Game Options:
Practice Mode:
Practice mode is made for the purpose of getting used to the game. You may choose the character that you wish, and fight against a computer to test your moves, fatalities, etc.
Arcade Mode:
Arcade mode is made for the purpose of finding the base endings the the character that you wish. You choose a character, and go through an amount of opponents to get to the final boss.
Survival Mode:
Survival mode is made for the purpose to test your skills and traits for the game. You choose a character, and fight against an amount of enemies until you die. The highest time you survived rated, will be set as a new record.
Konquest Mode:
In konquest mode you play as one character. You get to make your character at the moment you press the konquest button. This character is known as your created character. With your character, you will go through many different challenges and quests until you beat the main story of the game. Through konquest you may unlock secrets and specials to the game.
Konquest Ko-op Mode:
In this mode you may play as two characters. These characters are known as your created character, and Johnny Cage (those two characters alone). You get to make your character at the moment you press the konquest/ko-op button. You will go through many different challenges and quests until you beat the main story of the game. Through konquest ko-op you may unlock secrets and specials to the game.
Versus Mode:
In v.s. mode you will play against either a computer, or a human player such as your friend or family member. You will have a certain amount of levels to choose from. Through versus mode it is possible to unlock items and special unlockables.
Kontent is a mode to where you can view whatever you have gathered in either Konquest, Survival, or Arcade mode. Each new item you unlock in the three main modes, will be placed in this section for you to view.
Options is the mode to where you can save, edit, and set your settings of the game. The settings that are available through this mode are: Editing V.S. mode themes, audio, brightness, and players involved.
One on One Kombat:
The type of gameplay based off of one on one kombat will have the camera view of close up range. You will be fighting directly at your one opponent, and you may not look, nor turn, to other objects.
One on --- Kombat:
The type of gameplay bassed off of one on (how ever much) kombat will have the camera view of far back range. You can look towards any opponent, and may attack them all at once then stead of focusing at one enemy at a time.
Two on Two Kombat
The type of gameplay bassed off of two on two kombat will have the camera view of far back range. You can look towards any opponent, and may attack them all at once then stead of focusing at one enemy ay a time.
Basic Formats
Default Levels:
- Living Forest
- Lower Mines
- The Subway
- The Beatle Lair
- Reptile's Lair
Unlockable Levels:
- Quan Chi's Fortress
- Shang Tsung's Palace
- Dark Prison
- Shao Kahn's Arena
- Sky Temple
- Ice Kingdoms
- Scorpion's Lair
Default Characters:
- Created Character
- Liu Kang
- Johny Cage
- Sonya Blade
- Scorpion
- Sub Zero
- Baraka
- Jax
- Reptile
- Mileena
- Kitana
Unlockable Characters:
- Smoke
- Ermac
- Frost
- Raiden
- Fujin
- Drahmin
- Nitara
- Havik
- Kabal
- Sektor
- Cyrax
- Jade
- Sindel
- Goro
- Kintaro
- Stryker
Other Characters (not playable):
- Shang Tsung
- Quan Chi
- Shao Kahn
- Shinnock
- Kai
- Sareena
- Bo Rai Cho
- Noob Saibot
- Blaze
- Shujinko
- Tanya
- Rain
Arcade Ladder Format:
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Jade and Sindel
- Ermac and Smoke
- Noob Saibot and Shinnock
- Shang Tsung and Quan Chi
- Shao Kahn
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Jade and Sindel
- Ermac and Smoke
- Noob Saibot and Forst
- Shinnock and Tanya
- Blaze and Shujinko
- Shang Tsung and Quan Chi
- Shao Kahn
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Random
- Jade and Sindel
- Ermac and Smoke
- Noob Saibot and Frost
- Shinnock and Tanya
- Blaze and Shujinko
- Liu Kang and Kung Lao
- Sonya and Jax
- Baraka and Havik
- Raiden and Fujin
- Shinnock and Nitara
- Rain and Tanya
- Shang Tsung and Quan Chi
- Shao Kahn
Konquest Format:
Level One (prologue):
In level one you start out with your created character.. You, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Sonya, Jax, and Stryker are all in a field training. As you continue your training, Raiden and Fujin both appear to you.
