From Best to Worst what is your list for the 3D Era characters? I've included the characters from MK 4 through Armageddon. Here's mine:
1. Nitara
2. Kira
3. Sareena
4. Li Mei
5. Tanya
6. Hotaru
7. Havik
8. Ashrah
9. Fujin
10. Bo Rai Cho
11. Frost
12. Shujinko
13. Darrius
14. Taven
15. Daegon
16. Onaga
17. Mavado
18. Hsu Hao
19. Reiko
20. Kobra
21. Dairou
22. Jarek
23. Blaze
24. Moloch
25. Drahmin
26. Kai
Not going to count the Khameleons, Mokap and Meat as they're joke/spoof characters. If I were to rate them Meat and Mokap would be dead last, the Khameleons probably after Blaze.

Guess Kenshi is considered a classic at this stage ;)
Well, I totally disagree on many of those choices and in the end it's just personal preference so my opinion doesn't add much.
Nitara: I have never understood the resurgence of her popularity. She is just a boring vampire character with probably the worst design of a vampire I have seen. She belongs to Killer Instinct. I really don't understand the popularity but anyway.
Kira: The design carries weight, but absolutely as bland as Kobra otherwise. She is a female Jarek. A failed mixture of Sonya and Kano. She should just end with MKD/MKA.
Sareena: Tons of potential. Tons of history. Never had the chance to shine, but if given the current treatment would absolutely be interesting. Her interaction with Noob and Subby makes enough reason to have her in. Also, she never had a very distinctive gameplay so the team has tons of room to invent.
Li Mei: I am indifferent. She isn't the most interesting. Her background story isn't bad as she is from outworld and sorta looks like an earthrealmer. Not the best but definitely not the worst.
Tanya: I'd call Tanya a classic at this point. The team did her well in MK4, MKD and MKX. She has good design (tho her skin color brings tons of issues among fans, I preferred her Egyptian design before they turned her into black, but that one is also great and unique enough).
Hotaru: I can't think of a wasted slot more than Hotrau's. He is a trash design. Doesn't work for a normal character. Doesn't work for a joke character. Crappy name. Crappy backstory. Sole purpose is to find a representative in the order realm. Should die and be forgotten.
Havik: I view the pre comic Havik very highly (I haven't read the comics... No interest). Great design, moveset and a very effective use of character trait in the fatalities and has the best Hara-Kiri (very bloody and dark yet lite in the same time). Would love to see him again.
Ashrah: You had female Sub Zero, why not have a female Raiden ? I don't think so... She is a lady with a hat and that's it. Her background story is very similar to Sareena where both are demons beneath their more human form. I find nothing interesting in her. If she brought back she needs heavy reworks and I would rather see that put into something new or somebody else. Ashrah worked for MKD themes and atmosphere but she needs to stay there.
Fujin: hummm.... I mean he already made it to the new gen MKs, but I am not the biggest fan of him. Tons of retcons make him even less interesting. I loved it when he isn't Raiden's relative.
Bo Rai Cho: I hate his farting in MKDA and I think it want the best idea, but out of that, such great design and great backstory. An Outworld master who loves Earth alcohol more, who would like to compete for Earth but can't given his origin and resorts to train Earthrealmers ? Count me in.
Frost: Female Lin Kuei..... Defiant student to the master. Been there done that, but it's effective. Great design in MK11.
Shujinko: I love Shujinko. I loved MKD Konquest mode so much. I have had tons of fun experiencing the realms.with him and meeting the ancestors of Sub Zero and coming around the origins of many things. I don't think we need him playable. There was nothing to make him distinct enough and his design is that of an older and wiser Kung Lao.
Darius: He had fun gameplay in MKD. Playing the terrorist role in Orderrealm was sorta OK. I don't think we need him back ever.
Taven/Daegon: I think they are sold together. The design behind them is where MK tried going Greek instead of Asian mythologies and the story while not made very well is kinda of interesting. I don't want them to be the spotlight if the story and they definitely can stay as background characters.
