Artist's Remarks: | |
This is my FIRST posted fake. I hope you like it. :-D
Full Scale | 395x258 | Category | Fakes | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 14 | Score |
This is possibly the worst fake I've ever seen, and using the little first-timer excuse isn't going to work. Even a retard who can't control the flow of his drool could see that this pile of dog shit wasn't even worth posting. It's just one massive copy and paste job. You threw on a random sprite as the victim, added a bunch of Jax's sonic wave blasts, jumbled up a handful of fireballs, and resized another of Jax's sonic wave blasts, and planted that on top of this pile of shit we see here. And why in the flying fuck is there fire on the ground?
Gawd, shit like this makes me wish fake pictures were never created.


There is a fireball that is coming out of Ryu but it's and a downward angle and that needs to be fixed.
That purple needs to go.
And at least show some blood or body parts flying around or something.
I found that VenoMark has submitted ..
So does he have the right to call my fake the WORST one?
I mean ...
Nothing is Something.
But No thing is different.
So he has no acclaimed right to say "this fake looks likes shit", or anything.
So i have one thing to say to you veno.
S U C K !
Gororules Wrote: ...your being nice to anyone here ever... |
Do...what now?
I'm nice to certain people when they deserve. When I see this guy pump out something worth looking at, I'm compliment him. I told him what was wrong with the fake, and now he has the intention to out-do least, I hope he does. If he's just going to puke out more of these just to piss people like me off, then I'll continue to do what I do to people like him, who are unable to handle trutful criticism.
Please, you're not any good at making fakes, either, so...back the fuck off, would ya'?

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Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?
Zentile Wrote: You, MKF, Know nothing, and are a complete fool. You dont have to submit something to . Veno posted his fake a few weeks ago, and it was soooo much better then this...thing u have. I dont know how u missed it, but anyway, you're a twit. |

You have 0 new messages contained in your inbox.
Where is RandyCandy, ShawnM, UrbanSmooth and MickXII?
blacksaibot Wrote: Not even my friends in the class room like this picture. I don't like this picture. WHATEVER. |
LouisTypo Wrote: Not even the Pope likes you. I don't like you. Why the fuck would anyone care if people in your Special Ed. class don't like this? Fuckup. blacksaibot Wrote: Not even my friends in the class room like this picture. I don't like this picture. WHATEVER. |
LouisTypo Wrote: You stupid fucking mistake. Learn how to spell before insulting someone. Believe me, this helps. This will only make you look less of a narrow-minded shitstick. Your fakes are pitiful. You call someone a "fool", when you can't even spell the word "you". It's only 2 extra letters you Goddamned inbred. Zentile Wrote: You, MKF, Know nothing, and are a complete fool. You dont have to submit something to . Veno posted his fake a few weeks ago, and it was soooo much better then this...thing u have. I dont know how u missed it, but anyway, you're a twit. |
Oh shut up. This has to be the stupidest attempt at getting into a fight I have ever seen.
I'll just:
1. Print it.
2. Lok stight at it.
3. Fuck it.
4. tear it and throw it away.
The fuckin' Flute Ninja gave my 2 year yr old cousin a heart attack.So please,for my cousin's sake...
In his condition *sob* he may face a thing so bad ....

I'm gh0d

If you ask me, THAT'S what's the most ridiculious(sp?) situation here.
About the pic:
Try getting Ryu's Hadoken motion into the pic next time, and don't make him stand there.
Veno's pic:
I like it. Pretty good! Check this website (very important). My gf's family is hosting a fundraising event next month so check out the website for details. We accept Paypal donations.
but dont flame in here, this is for fanart
if u cant accept that your art sucks, and if u fail to improve, then dont post it
anyway, i hate it and i have it a zero cause it looks really dumb

P.S. if there's some help i can give, the fire effects just don't look right.. and the big purple/pink effect at the very right.. i'm not even sure what that is. You could try to change them up completely.

plz tell me how to make a sprite fake im crap at it
Don't post so many smilies. That's spam.
The fake- don't paste so many of Liu and Jax's fireballs, it looks terrible like that. Put the Names on the lifebars. Also, don't make Evil Ryu stand there- make him shoot his Hadoken at Sonya. Try editing. 1/5