Galman (aka Fury, Angerious)
Age: Uncertain, estimated to be thousands of years old
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs
Nationality: Edenia - Rustic; Earthrealm - Congo
Occupation: Lin Kuei Assassin/ former Red Dragon assassin
Alignment: Neutral
Blood Type: X (Only relatives of the Satan Dynasty have this blood type)
Religion: Atheist
Affiliation: Lin Kuei and the Khaos Klan
Favoured Fighting Styles: Tiger Kung Fu, Muay Thai
Favoured Weapons: Josmastis (mystic machete), Shield of the Rage
Arena - Ruins of The Holy Lin Kuei Temple:
After the ambush by the joined Red Dragon/Tekukien forces, what was the beautiful Ice Temple is now mist and rubble. The style of this arena is very unorthodox, ditching the typical circle or square structure of most MK arenas. There are many obstacles, such as icicles, slabs of ice and concrete and icy water. The surplus rubble allows for very different kombat to what kombatants are used to.
Stage Weapon: You can rip icicles from the grounds, and you can grab slabs and whack your opponent to death!
Death Trap - Water Freezer: There are many potholes or cracks in the ground that lead to the icy waters of the Artic Ocean. By either one swift uppercut near one, or their own stupid mistake of falling into one, your opponent will freeze up into a block of ice!
Special Move One - Fists of Fury: Galman pulls his fists back, and lunges forward with his fists. Beams of crimson flare rush from his fists. The blast radius is approximately 10 degrees from each fist.
Special Move Two - Demon Stun: Galman drains some of his demonic essence and a demon ghost is released from his palms. They home in to the opponent (not often though), and they slow down the responsiveness of the opponent's controls (or if it's against the CPU, slows the movement of the opponent by 10%).
Special Move Three - Recover Roll: When Galman is knocked down on the ground; he can recover back with a recover roll immediately. They work like Breakers, and are restricted to 3 by default.
Fatality 1 - Face Rip: Galman grabs the opponent's face. The victim thinks he's going for the head rip, but Galman just digs his fingers in his face. In one swift tug, the victim's face is ripped from his head. In both pain and shock, the victim screams violently. Then, in one final act, Galman punches a hole through the victim's head.
Fatality 2 - Demon Hara Kiri: Galman drains a large amount of his demon essence into a large demon ghost. He releases it onto the victim, which possesses them. The demon starts to make the victim go crazy, and does their specific Hara Kiri on themselves.
Hara Kiri - Beating Up The Temple: Galman starts bashing his skull with his own fists. Several hard hitting punches are thrown, and with one final blow, Galman knocks his head off into the horizon.
An extract from the forbidden Satanic Scriptures, or the ``Daemos''........
``......And the Devil, Lucifer Satan, will send up His vine into the Chosen Mother's womb. There, conception of the Ultimate Redeemer will take place. Nine months later, the birth of the Unholy Son, Angerious, will bring about a new era in mankind. Powered by the rage and suffering of the commoner, Angerious will free the pheasants from tyranny of the Gods to individualism with Satan. Angerious will show them the true power of the Netherrealm, and shall destroy those who believe and practise otherwise. Let the Gods know, their end is near, as it is the time of Satan!!!.......''
Galman was born from the womb of Lilith, a servant of the Rustic lordship. She gave her newborn to the then-baron Lordess Judia, so he could receive a better life. But, in only the course of a year, Judia gave birth to Rain, or ``Miracle Boy''. The moment Rain came along, Galman was seen as a liability. The only person who cared for him was Jade, daughter of the Mayor of Hortia, Capital of Rustic. Years went on, Rain received praise upon more praise, and Galman was made more of an outcast. It angered him more when he discovered that Rain was arranged to marry the Princess, Kitana. It was at a point where he wanted to slay Rain for all of the agony he has caused Galman, but something more drastic happened.
