07/13/2003 10:16 AM (UTC)by
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06/20/2003 01:46 PM (UTC)
07/13/2003 03:35 AM (UTC)
The word you're looking for is "electrocution", but I take it people can see what you mean.

07/13/2003 03:41 AM (UTC)
dude just download photoshop off kazaa.
07/13/2003 04:35 AM (UTC)
Ok, well i am quite confused. Is this supposed to be a fatality? If it is, Cage still has life in his lifebar. And Cyrax and Sektor don't have any win tokens. Another thing about that, they shouldn't be sharing the same lifebar, there should be two seperate ones. They seem misplaced as well, not sure, but they look it to me.

Ok, well i guess you did the best you could with Paint on this one. The middle of the "electocution" isn't bad, but the surrounding 'bolts' look like they are all just one solid color, doesn't feel very "electric" to me. The poses are simple, but they are well done, the sprites' positions look to be right. The 'smoke' looks good, but I'd like something more original with it, I doubt a person would smoke that color if they were burning or being electified. And there's no blood at all, I'd expect perhaps some at least. And shadows are absent here.

A better idea would have been to make Cage 'split apart', exploding from all that energy flowing in his body. It would have given it more originality, and made it more interesting. But I suppose its not that bad, just really work on the actual 'electocution' part of it.

Good luck on getting photoshop.

Right then. This is, odd?
As ~Crow~ said, I can't make out if this is a fatality or not?

- Lifebars, no win marks are necessary I guess, as Cage isn't dead yet. However, Cyrax and Sektor, all one word? Why don't you just give them one lifebar each, and place the one under the other.
- The shocking effect. Surely you knew this was coming tongue. Like the bit in the middle, not liking all the grey spider's legs after it, lol.
- Add a couple of shadows, just for extra effect.
- The "prongy" thingies coming out of Cyrax and Sektor, are a bit lame really, I'm sure you could've come up with something a little better.
- If the timer is in the position it is, then it's probably best to add the win texts too, so then it isn't out of place.

That's about it for that:
Good things:

+ The middle part of the shocky stuff is nice tongue.

Anyhow, keep working with effects, cuz' that was sure a good start smile.
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