Onaga: Keep him background. Don't ever make him playable or fight able unless, you change his design to Shao Kahn like height and get rid of the wings and tail and sorta make him a mix of an outworlder and a dragon....wait MK11's Shao Kahn is just that!!
Mavado: very original moveset in MKDA that's yet to be replicated (except maybe a bit with Takeda in MKX). The design isn't bad too. Needs to be reworked to turn into a more distinctive character. The potential is there but there isn't tons of need.
Hsu Hao: I can't think of a better rest than what NRS did... Kill him in the intros and keep it like that. Absolute TRASH
Reiko: Trash name. I loved him in MK4 and I played him a lot in MKA. Redeemable but not as needed as many people put him.
Dairou: Just like Hotaru, he should be just forgotten and never mentioned again..EVER.
Kobra: he isn't a Ken rip off, but still a trash.
Jarek: This watered down Kano wannabe needs to be forgotten.
Blaze: should stay as a background Pit character.
Moloch: Should just be killed tons of time In the intros. He was very effective as a sub boss in MKDA. Very... But there is no need for him.
Drahmin: Good backstory, trash design.... Should be forgotten.
Kai: MK4's Kai is decent though not necessarily needed. MKA Kai is just generic and utterly forgetabble.

Guess Kenshi is considered a classic at this stage ;)
Well, I totally disagree on many of those choices and in the end it's just personal preference so my opinion doesn't add much.
Nitara: I have never understood the resurgence of her popularity. She is just a boring vampire character with probably the worst design of a vampire I have seen. She belongs to Killer Instinct. I really don't understand the popularity but anyway.
Kira: The design carries weight, but absolutely as bland as Kobra otherwise. She is a female Jarek. A failed mixture of Sonya and Kano. She should just end with MKD/MKA.
Sareena: Tons of potential. Tons of history. Never had the chance to shine, but if given the current treatment would absolutely be interesting. Her interaction with Noob and Subby makes enough reason to have her in. Also, she never had a very distinctive gameplay so the team has tons of room to invent.
Li Mei: I am indifferent. She isn't the most interesting. Her background story isn't bad as she is from outworld and sorta looks like an earthrealmer. Not the best but definitely not the worst.
Tanya: I'd call Tanya a classic at this point. The team did her well in MK4, MKD and MKX. She has good design (tho her skin color brings tons of issues among fans, I preferred her Egyptian design before they turned her into black, but that one is also great and unique enough).
Hotaru: I can't think of a wasted slot more than Hotrau's. He is a trash design. Doesn't work for a normal character. Doesn't work for a joke character. Crappy name. Crappy backstory. Sole purpose is to find a representative in the order realm. Should die and be forgotten.
Havik: I view the pre comic Havik very highly (I haven't read the comics... No interest). Great design, moveset and a very effective use of character trait in the fatalities and has the best Hara-Kiri (very bloody and dark yet lite in the same time). Would love to see him again.
Ashrah: You had female Sub Zero, why not have a female Raiden ? I don't think so... She is a lady with a hat and that's it. Her background story is very similar to Sareena where both are demons beneath their more human form. I find nothing interesting in her. If she brought back she needs heavy reworks and I would rather see that put into something new or somebody else. Ashrah worked for MKD themes and atmosphere but she needs to stay there.
Fujin: hummm.... I mean he already made it to the new gen MKs, but I am not the biggest fan of him. Tons of retcons make him even less interesting. I loved it when he isn't Raiden's relative.
Bo Rai Cho: I hate his farting in MKDA and I think it want the best idea, but out of that, such great design and great backstory. An Outworld master who loves Earth alcohol more, who would like to compete for Earth but can't given his origin and resorts to train Earthrealmers ? Count me in.
Frost: Female Lin Kuei..... Defiant student to the master. Been there done that, but it's effective. Great design in MK11.
Shujinko: I love Shujinko. I loved MKD Konquest mode so much. I have had tons of fun experiencing the realms.with him and meeting the ancestors of Sub Zero and coming around the origins of many things. I don't think we need him playable. There was nothing to make him distinct enough and his design is that of an older and wiser Kung Lao.
Darius: He had fun gameplay in MKD. Playing the terrorist role in Orderrealm was sorta OK. I don't think we need him back ever.
