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This Is Cyrax's Bio
Full Scale | 549x400 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 10 | Score |

About Me
Now that bio does not make sense. well, nothing ever makes sense any more so i'll let it slide. 3.5/5
I Will, And Raiden01 Let's See You Do Better!

Good plot, man, good plot.
Thus giving me the idea of MKV (Mortal Kombat Vengeance).
Thus giving me the idea of MKV (Mortal Kombat Vengeance).

UltimateKombatter Wrote:
Good plot, man, good plot.
Thus giving me the idea of MKV (Mortal Kombat Vengeance).
Good plot, man, good plot.
Thus giving me the idea of MKV (Mortal Kombat Vengeance).
what the heck are you talking about??? that story was not that good,and there is not Mortal Kombat Vengeance ever being made!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's See You Do Better!

About Me
Sry but that plot sucked so much ass. It made no sense at all, firat of all the damn special forces didnt turn him into a robot, they made him human and good again. The Lin Kuei made him into a robot to destroy Khan. The drawing looks like summtin a 4 year old did, man its just not that good at all. Rethink ur plot and then try a new 1. 0.5/5

That bio is completely empty; how is he a monster? How does he all-of-a-sudden decide that Sonya and Jax are responsible for him being a monster, when he seemed happy to be a part of the Special Forces? Why is the grammer so poor? Why is his torso so small compared to his head? Where's the creativeness?
I'm sorry, but I just don't like it.
I'm sorry, but I just don't like it.
Thank You Man, Anyways IT IS FANFICTION And If You Seen Cyrax's Ending In MKG U Would Have Seen The Way Cyrax Looked Like..... All Of Yall Who Now Hates Me Now, I Got Something For You I Dont Care What You People Say, In My Opinion All Of You Can SUCK EM'! That Is Right I Said It! Kneel Down And Suck Em' I Dont Give A Rat's Behind About What You Say Or How You Hate It. It Is Mine And Mine Alone...... Freaking Die NOW! Jordanman, I Can Give You A Bowl Full Of The Longest Schlongs In The World And You Would Probably Eat Them All And Ask For More! I Dont Care How I Say Things, I Am 12 Years Old CUT ME SOME SLACK FRIGGIN' A!

Shut your yap, Youkai!

About Me
Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.
droz_dunx Wrote:
Thank You Man, Anyways IT IS FANFICTION And If You Seen Cyrax's Ending In MKG U Would Have Seen The Way Cyrax Looked Like..... All Of Yall Who Now Hates Me Now, I Got Something For You I Dont Care What You People Say, In My Opinion All Of You Can SUCK EM'! That Is Right I Said It! Kneel Down And Suck Em' I Dont Give A Rat's Behind About What You Say Or How You Hate It. It Is Mine And Mine Alone...... Freaking Die NOW! Jordanman, I Can Give You A Bowl Full Of The Longest Schlongs In The World And You Would Probably Eat Them All And Ask For More! I Dont Care How I Say Things, I Am 12 Years Old CUT ME SOME SLACK FRIGGIN' A!
Thank You Man, Anyways IT IS FANFICTION And If You Seen Cyrax's Ending In MKG U Would Have Seen The Way Cyrax Looked Like..... All Of Yall Who Now Hates Me Now, I Got Something For You I Dont Care What You People Say, In My Opinion All Of You Can SUCK EM'! That Is Right I Said It! Kneel Down And Suck Em' I Dont Give A Rat's Behind About What You Say Or How You Hate It. It Is Mine And Mine Alone...... Freaking Die NOW! Jordanman, I Can Give You A Bowl Full Of The Longest Schlongs In The World And You Would Probably Eat Them All And Ask For More! I Dont Care How I Say Things, I Am 12 Years Old CUT ME SOME SLACK FRIGGIN' A!
I don't really feel like getting into this but if you can't handle criticisim then why post your art work?


