06/05/2008 07:55 AM (UTC)
Wow, that render definitely looks more realistic with the shadow touches on it. And I'd select this one over the original on any day!

06/05/2008 12:47 PM (UTC)
It looks ..well need. It doesn't has any feel. It doesn't look bad don't get me wrong, but Im missing something. No doubt. Plus it sorta has a cartoon look to it which I don't like, I can't explain..maybe this is because of the above reasons.

I dunno..Im not feeling this one. Sofar Scorpions render looked the best to me. The rest are in the same league as this one. I wish they would put some feel into the characters.
06/05/2008 01:05 PM (UTC)
Damn, even those white eye lenses in mask look real!
06/05/2008 03:24 PM (UTC)
I like this one quite a bit. Admittedly my standards are a bit lower for the DC characters than the MK ones, having never been a huge fan of the flagship DC comic characters. I agree with Garlador- I wish he looked a bit more stark and scary. But other than that I'm fairly pleased with this one (believe it or not). I'll be very interested in seeing what his alternate costume looks like. I'd love to see the Knights Quest Azrael/Batman look for it, but since it was an entirely different person who was Batman I can't imagine that happening.
06/05/2008 03:34 PM (UTC)
kryptondog Wrote:
I like this one quite a bit. Admittedly my standards are a bit lower for the DC characters than the MK ones, having never been a huge fan of the flagship DC comic characters. I agree with Garlador- I wish he looked a bit more stark and scary. But other than that I'm fairly pleased with this one (believe it or not). I'll be very interested in seeing what his alternate costume looks like. I'd love to see the Knights Quest Azrael/Batman look for it, but since it was an entirely different person who was Batman I can't imagine that happening.

I'm still DEMANDING that they put Azrael into this game. He's just got such an amazing look, between the blood-red cloak, gold armor, and flaming bladed gauntlets. I don't care if he's still presumed dead and has only a small loyal following, he's perfect for this game.

... along with Manhunter. The Kate Spencer version. Mmmm, Kate Spencer...
06/05/2008 03:45 PM (UTC)
Heh, dude I support that 100%. The whole Knightquest arc was what got me reading Batman, and I enjoyed the hell out of Sword of Azrael and the solo comic series he had for a while. Azrael's got one of my favorite comic book character designs. In truth, I think it matches MK's aesthetic perfectly. Imagine the combos/moves (especially with the flaming knife things that come out of his gauntlets). I can't see it happening due to the size of the roster, but I'd be a happy bastard if it did.
EDIT: For those who aren't familiar with the character:
06/05/2008 05:12 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Here, I did some modifications, mostly with the color scheme and a little with the face (his mouth and chin are way too long for his face). I didn't even make it all black. What do you guys think?


UNBELIEVABLE!!!! that is exactly how i wanted it when i saw the original. i seriously hope they see this because its much better then the one they released.

excellent job once again, man.

EDIT- after looking at it again, i would only recommend making the pants a bit lighter, still great job

06/05/2008 05:48 PM (UTC)
wow, never been here in ages, though I checked daily for news. So Midway released renders for all the 4 confirmed characters. I'm sorry to say this but if this is Boon's idea of a dark and gritty game, I'm the pope wearing justin timberlake underwear. Come on! Superman looks... gay, I dunno, superman-ish, Batman (as Tony the tiger put it ) looks constipated and dull, Sub-zero is far worse than the mkd design which was something original at least, and scorpion stands out as an ok render. Don't want to get you all bored with this rant, but did the Mk team did even bother looking at other fighting games being released this summer (sc4) or other new-gen games? come on... they have clearly ran out of funds and need this quick buck.
I'll still buy the game, because I've been loving the mk franchise for some good years and for the sheer pleasure of watching scorpion beating the shits out of superman and his chin. :D:D

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06/05/2008 06:19 PM (UTC)
Septar Wrote:
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Hahahaha...Those graphics refuse to mature don't they?

This one's on par with the Sub-Zero. It's a good design, bad graphics. I guess that's enough to get the job done though, eh?


Cut off your dick please.

The last thing this world needs is your genetics spreading around.