Taven/Daegon: I think they are sold together. The design behind them is where MK tried going Greek instead of Asian mythologies and the story while not made very well is kinda of interesting. I don't want them to be the spotlight if the story and they definitely can stay as background characters.
Onaga: Keep him background. Don't ever make him playable or fight able unless, you change his design to Shao Kahn like height and get rid of the wings and tail and sorta make him a mix of an outworlder and a dragon....wait MK11's Shao Kahn is just that!!
Mavado: very original moveset in MKDA that's yet to be replicated (except maybe a bit with Takeda in MKX). The design isn't bad too. Needs to be reworked to turn into a more distinctive character. The potential is there but there isn't tons of need.
Hsu Hao: I can't think of a better rest than what NRS did... Kill him in the intros and keep it like that. Absolute TRASH
Reiko: Trash name. I loved him in MK4 and I played him a lot in MKA. Redeemable but not as needed as many people put him.
Dairou: Just like Hotaru, he should be just forgotten and never mentioned again..EVER.
Kobra: he isn't a Ken rip off, but still a trash.
Jarek: This watered down Kano wannabe needs to be forgotten.
Blaze: should stay as a background Pit character.
Moloch: Should just be killed tons of time In the intros. He was very effective as a sub boss in MKDA. Very... But there is no need for him.
Drahmin: Good backstory, trash design.... Should be forgotten.
Kai: MK4's Kai is decent though not necessarily needed. MKA Kai is just generic and utterly forgetabble.
Damn, I did leave Kenshi out didn't I? Haha! I'll have to insert Kenshi at 4 between Sareena and Li Mei, but he's probably the best 3D era character overall as far as success goes, no doubt. I actually agree with quite a bit of what you're saying here, and I actually wrote a detailed thought on each 3D era character under the MK 11 Forum because the goal with that thread was at the thought of what 3D era characters to bring back and which ones not to, either way all of them I give detailed opinions and feelings on some similar to your own. I appreciate you taking the time to share, it was fun seeing insight from another point of view, thanks! (I'll link my MK 11 3d era thread here)

How the hell did I leave out Kenshi, Shinnok AND Quan Chi? lol damn! All of them are top tier for sure with Kenshi and Quan Chi being in front of Shinnok.

People generally consider Quan Chi and Shinnok to be classic ones given they debuted in MKM which was a 2D game mostly. I commented on Sareena and Fujin cause you have included them. I also think that sometimes, some of the MK4 characters are considered classic but again there is no definition to go by.
I am sure my opinion will be faced with tons of objections, but I am one of those people who think MK1/2 characters should be in every game ?
But generally for me, I can't have an MK game without Scorpion, Sub Zero and Raiden. To me those three define MK. I like Shang Tsung too as much as them, but I am OK with him skipping some games.
Back in 2002, I was 11 years of age, I loved MKDA too much that I played it more so than anything. The backgrounds had a living aura in them and to a lesser extent MKD and DA as well.
What I am trying to say is that, I have probably loved MKDA more because of its arenas than characters. The arenas had such awesome designs that I remember wishing I could room freely in them. Also back in the 3D games, the realms had more life and meanings to them than now.
MK9 and MK11 seem to retain some of that aura and while they aren't at MKDA level, they are far far better than MKX.
I love the 3D era. I prefer the classic and modern 2D to it, but I think it's a very important part of MK history and I don't want it ignored, but I don't necessarily like most of the new characters

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From Best to Worst what is your list for the 3D Era characters? I've included the characters from MK 4 through Armageddon. Here's mine:
1. Nitara
2. Kira
3. Sareena
4. Li Mei
5. Tanya
6. Hotaru
7. Havik
8. Ashrah
9. Fujin
10. Bo Rai Cho
11. Frost
12. Shujinko
13. Darrius
14. Taven
15. Daegon
16. Onaga
17. Mavado
18. Hsu Hao
19. Reiko
20. Kobra
21. Dairou
22. Jarek
23. Blaze
24. Moloch
25. Drahmin
26. Kai
Not going to count the Khameleons, Mokap and Meat as they're joke/spoof characters. If I were to rate them Meat and Mokap would be dead last, the Khameleons probably after Blaze.
