Garbage GIF - Tremor Teleport
posted05/09/2012 01:36 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/29/2003 04:54 AM (UTC)
Had a couple hrs to kill and wanted to see what it would look like. GIF looks like absolute crap... the quality is horrendous... but the point was to illustrate a Smoke-like teleport for Tremor, only instead of smoke, its sand and rubble. didnt spend too much time aligning things either.

... rather than turning into sand and shooting forward it looks more like he is running really fast followed by a cloud of gunk... :/
05/06/2012 03:34 AM (UTC)
I like the move a lot. I think it would be really cool if you actually added some particle effects with it (like a sand storm type of thing - but not so much that it takes away the effects you've already made; what you made should be the primary effect).

I don't like that it's not much of a Tremor sprite; more like a new color for Sub-Zero.

Also, since its a teleport, Tremor should face the other way when he's done with his move.

Not that it's points against your work, but why on earth is the GIF's quality so down-graded??? I know GIFs suck when it comes to quality, but this looks lower than usual.
05/06/2012 06:00 AM (UTC)
Thank you. The GIF is absolute shit b/c I made it with Flash, cause making them with Photoshop is a nightmare, but the quality is garbage.

This is the original PNG:

or Click

I added rock effects in the animation that arent part of the sprites, but they move too fast and not very crisp... mostly placeholders. Ur totally right about having to change direction, I am gonna make 1 facing each way, so it can be short range or long range. But first im gonna see what else i can do w the MK3 Style tremor sheet I made. Trying to think of moves that havent been seen 93984593485394 times.
05/06/2012 12:43 PM (UTC)
Kamionero Wrote:
Trying to think of moves that havent been seen 93984593485394 times.

I can really appreciate that.

I see a lot of MUGEN games out there that just recycle shit over and over again and it makes their game really bland.

In fact, most MUGEN MK games should just rename their shit projects to "MK Color Swap Madness" because that's all they ever are.
05/06/2012 08:35 PM (UTC)
I love the name "Garbage GIF"! One would think this is a GIF about the band, Garbage. An alternative teleport for Tremor would be where Tremor would make an earthquake – cracking the floor, going inside the crack and coming out of the crack where it ends. Nev'less, I'm waiting for more from you, 'nero.
About Me
Modified sprites!I am Paint.NET and GIMP user!
05/06/2012 09:44 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Not that it's points against your work, but why on earth is the GIF's quality so down-graded??? I know GIFs suck when it comes to quality, but this looks lower than usual.

That's what happens to my animations when I save them as GIF, I tried to search how to save animations as GIF in HQ, but nothing so far.

Anyway, I like the move and I haven't seen that one before, I've seen something like when Tremor turns into rock and moves underground, but not this. But as blacksaibot said the sprites are just pallete swaps and since there's not a lot of sprites, you could've add a mask to him or I dunno. Well I would rate this as 7/10. And yeah it's not garbage, you didn't see the REAL garbage!wink

EDIT: Just read Zmoke's comment and yeah he describes the idea I've seen once.
05/06/2012 10:48 PM (UTC)
There are no "HQ" GIFs. GIFs will always be low quality because they reduce the number of colors in the image and it will never go above a certain count.
05/06/2012 11:20 PM (UTC)
Made another one, Sinkhole stance:

This time made it with Photoshop... while quality is not AS shitty, the FPS seem to be off in the final gif when compared to the original file...

Anyway! the point of this one is Tremor having an underground stance, where from there he can perform a couple of different moves. Still havent thought about them... maybe scurry underground like Rocket Racoon, one is gonna be a geyser jump, and I'll probably also use this animation for a fatality.

I wanna give Tremor different variations of earthy moves (no stomp, fireball and rock throw) so things that involve mud, sand, rubble, etc. I was thinking maybe adapt the Medusa Kiss fatality I made for Khameleon a while ago for him... but that might be a bit too Sub Zero-ish. I still have to decide.
Also, vertical mudslinging:
05/06/2012 11:37 PM (UTC)
Those are AWESOME! Very nice.
About Me
Modified sprites!I am Paint.NET and GIMP user!
05/07/2012 10:46 AM (UTC)
These are all awesome, dude! I really like the vertical mudslinging. What if the impact of that move will be that the victim gets stuck in the mud and can't move or kick, but can punch? Anyway I think it will be cool and I mean cool if you made a game with Tremor, I would definitely play it all day smile

blacksaibot, about what you wrote about GIFs can't be HG, but how do you make your animations in good quality? Like Cyrax's new fatality? It didn't seem to be bad quality. What program do you use? Because I can't save flash movies as good quality GIFs.
05/09/2012 01:36 AM (UTC)
Adobe Flash does a good job not hurting the quality of the image.

Anyways, the Tremor move is awesome. And this is the one someone made reference to:

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