MKO Chat/Forum Kombat Fight League - Komplete Season 2014!
posted01/01/2015 11:30 AM (UTC)by
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02/22/2003 01:11 PM (UTC)
Within each of us there burns the soul of a warrior - time to unleash it!
In 2012, we merged the realms of the MKO forums and live chat in a never before experienced weekly event! Friday Night Fights served as a yearbook for 2012 & 2013, canonizing some of our best members in the community who dared join the Kombat Fight League!

To register for the Fight League, all you need to do is post in this thread and declare your interest! As a member of the league, you will then be able to challenge your fellow users (in the chat room), or find yourself in ranking match-ups as part of our weekly Friday Night Fights! This year m0s3pH takes over the role as head booker, deciding the match-ups every week in Friday Night Fights! Matches could be: 1v1, 2v2, 3-Way, 2v1, 3v3 or 5v5!

How does it all work? Fights earn players XP stats which then contribute to a carefully created fight-simulation algorithm, designed to recreate all the facets of a real battle. In other words -- a Random Number Game! Almost any competitor can win a match, but the greater the XP, the greater the potential to punish your opponents with maximum impact!

You can fight 24/7 and boost your stats by joining MKO's official IRC chan!
For questions and discussion about the IRC, refer to the sticky thread. You can also find links to a variety of connection methods, including MKO's java applet (which is safe for use, but may require confirmation for firewalls).

The commands you need to know on IRC are pretty simple:
  • !fight NPC -- fight NPC minions & bosses to boost gamerscore (XP)!

  • !fight [nickname] -- fight an online opponent!

  • !ID -- check your gamerscore, health, lives!

  • cheev -- recover health, gain XP & unlock silly achievements!

  • You must be registered to trigger actions on IRC. Many of you are already registered based on previous appearances in the chat, and may have some stats to start your campaign.

    If you don't wanna venture onto IRC, you don't have to!
    Registering right here on the forums (by posting in this thread) will lock you in to sit back and enjoy the ride as weekly Friday Night Fights increase your score, win or lose. You'll be missing out on some fun, though.

    For more details, visit the Kombat Fight League sub-site!
    Short version: post a reply saying you wanna fiiiiight!

    Internet Relay Kombat 2014 Registrants:
  • [Killswitch]

  • 4avenger5

  • Asesino

  • Baraka_MK

  • bdog_13

  • blacksaibot

  • CaTigeReptile

  • CCShadow

  • Chryo_Spyder

  • coltess

  • DarknessDragon

  • DeathScepter

  • dibula

  • Genku

  • Ghostdragon

  • hydraslash

  • irulegames1234

  • jack4813

  • Jerrod

  • Jironobou


  • kentei290

  • legoslayer10

  • LordSkarlet

  • m0s3pH
  • (Head Booker) [IRC: m0s]
  • Maridany

  • Methuselah6463

  • Mick-Lucifer
  • [IRC: ElJobber]

  • MKRocket
  • [IRC: MKR]
  • Murdoink

  • mwgrant0

  • Nephrite

  • nightbreed_16

  • NovaStarr

  • onimike

  • Onryo

  • Philip94

  • redman

  • rick991

  • Scott-Howell

  • Sekktor

  • ShoeUnited [IRC: Shoe]

  • SK9608

  • subzero776

  • tghuhyg19

  • TheNinjasRock071394 [IRC: Knickxasawrrrr]

  • The_Purple_Bunny

  • TheMetinPorta

  • TonyTheTiger

  • UlcaTron

  • Unknown265

  • VenoMark

  • zebraska

  • Zentile

  • The Internet Relay Kombat KFL Championship will carry-over from 2013, but this is a fresh start for rankings! New players should jump on board to start their career as the battle to be the best starts again!
    About Me

    Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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    Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

    01/10/2014 02:26 AM (UTC)
    Match requests, whether singles, duo, or triple threat, can still be made in this thread. State who you'd like to fight (only names from the list are eligible, challenging the current champ will be a non-title match) in your post and it'll be put on the next card!
    About Me

    BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.

    01/11/2014 01:24 PM (UTC)
    I reject all challengers. You are all beneath the champ.

    * points *
    About Me

    Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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    Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

    01/12/2014 07:17 AM (UTC)
    The_Purple_Bunny Wrote:
    I reject all challengers. You are all beneath the champ.

    * points *

    Sucks knowing I get to decide who you defend against, doesn't it?
    01/14/2014 03:37 PM (UTC)
    I am coming for my title TPB, get ready.
    About Me

    Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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    Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

    01/18/2014 07:58 PM (UTC)
    January 17th Results!

    legoslayer d. UlcaTron [+1]
    Ninja_Mime d. blacksaibot [+3]
    TonyTheTiger & Jerrod d. redman & Jironobou [+3]
    TheNinjasRock071394 d. Genku [+1]
    Asesino d. dibula [+1]
    coltess d. MINION [+2]
    Killswitch d. CCShadow [+1]
    Ghostdragon d. Nephrite [+5]
    CaTigeReptile d. LordSkarlet & VenoMark [+5] (KFL #1 Contender Triple Threat)
    The_Purple_Bunny d. Sekktor [+3] (KFL Championship)

    A solid first week of Friday Night Fights ends with TPB defending his championship! CaTigeReptile has separated herself from the pack as the new #1 Contender to the throne, but other potential players have emerged! Ghostdragon's +5 impact over Nephrite and TNR's hard-fought win over Great Arena mainstay Genku have sent shockwaves throughout the ranks! And what could be in the works in the Duo division?
    01/20/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
    Lucky win CTR who ever wins between you & TPB I will waiting in the shadows.
    01/21/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)
    LordSkarlet Wrote:
    Lucky win CTR who ever wins between you & TPB I will waiting in the shadows.