An unnatural wind circulated the Royal Edenian Palace, and a portal opened up in the sky. Spewing from the wormhole rained a mass of soldiers, mainly of Shotokan decent, along with the Emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn and his favourite sorcerer, Shang Tsung. The troops rounded all the people there to see the ceremonial announcement, while Kahn fought for the realm's possession. King Jerrod was skilled in the way of kombat, but Shao Kahn's power overwhelmed him, bring his downfall in front of his wife's eyes (and Galman's, who had snuck into the palace to not only kill Rain, but to ask Jade's hand in marriage). The Emperor then demanded Sindel to be his queen, but she refused. He hit her as a result. Seeing that there was nothing else left to do, she committed suicide. If Galman had rose up to Sindel's aid before her self-murder, things might have turned out better for Edenia. But, Galman's growing hate for authority (made by his family's dismissal of him), wanted him to stay back and let Sindel take her last breath.
However, Galman didn't like the whole idea of a dictator-like ruler orientating his life. So, he tried to attack Kahn with all his might. Unfortunately, like Jerrod, Galman was too weak for Kahn. But, unlike Jerrod, Kahn thought he was too ``common'' to receive the issue of death by his Unholy Hand. Instead, he convinced Kitana that Galman killed her mother, which ended up with Galman's disownment from Outworld.
Galman didn't let this act put him down. He decided to form a gang made up of those who questioned Kahn's rule. They called themselves the Khaos Klan, and their goal was to dethrone Kahn's Unholy Empire. They had obstacles however, by the name of Tartakans. These vile creatures, led by the spontaneous Baraka, made it their life goal to wipe out the Khaos Klan to be considered to be part of the Unholy Army and for Baraka to be a general. They had constant gang wars, which led no where. It didn't help Galman when Rain's division of the Unholy Army assisted Baraka in the legendary Battle of Hortia. The end result was the destruction of the Khaos Klan, where their only survivors were the loose cannon ghoul known as Havik, the rookie Darrius and Galman himself. Knowing that their cause would die out if they tried to attack then, the three headed to the nearest portal. They were separated to different realms: Darrius to Sedios, Havik to Chaosrealm, and Galman to Congo, Earthrealm.
A great witchdoctor known as Lifrarah found Galman somewhere in the Congo River. He healed the injured rebel, and took him to his hut. Galman needed to learn how to survive in new surroundings, and he saw this as a golden opportunity. For ten years, Galman learnt how to hunt and how to wield such objects as a bow and a machete, which he became very skilled at. When he had finished his training, Lifrarah advised Galman to venture to America. With those words, he gave the departing the Josmastis, the fabled machete of Congo.
Galman reached America via the rivers of Mexico. For many months, he wondered the Land of the Free without any enlightment, until Galman reached the city of Chicago. At that period of time, the Emperor Shao Kahn had begun his invasion of Earthrealm. Many people had lost their souls, and those who didn't were hunted by the extermination squads. Galman, using his skills he learnt from fighting the Tartakans and his years training in the Congo, fought off a Centurion squadron near a hospital. One of the Centurions in the squadron severely scarred Kabal, a renegade Black Dragon member. Seeing something in common with the warrior, Galman rushed to find an artificial respirator. Once giving Kabal one, the two decided to find and kill Kahn for what he has done to their lives.
Galman rushed to Shao Tower, not realising that his comrade was nearly killed by a mysterious figure, who robbed him of his trademark hookswords. There, Galman confronted the Emperor, accompanied by the resurrected Sindel. He kept trying to convince Sindel that Shao Kahn made her kill herself so many years ago, but Kahn kept rejecting all of Galman's attempts of persuasion. Galman's thoughts suddenly began to collide, sparking a growing rage. It was not until he reached boiling point, and released his anger on the Emperor. With every strike he laid on Kahn, Galman became stronger, and Kahn became weaker. It was looking like Galman was going to rid the world of the Unholy Emperor, but he was stunned by Shao Kahn's hammer, and he made his escape with Sindel.
Soon after the battle, Galman was applauded by the reclusive Mavado, leader of the mysterious Red Dragon. He tells Galman:
``I would have never believed that I have just witnessed a battle with the legendary Galman! You have fought for individualism, insanity, chaos...''
``No'', Galman interrupts, ``I have fought out of anger, disgust, confusion and self-discovery. I don't believe in anything, just that to not trust anyone.''
``There's no need for pessimism. It's time for a change. I need the best for a very important mission. It will take a while, but it's worth it. And I want you to do it. So, will you do a mission for the Red Dragon?''
Galman stalled for a while, then gave his answer.
``I'll think about it.''
``Here's my card. Contact me when you've made up your mind.''