Well that's odd.

*Tries to remember if I gave you skull points before...*

Hm...If you like confrontation, I have no problem in helping you "get off my dick".....


So-What, you don't like my opinion. That'd be fine with me if you weren't trying so desperately to insult me. From ridiculous remarks like that, all I can gather is that you don't know any better, and I won't blame anyone for that.

BUT, none of that negates the fact that the same effects and techniques that was all over MKA, is all over ALL of these pre-released renders for MK vs DC.

Thus far, from all that they're showing us, NOTHING has gotten definitively "better". No, wait, actually, the in-game graphics from the trailer DO look better than last gen. BUT, I'd still question how "different"//"new" things will work. Cuz it doesn't look different.

Not even the little teaser is indicative of any real change. Once more, I expect improvements coming from last gen to Ps3//360. Moreover, a completely new game from from last gen, and that ain't what's going on here. Not by the looks of things, since that's all we have to look at right now. I expect better to an absolute degree. Nothing thus far is indicative of that...SO FAR. Judgement reserved for gamplay//actually playing the game.

This should give you a better understanding of what I'm looking at for pure example:

Hopefully, you know which of these is a render sample from MKA. My point is, Why can they be compared like this, and actually have likenesses? They shouldn't be ABLE to be compared like that, not by a long shot. No other relative fighting game that has come from PS2/Xbox over to Ps3/Xbox360, CAN be compared in the same fashion. They'll be too different from each other, indicating their progression in technological advancement. MK vs DC doesn't do that up to this point. They're barely different rendered graphics(that's what we're talking about, these rendered graphics) from MKA.

The MkTeam has been talking big shit about this "modified UE3". And how "PhotoRealistic " things will look....but is the proof there? NOPE. These things look like someone who is no doubt, really good with photoshop, went in and copied the texture from one render to the next, swapped the colors a little bit, and added effects to each character to make them seem "different" from one another. That's messed up that it looks like simple Photoshop Filter effects. lol It looks cheap that everybody is wearing the same fabric. Looks old and cheap that they haven't accomplished real hair, metal, fabric, and skin textures. IT LOOKS BAD.

Don't you think Superman and Sub Zero should have a different feel and mood about what they have on? Don't you think Scorpion and Batman would never share fabrics? Don't you think it's time to see realistic skin, realistic and different metals and fabrics that consider who is wearing what? Don't you think it's time for MK to step up? Not only in graphics, but also in gameplay? Don't you think?

Now, if you're gonna reply, at least try to seem intelligent about it. Instead of conceding ignorance and all that so blatantly, show me something. Show me that what you're seeing is actually different//better than what I'm seeing. If you can't teach me anything that validates bs remarks like that reply to me....stfu?
About Me

06/05/2008 07:10 PM (UTC)
I don't know what everyones problem is with this render. It looks like Batman. They took the outfit from BTAS, except changed the logo on his chest a bit. I'm fine with it, because I for one expect Batman to look like Batman.
06/05/2008 07:15 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Septar Wrote:
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Hahahaha...Those graphics refuse to mature don't they?

This one's on par with the Sub-Zero. It's a good design, bad graphics. I guess that's enough to get the job done though, eh?


Cut off your dick please.

The last thing this world needs is your genetics spreading around.

Well that's odd.

*Tries to remember if I gave you skull points before...*

Hm...If you like confrontation, I have no problem in helping you "get off my dick".....


So-What, you don't like my opinion. That'd be fine with me if you weren't trying so desperately to insult me. From ridiculous remarks like that, all I can gather is that you don't know any better, and I won't blame anyone for that.

BUT, none of that negates the fact that the same effects and techniques that was all over MKA, is all over ALL of these pre-released renders for MK vs DC.

Thus far, from all that they're showing us, NOTHING has gotten definitively "better". No, wait, actually, the in-game graphics from the trailer DO look better than last gen. BUT, I'd still question how "different"//"new" things will work. Cuz it doesn't look different.