Raiden: "Listen to my words, friends."
With that everyone stops their training and look towards Raiden and Fujin.
Raiden: "A new threat to earthrealm has came, Shao Kahn once again poses a destructive plot to take over earth. With his new alliance of all that follow evil, he plans to use their combined powers against us. We can not let this happen! As we are the protecters of earthrealm, we must keep our oath and protect these people and this realm."
Fujin: "There is no choice in this mission, mortals. You must all take role in this konquest to stop Shao Kahn. Each of you will preform a different task of state, all with great importance to save earth.
Created Character: "We understand master Raiden. We will do as you ask."
Kung Lao: "We as earthrealm's protectors, fight for honor and determine to win. We will not disapoint you master! But, will you not assist us?"
Raiden: "As my status as god has been given to me once again, I will not be able to help you in person, for the elders restrict it to be as such. But from the heavens, I may guide you to the core of the enemies locations."
Fujin: "This is what you are all assigned to do. (created characters name), you and Johnny Cage must go and cut the enemy line of Shao Kahn. Thus you will have to stop Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, and all others who follow Shao Kahn. Jax and Sonya, you both will do the same, but from a different position. You must destroy all of the servants of the ones that follow Shao Kahn. Stryker and Kung Lao, both of you are both tallented, and are needed to stay here and protect this realm. As the others are on this mission, you both will need to stay behind and help the people on this earth. Your help is well appreciated, best of luck to you all!"
With those words Fujin and Raiden the disapear. Then the game begins, and you are now controlling your created character, with Johnny Cage as either a computer or human following you (depends on which mode you play).
You start out in the fields to which you were training as, you then follow a trail that leads you to master Bo Rai Cho after a short while. For the newcomers of Mortal Kombat, he then teaches you your moves, specials, and your talents. When you are done training, you then continue on the road. You tell master Bo Rai Cho what your mission is, and he then gives you a good luck medallion.
As you continue down the road, Baraka and his Tarkata forces come out from behind the trees.
Baraka: "Attack the enemy! They must die, Shang Tsung said no exceptions!"
Boss #1
The Tarkatas then head towards you, you then have to fight them all off in the camera mode of far back (one on -- kombat). After you kill all of them, Baraka then comes after you (he was standing on the sidelines while you were fighting the tarkatas). You then fight him to a certain length, he then runs back and another group of Tarkatas come out to fight you. This repeats until you kill off Baraka's life completely.
When his life is all the way gone, a sub movie is shown to display what happens. You go up to him, but he isn't dead as you thought. He gets up and starts fighting you again. You then have to fight with him at one on one kombat, with no other Tarkatas involved. But this time, he takes out his blades, which makes it a little harder then before. After a while of fighting, you finally kill him. You then pull off a fatality:
- Brake claws from arms
- Stick claws to eye sockets
That is the end of the first boss. As Baraka is on the floor dead, the other Tarkatas come after you. You finish them off (one on -- kombat style) and then afterwards continue down the path. You run into a civilan who saw what you have done to the Tarkatas, and beggs for help.
Civilian: "Please warriors, please come and help my village!"
Created Character: "Hold on, please tell me what is going on."
Civilian: "An evil sorcerer is at our village, causing chaos!"
The civilian then runs towards his village. This is your chance to choose the destiny of your created character. You then go to the village, and see Shinnock there throwing fire towards the village. You then have the option to either:
- Stop Shinnock (leading to one on one kombat)
- Don't Stop Shinnock (leading you to continue on with the game)
Boss #2
Stoping Shinnock:
You then go up to Shinnock and you kombat with him at a one on one fighting challenge. He will be considered as a boss. You fight him in two rounds, and if you are successful, you try to preform a fatality. There really isn't anything special to do with this boss, it is just a normal fight.
When you try to pull a fatality on him, he disapears into the unknown, running from your victory against him. The civilian that you talked to before would then come up to you, and give you a sword as appreciation.