Mavado left Shao Tower straight after the conversation, leaving Galman to the collapsing building. As he was escaping certain death, he thought about the job offer. With the Khaos Klan in ruins, and his expulsion from Outworld, Galman didn't have a choice. When he got outside onto the streets of Chicago, he noticed that Earthrealm had returned to its original state before the Outworld invasion. Galman would have thought that some of the Earthrealm warriors would congratulate his victory, but someone else was getting the kudos: Liu Kang.
Galman wanted to rip the poser's body apart, but he didn't have the strength after fighting the Emperor. Feeling unsatisfied, Galman began a journey towards Mavado: to Vichy, France.
He took the next plane to Paris, from where he would travel to Vichy. For some reason, Mavado didn't give Galman his business card, but one of Pierre Etienne, Count of Vichy and Leader of French Operations of the Red Dragon. Finding the Manor of Vichy was the easy part, but getting in was trying to deliver drugs to the President of the United States. Luckily for Galman, Etienne came out to check out the mess himself.
``What's all the commotion?!''
``Some punk wants to see you, monsieur'', the guard says robotically
``I have a card from Mavado...'' Galman begins
``Don't say his name so loud!! You must be Galman, I am Pierre Etienne, Count of Vichy. Come inside.''
After entering the manor, Etienne gave out the rundown on Galman's mission. The outline goes something like this:
``There is a strong possibility that the Boy Scout Sub-Zero will take the Grand Master role of the Lin Kuei when the old grandmaster passes away. By the time you (Galman) is fully initiated and trained into the Red Dragon, Sub-Zero would have the Grandmastership, unless the bug-ridden Sektor takes it first, which is very unlikely. Your mission is to enrol into the Lin Kuei, and to gain knowledge of the Lin Kuei, as well as Sub-Zero's trust. When it comes to the time, you will lead the change in destroying the Lin Kuei from the inside.''
As with every Red Dragon mission, the operative has to work with a partner. Galman's partner was the arrogant female assassin Frost. When Galman first saw her, he was blown away by her beauty. Maybe being a Red Dragon wasn't so bad after all.
The trip to China was exhausting for both Galman and Frost, but the two were drawn to each other. Galman had never felt the same way about a woman before, and Frost never felt the same way about a man before. They knew that they had to hide that affection while being Lin Kuei, as the code of Kueitus forbids love between two Lin Kuei. As they reached the Lin Kuei Temple, some Lin Kuei threw out Sektor of the compound. It looked like the mission was going according to plan. Sektor ambushed the two, thinking that they were going to execute him. The fight was easily won by Galman and Frost, with Sektor frantically running away into the distance.
Sub-Zero, who saw the entire fight, was extremely impressed by the duo's performance. He asked them if they would like to enter a tournament to determine who will be trained by the Grandmaster himself. Afterwards, they will travel to Outworld with Sub-Zero to help fight the newly-formed Deadly Alliance. Galman and Frost accepted the invitation, as the tournament was an easy way into the Lin Kuei.
The challengers in the tournament were no challenge at all for Galman; in fact, they angered him through their lack of skill. The showcase Galman performed made the crowd thrilled, dubbing him ``Fury''. Galman used that name as his guise while being a Lin Kuei. Frost was breezing through the opposition as well. It came up to a point where the final was Fury versus Frost. This was not a testosterone-filled battle; it was more like a flirty wrestle. Galman got too carried away in the moment to realise that Frost had pushed him out of the ring. While disappointed at first, Galman saw the advantages of the situation. Frost was too inexperienced and ego-driven to lead the internal destruction of the Lin Kuei, and with Sub-Zero gone, the mission was much easier. Too easy for Galman.
Frost received training from the Grandmaster Sub-Zero. Galman had to settle with Folige, a pacifist with the ability to use flora at will. Galman's ideals conflicted with Folige's for quite some time, but Galman learnt that he had to play the part. He learnt the way of the Lin Kuei, through a variation of Tiger Kung Fu. This style suited Galman, as it required strength and aggression. So far, the mission was going as planned for Galman: he was learning the way of the Lin Kuei, his operative, Frost, has gained the trust of Sub-Zero, and that the Grandmaster will be diverted from the internal destruction (not to mention Galman and Frost's ever-growing bond towards each other).