Not even the little teaser is indicative of any real change. Once more, I expect improvements coming from last gen to Ps3//360. Moreover, a completely new game from from last gen, and that ain't what's going on here. Not by the looks of things, since that's all we have to look at right now. I expect better to an absolute degree. Nothing thus far is indicative of that...SO FAR. Judgement reserved for gamplay//actually playing the game.

This should give you a better understanding of what I'm looking at for pure example:

Hopefully, you know which of these is a render sample from MKA. My point is, Why can they be compared like this, and actually have likenesses? They shouldn't be ABLE to be compared like that, not by a long shot. No other relative fighting game that has come from PS2/Xbox over to Ps3/Xbox360, CAN be compared in the same fashion. They'll be too different from each other, indicating their progression in technological advancement. MK vs DC doesn't do that up to this point. They're barely different rendered graphics(that's what we're talking about, these rendered graphics) from MKA.

The MkTeam has been talking big shit about this "modified UE3". And how "PhotoRealistic " things will look....but is the proof there? NOPE. These things look like someone who is no doubt, really good with photoshop, went in and copied the texture from one render to the next, swapped the colors a little bit, and added effects to each character to make them seem "different" from one another. That's messed up that it looks like simple Photoshop Filter effects. lol It looks cheap that everybody is wearing the same fabric. Looks old and cheap that they haven't accomplished real hair, metal, fabric, and skin textures. IT LOOKS BAD.

Don't you think Superman and Sub Zero should have a different feel and mood about what they have on? Don't you think Scorpion and Batman would never share fabrics? Don't you think it's time to see realistic skin, realistic and different metals and fabrics that consider who is wearing what? Don't you think it's time for MK to step up? Not only in graphics, but also in gameplay? Don't you think?

Now, if you're gonna reply, at least try to seem intelligent about it. Instead of conceding ignorance and all that so blatantly, show me something. Show me that what you're seeing is actually different//better than what I'm seeing. If you can't teach me anything that validates bs remarks like that reply to me....stfu?

... *begins slow clapping*
06/05/2008 07:19 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Septar Wrote:
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Hahahaha...Those graphics refuse to mature don't they?

This one's on par with the Sub-Zero. It's a good design, bad graphics. I guess that's enough to get the job done though, eh?


Cut off your dick please.

The last thing this world needs is your genetics spreading around.

Well that's odd.

*Tries to remember if I gave you skull points before...*

Hm...If you like confrontation, I have no problem in helping you "get off my dick".....


So-What, you don't like my opinion. That'd be fine with me if you weren't trying so desperately to insult me. From ridiculous remarks like that, all I can gather is that you don't know any better, and I won't blame anyone for that.

BUT, none of that negates the fact that the same effects and techniques that was all over MKA, is all over ALL of these pre-released renders for MK vs DC.

Thus far, from all that they're showing us, NOTHING has gotten definitively "better". No, wait, actually, the in-game graphics from the trailer DO look better than last gen. BUT, I'd still question how "different"//"new" things will work. Cuz it doesn't look different.

Not even the little teaser is indicative of any real change. Once more, I expect improvements coming from last gen to Ps3//360. Moreover, a completely new game from from last gen, and that ain't what's going on here. Not by the looks of things, since that's all we have to look at right now. I expect better to an absolute degree. Nothing thus far is indicative of that...SO FAR. Judgement reserved for gamplay//actually playing the game.

This should give you a better understanding of what I'm looking at for pure example:

Hopefully, you know which of these is a render sample from MKA. My point is, Why can they be compared like this, and actually have likenesses? They shouldn't be ABLE to be compared like that, not by a long shot. No other relative fighting game that has come from PS2/Xbox over to Ps3/Xbox360, CAN be compared in the same fashion. They'll be too different from each other, indicating their progression in technological advancement. MK vs DC doesn't do that up to this point. They're barely different rendered graphics(that's what we're talking about, these rendered graphics) from MKA.

The MkTeam has been talking big shit about this "modified UE3". And how "PhotoRealistic " things will look....but is the proof there? NOPE. These things look like someone who is no doubt, really good with photoshop, went in and copied the texture from one render to the next, swapped the colors a little bit, and added effects to each character to make them seem "different" from one another. That's messed up that it looks like simple Photoshop Filter effects. lol It looks cheap that everybody is wearing the same fabric. Looks old and cheap that they haven't accomplished real hair, metal, fabric, and skin textures. IT LOOKS BAD.