Not Stopping Shinnock:
Shinnock then puts the whole village to flames, laughing. After this he then looks towards you, smiles, then disapears. Johnny Cage is most unpleased with your actions, and his friendship for you goes down.
Level Two:
After you have beaten (or not beaten) Shinnock, you then continue down the road. Fujin them appears through the wind, and has something to say to you and Johnny.
Depending on stopping Shinnock:
Fujin: "You have proven yourself worthy enough to stop the sorcer Shinnock, your strength in kombat rages up into expactations! You both have made Raiden and I most pleased. We are all one step closer to stopping Shao Kahn!
Depending on not stopping Shinnock:
Fujin: "You fools! You have had the oportunity to stop one of the most biggest threats against us! You have given the side of evil the power to do what they want! You are the protecters of earthrealm, you must protect those around you, not watch them die! I am most disapointed with you both!
Johnny Cage: "I tried to stop Shinnock, but (created character) held me back from doing it! He didn't think I could stop him."
Fujin: "As far as I am concerned, you are both responsible for not stopping him, so it is your fault just as well as it is his! Don't let it happen again!"
Fujin then disapears after his speach (for both speaches). You then continue down the pathway, leading to the portal. You enter, and find Shinnock running to the portal which leads to the Living Forest.
Johnny Cage: "Let's go get him!"
On this one you have no choice, you follow Johnny into the Living Forest and you have a search for Shinnock. As soon as you enter the forest, Raiden appears.
Raiden: "Be weary of this place my friends, there are many creatures here that would kill anything that walks in their path for no particular reason. It is no wonder why Shinnock has fled here, where he has the upper hand. Be on your guard my two friends, and watch out for the one known as Reptile!"
Raiden the disapears and you continue down the path of the Living Forest. Your first enemies to show are people made of twigs and leaves, they are being controled by Shinnock, and come to attack you. The trick to this part is that you must through them into the cursed trees to kill them, otherwise they keep on coming back. Once you have done this, you continue down the road. You then come to a maze, and it is made of leaves. The maze once every now and then changes formats, making it more difficult to get through. Once you are done with that (which should take several minutes for the size is huge) Reptile then comes out of no where and starts to attack you.
Boss #3
Reptile: "Those who enter my realm, die!"
The leaf warriors (the ones as before) then come out from behind Reptile and start to attack you. Reptile is ontop of a tree, and at the same time, is spitting acid at you. So you have to feed the leaf warriors to trees, and doge acid at the same time. There are max about 10-15 leaf warriors that you have to deal with. After you are done with them, Reptile then comes down and starts to attack you. From this point on you are fighting one on one kombat style until he hides back into the trees and the leaf warriors come out again, switching it back to one on -- kombat.
After many minutes of fighting, the player should be done with Reptile by now. His life is about 1/4 of the way gone, and then he turns invisible. He doesn't leave a trace of where he is at either, so you then have to fight him while he is invisible. When you make his life reduce to another fourth of the way, he then has leaf warriors come out with him to fight, while he is still invisible. Making it ten times harder. Then when you finally make it to where his life is about 3/4 of the way gone, he then has a giant snake (similar to the one in shoalin monks) to come after you. You then have to run from the snake, and figure out a way to stop it. What you have to do is make it go into a tree about four times, making the tree fall over and land on the snake's head, killing it.
After this, Reptile then comes back over to you and fights you one last time, but this time, he is on the hardest difficulty. Once you beat Reptile, you then get his body, and tear all the arms and legs off. Then you crack his jaw, and crack his neck. After this, you see Shinnock running through the forsest in the background, so you go and chase after him. Once you turn the corner, he comes out of nowhere and starts to attack you. No matter what side you choose (good, evil) you have to fight him. He isn't considered as a boss, more like an enemy. You fight him for a little, and then a little movie shows up.
Shinnock: "You are pretty powerful my young friend, how about joining the side of evil?"
Johnny Cage: "No! Don't listen to him (created character)! Don't fall to their level! They are nothing but pure evil!
Shinnock: "Fools, it is only prophecy that Shao Kahn will destroy earthrealm, and with everyone else on it. If you choose the side of damnation, you will live. But if you keep with your mortals, you will die in the attempt to stop us!"
