Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
Apep's True Fighter God Form.
He Uses 2 Egyptian Style Sword's he keeps One on each Hip Holstered.
He Also Has an Egyption Style 2handed Axe He Keep's on His Back For some Special's and Some Popup Overhead and low Kombo Strings.
I was Also Thinking He Can Cast spells with a Relic or Have a Small Hourglass in His main hand when he Holsters one of His Dual Swords to Freeze time for a second like subzero's Iceball.
I Didnt Create or Snip these images I used Images From a web browser I made Him on The Hero Forge Website but im not Subscribed so I couldnt save the image on my xbox app.

Anubis? Seriously wtf? Get some imagination.
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
Pretty much every MK Character is a Parody of someone or something why stop with Terminator (Kano )Jon Claude (Johnny C) or Rambo (Night Wolf) Indianna Jones (Erron Black)I can Keep Going.
Anubis was the first undertaker but peple forgot he was also a God of a race of Canine beings. Anubis isnt the only creature like this by lore these Creatures were Guards to all Kinds of Great Leaders First Human than Mummified and turned to these Canines with a curse to be a God of Fighter's to Protect Royalty. It only makes sense for him to have an egyptian god theme the one I made he had dreadlocks and was a mummy . Like a werewolf he doesnt just stay in that form its a shapeshifting thing.
It Fits perfectly With Medevil and MK Lore if were going Back in time to the Kingdom of Kahn's MK Style Parody. Click Me I Have Deliciouse Meat you can Slide Down Your Throat Whole. More Toasty Sweet Meats.
Plus There is Not 1 Original MK Character I can think of that isnt a Parody of someone. Whether they are real People or mythical story hero's and villains.

Anubis was the first undertaker but peple forgot he was also a God of a race of Canine beings. Anubis isnt the only creature like this by lore these Creatures were Guards to all Kinds of Great Leaders. It only makes sense for him to have an egyptian god theme the one I made he had dreadlocks and was a mummy . Like a werewolf he doesnt just stay in that form its a shapeshifting thing.
Maybe you should look into some Lore before Spoutin off with those magnificent throat muscles.
wow I used my throat to type that?
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
Dont go there if you dont like it move on cuz you sure didnt use your throat to read any lore about the subject either.
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
Apep has the form of a snake. Apep, and Anubis are 2 different beings...
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
Yes the elder...we dont know about the Younger Apep yet. Elder Apep and Younger Apep are two different beings "Anubis" an egyption Canine God has not yet appeared in MK Lore Maybe Younger Apep is this Being or he becomes Mummified by him to fill his shoes when a curse on earth is removed after unlocking a tomb that every one forgets about when the Original evil God Being is killed By him after Being Mummified and Cursed. Leaving Apep as The one and Only God of Chaos in Everyones Eyes.
Anubis was the first undertaker but peple forgot he was also a God of a race of Canine beings. Anubis isnt the only creature like this by lore these Creatures were Guards to all Kinds of Great Leaders First Human than Mummified and turned to these Canines with a curse to be a God of Fighter's to Protect Royalty. It only makes sense for him to have an egyptian god theme the one I made he had dreadlocks and was a mummy . Like a werewolf he doesnt just stay in that form its a shapeshifting thing.
Maybe you should look into some Lore before Spoutin off with those magnificent throat muscles.
With the werewolf shape-shifting you speak of I'm satisfied with Nightwolf being that ability. I'd leave the mummy thing alone as it was unsatisfactory when Ermac did it in MKX and Cetrion had a mummified skin in MK11.
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
nightwolf is a Hunter/Shaman He is Not a Werewolf. And there is yet to be any Logical explanation Behind those mummy skins there needs to be some kind of story on where the mummies are coming from. And Apep Being the only Egyptian.....? I Guess we can just use our imaginations 🙌.
So this is something different, right?
Plus I know you know when Nightwolf teaches Liu Kang to feel his Animality in the substandard movie he does this again ^ (optionally by night).
Also (correct me how I'm wrong) it sounds like you're talking about the Descendant of Apepis, not Apep the kid from MKD (unless it's coincidence they have the same name).
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
So this is something different, right?
Plus I know you know when Nightwolf teaches Liu Kang to feel his Animality in the substandard movie he does this ^ (at night).
Also (correct me how I'm wrong) it sounds like you're talking about the Descendant of Apepis, not Apep the kid from MKD (unless it's coincidence they have the same name).
