Alot of people here didn't like Stryker in MK, maybe it was his story, and maybe it was his "powers" i.e. he had none. So I think I'll post my version of Stryker.
Name: Kurits Stryker
Age: 34
Height: 5'11
Weight: 197lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Legal Status: U.S. Citizen
Relitives: Unknown
Birth Place: Earth
Occupation: Former Riot Cop now S.E.A.L.S. Commander, Seiden Gaurdsman trainee
Fighting Styles: Daito-ryu, Diamond Fist Boxing, Judo, Twin Combat Knives
Look: Stryker has ditched his old uniform from MK3 for a more modern look. He has ditched his ball cap and now has a military hair cut. He wears a black kevlar vest. He wears black fatigues underneath. His boots are plated for combat and rise to his knees. He has an ammo belt across his chest and a utility belt around his waist. He has two gun holsters, one on his thigh and the other on his side. He now wears fingerd gloves and knee pads. He also has two other holsters for his combat knives in an X shaped pattern on the small of his back. He's also sporting some Wesker style sunglasses.
After the invasion of Earthrealm by Kahn was delt with Stryker went his own way from the other combatants. Believing that he was more lucky then skilled, Stryker returned to his job of being a New York riot cop. Little did he know that his being chosen by Raiden, thus being sparred from Kahns invasion was more then luck. It was fate. It has been almost six years since Stryker has had any contact from his friends. During this time, Stryker realised how weak the human race was and that it needed to be protected, at times extreme measures were needed. He decided that it wont be his fault if Earth was ever truely destroyed. He would give it all he had to protect it and make sure that it thrived, safe from any threat from Outworld. He began his rigorous training in varied martial arts by joining the armed forces. The S.E.A.L.S known for their harsh training in brutal enviroments was a natural choice. His instinct was not misplaced. By joining the Navy, he was taught several hand-to-hand fighting styles which dealt with disarms, grappling and strong body shots. Besides becoming a true warrior in close combat, Stryker also became an expert in different types firearms. Stryker served in the military for almost four years after that, becoming commander of a small squad of A grade soldiers, thier skill was unmatched, and in times of crisis they would be the ones who were sent on what others would call suicide missions. Unknown to Stryker, his body was changing, becoming stronger and more conditioned to the future battle he would have to fight. Stryker was eventually released from the Navy with several honors on his behalf. One night, Stryker recieved a vision from Raiden. Although most people would discard this as a hallucination, Stryker knew better. The vision told him to go to China and revist the Temple of the Order of Light. There he would find his true path. Without much hesitation Stryker set out for China not long after that. When he reached the temple, he recieved an unusually warm wlecome from the solitary monks, almost as if he was excpected. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning hit the ground and Riaden appeared."Stryker, you have served Earthrealm with great honor and a true sense of justice before. Now it is time for you to do so again, bu on a much broader scale." Shocked by the appearance of Raiden, Stryker naturally was apprehensive." Why would you pick me for something like that? I might have been able to help Earth before, but I'm no where near the talent of warriors such as Lui Kang or Sub-Zero" Riaden reassures him that he has great skill that is yet to be awakened. But to do this, he must venture to a new realm, the Realm of Order. He will be taught great discipline and be given a true sence of justice and order. He is to meat a man called Hotaru and jion with the Seiden Gaurd. A group of elite order keepers who are strong in body and mind. Only by doing so will Stryker ready be ready for what maybe the last stand of humanity.. Stryker agrees to undergo this training and prove to himself that he has a true purpose in the order of things.
Grenade Blast: Stryker is now able to charge small amounts of explosive energy in his palms and toss them at his opponent, exploding on contact. The attack has three different ranges, close, medium, long.
Riot Shield:
Striker can charge a breif pulse of energy around his body, defelcting an opponents attack.
Running Riot:
A fallow up move to Riot Shield. Stryker coats himself with energy and dashes at his opponent full spped running them over. While doing this, the only way to defend against the it is to side step at the last second.
Power Shot:
Similar to Jax's machine gun blast, only Stryker uses his twin Deagles and fires of two shots at the opponent, if connected, the shots cause massive damage.
Combat Frenzy:(close)
Stryker extracts his combat knives and begins to slice the opponent to bits. He leaves deep, brooding gashe as he proceeds to massacre the opponent. The opponent screams in pain as their body is covered with a cloud of blood. Stryker then takes his knives and sticks it into the opponents shoulders. He charges his hand and plungesinto the persons chest. Rays of light shoot out of the gashes in the skin and Stryker handsprings back. The light inside the opponent fades and they explode into gore and bone shrapnel.
Trick Shot (far)
Stryker whips out his Desert Eagle magnums and then shoots his opponent in the legs, blowing out several chunks. The opponent screams in pain and collapses to the ground. Stryker dashes at the opponent and knees them in the nose, tossing them into mid-air. Stryker lands on the ground and shoots again. He blows off chunks from the opponent's arms. While the opponent is still in the air Stryker shoots off the opponent's limbs with some gunplay. By this point, the opponent is now in chunks. As the torso falls to the ground Stryker unleashes one last shot at the person's head, and the torso tumbles away in a cloud of blood.
Author's Remarks: | |
This is just a fan bio I made to make Stryker a less loathed character. I think it turned out ok.
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