Johnny Cage: "Shao Kahn won't win! He never has, and never will! Raiden has us all protected, and plus, we have me on our side. We can't loose."
Shinnock: "A mear movie star won't save earth idiot, the choice is yours my friend (talking to your created character).
Johnny Cage then shadow kicks Shinnock, and they start to fight one on one. While they are fighting, this is where you choose your destiny. You have two options, you can choose the side of damnation, or the side of good and triumpth.
Depending on chooseing Damnation
Created Character: "Shinnock is right Johnny, we cannot stay and watch as Shao Kahn kills of earth! We must help, or we will die."
Shinnock: "Haha! Excellent, at least one of you has the common sense to understand the situation!"
Johnny Cage: "I can't believe what I am hearing... we trusted you! How can you betray us after hearing lies!"
Shinnock: "If you are truely one of us now, then proove yourself loyal! Kill Johnny Cage!"
Johnny: "It doesn't have to be this way! You don't have to go with them! We can defeat Shao Kahn (created character)! Don't fall into their seduction!"
Created Character: "If you will not join, then you will die!"
You go after Johnny, and you start to fight. This fight has nothing special to it neither, just a fight like in V.S. mode. One round, and you win. After you beat Johnny, you take his heart out from his chest, and you throw it to the ground.
You and Shinnock then go heads forth to Outworld, where you will have many objects and obsticals to go through.
Depending on choosing Good
Created Character: "I will never go to your level Shinnock!"
Those are the only words spoken, as you high kick shinnock and you two fight. Now this fight is supposed to be extremely hard. Possible even harder then Reptile. Nothing really challenging is added to it, just a mere one on one kombat base, but he is supposed to be like Goro and Kintaro both combined. Yeah, that hard. Once (if) you beat Shinnock, then you finally get to kill the guy. But it isn't really you. Your about to crack the neck, and Johnny comes and shadow kicks him. He then uppercuts Shinnock, and when he comes down he punches him straight to the spine, causing the whole body to rip into many little bits.
You and Johnny Cage then continue to Outworld to find some obsticles and objects to work through with.
Level Three:
So at this point, either you are now with Shinnock and Johnny is dead, or it is just the opposite. Either way, you are now in Outworld. Here is what happens as soon as you enter the demonic realm:
Depending on Damnation:
Raiden and Fujin both appear infront of you, and are most displeased with your decisions.
Raiden: "You mortal fool! You have joined the damned to destroy earth, you have betrayed us all, you have betrayed your self!"
Fujin: "You killed Johnny Cage when you could've killed Shinnock then stead, if so, then Shao Kahn would be one step weaker! But you chose the path of damnation, and for this, you must die!
The two gods disapear as Liu Kang and Kung Lao both walk up to you. Since Raiden and Fujin are gods and won't give up their status as so, you have to deal with the two champions of Mortal Kombat.
Boss #4
You and Shinnock are against Liu Kang and Kung Lao on two on two kombat. The kombat position is at far back camera angle. You all fight to the finish. Liu Kang and Kung Lao are about the medium difficulty to fight. But they have a few tricks up their sleaves. After every few hits or so, they will jump in the background. Liu Kang will throw his fire dragons, and Kung Lao will throw his hat multiple times. You have to dodge their moves until they jump back, and you all fight once more. You repeat this multiple times, until they are almost dead. Surprisingly, Raiden showed and gave Liu Kang and Kung Lao full health once again. So the whole tide turns. After every few hits on them, then stead of throwing moves at you, they will both preform some team combos. Whatever they do, it will be hard to dodge or block. Once they are close to death, Fujin will come and give them full health once more, making this fight harder then what you thought. Once you finally beat them, the two gods can help no more with Liu Kang or Kung Lao. Right before you and Shinnock finsih them off, Sonya, Stryker, and Jax come to the scene.
Raiden: "The side of damnation shall never succeed! It is only best to give up!"
Shinnock: "Never! Shao Kahn will wipe out all of you mutts!"
Shinnock tries to disapear, but Kung Lao throws his hat, chopping off the head of Shinnock. Looking at the others, you quickly get away safely, and run until you can no more.