That is an alternate ending and not Canon... If this were to happen that would be his evolved animal form Not a werewolf by Lore a Werewolf is Carried through a Bite Not a spirit animal... Spirit animal's are a form of meditation Shapeshifting threw shamanism or Druidism not a Mindless Beast. The Wolf has always Been inside him its in his Religious Teachings of his tribes shamanistic ancestor's but he had nobody to Kontinue Teaching him when his people had Genocide Kommited against them so there you go Corrected?
I am talking about the Egyptian God of Chaos.
Correct me if im Wrong we do not yet know Who this is.
So this is something different, right?
Plus I know you know when Nightwolf teaches Liu Kang to feel his Animality in the substandard movie he does this ^ (at night).
Also (correct me how I'm wrong) it sounds like you're talking about the Descendant of Apepis, not Apep the kid from MKD (unless it's coincidence they have the same name).
That is an alternate ending and not Canon... If this were to happen that would be his evolved animal form Not a werewolf by Lore a Werewolf is Carried through a Bite Not a spirit animal spirit animal is a form od meditation Shapeshifting threw shamanism or Druidism not a Mindless Beast. The Wolf has always Been inside him its in his Religious Teachings of his tribes shamanistic ancestor's so there you go Corrected?
Sounds like a form of rabies (and again, through a bite sounds like vampirism in terms of the contamination side).
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
So this is something different, right?
Plus I know you know when Nightwolf teaches Liu Kang to feel his Animality in the substandard movie he does this ^ (at night).
Also (correct me how I'm wrong) it sounds like you're talking about the Descendant of Apepis, not Apep the kid from MKD (unless it's coincidence they have the same name).
That is an alternate ending and not Canon... If this were to happen that would be his evolved animal form Not a werewolf by Lore a Werewolf is Carried through a Bite Not a spirit animal spirit animal is a form od meditation Shapeshifting threw shamanism or Druidism not a Mindless Beast. The Wolf has always Been inside him its in his Religious Teachings of his tribes shamanistic ancestor's so there you go Corrected?
Sounds like a form of rabies (and again, through a bite sounds like vampirism in terms of the contamination side).
Have you never watched a werewolf movie thats exactly how it work's if you escape after being bittin by a werewolf without it ripping you apart you turn into one Contamination.
But This isnt the Kase With this Character it is no Contamination that makes a Transformation. The ShapeShifting From Human To K9 Being will be Because of a Curse That Was Bestowed upon This Characters Mumified Organs and Body When He was Being Mummified.... So The Only way to be a person who can shift into True K9 God Form is to die and be Brought back to Life Threw a Cursed Mummification Process Organs Being Taken out and put In Jars...Brains Being Ripped out Threw your Nose and Another who is a Worshipper Of The one true K9 God who was Mumified Aswell and Willing to Bestowe The same Gifted Curse Upon Your dead Vessel if he sees you Worthy.
Ive been thinking the Guy in the MK11 Krypt Is the Descendant of Apepis The Egyptian God of Chaos and who knows maybe he is Apep from MKD. I have a fan made story about raiden going forward in time then timewalking backwards creating portals for created players to travel through time to play older and new titles in a MMORPG MK then raiden find him on Shang Tsung's Island Ruin's and Teaches him who he is... The Egyptian God of Chaos. To aid EarthRealm from Becoming Part of the Chaos Realm.
So this is something different, right?
Plus I know you know when Nightwolf teaches Liu Kang to feel his Animality in the substandard movie he does this ^ (at night).
Also (correct me how I'm wrong) it sounds like you're talking about the Descendant of Apepis, not Apep the kid from MKD (unless it's coincidence they have the same name).
That is an alternate ending and not Canon... If this were to happen that would be his evolved animal form Not a werewolf by Lore a Werewolf is Carried through a Bite Not a spirit animal spirit animal is a form od meditation Shapeshifting threw shamanism or Druidism not a Mindless Beast. The Wolf has always Been inside him its in his Religious Teachings of his tribes shamanistic ancestor's so there you go Corrected?
Sounds like a form of rabies (and again, through a bite sounds like vampirism in terms of the contamination side).
Have you never watched a werewolf movie thats exactly how it work's if you escape after being bittin by a werewolf without it ripping you apart you turn into one Contamination.
Ive been thinking the Guy in the MK11 Krypt Is the Descendant of Apepis The Egyptian God of Chaos and who knows maybe he is Apep from MKD.
If that's the case, I'd like to know who did this to Johnny Cage. .
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
So this is something different, right?
Plus I know you know when Nightwolf teaches Liu Kang to feel his Animality in the substandard movie he does this ^ (at night).
Also (correct me how I'm wrong) it sounds like you're talking about the Descendant of Apepis, not Apep the kid from MKD (unless it's coincidence they have the same name).