    I'll be waiting in the shadows of your shadows... If that makes any sense.
    About Me

    BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.

    01/22/2014 04:12 AM (UTC)
    I'm onto you, Bondgenoot.
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    01/22/2014 04:42 PM (UTC)
    I heard Bondgenoot is a sorry son of a bitch.
    01/23/2014 04:12 PM (UTC)
    Barely lol
    01/24/2014 09:56 PM (UTC)
    About Me

    Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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    Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

    01/24/2014 11:36 PM (UTC)
    January 24th Results!

    LordSkarlet d. Zmoke [+17]
    VenoMark d. Genku [+6]
    redman & MINION d. Unknown265 & mwgrant0 [+1]
    Baraka_MK d. NovaStarr [+1]
    Onryo d. Zentile [+1]
    TheNinjasRock071394 d. jack4813 [+5]
    avenger45 d. bdog_13 [+1]
    coltess d. JUST_A_TARKATAN [+1]
    Mick-Lucifer d. TonyTheTiger [+1]
    CaTigeReptile d. The_Purple_Bunny (c) [+3] (KFL Championship)

    A new champion has claimed the throne! CaTigeReptile felled TPB with a solid +3 impact. LordSkarlet has definitely asserted himself well after last week's triple threat loss, destroying Zmoke in battle! VenoMark also impressed this week, leaving no doubt about the outcome of his match with Genku! Perhaps the biggest surprise so far, coltess moved to 2-0 in 2014 with his close victory over JUST_A_TARKATAN! How long can he maintain his winning streak?
    About Me

    BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.

    01/25/2014 12:48 AM (UTC)
    01/26/2014 04:34 PM (UTC)
    Enjoy your victory well it lasts CTR as you will soon fall by my hand.
    About Me

    Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

    | Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

    Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

    02/01/2014 09:55 PM (UTC)
    January 31st Results!

    1. redman & MINION d. Onimike & rick991 [+1]
    2. Zmoke d. UlcaTron [+1]
    3. coltess d. zebraska [+2]
    4. Scott-Howell d. Nephrite [+2]
    5. Zentile d. m0s3pH [+2]
    6. jack4813 & Jironobou d. hydraslash & Methuselah6463 [+1]
    7. MKRocket d. tghuhyg19 [+3]
    8. Chryo_Spyder d. Asesino [+1]
    9. Ninja_Mime d. TheNinjasRock071394 & Ghostdragon [+1]
    10. Baraka_MK d. legoslayer10 & Killswitch [+2]

    The undercard was the highlight of this week's KFL action, as coltess moved to 3-0 and thus claimed the #1 ranking in the league! TNR's decimation of Ghostdragon in their triple threat encounter would have been more noteworthy, but the man they call Y2K could not overcome Mime! The new team of jack & Jironobou had a fine first outing this week and will hope to continue their momentum as the calendar turns to February! And who will CTR defend against next week?
    About Me

    Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

    | Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

    Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

    02/08/2014 03:39 AM (UTC)
    February 7th Results!

    Zmoke d. Zentile [+1]
    Nephrite d. mwgrant0 [+1]
    NovaStarr d. dibula & UlcaTron [+3]
    TonyTheTiger d. Chryo_Spyder! [+1]
    Jerrod & Killswitch d. redman & MINION [+1]
    coltess d. Onryo [+1]
    VenoMark & blacksaibot d. jack4813 & Jironobou [+3]
    TheNinjasRock071394 d. Baraka_MK [+1]
    Ghostdragon d. LordSkarlet [+1]
    Mime d. CaTigeReptile (c) [+1] (KFL Championship)

    A new champ already? Mime is now king of the mountain in the KFL! He ends CTR's reign at just two weeks with no successful defenses! The two tag teams who were expected to gain momentum in the coming weeks both lost, calling into question their merits! TNR continues to assert himself as a possible #1 contender to Mime's KFL Championship, but coltess is certainly not to be forgotten! He pushed his mark to 4-0 this season with a victory over Onryo! How long will it be before he garners championship consideration?
    02/08/2014 03:55 AM (UTC)
    From the bottom of the mountain to the top, one day, a new champ will rise.
    02/08/2014 07:00 AM (UTC)
    I demand back into this circuit..
    About Me

    Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

    | Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

    Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

    02/11/2014 05:10 AM (UTC)
    Genku Wrote:
    I demand back into this circuit..

    You're just going to lose again.

    About Me

    BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.

