
Ninja- Grave...... It's been quite some time now hasn't it. I've done what you asked, now what?
Grave- Now we bring you into the grand scheme of things. First, I want you to slash your wrist...
Ninja- What?
Grave- A soul transfusion takes vital energy, what better source then life giving blood? Now do it.
The ninja slashes his wrist as well as his bodies.
Grave- Good. Now, I suggest you suggest something to bite on, this next part causes a lot of screaming.
Ninja- Just do it.
Grave- Very well...
Grave draws a circle around the ninja and around his new body. The circle begins to glow with ancient writing, and it begins to swirl with power. Grave walks towards the two circles and places his hands on both of them, acting as conduit. He slowly raises his hands, as energy springs from his fingertips to both circles.
Grave- Now, try and relax your body...
The ninja does this, and as soon as that thought came into his mind, blood began to rush from his cut and into the cut in his new body. The pain is horrendous, it feels as if a thousand blades are shooting up from under his skin. The technique is actually a power vacuum. The ninja's blood begins to rush out faster and faster, and he begins to loose all consciousness and finally collapses to the ground.
With the cold feel of air rushing into his lungs, the ninja finds himself at the edge of a forest, before him a monastery.
Ninja- I am alive........
He feels a presence next to him and he makes a quick turn, it happens to be Grave.
Grave- Yes, you are alive. And now, you are in time for the Mortal Kombat tournament..
The ninja's eyes open wide in surprise.
Ninja- How long have I been dead?
Grave- By your time, only three months, but in Outworld a whole year has passed.
Ninja- What am I doing here?
Grave- You are under my watch as a candidate for my benefactor.
Ninja- My mind..... I don't feel the constant strain to keep it at bay.
Grave- Your resurrection has put you outside that loop. Now come, we have much to do.
Grave puts his hand on the ninja's head and fills him with energy. Suddenly, the ninja's bare body is covered with new clothing. Grave also hands the ninja a cloak.
Grave- Although several have seen me without my cover, they have been killed. Come we don't want to give too much of ourselves away.
With the ninja, Grave putts his cloak on as well and they both enter the monastery.
Now with the resurrected Hatsuma at his side, Grave planned on reviving the ancient elemental known as Catalyst and he would make his way towards the volcanic wastelands to do so while Hatsuma would stay behind and deal with matters at the monastery.
-Einhiender Castle-
Grave has one guard on his knees, and has his finger on the guards' forehead.
Grave- Make one more moves and I'll spread your molecules so far apart it'll even take the Elder Gods15 years to reassemble your toe nail. No open the door.
As told, the guard opens the steel door, leading down into the depths of the castle.
Grave makes his way down to the deepest reaches of the castle's confines to finish his goal....
Grave makes his way down into the deepest reaches of the castle, down into scorching heat, down to where even the bravest men snap shortly after imprisonment. Grave has only one thing on his mind, unleashing the one being held at the center of all of this. He makes his way down the endless staircase, and into the short corridor that leads into the center of the magma chamber. As he comes out of the corridor he sees the central platform with a stone slab centered in the middle. As he approaches it a sudden violent eruption shakes the small walk way and throws Grave off the edge of the platform, tossing him into the lava pools below. His body hits the molten rock and sinks underneath in a pillar of fire. For a brief moment, their is silence, followed by a second eruption. Grave's hand reaches out of the magma pillar and he step forward, still smoldering from his fall.
Grave- Clearly the gods don't approve of my being here.... However, I could care less of what they think. My goal is absolute.
Grave moves forward and as he reaches the outer ring of the central platform, he's stopped by a strong force, an invisible wall that serves to keep all intruders from unleashing the power inside. Unhindered, Grave extends his hand outward, touching the barrier. It glows with a faint light and unleashes some stray bolts of energy.
Grave- Pathetic.....
With a short thrust of his hand and a small amount of power, he manages to overload the barrier and is shatters like a pane of glass in front of him.
Grave makes his way into the center of the stone platform. As he looks above him, he sees his goal. A cocoon made entirely out of power hangs in mid air. A silhouette can be made out, floating in it's center.