Depending on Good
Raiden and Fujin both appear infront of you, looking very happy and pleased.
Raiden: "You have destroyed one of the largest threats to us to date, you have killed the sorcerer known as Shinnock. With this knowledge, you have both been honored by the complete earth."
Fujin: "As you have defeated Shinnock, Shao Kahn's plans get weaker, each time you defeat off one of his servants, his plans to take over earth will fail to time. And as we -"
Fujin and Raiden were both blasted away by a skull set on fire. You and Johnny look ahead and see Shang Tsung, with Goro at his side. Without any hesitation, you quickly spread to fight.
Boss #5
You and Johnny are both versus Shang Tsung and Goro in a two on two kombat fighting style match. The camera angle is set to far back, and the match begins. The begining of the match is rather easy, all you do is fight until your about half way done. At this point, Goro rages after Johnny, and knocks him out. Leaving just you, Goro, and Shang Tsung. Even though as hard as it seems, the player will eventually defeat them, leaving them with 1/4 of their lives left. The trick to this part was to go after Goro, cause if you were to go after Shang Tsung he would then regenerate his health again, and again, and again. So after this, a movie shows Shang Tsung replenising Goro's health, and Johnny is still knocked out. So you go after them once more, and probably aim for Goro. So once you are that far into it, Sheeva suddenly comes out from behind and stands by side of Goro, with Johnny still knocked out. Fighting three tough kombatants at the same time is hard, but you would somehow make it through. Once you get their life half way, Shang Tsung heals them once more, but here is another trick. Kintaro then comes out, and you are now fighting a sorcerer and three Shokan warriors. At this point, the three Shokan do their jumping moves (jump in air, land on you, etc) many times. While you are dodgeing them, you have to hit Shang Tsung. Once you fight a series with him, the three Shokan will stop their little acrobatics set and start to attack you.
At this stage, Shang Tsung is knocked out, so this makes it just a little easier. You fight the three Shokan until one of them has their lives down to 1/4 left. At this stage, Johnny gets back up, and starts to help you out. After you get the life of one Shokan all the way through, then you will kill that Shokan by taking off their arms, and waking them with it repeativly. Then then other two Shokan, and Shang Tsung escape.
Raiden: "Good work my two companions! You have killed off another threat to us, and have weakened Shang Tsung and part of his allies."
Fujin: "Johnny Cage can no longer assist you (created character), I will take him back to the monk temple, where he will rest."
Fujin disapears.
Raiden: "It looks like you are on your own for now, continue on the path of Outworld, and kill off the servants of Shao Kahn. If Shao Kahn is close, wait to all of his allies are dead first, and wait for further instruction.
Level Four:
So by this point you are all on your own. Shinnock is dead (in both sides), and Johnny is either dead as well, or at the temple resting. For now, you stick to yourself. You continue down the road of Outworld and find Scorpion on a rampage. You go up to him, and he just starts a fight with you.
Scorpion: "Do not get in my way mortal!"
You have a one on one kombat fight, and either kick his butt, or loose to him. No tricks with him, just a plain ol' fight. Once you win him, he scatters off. This wasn't really anything that had any meaning to it, just something that would keep the game a little more interesting.
So you continue down the road, and you meat up with Quan Chi.
Depending on Damnation
Quan Chi: "Die mortal of earth!"
Created Character: "Wait! I am with you, I have joined with Shinnock!"
Quan Chi: "If you are telling the truth, then where is Shinnock?"
Created Character: "Kung Lao has slaughtered his head, but I had nothing to do with it!"
Quan Chi: "You lie! You have killed Shinnock, your result will be death!"
Another ordinary fight, just a little harder. Other enemies are involved (oni) at the same time. Nothing really difficult about it though. Once you get him half way through, he stops the fighting.
Quan Chi: "I see you are skilled in combat! I am starting to believe that you are indeed with us. If this is so, Shao Kahn will must know of this right at once! Follow me, mortal!"
You follow Quan Chi to Shao Kahn.
Shao Kahn: "Who is this you bring forth to me, sorcerer?"
