[nee - clee - ass - teas]
Name: Necliastes
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Alliance: Evil
Allies: Scorpion, Onaga
Foes: Sub-Zero, Quan Chi, Baraka, Shao Kahn
Height: 6'8
Weight: 241 lbs.
Hair Color: (no hair)
Eye Color (no eyes)
Power: Telekenetic
Destinct Description:
A tall, shadowy figure that is mindfull of his surroundings. He wears all black, and blends with the shadows of the night. As a child he caught leprocy, magicly, he survived. All of his skin has been eaten away by the disease which he still, and always will have. Therefor, you see a skull then stead of a face, and a skeloton then stead of a body.
He wears a long black coat that hangs around his right shoulder, and drags on the ground/floor behind him. He wears long, silky, black pants that would touch the floor if his black boots weren't in the way of them. He wears a belt that has a skull engraved in the center of it, and to top it all off, he wears a black hat.
Fighting Styles:
Dragon; the well known fighting style which has been taught through generations of many. The technique used of the dragon fighting style, is defensive, and then offensive when opponent is off guard. A technique not everyone can master in a matter of days, the dragon fighting style is one of the more complicated styles to understand.
Hapkido; a rare use of fighting for many warriors, and champions of such. The more offensive use of Hapkido gives warriors who approve of offensive fighting the touch they need to pull off victory. The short lived variety of Hapkido fighters was in the time of Onaga's rule, the time of the Elder Gods' parrel.
Ki Fulen; this fighting style is of the use of one man, and that man is Necliastes. Necliastes made this fighting style and mastered it to his own prespective, for he could not wield the techniques of weapons. Ki Fulen helps Necliastes in both defensive and offensive ways of fighting, using the power within, causing the opponent a slight chance to get hurt, without even being touched.
A century after the time Shao Kahn took over Edinia, there has been a disease going around the villages and towns of Outworld. The disease was a rare one known as leprocy. This disease would spread fast, and eventually catch to Shao Kahn's people, so Shao Kahn ordered that everyone with the disease, be killed. And for their bodies to be burned. A man known as Necliastes was a victom of the disease, and his destiny was to be killed by the Tarkata forces of Shao Kahn.
It was done, Shao Kahn had his Tarkata's attack all of the diseased people, and kill them for the "sake" of his people. Baraka, the leader of all Tarkatas, lead his people to each village in Outworld, and killed all with the disease. They finally got to the last village, the one where Necliastes and his family stayed. They took him, and brought him to their camp, for they chose him to torture for their cruel satisfication. It was said by Baraka, that he should first be stretched, then beatened, then they would finally kill him, but in the most painful way; by his own disease.
Baraka and the Tarkatas did just as they pleased to Necliastes. And by the time they through him into the cell to rot, he was already half dead. Necliastes being a superstisious man hoped luck for his family, then stead of himself. In this act and elder god came to the pitiful man, and granted him immortality for his pure heart, and telekenetic powers for his kind soul. But he left one warning, that if he were to use his new powers for evil, then he would live the longest life, in pain, and in suffering.
Necliastes then tore through the bars of the cell brig, and rampaged out of the main gates. Close behind him were some Tarkatas, along with Baraka. All with their claws out, raged towards the loose "crinimal". Necliastes fought them all, and eventually killed them. All but one, got away, and Baraka was the one Tarkatan that managed to get free. Necliastes then relized that his wife's body was on a flaming pole, and burnt to the last stage. At that moment he lost control of himself, his whole life was his wife, and now that she was dead, what was there to live for?
He looked around, relizing that it was the Tarkatas, and Shao Kahn that have killed her in fear of catching a disease. He then swore that he would kill every Tarkatan race, and slaughter Shao Kahn as well. With the moment he pledged this alligence, the elder god which granted him powers appeared. Saying that he has broken his promise, and then shall be sent to eternal life in suffering. At that point the elder god sent Necliastes to the Netherrealm, with his old leprocy disease with him.
Necliastes has spent uncountable years in the Netherrealm, caring for his own self, and coming insane over his loss of life. Then one day came where their was a rumor spreading. A man has discovered a way out of the Netherrealm! He was to use a secret amulet, and escape this firey prison. The man was Shinnock, a sorcerer of evil and witchcraft. Necliastes felt a sudden heap of hope in his gut. This was his chance to escape!
Weeks have passed, and not a single report of what has happened to Shinnock's brilliant invention. Necliastes was found hopeless, and careless of the present. He then decided to run off into the deep parts of the Nethterrealm, where no one could desturb him. On his path down to further turnmoil and darkness, he stumbled accross a body. It was beaten, and bruised everywhere along the skull. It was the body of Shinnock. Necliastes looked through the body of Shinnock, looking for the amulet of secrets to where he could escape with. But he found nothing, all that he saw was a part dead beaten corspe, with no meaning for him.
Necliastes then looked around, as if there was someone or something watching him. He saw something, or rather someone. He looked closely at the figure, it was a male human and had pale gray skin. He looked closer and saw another figure close behind him. The second person was human and male, but had a yellow and black outfit on, and was chasing the other man. He relized these two men as Quan Chi and Scorpion, rivals for life.
Necliastes looked up to Scoprion when he was a kid, for Scorpion wasn't always the demon as he is now. He was once a man, and was (and still is) the leader of a famous clan. For that reason he hurried to see what was going to happen between the two warriors. He could hear them shouting insults and threats to one another. But Necliastes paid no attention to their words. He was looking at Quan Chi's hand, for inside his hand the amulet laid.
It wasn't long before Quan Chi noticed Necliastes, and took off running. Scorpion laughing ran along closely behind. Necliastes without thinking followed them, hoping to use the amulet as his way out of hell. Quan Chi finally stopped running, he stopped by an old ruin the seemed to be lost and forgotten ages ago. He turned and shot a blast of his powers at Scoprion, which made him fall to the ground. Quan Chi then used the amulet, and a portal appeared. Quan Chi went through the portal, with Necliastes shortly behind. Then Scorpion got up, and barely managed to make it through.
When Necliastes emerged from the portal, he saw an man. The man looked young, but tough enough to fight with the power of ten warriors, even with his eyes closed. The man walked through a green portal, and was lost in air. Necliastes looked around, he saw six portals, and an alter with three stones floating in place. Scorpion suddenly came through the Netherrealm portal and stood eye to eye with Necliastes.
At first, Scorpion's action was to attack, but then he saw the power and strength in the companion infront of him. They then talked, and discussed the cuurrent situation. Scorpion told Necliastes of Quan Chi and his alliance with Shang Tsung. And Necliastes told Scoprion of his hatred for Shao Kahn and the Tarkata breed. They then saw things mind to mind, and made their own alliance. If Necliastes would help Scorpion find an defeat Quan Chi, then he would help kill the race of Tarkata's, and take the head of Shao Kahn. It was then official, they would set out to find the Deadly Alliance.
Soon notice came, and Scorpion had failed in his mission, being thrown into a soulnado by two Oni. Necliastes did his part, but Scorpion failed to do his. Necliastes felt no need to worry, for he knew that Scorpion would escape. He could feel it in his gut. There was news after that the two sorcerers, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, have been defeated by a young warrior known as Kung Lao. This saved Necliastes the time. He then set out to Outworld, to secretly extinct the Tarkata race, and soon to kill Shao Kahn, the ruler of Outowlrd and Edenia.
Author's Remarks: | |
This character I made up a while back. Hope you all enjoy his story.
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