Best & worst Sonya look/design?
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Best & worst Sonya look/design?
posted07/03/2016 10:52 PM (UTC)by

Never was a fan of the tights (she looked like a WWE diva), but that being said the white tank top is nothing but fan service. MK9 primary gets a dishonorable mention, but at least it was somewhat military.
Shaolin Monks and MKX are her best looks by far, in my opinion. Bridgette Wilson also is up there for blending all of the looks together in a look that was functional and made sense for the character.
Shaolin Monks and MKX are her best looks by far, in my opinion. Bridgette Wilson also is up there for blending all of the looks together in a look that was functional and made sense for the character.
If it weren't for the tits being way over-exposed, her MK9 primary would have been PERFECT. Alas, Boon just couldn't help make it look like a cheap ''sexy military girl'' Halloween costume.

About Me
Shao Kahn did nothing wrong
Best: MKSM/ MK9 alt
Worst: Everything else
Also moving to MK general
Worst: Everything else
Also moving to MK general

About Me
MKvsDC > MKX Primary > MK4 > MKX Major Blade > MKDA Alt > MK9 Primary > MKX Motherland > MK9 Alt > MKDA Primary > MK3 > MKSM > MK1 > MKX Tournament *pukes*
About Me
Worst: MK(9) Primary. Not because she's "exposing flesh", but because those heels are impractical and the cleavage looks ridiculous for someone who is a Lieutenant. During the Story mode, Johnny's line, "That's not just a costume, you're actual military?" sounds even more conspicuous by its ludicrous reference.
MKX Major Blade outfit is really bland and I don't see the point of having that and the Tournament outfit, when it's the same thing with a better jacket, belt, gloves etc. Fortunately for everyone involved she got promoted to General, right?
Best: Hmm, not sure. So many here and so many that i like. SM is great, probably the best of the older 3D games for having the elements in the right proportions. The 'gym' clothes from the 2D era work as being practical and sexy. Non-military, but she doesn't have to be defined by that always. And then there's the gritty realism and imposing power of the MKX primary showing us that here she is a General and not to be messed with.
MKX Major Blade outfit is really bland and I don't see the point of having that and the Tournament outfit, when it's the same thing with a better jacket, belt, gloves etc. Fortunately for everyone involved she got promoted to General, right?
Best: Hmm, not sure. So many here and so many that i like. SM is great, probably the best of the older 3D games for having the elements in the right proportions. The 'gym' clothes from the 2D era work as being practical and sexy. Non-military, but she doesn't have to be defined by that always. And then there's the gritty realism and imposing power of the MKX primary showing us that here she is a General and not to be messed with.

Her MKDA design makes her look like a beefed-up Barbie doll.
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