Quan Chi: "This is a mortal, who saw the death of Shinnock. He states he has joined our services to destroy earth."
Shao Kahn: "Well, is it so mortal?"
Created Character: "Yes... milord."
Shao Kahn: "Well then you shall have to proove their worthy to be my servant. Sorcerer, take him to the black dungeons, and show him to the hands of Kintaro. If he may last an amount of time with the beast, then he shall be of importance, and then we shall strike the mortals of earth straight away!"
Quan Chi takes you to the dungeons, and as you wait, Kinataro finally shows from the darkness. He is in all armor (like Goro's alternate costume in MK:D) and he has spikes on the tips of each arm. All you have to do, is last five minutes with him, and then the story continues.
Quan Chi: "Shao Kahn, the mortal has prooven himself against Kintaro."
Shao Kahn: "Then mortal, we strike Raiden and his champions tonight!"
A long period has passed, and the story continues. Everyone is all in a group, good versus evil, the camera is set to far back kombat, and it is a war of armageddon. You fight all of the good guys, and you have to beat them all. With all of your people, against them. The level difficulty is set to hardest, and that is the last part.
Ending to Damnation
(shao kahn talking)
My new plans have succeeded, Raiden and his champions have finally slipped. With the help of the new mortal, we managed to stay alive in the battle longer then we were to without them. The time he game me, was enough time to merge my powers with the others, and cause a huge blast to the others. Sadly, the blast not only killed Raiden and his champions, but it killed the mortal as well. No need to pity, he has done his part. I now rule as supreme emperor of all the realms, including earth. With the remaining companions as my servants, no one shall stop me from reigning, not even the elder gods, or the one being himself!
Depending on Good
So by this point you are all on your own. Shinnock is dead (in both sides), and Johnny is either dead as well, or at the temple resting. For now, you stick to yourself. You continue down the road of Outworld and find Scorpion on a rampage. You go up to him, and he just starts a fight with you.
Scorpion: "Do not get in my way mortal!"
You have a one on one kombat fight, and either kick his butt, or loose to him. No tricks with him, just a plain ol' fight. Once you win him, he scatters off. This wasn't really anything that had any meaning to it, just something that would keep the game a little more interesting.
You continue down the road even farther and see Quan Chi. He does not notice you, and you hide behind your a tree. You listen to the conversation of Quan Chi.
Quan Chi: "Shao Kahn, we are ready to spread our attack. Shinnock has been killed by two mortals, but this will not lower our chances of winning."
Shao Kahn: "Alright sorcerer, we will attack Raiden and his champions tomorrow. Soon, earth shall be mine!"
You quickly run back to the portal after hearing all of this, and you call for Raiden when you return to the living forest.
Raiden: "What is it that you need human?"
Created Character: "I heard a conversation between Quan Chi and Shao Kahn, they are planning to attack us tomorrow!"
Raiden: "Tomorrow?! This is uncalled for, and most unexpected. The others have killed off as many of the evil do-ers as they could, but this won't save us. I will have to resign from being an elder god once more, this shall be the last time though mortal. Go get the others, and prepare for battle!"
A long period has passed, and the story continues. Everyone is all in a group, good versus evil, the camera is set to far back kombat, and it is a war of armageddon. You fight all of the bad guys, and you have to beat them all. With all of your people, against them. The level difficulty is set to hardest, and that is the last part.
Ending for Good:
(raiden talking)
As the mortal known as (created character) did not complete his task in time being, I had to resign from my status of an elder god once again. We have won against the war of Shao Kahn, and earthrealm is once again is safe hands. But for the one mortal who did not succeed, I have decided to ban him to Outworld for his stupidity. I am destined to be an elder god, not a protector of the earth. If the mortals are not to do their part as a champion, then I will make sure they don't get any of the credit.
With Earthrealm safe once again, we can relax of the thought of pure damnation. Many of the mortals have been killed in the last war, but they can be easily restored. The thought of earthrealm being taken over was too unbareable, I will make sure that the mortals do their share next time earthrealm is made of a threat to us.