Don't you think Superman and Sub Zero should have a different feel and mood about what they have on? Don't you think Scorpion and Batman would never share fabrics? Don't you think it's time to see realistic skin, realistic and different metals and fabrics that consider who is wearing what? Don't you think it's time for MK to step up? Not only in graphics, but also in gameplay? Don't you think?

Now, if you're gonna reply, at least try to seem intelligent about it. Instead of conceding ignorance and all that so blatantly, show me something. Show me that what you're seeing is actually different//better than what I'm seeing. If you can't teach me anything that validates bs remarks like that reply to me....stfu?

Well ....well
You are not 100% wrong wink
But ..
It is not just MK but almost every game in this gen of gaming.The step was not as huge as it was from PS1 to PS2 ...

Test your sight and tell me where are the pics taked from Tekken 6 and where are the others taken from Tekken 5 ....

Also this is Soul Calibur 3 it looks great it is as great as SC4
Dont you think that

If you see the trail again you will find that the graph looks better by far than the renders which are good ....
06/05/2008 07:34 PM (UTC)
It’s obvious they had to go for the most iconic suit, but if they could’ve chosen any, I would’ve wanted this:


A fan film based on the graphic novel Arkham Asylum: Serious House On Serious Earth (spanish only) If you're interested, the novel is a really good read.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/05/2008 07:42 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

Midway was told not to use the black batman from the films.


Yeah. DC wanted their characters to have their traditional costumes. I think people needs to shut the fuck up about the graphics! Why? Because midway are going to spend all their time trying to improve already cool graphics and less on trying to make an actual kick ass game! Why the fuck do we even concentrate on that petty stuff and not what really matters.
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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director ghostdragon@mortalkombatonline.com
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience

"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
06/05/2008 07:48 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Here, I did some modifications, mostly with the color scheme and a little with the face (his mouth and chin are way too long for his face). I didn't even make it all black. What do you guys think?


Your edit looks 10 times better. The original version looks too washed out and there isn't much depth in the segments. A little adjustment w/ Levels (or whatever feature you used) made a ton of difference.

06/05/2008 07:59 PM (UTC)
*rolls eyes* at typical bashers lol, I think some people forget that DC are the ones DECIDING how the DC characters look, Midway are just making the renders. Secondly, for the dude that said Superman looks gay, please shut up. You're only saying that because chances are you don't know anything about the character and just hate him for no reason...sleep

He looks fine, he's Superman. How the hell do you want him to look?

On the Batman render, I like it but just as I've said earlier want a darker costume hopefully for his alternate. Just remember, if he doesn't Midway is NOT at fault, blame DC.....

As far as judging the game and all that stuff, you can judge the renders just don't presume to judge the game based off the "concept renders" that and the game hasn't even come out yet so...yeah.

06/05/2008 08:06 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
*rolls eyes* at typical bashers lol, I think some people forget that DC are the ones DECIDING how the DC characters look, Midway are just making the renders. Secondly, for the dude that said Superman looks gay, please shut up. You're only saying that because chances are you don't know anything about the character and just hate him for no reason...sleep

He looks fine, he's Superman. How the hell do you want him to look?

On the Batman render, I like it but just as I've said earlier want a darker costume hopefully for his alternate. Just remember, if he doesn't Midway is NOT at fault, blame DC.....

As far as judging the game and all that stuff, you can judge the renders just don't presume to judge the game based off the "concept renders" that and the game hasn't even come out yet so...yeah.


Since it's Midway making the costumes, I say we can blame them.

I blame Midway from Sub-Zero's stupid suit, and I blame Midway from Superman's ugly suit!
06/05/2008 08:11 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:
*rolls eyes* at typical bashers lol, I think some people forget that DC are the ones DECIDING how the DC characters look, Midway are just making the renders. Secondly, for the dude that said Superman looks gay, please shut up. You're only saying that because chances are you don't know anything about the character and just hate him for no reason...sleep

He looks fine, he's Superman. How the hell do you want him to look?