    02/11/2014 10:34 AM (UTC)
    About Me

    What do you like? Hit the Toasty thumbs up on articles and forum posts for a quick response!
    02/11/2014 09:36 PM (UTC)
    Dirtsheets are reporting Genku is a butthead.
    About Me

    Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

    | Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

    Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

    02/14/2014 04:07 AM (UTC)
    February 14th Results!

    irulegames1234 d. dibula [+1]
    Methuselah6463 d. UlcaTron [+1]
    4avenger5 d. Unknown265 [+2]
    Jironobou d. MINION [+2]
    Baraka_MK & Onryo d. MKRocket & blacksaibot [+1]
    Sekktor d. Ghostdragon [+1]
    NovaStarr and legoslayer10 fought to a draw!
    m0s3pH d. TonyTheTiger [+1]
    VenoMark d. LordSkarlet [+3]
    Genku d. Ninja_Mime [+4] (Non-Title Match)

    A relatively quiet week due to Olympic absences ended with a bang when Genku challenged and defeated the KFL Champion in a non-title bout! VenoMark also looked strong this week, delivering a solid +3 impact to LordSkarlet and perhaps positioning himself for a future title shot! NovaStarr's momentum was partially stopped by legoslayer10, producing our first draw of 2014 in a fight that was too close to call! Jironobou is currently without his duo partner, who is representing the USA in the Olympic Games, but he had no problems dealing with MINION! Last but not least, BMK & Onryo made their duo debut count, picking up a victory!
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    02/16/2014 10:55 AM (UTC)
    As noted in this week's FNF: the KFL Winter Olympics Round Robin tournament has been going on over the past week. Same format as the KFL 2012 Summer Olympics. Here's a recap of the first week of results:

    Internet Relay Kombat - Winter Olympics Week 1 Recap
    Group A
    1. (2-1-0) Nephrite [+5]
    2. (2-1-0) jack4813 [+3]
    3. (2-1-0) Murdoink [+2]
    4. (1-2-0) Asesino [+1]
    5. (0-2-0) Maridany [--]

    (Day 1: Feb. 9) Murdoink d. Asesino [+1]
    (Day 2: Feb. 10) jack4813 d. Asesino [+1]
    (Day 3: Feb. 11) jack4813 d. Maridany [+2]
    (Day 4: Feb. 12) Murdoink d. Maridany [+1]
    (Day 5: Feb. 13) Nephrite d. Murdoink [+3]
    (Day 6: Feb. 15) Asesino d. Nephrite [+1]
    (Day 7: Feb. 16) Nephrite d. jack4813 [+2]

    Group B
    1. (2-1-0) Zmoke [+2]
    1. (2-1-0) Zentile [+2]
    3. (1-1-0) Jerrod [+2]
    4. (1-1-0) CCShadow [+1]
    5. (1-3-0) hydraslash [+1]

    (Day 1: Feb.9) CCShadow d. hydraslash [+1]
    (Day 2: Feb. 10) Zmoke d. hydraslash [+1]
    (Day 3: Feb. 11) Jerrod d. Zentile [+2]
    (Day 4: Feb. 12) Zentile d. Zmoke [+1]
    (Day 5: Feb. 13) Zmoke d. CCShadow [+1]
    (Day 6: Feb. 15) hydraslash d. Jerrod [+1]
    (Day 7: Feb. 16) Zentile d. hydraslash [+1]
    About Me

    What do you like? Hit the Toasty thumbs up on articles and forum posts for a quick response!
    02/20/2014 05:19 AM (UTC)
    Internet Relay Kombat - Winter Olympics Week 2 Recap
    Group A
    1. (3-1-0) Nephrite [+6]
    2. (3-1-0) jack4813 [+4]
    3. (2-2-0) Asesino [+3]
    4. (2-2-0) Murdoink [+2]
    5. (0-4-0) Maridany [--]

    (Day 8: Feb. 17) Asesino d. Maridany [+2]
    (Day 9: Feb. 18) Nephrite d. Maridany [+1]
    (Day 10: Feb. 19) jack4813 d. Murdoink [+1]

    Group B
    1. (3-1-0) Jerrod [+4]
    2. (2-2-0) Zmoke [+2]
    3. (2-2-0) Zentile [+2]
    3. (2-2-0) CCShadow [+2]
    5. (1-3-0) hydraslash [+1]

    (Day 8: Feb. 17) Jerrod d. CCShadow [+1]
    (Day 9: Feb. 18) CCShadow d. Zentile [+1]
    (Day 10: Feb. 19) Jerrod d. Zmoke [+1]
    (Tie Breaker) Zmoke d. Zentile & CCShadow [+2/-1/-1]

    Semi Finals
    (Day 11: Feb. 20) Nephrite d. Zmoke [+1]
    (Day 11: Feb. 20) Jerrod d. jack4813 [+1]

    Olympic Finals
    (Day 11: Feb. 20) Nephrite d. Jerrod [+2]
    (Day 11: Feb. 20) Zmoke d. jack4813 [+1]

    2014 Internet Relay Kombat MKOlympic Podium
    1. Nephrite [Gold Medal]
    2. Jerrod [Silver Medal]
    3. Zmoke [Bronze Medal]
    Pages: 4
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