That is an alternate ending and not Canon... If this were to happen that would be his evolved animal form Not a werewolf by Lore a Werewolf is Carried through a Bite Not a spirit animal spirit animal is a form od meditation Shapeshifting threw shamanism or Druidism not a Mindless Beast. The Wolf has always Been inside him its in his Religious Teachings of his tribes shamanistic ancestor's so there you go Corrected?
Sounds like a form of rabies (and again, through a bite sounds like vampirism in terms of the contamination side).
Have you never watched a werewolf movie thats exactly how it work's if you escape after being bittin by a werewolf without it ripping you apart you turn into one Contamination.
Ive been thinking the Guy in the MK11 Krypt Is the Descendant of Apepis The Egyptian God of Chaos and who knows maybe he is Apep from MKD.
If that's the case, I'd like to know who did this to Johnny Cage. .
Its Most Likely a movie. But if not I'd like to know aswell. All of the seasonal skin's Leave Plenty of Content room for Seasonal quest Content in a MMORPG.
Or things Like is Horn Buckle a Leprichaun...Just thing's that make you think Hmmm What if?
So this is something different, right?
Plus I know you know when Nightwolf teaches Liu Kang to feel his Animality in the substandard movie he does this ^ (at night).
Also (correct me how I'm wrong) it sounds like you're talking about the Descendant of Apepis, not Apep the kid from MKD (unless it's coincidence they have the same name).
That is an alternate ending and not Canon... If this were to happen that would be his evolved animal form Not a werewolf by Lore a Werewolf is Carried through a Bite Not a spirit animal spirit animal is a form od meditation Shapeshifting threw shamanism or Druidism not a Mindless Beast. The Wolf has always Been inside him its in his Religious Teachings of his tribes shamanistic ancestor's so there you go Corrected?
Sounds like a form of rabies (and again, through a bite sounds like vampirism in terms of the contamination side).
Have you never watched a werewolf movie thats exactly how it work's if you escape after being bittin by a werewolf without it ripping you apart you turn into one Contamination.
Ive been thinking the Guy in the MK11 Krypt Is the Descendant of Apepis The Egyptian God of Chaos and who knows maybe he is Apep from MKD.
If that's the case, I'd like to know who did this to Johnny Cage. .
Its Most Likely a movie. But if not I'd like to know aswell. All of the seasonal skin's Leave Plenty of Content room for Seasonal quest Content in a MMORPG.
Or things Like is Horn Buckle a Leprichaun...Just thing's that make you think Hmmm What if?
Hornswoggle comes to mind.
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
So this is something different, right?
Plus I know you know when Nightwolf teaches Liu Kang to feel his Animality in the substandard movie he does this ^ (at night).
Also (correct me how I'm wrong) it sounds like you're talking about the Descendant of Apepis, not Apep the kid from MKD (unless it's coincidence they have the same name).
That is an alternate ending and not Canon... If this were to happen that would be his evolved animal form Not a werewolf by Lore a Werewolf is Carried through a Bite Not a spirit animal spirit animal is a form od meditation Shapeshifting threw shamanism or Druidism not a Mindless Beast. The Wolf has always Been inside him its in his Religious Teachings of his tribes shamanistic ancestor's so there you go Corrected?
Sounds like a form of rabies (and again, through a bite sounds like vampirism in terms of the contamination side).
Have you never watched a werewolf movie thats exactly how it work's if you escape after being bittin by a werewolf without it ripping you apart you turn into one Contamination.
Ive been thinking the Guy in the MK11 Krypt Is the Descendant of Apepis The Egyptian God of Chaos and who knows maybe he is Apep from MKD.
If that's the case, I'd like to know who did this to Johnny Cage. .
Its Most Likely a movie. But if not I'd like to know aswell. All of the seasonal skin's Leave Plenty of Content room for Seasonal quest Content in a MMORPG.
Or things Like is Horn Buckle a Leprichaun...Just thing's that make you think Hmmm What if?
Hornswoggle comes to mind.
Lol ikr. Also spirit animals come from an Inner Form of Qi Manipulation Basically All Religions have inner Spirit animals like all animal style kung fu animals for asain culture...Natives Bear Wolf Owl's and Big Cat Varieties basically Indiginious animals to ones culture Land and Mythical Stories. And whatever form used to Prey or Meditate to Ones self and Deities. Basically its Al religions Views on their God's Ultimate Powerfull Creation (Nature) Working as one in the Circle of Life where its Survival of the fittest...Seriously where is your imagination NRS wth. Lol.