On the Batman render, I like it but just as I've said earlier want a darker costume hopefully for his alternate. Just remember, if he doesn't Midway is NOT at fault, blame DC.....

As far as judging the game and all that stuff, you can judge the renders just don't presume to judge the game based off the "concept renders" that and the game hasn't even come out yet so...yeah.


Since it's Midway making the costumes, I say we can blame them.

I blame Midway from Sub-Zero's stupid suit, and I blame Midway from Superman's ugly suit!

You can't blame midway for the DC renders, fact. Why?Because, they NEED DC's approval. Why people are ignoring this puzzles the hell out of me.....

You think they can just put out Batman with an all Black suit or Superman with a Black suit with a red "S" on his chest, making him look evil? Nope.

Superman looks like...umm Superman.

DC will say, umm no, no they're our characters you do what we say in terms of looks. That's the whole point of the "Midway and DC" working together....it's not like Midway can do whatever they feel with DC characters nor can DC do whatever they want with MK characters.

As for the Sub render, it's fine there's nothing wrong with it....it's far from stupid, looks badass actuallyglasses What I do find stupid however are some of the reasons people hate it....

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/05/2008 08:41 PM (UTC)
Idiots, mkflegend, all of us intelligent non ignorant morons on here give you a standing ovation for speaking sense.
06/05/2008 09:29 PM (UTC)
DC may dictate how the characters may look, but Midway is the one executing it. But even then, I feel like DC is so far removed from any involvement in this game it's almost embarrassing. If DC gave a flip about this game, they'd be promoting it, hyping it up, releasing comic book tie-ins, making Mortal Kombat comics, etc. As it is, DC is pretty much ignoring this "quick buck" idea of theirs.

ALL game developers have restrictions placed on them. ALL game developers and artists have to work inside of a box. It's in the execution within these restrictions that matters, not the restrictions themselves. A talented developers and artist can make the most out of any circumstance, be it conceptual limitations, time constraints, or editorial mandates. I have to deal with that myself as I learn how to make games and model characters.

If the execution is flawed, there is no one to blame but the people who executed it. The higher ups may have been the ones to place restrictions such as "no fatalities", but that never excuses an artist or programmer from doing their job within their given field. That is their JOB. Given how "iconic" the characters of DC are, I'm somewhat baffled that their looks actually are NOT as representative of their comic book counterparts as comic fans, such as myself, would like.

That ultimately has nothing to do with the Batman render. My complaints lie soley with his elongated face, bright gray color scheme, and overlit presentation. That can be easily modified with a few clicks of the mouse. Even if he's not the "movie" version, the comic book Batman is darker, like the render edit that I've done. Batman has looked much darker in OTHER video games, such as Batman: Dark Tomorrow and Justice League Heroes. So arguing that they "can't" do a darker Batman is pretty ridiculous. They can. It's been done before and I highly doubt it couldn't be done again.

06/05/2008 09:45 PM (UTC)
Yeah, but you can only execute the same look only so much given what you have....

I mean, we saw this with the Superman render....not for nothing but most of the "criticizing it received or bashing" were for dumb reasons...like costume, his chin, age, his hair...I mean lol Superman is Superman, he doesn't change.

It's like some people want this "brand new look" for a character that (not to their knowledge) hasn't changed for the past 50 years, why would he now?

Of course I'm confident DC will allow Midway to put Supes in a darker suit but if we don't get it, I'm not going to blame Midway, I'll blame DC.

Now, if there's an MK render....then go ahead and take your case to Midway but DC/Boon have come out and admitted their characters are being done their way, not Midway's or MK teams.

06/05/2008 09:51 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Yeah, but you can only execute the same look only so much given what you have....

I mean, we saw this with the Superman render....not for nothing but most of the "criticizing it received or bashing" were for dumb reasons...like costume, his chin, age, his hair...I mean lol Superman is Superman, he doesn't change.

It's like some people want this "brand new look" for a character that (not to their knowledge) hasn't changed for the past 50 years, why would he now?