But, there was something bothering Galman: He didn't want to destroy the Lin Kuei!!! For the first time in his long and agonising life, Galman felt like he belonged to something, as well as making something with his life. Even so, he still felt that rejecting a mission is dishonourable. Everyday, his thoughts conflicted, like his Khaos Klan and the Tartakans used to long ago.
It had been two weeks since Frost and Sub-Zero had left to fight the Deadly Alliance, and Fury had grown to accept his secure, yet timely place at the Lin Kuei. He postponed the attack until ``when he felt necessary''. A messenger came to the Ice Temple to deliver a message to Fury. It was from Sub-Zero:
Dear Fury,
I am sad to inform you that your companion, Frost, is dead. After sending the Oni, Moloch and Drahmin, back to the Netherealm, Frost and I journeyed to the portal that brought us to Outworld. Frost took it on herself to steal the Dragon Medallion from me. Her lack of discipline couldn't control the sheer power of the medallion, killing her with her own Kori powers. When she took her last breath, she uttered the name ``Galman''. Is there something you haven't told me, young one? You two were very close, too close in my opinion, and you always have this glare in your saying indicating that ``I shouldn't really be here''. I hope this is nothing, and I am very sorry about the loss.
Grandmaster Sub-Zero
The letter destroyed Galman. With his true love dead through greed and the pursuit of power, he decided he couldn't lie to these good people anymore. He was not going to lose to good things all at once. As he got out of his cabin, Galman heard screams.
``NOT NOW!!!!'' The Red Dragon disobeyed Galman's orders, or more like disowned Galman.
Galman donned his Lin Kuei armor and grabbed the Josmastis, ready to slice some criminal scum.
(Imagine running around the Icy Temple, beating up Red Dragon henchmen, while assisting some Lin Kuei)
(Stuff in brackets are gameplay sections)
Galman's experience and strength was more than enough to beat the thugs of Mavado. When he reached the stadium, it was another story. The charge was lead by the Islamic extremist, el Humad, and he happened to be in the stadium, ready to slay the traitor Galman.
(The two fight. el Humad uses snake-like moves)
Galman defeats el Humad barely. Immediately he hears robotic laughter. Sektor had been watching the entire fight. Something was different about Sektor; he looked like he had some power. What replaced his cyber-ninja exterior was some kind of ceremonial dress with some samurai-inspired cybernetics. He wore a traditional Japanese mask, which made him look much fiercer. Galman was surprised of Sektor's presence, he was no Red Dragon.
``Well done, insect'', the robotic fiend howled
``You couldn't say that about me the last time we met.''
``I was defeated by a thug and a whore, and that is a deadly combination. But, a street kid is nothing without his bitch.''
Normally, Sektor would have been decapitated by now, but el Humad took it right out of Galman.
``What have got to do with the Red Dragon?''
``A lot has changed. I am ruler of Japan with my Tekukien clan of cyborg ninjas. I have made a deal with the Red Dragon, that if they keep their member countries silent while I take over Asia, I will kill you for them. They know you've been sleeping with Frost, Etienne's bitch, and he doesn't like it one bit.''
``I have something that says otherwise'' (While he was at the Manor of Vichy, Galman found a photo of Etienne kissing another man in chains.)
``Enough talk'' Sektor swipes Galman with his pulse dagger before he could attack him. The robot then flew off with his jetpack, leaving Galman for dead.
As he waited for Sub-Zero's return, Galman had realised something: he must wipe his slate clean, start new. Before that, he has some unfinished business with some certain people, namely the Red Dragon, Sektor and Baraka and his Tartakans. This isn't revenge, it isn't justice, it is emancipation, the emancipation of Galman.
A little bit about Galman's habits:
Galman is a noble and rational person, but his life has leaded him down a path of seclusion and confusion. He has absolutely no respect for authority, and has no patience for those who clash with his views and ideals. Galman has always been a fighter, but he always feels like he is missing something from his life. Everyday, he wonders about this, while also trying to find his place in the whole scheme of things.
Primary Costume:
Alternative #1 (Lin Kuei Armor):
``Woosshka!!'' (He says this when he slices a couple of naa239;ve fools who try to mess with him)
Author : kim
Creation date: 2005-2-27-13-17
Modification date: 2005-2-27-13-17
Author's Remarks: | |
Don't be alarmed by its size, I put my heart into this piece.
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