droz_dunx Wrote:
Thank You Man, Anyways IT IS FANFICTION And If You Seen Cyrax's Ending In MKG U Would Have Seen The Way Cyrax Looked Like..... All Of Yall Who Now Hates Me Now, I Got Something For You I Dont Care What You People Say, In My Opinion All Of You Can SUCK EM'! (...) I Dont Care How I Say Things, I Am 12 Years Old CUT ME SOME SLACK FRIGGIN' A!
Thank You Man, Anyways IT IS FANFICTION And If You Seen Cyrax's Ending In MKG U Would Have Seen The Way Cyrax Looked Like..... All Of Yall Who Now Hates Me Now, I Got Something For You I Dont Care What You People Say, In My Opinion All Of You Can SUCK EM'! (...) I Dont Care How I Say Things, I Am 12 Years Old CUT ME SOME SLACK FRIGGIN' A!
It might be fanfiction, but there's still nothing to what you wrote, just an ambiguous story about Cyrax getting pissed at Sonya and Jax for turning him into a "monster" (the only evidence of that in your picture is that his head's too big for his body, the armour has become grey with yellow, un-even sploches, and his arms look like pool cues). You have too little back story to even make this a decent fanfic; so he looked a little different after his MKG ending, big deal, it doesn't justify him being a monster, especially since he was glad to be "human" again.
If you wanted to make the story at least make sense, you could've done something like say that he hates the fact that he has his soul back and wants to become a pure machine once more, or something like that. That would've been better, and that would've added a whole lot more to your story.
It doesn't matter how old you are, if you're on a computer (especially one with Internet access), you have the ability to spell-check your work and make sure that what you're writing makes sense. You obviously didn't do that, which was a very sloppy mistake on your part.
Nobody here hates you (yet at least), just the fact that you hide behind your work and proclaim that it's good and not accepting the critcism that some have given you about your previous picture. You're posting your work in a PUBLIC FORUM, and as people are supposed to, they're telling you what THEY think about your work; you opinion about your own work means nothing here, and you have to be ready to take harsh criticism when it comes. Not everybody will like your work, and you have to accept that.
The majority here have stated that they don't like your work, and we've just told you why; use this information to your advantage and IMPROVE what you submit here. If you're just going to write gigantic comments about how our opinions don't matter and yours do, then stop submitting your pictures to be rated.
Jerrod Wrote:
It might be fanfiction, but there's still nothing to what you wrote, just an ambiguous story about Cyrax getting pissed at Sonya and Jax for turning him into a "monster" (the only evidence of that in your picture is that his head's too big for his body, the armour has become grey with yellow, un-even sploches, and his arms look like pool cues). You have too little back story to even make this a decent fanfic; so he looked a little different after his MKG ending, big deal, it doesn't justify him being a monster, especially since he was glad to be "human" again.
If you wanted to make the story at least make sense, you could've done something like say that he hates the fact that he has his soul back and wants to become a pure machine once more, or something like that. That would've been better, and that would've added a whole lot more to your story.
It doesn't matter how old you are, if you're on a computer (especially one with Internet access), you have the ability to spell-check your work and make sure that what you're writing makes sense. You obviously didn't do that, which was a very sloppy mistake on your part.
Nobody here hates you (yet at least), just the fact that you hide behind your work and proclaim that it's good and not accepting the critcism that some have given you about your previous picture. You're posting your work in a PUBLIC FORUM, and as people are supposed to, they're telling you what THEY think about your work; you opinion about your own work means nothing here, and you have to be ready to take harsh criticism when it comes. Not everybody will like your work, and you have to accept that.
The majority here have stated that they don't like your work, and we've just told you why; use this information to your advantage and IMPROVE what you submit here. If you're just going to write gigantic comments about how our opinions don't matter and yours do, then stop submitting your pictures to be rated.
droz_dunx Wrote:
Thank You Man, Anyways IT IS FANFICTION And If You Seen Cyrax's Ending In MKG U Would Have Seen The Way Cyrax Looked Like..... All Of Yall Who Now Hates Me Now, I Got Something For You I Dont Care What You People Say, In My Opinion All Of You Can SUCK EM'! (...) I Dont Care How I Say Things, I Am 12 Years Old CUT ME SOME SLACK FRIGGIN' A!
Thank You Man, Anyways IT IS FANFICTION And If You Seen Cyrax's Ending In MKG U Would Have Seen The Way Cyrax Looked Like..... All Of Yall Who Now Hates Me Now, I Got Something For You I Dont Care What You People Say, In My Opinion All Of You Can SUCK EM'! (...) I Dont Care How I Say Things, I Am 12 Years Old CUT ME SOME SLACK FRIGGIN' A!
It might be fanfiction, but there's still nothing to what you wrote, just an ambiguous story about Cyrax getting pissed at Sonya and Jax for turning him into a "monster" (the only evidence of that in your picture is that his head's too big for his body, the armour has become grey with yellow, un-even sploches, and his arms look like pool cues). You have too little back story to even make this a decent fanfic; so he looked a little different after his MKG ending, big deal, it doesn't justify him being a monster, especially since he was glad to be "human" again.
If you wanted to make the story at least make sense, you could've done something like say that he hates the fact that he has his soul back and wants to become a pure machine once more, or something like that. That would've been better, and that would've added a whole lot more to your story.
It doesn't matter how old you are, if you're on a computer (especially one with Internet access), you have the ability to spell-check your work and make sure that what you're writing makes sense. You obviously didn't do that, which was a very sloppy mistake on your part.
Nobody here hates you (yet at least), just the fact that you hide behind your work and proclaim that it's good and not accepting the critcism that some have given you about your previous picture. You're posting your work in a PUBLIC FORUM, and as people are supposed to, they're telling you what THEY think about your work; you opinion about your own work means nothing here, and you have to be ready to take harsh criticism when it comes. Not everybody will like your work, and you have to accept that.
The majority here have stated that they don't like your work, and we've just told you why; use this information to your advantage and IMPROVE what you submit here. If you're just going to write gigantic comments about how our opinions don't matter and yours do, then stop submitting your pictures to be rated.
Jerrod don't waste your time man, this ''droz_dunx'' can't even read more then 2 sentences..
Hey -A-nubis, I Dont See Anything In The Fan Submission Page That YOU DID! So I Suggest You Shut The F*** Up!