Grave looks around the slab and notices markings on the floor which lead to several murals. The murals are of shadow priests, each with skull face and a goblet in their hands. There is a central pool in the medal of the platform which is imbedded into the central slab. The deep red markings clearly show that a type of liquid is needed to open release the spell.
There is an inscription, written in an ancient dialect, long forgotten to all of the realms with the exception of the shadow priests. Being part alchemist, as well as of an untold age, Grave is able to decipher the runes with the wave of his hand.
Grave: I see, so human alchemy is what was used to seal your tomb. Kahn must've feared your power greatly to go to such extreme measures.
"All things are tied together.
To obtain, something must be lost.
Man or beast, life or death,
The crimson elixir is what binds all
into a web of life."
"When enough is obtained,
and even more is lost,
The seven shadows will release their hold"
Grave: How typical. Blood.
Grave begins to create a ball of ethereal energy into his palms, gradually increasing it in size. The ball begins to give off a low howl. Inside the ball, the energy inside takes human shape. Grave raises the ball into the air and then launches it upwards, through the magma chamber's ceiling and out into the open air of Einhiender Castle. The ball explodes into a brilliant light which engulfs the sky. The blast can be seen from as far as the Shadow Monastery.
Templar: That power... What is he up to?
Saika: Oh god what was that? It looked like a star just blew up.
Templar: I'm not entirely sure. But I believe that we will see the outcome of this later on.
Void take out his cigarette and lights it
Void: How can you be so calm?
Templar: The burden that I carry with me serves as both, a curse and blessing. I've seen and experienced things that have all but stripped me of sensitivity and fear..
Saika and Void look at Templar in silence.
Back in the castle, outside as well as within, the silent corridors and the ruined sanctum start to fill with low howls. The cell doors fling open and the once dead prisoners walk again. They are only shadows of their former selves, but their existence is adequate for the purpose at hand.
Warriors from long past, those who fought with King Jerrod as well as those that opposed Kahn's rule shuffled down into the center of the magma chamber towards Grave.
Within minutes, over 100 men have assembled in the center of the platform.
Grave: You've stood against Kahn before, no prepare to stand against him again. Offer yourselves to my power and I will provide for you, the vengeance that you so rightly deserve!
The undead bow down to Grave as he unleashes a crimson tidal wave from his hands, obliterating the undeads' physical state and harvesting their blood and organs into a cyclone.
Grave raises his hands and then flings them into the center of the pool. The cyclone centers over the pool and begins to dispel the crimson elixir. The pool overflows with blood and it begins to seep down small canals, reaching the seven statues of the shadow priests. The canals form a transmutation circle on the ground.
Grave: And now, I release you.
His right arm lights up with six chevrons as he plunges it into the pool of blood, unleashing a surge of energy. The energy follows the canals of blood and into the statues.
The statues' eyes begin to glow and blood drips from their mouth and into the goblets below. Suddenly, the statues surge with power and crumble to the ground, releasing their essence.
The cocoon begins to lower to the ground, stopping in the middle of the circle, and floating several inches above the ground. The silhouette inside opens it's eyes and stretches it's limbs. With a defining roar it shatters the crystal and plants its feet on the ground for the first time in almost 500 years.
Grave: Welcome. Now come we have much to do. It's time for you to carry out your revenge on Kahn......
Catalyst lets out a low growl when he hears the name "Kahn".
Grave: That's it, feed of your anger, use it to make you stronger. Kain and Able, the hour is yours....
With that act, Grave would assemble the final piece of the puzzle to eventually take control of the tournament. Pleased with his accomplishments, Grave returned to the Shadow Monastery and waited in the shadow for his perfect time to strike. His associates would be the catalysts he needed to shift the balance of the tournament in his favor, taking it from the hands of the Shadow Priests and Shang Tsung and putting it under his own influence.
Author's Remarks: | |
This is a character I've been working on for sometime, he's become popular with some of the users here, and this is his tale.
Content | 18533 words | Category | Other | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 8 | Score |

Anyways nobody was replying i noticed...
Great concept as usual SNC, my eyes,*scratches and rubs, don't ask about the scratching part. I'm just glad we have someone like you here. An obvious 5/5.