Using your category names with no particular order in each of them, here goes:
Great: Havik, Sareena, Kenshi, Fujin, Shinnok
Good: Reiko, Frost, Nitara, BRC, Quan Chi
OK: Darrius, Mavado, Kai, Blaze, Ashrah, Shujinko, Li Mei, Meat
Lame: Drahmin, Mokap, Moloch, Dairou, Jarek, Onaga, Taven, Daegon, Hotaru
Trash: Hsu Hao, Kira, Kobra, Tanya
I don't think any character in MK is irredeemable, though. With the right amount of love and care dedicated to them, every character can be made into something worthwhile. I'd rather see them try again and fail than leave untapped potential by the boards.

People generally consider Quan Chi and Shinnok to be classic ones given they debuted in MKM which was a 2D game mostly. I commented on Sareena and Fujin cause you have included them. I also think that sometimes, some of the MK4 characters are considered classic but again there is no definition to go by.
I am sure my opinion will be faced with tons of objections, but I am one of those people who think MK1/2 characters should be in every game ?
But generally for me, I can't have an MK game without Scorpion, Sub Zero and Raiden. To me those three define MK. I like Shang Tsung too as much as them, but I am OK with him skipping some games.
Back in 2002, I was 11 years of age, I loved MKDA too much that I played it more so than anything. The backgrounds had a living aura in them and to a lesser extent MKD and DA as well.
What I am trying to say is that, I have probably loved MKDA more because of its arenas than characters. The arenas had such awesome designs that I remember wishing I could room freely in them. Also back in the 3D games, the realms had more life and meanings to them than now.
MK9 and MK11 seem to retain some of that aura and while they aren't at MKDA level, they are far far better than MKX.
I love the 3D era. I prefer the classic and modern 2D to it, but I think it's a very important part of MK history and I don't want it ignored, but I don't necessarily like most of the new characters
Thanks for your reply!
Much like Shaolin Monks and Special Forces, MKM was not enjoyable for the most part so I never really considered them in the main part, but technically yeah those 4 characters are from MKM. I was mainly curious to see what people thought especially given that the 3D era gets so much hate.
I am in agreement with you on MK 1 and 2 characters being in the games(and to a lesser extent UMK3). Some essentials that should never be excluded: Scorpion, Liu Kang, Kitana, Sub Zero, Raiden(unless he retires now that Kang is Fire God, even then I want him in the game), Sonya, Mileena, Jade, etc. Raiden and Sub Zero are no where near my favorites, but they're staples of the franchise. Shang Tsung and Quan Chi are both great villains but they can sit out on occasion, as long as we don't get anymore Blaze or Onaga types to replace them.
I personally enjoy all MK main steam games, some more than others of course. I loved all of the 3D era games when they came out. I was 15 when MK Deadly Alliance released and after UMK3 and MK4 being 'good, but not great' I was blown away by how awesome DA was upon release. Yeah, some of the newer characters weren't as cool, and what they did with Liu Kang being a zombie didn't translate well, but the game itself was far more enjoyable than MK4(easily the worst in the main stream franchise, if you don't count MK vs DC)and even better than UMK3. Deception was cool, but wasn't as impactful as Deadly Alliance was for me, maybe because it didn't really do anything fresh in it's mechanics? Armageddon was my favorite 3D era game by far, minus the fatality issue. All franchise characters on the roster? A Kreate A Fighter option that for it's time was great. I stopped playing video games the year Armageddon came out and didn't pick them back up until 2019. So, I caught up on MK DC(trash), MK9, MKX and MK11 in the last 2 years or so, and I'm loving the current trilogy more than I did as a kid growing up with the 2D era, and more than as a teen with the 3D era.
All right. I'll go from my personal Best to Worst in each 3-D game.
- Quan Chi: A shining substitute for Shang Tsung. Great move list, great look, chef's kiss. Should have been the boss in MK4.
- Fujin: Nice to see another god that supported Raiden in his cause. A worthy sub for Kung Lao without ripping off his move set.
