Fan Kreations
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Ashra doing what she does best, um....jumping and posing!
Full Scale | 636x776 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 16 | Score |
submitted 05/30/2004 12:06 PM (UTC)by

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The Introduction To Destruction
Member Since
09/06/2002 10:27 PM (UTC)

Thats as sweet as apple pie. Do some more!

About Me
OMG that looks freaking awesome, I like the transparency on her veil as well as all the coloring and shading youve done. If I was going to be critical for the sake of it Id say there is one line on her leg that looks too wide and dark that perhaps you forgot to alter the opacity on. But apart from that its all good.

About Me
I Have Become as the Wastelands of Unending Nothingness. Now Shall the Night Things Fill Me with their Whisperings, and the Shadows Reveal their Wisdom.
Very impressive, like all your work. The detail on the costume is great. Only problem I see is on the right hand, the pinky looks a little thick; also, as moosie_fate pointed out, that line on her leg. But other than that, it's great!
Simply amazing, as always. I cant find one thing wrong with this. This pic is so neat and clean I cant get over it. I love the background you used. The tree looks so life like. She looks like she is gonna jump off the page at me. I love the fact that you made her veil trasparent. Her weapon looks great. The coloring is excellent. Great job 5/5.
YAY, the Switcher is back on the field!!!
She looks beautiful!
Keep up the good work!
She looks beautiful!
Keep up the good work!

About Me
that is great!!!! keep up the good work.

About Me
The Introduction To Destruction
Hey, thanks alot everyone! Quite honestly, I didn't think this one is all that great, especially next to my MKD Subby pic. I dunno, it just seemed to come off as a little bland, (it's hard to color an all white costume)
Oh, I saw one or two comments about the background? I did NOT make that! I'm not even close to being that good. That's just a scan from a Soul Calibur 2 art book I have.
And, yeah I can see people's points about that odd little line along her leg. It's one of the things that made me think this pic was borderline okay, but I'm glad everyone likes it overall!
Thanks again! ^_^
Oh, I saw one or two comments about the background? I did NOT make that! I'm not even close to being that good. That's just a scan from a Soul Calibur 2 art book I have.
And, yeah I can see people's points about that odd little line along her leg. It's one of the things that made me think this pic was borderline okay, but I'm glad everyone likes it overall!
Thanks again! ^_^

About Me Dig it
Much more work needs to be done blending the foreground and the background together. The style between the two is so different it throws the picture off.
As for the coloring it's pretty basic and the shadows are all over the place. Some spots have her left and under side shaded (face and arms). Others have the top right side shaded (bracelets and sash). I agree that white is going to be harder to shade than another color but alot of your color lines don't make any sense at all. Either that or it isn't blended enough.
Now for the drawing. Overall I think it's pretty good. I would twist her booty back a little bit. It is facing toward the camera as is her upper body. That would be quite the flexible person who would be able to pull that off.
Good job
As for the coloring it's pretty basic and the shadows are all over the place. Some spots have her left and under side shaded (face and arms). Others have the top right side shaded (bracelets and sash). I agree that white is going to be harder to shade than another color but alot of your color lines don't make any sense at all. Either that or it isn't blended enough.
Now for the drawing. Overall I think it's pretty good. I would twist her booty back a little bit. It is facing toward the camera as is her upper body. That would be quite the flexible person who would be able to pull that off.
Good job

About Me
There's no body to batter when your mind is your might - Fiona Apple
There is NOTHING wrong w/ this drawing. I love the Soul Calibur 2 backround you put in it. I also realy like the fighting postion she's in! Good job, Switcher! 5/5!

About Me
Id just like to say that I LOVE that drawing. Id love to see more that you have. Please post them up. 
In-freakin-credible. I love the picture. It must have taken a while to do, but the finished result just takes my breath away. Keep it up!
I like this drawing of Ashra.It kind of reminds me of Taki's pose from Soul Calibur 2.The colors & the pose are good & I also like how you incorporated the Soul Calibur 2 in there also.Good Job.
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