04/30/2003 10:36 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/27/2002 09:38 PM (UTC)
04/27/2003 07:41 PM (UTC)
That's very....'cool'.
04/27/2003 08:24 PM (UTC)
that looks real cool
04/27/2003 08:50 PM (UTC)
hee very nice heel goed
04/27/2003 09:10 PM (UTC)
I like one on the left better.
04/27/2003 09:51 PM (UTC)
very nice effects but i think the palm of his hand should be pointing at the target and the beam comming out of it. nice idea btw
04/27/2003 10:06 PM (UTC)

trigger Wrote:
very nice effects but i think the palm of his hand should be pointing at the target and the beam comming out of it. nice idea btw

The hand in front is the hand of the guy that's being frozen. The guy in the back is not the target... that's Sub-Zero shooting the icebeam towards you.

By the way, the hand is my own. I took a picture of it with a digital camera.

Thanks for the compliment and feed-back!

04/28/2003 01:01 AM (UTC)
It really looks awesome. Especially that blue Ice beam effect...
By the way, I also like what you did to your website, AcjBizar's redesign smile.
04/28/2003 01:27 AM (UTC)

NoobSaibot Wrote:
It really looks awesome. Especially that blue Ice beam effect...By the way, I also like what you did to your website, AcjBizar's redesign .

Thanks! grin
04/28/2003 03:05 AM (UTC)
Awesome AcjB. Gradient/cell hybridized, and fluanting it damn well I see 8)
Love the brisk hue blending, and the smart lighting. A digitized sculpture, that hand resembles- amazing that its edited from a photoshot.
Superb effects as well- creating the curvy ice energy...thingys (excuse me, I'm feeling a bit dumbfounded here).
Damn cool.

I at first thought you were posting two variants of the same pic (which you may have intended), but then it seemed like a short comic to me. Like the viewpoint in the 1st pic being a short second before the eyes are enfrosted and the 2nd being the result. Neat.

..But if ya did just mean to post two different versions, I do like the 2nd better. True, orange and blue are complementary hues, and the afternoon sky does create an intersting two-tone to the pic- but the context of the image seems better suited in the 'frost-tinted glasses' viewpoint of the 2nd version (in my opinion, of course).

Oh, and it seems a bit too difficult to make out Subby's crouched-over upper body- like unless one looks really hard, ya only see a pair of legs sending out a magnificent ice ray to the 'viewer' :p A tad more brightness on him, perhaps?

Original and creative, AcjB. I admire Photoshop prowess such as you display.
*is very jealous*
Later 8)
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04/28/2003 03:27 AM (UTC)
Wow, I really love that concept. I used to think about it a lot, I wish I had of done of it first tongue. Anyways, I love it. I like how you incorporated the real background with the fictional subjects.
04/28/2003 08:12 AM (UTC)

NovaStarr Wrote:
I like how you incorporated the real background with the fictional subjects.

That's also a picture I made myself. This one was made with a analogue camera though.
04/28/2003 08:19 AM (UTC)
TLaG- Wrote:
Awesome AcjB. Gradient/cell hybridized, and fluanting it damn well I see 8) Love the brisk hue blending, and the smart lighting. A digitized sculpture, that hand resembles- amazing that its edited from a photoshot. Superb effects as well- creating the curvy ice energy...thingys (excuse me, I'm feeling a bit dumbfounded here).
Damn cool.

[Elvis voice] Thanks you, thankyou... thankyouverymuch... [/Elvis voice]

I at first thought you were posting two variants of the same pic (which you may have intended), but then it seemed like a short comic to me. Like the viewpoint in the 1st pic being a short second before the eyes are enfrosted and the 2nd being the result. Neat.

Funny that you mention this. Initially the second one was just a bit further in the process than the first... but then I noticed the comic value it had when I put them together. =)

..But if ya did just mean to post two different versions, I do like the 2nd better. True, orange and blue are complementary hues, and the afternoon sky does create an intersting two-tone to the pic- but the context of the image seems better suited in the 'frost-tinted glasses' viewpoint of the 2nd version (in my opinion, of course).

*nods* You're the first to say you like the second one better. Persoanlly, I'm still undecided. =/

Oh, and it seems a bit too difficult to make out Subby's crouched-over upper body- like unless one looks really hard, ya only see a pair of legs sending out a magnificent ice ray to the 'viewer' :p A tad more brightness on him, perhaps?

True, dat. I played around with the brightness of Subby, but I didn't want him to "stick out of the background" to maintain a level of realism. I even made the overall picture a little lighter for Subby.

Original and creative, AcjB. I admire Photoshop prowess such as you display. *is very jealous*

Awww... you're just saying that. *blushes*
04/28/2003 11:31 AM (UTC)
AcjBizar I can be criticall on you, because you should be able to improve:

I did not like the hand, it is not very clear what the "hand" is feeling, if you know what I mean, does it feel pain of the ICE blast? it could be made visible by drawing on top of the hand (like textures(I think)).

I liked both background.

Is it just me or is this a sticky thread?
Anyhow, I'm not much of an artist, so my opinion is based on, well, you get the picture anyway.

But I like it, and I prefer the right hand side, simply because i prefer darker lighting etc.
04/30/2003 10:36 PM (UTC)

timsmk Wrote:
Is it just me or is this a sticky thread?

Yeah, I've been wondering about this myself.
I have no idea how this happend. The only thing I can think of is that one of the mods made it one by mistake.
Anyway, I'm going to close this thread now, because staring at my own screenname on the main forum all the time is getting annoying. :p

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