- Tanya: Best use of making a new character from an existing one. An admittedly vanilla character who truly got to shine once she won the game.
- Shinnok: Worst final boss ever. And NONE OF HIS OWN SPECIALS!! A death god who Impersonates? It took me YEARS to take him seriously as a villain.
- Reiko: Robin from Joel Schumacher's Batman movies! And being revered for your brutality in Mortal Kombat is like standing out in football for your helmet.
- Jarek: The Zeus engine couldn't handle Kano's eyepiece, so we're using Herman Sanchez instead. Forgive his eye lasers; we've got two weeks till launch.
- Kai: Four-armed giants are invading Earthrealm and Handstand McWhifflots is all SORRY RAIDEN, I HAVE ENOUGH ON MY PLATE. Go away.
- Meat: Just... no
- Kenshi: The lightning in the 3D-era's bottle. Saying "Third best fighter in your family" to Johnny Cage in MKX still makes me smile today.
- Li Mei: Disillusionment proves to be a great background for a character. Nice move set too. Just let her wear more than bikinis.
- Frost: I can understand the initial hate for her, but her personality is what makes her awesome. Getting cyberized was the boost she needed.
- Nitara: It's great that DA broke those MK humanoid templates, but a "neutral" vampire? Plus her look is Vincent Valentine's. We have Skarlet and D'Vorah now.
- Drahmin: I don't really get the hate for this guy. He had a great backstory and an original look. I guess his move set really turned people off. No love lost.
- Moloch: Same deal as Drahmin. I'm guessing it's the less-than-innovative look following four-armed tiger men and bullet-proof centaurs. We can bench him.
- Mavado: I can't stand the Red Dragon and Mavado was just a chore to play. Kenshi and Kabal were defeated by THIS dork? He BUNGEED them to death?
- Bo Rai' Cho: "And now, Liu Kang: I will teach you the art of ballistic flatulence!" MK ALREADY HAS COMIC RELIEF AND ITS NAME IS JOHNNY CAGE
- Blaze: What even is this thing
- Hsu Hao: An arch-enemy for Jax? Awesome! With a big KILL ME HERE button on his chest? Why ever did Kano leave this bunch...?
- Mokap: Thank you for showing me how video games are made; you can, y'know... leave my Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance Character Select Screen any time...
- Havik: Hell yes; a body horror villain with goals other than conquest. Best move set of all the new characters. Should have been the boss in Armageddon.
- Hotaru: Deception shines in the shades of grey it assigns to all its characters. His look needs tweaking, but this fascist is a welcome bad guy to the series.
- Ashrah: MK:D's new fighters are the weakest in the series. Her look and the kriss? Cool, but the corkscrew and short fireball are her only original moves.
- Darrius: Last character made for the game? You don't say! I liked the Gauntlet fighting style until I remembered that's how Baraka generally fights.
- Onaga: Hi, I'm True Ogre and the best thing about me is Deception's opening movie. Behold my incredibly anti-climactic air throw!
- Dairou: Great move set, but duller than a test pattern. SHUT UP MY STORY IS NOT SCORPION'S IT IS MUCH DEEPER THAN THAT LET ME EXPLAIN
- Kobra: Again: a great move set- and his evilness helps- but even die-hard fans KEN understand why he's hated. The "Cobra Kai" look is also horrible.
- Kira: "What makes you eligible to join the Black Dragon?" "I can tuck forward into a somersault and knock people down." "Say no more! Welcome to the family!"
- Shujinko: I'm an extremely gullible old man. I threw my life away. I have no moves to call my own. And I'm the hero. "MK: Depression"; Insert Coin.
- Sareena: I mostly just played the Kharacters I Kreated instead of playing you- or anyone else, really... all the same, welcome back! That rapid knife toss you had was pretty neat.
- Daegon: I hate when MK gets too god-heavy; it cuts down on the whole "Mortal" thing. His two swords were cool, but he formed the Red Dragon. A tool.
- Taven: Who are you? What is this? I don't know who that is. What is going on? What happened? Who is this? And what is that? Should I wear more grey?