For Konquest Ko-Op, at the part where you go solo, then the first player will take that part alone, then at the war scene, the second player would be on of your companions. As second player starts out with Johnny, they either switch to Shinnock, or stay as Johnny. Just wanted to clear that much up for all of you.
Author's Remarks: | |
This is a concept of a future MK game, I submitted it because not too many people visit the Future MK forum, and I want everyone to see it! Comments are appreciated!
Content | 5384 words | Category | Other | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 13 | Score |

whoooo great. though it seems that the chracter is doomed either way.
Ha, yeah I wanted to make a little twist to the game. I was thinking on how Shujinko somehow survived Konquest mode, and thought "This character shall die!!!", not really a good reason, but it suits me.
I am glad you all like it!
Lots and lots of reading. I like reading the boss because everything is very detailed. I see someone got some imagination. Keep it up.
Thanks man.
The bosses were the funnest parts to read, glad you like my work!
For Libra:
; )


Great stuff. 5/5
By looking at all of the short comments, I am guessing no one read it
Just kidding, of corse! Thanks for the comments everyone!
just a few questions though:-
1. In one on-Kombat is the fighting like MKDA/D or more like MKSM? i would prefer the first one though it would get pretty hectic and a strain on the console.
2. In arcade mode how would the characters endings tie into the story? i ask because MKD konquest was based prior to the main arc, whereas you've already explained how it would end in Damnation, meaning that all endings will say KAK won the day the,it would be the first time a MK game has cleared up the ending before the next installment.
3. Since there are only 4 levels are there side quests you have not mentioned, where you can earn accessories and weapons for your kak? i think that would be pretty cool.
Still like i said its an awesome idea man
btw i loved how you get to finish off baraka coolest thing i've heard in a while
A fantastic read and concept 5/5
just a few questions though:-
1. In one on-Kombat is the fighting like MKDA/D or more like MKSM? i would prefer the first one though it would get pretty hectic and a strain on the console.
2. In arcade mode how would the characters endings tie into the story? i ask because MKD konquest was based prior to the main arc, whereas you've already explained how it would end in Damnation, meaning that all endings will say KAK won the day the,it would be the first time a MK game has cleared up the ending before the next installment.
3. Since there are only 4 levels are there side quests you have not mentioned, where you can earn accessories and weapons for your kak? i think that would be pretty cool.
Still like i said its an awesome idea man
btw i loved how you get to finish off baraka coolest thing i've heard in a while
Well I can tell he read the concept! (joke: to others)
1) The fighting angle for One on -- Kombat, would be like how it is in Shoalin Monks. Not like one on one, there are multiple enemies/companions, which would mean you would have to have a clear focus on all of them.
2)The endings for the playable characters are how it would end off in Konquest, depending on which alliance they had.
Their ending would say that they have won the battle, but then as another part, they would have an alternate ending added to it.
Example: Sonya
"We have won the battle against damnation! With the help of Raiden, we pulled off our victory! The battle was long faught, but well won. This is the day, where Damnation will be no more.
As Johnny has also survived the war, I thought this would be the perfect oppertunity to give him my real feelings about him. We are now married, and have children of our own. Johnny and I retired from fighting, but still do our own seperate jobs (johnny: movie star, sonya: cop)."
That is kind of what I am looking for. The ending would matter on their alliance, and each character would have their own seperate twist to it. Now I imagine the endings being told by the characters themselves (unless they die in the ending, Raiden/Shao Kahn would tell the ending), and I would love for it to be animated.
3)The levels weren't really meant to be as actually levels, like in Shaolin Monks you can't really tell how to seperate the game into different levels. I just put those marks, so you can tell when either the story continues, or ends in whatever way it did. Four levels doesn't seem long, huh? Well, it really isn't four levels, just think of it as Shaolin Monk based!
The weapons and attributes for the character would be defaulted, you would choose those options at the start when you make them, and then upgrade their attributes as you go along.
I hope this answers your questions! And I am glad that you like my concept!

I love the way there is additional fighting modes, every MK game needs this, not just Versus, Arcade and Practice. The story line is put together great too.


I olve the sound of the reptile piece.




wait,hes been banned?