Of course I'm confident DC will allow Midway to put Supes in a darker suit but if we don't get it, I'm not going to blame Midway, I'll blame DC.

Now, if there's an MK render....then go ahead and take your case to Midway but DC/Boon have come out and admitted their characters are being done their way, not Midway's or MK teams.

I wasn't too upset with the design of the Superman render. People will always complain about changes to an "icon". I remember fan backlash when they unveiled the Superman Returns suit, which many complained should have had the red be more, you know, red. You can't please everybody... but it never hurts to try and please the majority.

My biggest complaint with the Superman render was his plastic hair and action-figure like face. I never complained about the color scheme, fruity though it may be.

Superman cartoon series:
Clark: "Mom, stop calling my costume my funny-colored underwear!"
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/05/2008 10:00 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:
Yeah, but you can only execute the same look only so much given what you have....

I mean, we saw this with the Superman render....not for nothing but most of the "criticizing it received or bashing" were for dumb reasons...like costume, his chin, age, his hair...I mean lol Superman is Superman, he doesn't change.

It's like some people want this "brand new look" for a character that (not to their knowledge) hasn't changed for the past 50 years, why would he now?

Of course I'm confident DC will allow Midway to put Supes in a darker suit but if we don't get it, I'm not going to blame Midway, I'll blame DC.

Now, if there's an MK render....then go ahead and take your case to Midway but DC/Boon have come out and admitted their characters are being done their way, not Midway's or MK teams.

I wasn't too upset with the design of the Superman render. People will always complain about changes to an "icon". I remember fan backlash when they unveiled the Superman Returns suit, which many complained should have had the red be more, you know, red. You can't please everybody... but it never hurts to try and please the majority.

My biggest complaint with the Superman render was his plastic hair and action-figure like face. I never complained about the color scheme, fruity though it may be.

Superman cartoon series:
Clark: "Mom, stop calling my costume my funny-colored underwear!"

Well he's been looking "fruity" for about sixty years dumb ass, how is that midways problem?
06/05/2008 10:08 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Garlador Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:
Yeah, but you can only execute the same look only so much given what you have....

I mean, we saw this with the Superman render....not for nothing but most of the "criticizing it received or bashing" were for dumb reasons...like costume, his chin, age, his hair...I mean lol Superman is Superman, he doesn't change.

It's like some people want this "brand new look" for a character that (not to their knowledge) hasn't changed for the past 50 years, why would he now?

Of course I'm confident DC will allow Midway to put Supes in a darker suit but if we don't get it, I'm not going to blame Midway, I'll blame DC.

Now, if there's an MK render....then go ahead and take your case to Midway but DC/Boon have come out and admitted their characters are being done their way, not Midway's or MK teams.

I wasn't too upset with the design of the Superman render. People will always complain about changes to an "icon". I remember fan backlash when they unveiled the Superman Returns suit, which many complained should have had the red be more, you know, red. You can't please everybody... but it never hurts to try and please the majority.

My biggest complaint with the Superman render was his plastic hair and action-figure like face. I never complained about the color scheme, fruity though it may be.

Superman cartoon series:
Clark: "Mom, stop calling my costume my funny-colored underwear!"

Well he's been looking "fruity" for about sixty years dumb ass, how is that midways problem?

It was a joke. Geez, MK fans really need to lighten the hell up. It's a comic book crossover! Why am I the only one NOT taking this thing seriously? tongue
Besides, Superman's hardly as fruity as Batman.
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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06/05/2008 10:13 PM (UTC)
atticus Wrote:
... *begins slow clapping*


Thank you thank you....lol

ErmaSco Wrote:

1. Grey bg is Tekken 5. The ones with Black//Blue bg is Tekken 6...and those are baldly preserved j-peg file images. Therefor the integrity of the images are jeopardized to make it look like they're similar. Check my last post for the example with Jin vs Scorpion in it. The one with the red squares....

2. That's CLEARLY SC4. Tira's primary outfit is green in SC3.

C'mon man...

Garlador Wrote:
Why am I the only one NOT taking this thing seriously? tongue

Well, I think this is hilarious. lol!
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