FakePic: MKDA Scorpion vs Scarlet (Redo)(Much better)
08/14/2003 07:07 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/16/2003 06:19 AM (UTC)
08/14/2003 12:35 AM (UTC)
Ok, well I have decided to just critique this entire thing, I am aware of who worked on what in this one, so if I mention a part of the fake you did, I am talking to you tongue.

Well, I must say this is MUCH better. This is without a doubt the best fake you've submitted Marcel. I remember this BG, but I don't remember those two 'candle' items. Maybe its just me, but if you added them in, nice touch. Good improvement on your sprites, a big improvement. The spear you added to Scorpion is very cool looking, of course you were shooting for his MKDA render that had this similar spear idea. Quite nice looking, good use of colors on it. The Scorpion sprite is cool as well, just one thing I could see that needs to be changed; he needs to be looking up at Skarlet as he is performing this fatality. He could stand a few more colors, but he's not so bad, its pretty good. The Skarlet sprite is also much better, you did good work on her skin this time. No noticable 'patchy' areas of one color. Nice work with her outfit as well.

Bloodwork is fantastic for the most part, but more blood at the point of entry is needed. There is blood on the sword, but more needs to be bleeding out of Skarlet than this in my opinion. But great idea with just chopping her head off, I like it better this way for some reason. Blood pools on the ground are good for the most part, especially one with the reflection in it. But her head could use some work, it looks fine and all, but perhaps a different 'expression' on her face would be good. Also, one last note, Skarlet name seems to inside of that 'rectangle' as is Scorpion's. Good thing, but Skarlet's is a bit wider than his. Overall, this is a great fake, all people who worked on it.
08/14/2003 03:29 AM (UTC)
heh thanks until now I just notice what you mean, I didn't notice it earlier since I was working on it on my computer w/ all this lights being on, but since its dark here (because its so freaking hot!!!!11!!) I saw that the glows do look a bit rentangular. I worked on it by myself, and got some really good feedback from blacksabot via email and VenoMark from MKROK, I manage to fix up some things like I use to have Doom Medikits on on the lifebars but even Timsmk agree that they were pointless tongue so I took them off. To make the sword I actually use a Jax sprite (1 of his blades)and skew it or I forgot what I did, to make it look straight. Yes those candles are new, I found a new site about Doom and this 1 contains "Doom props" the other 1 contains "Doom Textures". I might make the idea more different, if I have the time when school start but I really doubt that sad

Thanks smile
08/14/2003 05:09 PM (UTC)


Thats the png format which look ten times better since you can see it more clear.

Darn I thought I already did this, oh well tongue.

- Shadows are amiss, bit annoying really, though I did just recently discover in MK2, during fatalities there are no shadows, but this ain't MK2 tongue.
- Scorpion's head looks like a rocket the way the fire is done.
- The spear is kinda boring, it's just, you know, there, lol.
- He's still holding her up with one hand.
- Scorpion's shoes are a bit on the weird side.
- No win marks?

Good things:
+ Nice stage
+ Pretty well done
+ Lifebars and such are good (bar win marks).
+ Blood is pretty good.

Better than the previous imo, though the previous does have some elements that are actually better than this one.
Either way, good job smile.
08/14/2003 07:07 PM (UTC)
a rocket? wtf? lol grin

I try to focus the scorpion sprite, on his alterarte contume and his regular clothes, by mixing both, I also got some cool ideas from MaxDam when he gave me his reply last time, I will add more details on the spear next time I redo it. Also Scorpion is strong and has power so that explains why his holding her w/ 1 hand wink.

Thanks smile
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