About Me

Man calm down. You posted a picture people didnt like it big deal. If you dont want people saying something bad about your work dont post it. Who cares if someone else likes it. Do you like it? thats all that should matter
droz_dunx Wrote:
Hey -A-nubis, I Dont See Anything In The Fan Submission Page That YOU DID! So I Suggest You Shut The F*** Up!
Hey -A-nubis, I Dont See Anything In The Fan Submission Page That YOU DID! So I Suggest You Shut The F*** Up!
yes droz_dunx ....that's because u are 6 days old to this site u 'tard!...
here's my work. Now bow plz and cry.
click the link P.S Do not bump it whatsoever...Let is stay in the past plz.
droz_dunx Wrote:
Hey -A-nubis, I Dont See Anything In The Fan Submission Page That YOU DID! So I Suggest You Shut The F*** Up!
Hey -A-nubis, I Dont See Anything In The Fan Submission Page That YOU DID! So I Suggest You Shut The F*** Up!
Hey Man, Since Your 12 Let Me Be The First To Inform You That You Don't Put A Capital Letter On The Front Of Every Word.
And the picture sucks, Anu's work owns yours in every way. So I suggest you shut the fuck up telling other people to shut the fuck up.

About Me
Look, being 12 years old isn't an excuse to act all crazy and explode at the slightest hint of criticism. Lighten up and calm down.
Its not good,but its not awful.3/5
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