Playstation 2 help!!
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Playstation 2 help!!
posted03/10/2004 08:47 AM (UTC)by

my playstation 2 Is a mess up!
When i turn it on the picture fuzzy. When i put a game it still fuzzy were i can't see it.
But when i put a dvd And turn it on, it's still fuzzy but after it loads and press X, The DVD picture clear.
In Other words My DVD player works fine but ALL my games make the screen fuzzy and bounce.
DOES anyone know how to fix this??
When i turn it on the picture fuzzy. When i put a game it still fuzzy were i can't see it.
But when i put a dvd And turn it on, it's still fuzzy but after it loads and press X, The DVD picture clear.
In Other words My DVD player works fine but ALL my games make the screen fuzzy and bounce.
DOES anyone know how to fix this??

My PS2 blew up when it did that.

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ARE you Serious!!! Or are you just pulling my leg

well i saw smoke and it almost did. its probable the light inside of it blew up. and i dont trust gamestop to fix it. but they charge u 150 to fix it likes like buying a use ps2. haha. also, i did something mean. u kno how u saved that password on the xbox but forgot it, well i forgot the xbox password and sold it. i sold my ps2 and they only turn it on and never stick the cd in there. haha its funny bc my ps2 cant read anything but it does read only scartch cds and i dont kno why. and they dont check to see if the system works or not. they only turn it on to see if it RUns not Loading. u would laugh too if u were here.

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DOCBROWN Wrote: mine had a problem where it woulden't read my blue-bottom disks anymore but it read the regular silver bottoms...wierd! |
blue bottoms are always f***** up! mine will read them but will make a retarded noise when i play them!

DOCBROWN Wrote: mine had a problem where it woulden't read my blue-bottom disks anymore but it read the regular silver bottoms...wierd! |
Both my friend's and my PS2s crapped out on us. The even MORE fucked up thing is, it would read the blue disks and NOT the new silver ones... Thats amazing!
Sony's engineers are awesome! Ps2 has enough AI in it to turn it into a guided missle, yet it wont play its own games... LOL!!

hehe, mine read only scratches. like i was playing a new game and no scratches but when i played old game on it it reads it. but it was only reading the blue disc and then it stops in the middle of loading where it says PS2 logo.
i was kidding, my ps2 didnt blew up. hehe... sorry if i scared ya.
i hope its 100.00 in April bc thats how much xbox will cost that month. i read it 2 weeks ago at gamespot i duno if it stills there or not.
i was kidding, my ps2 didnt blew up. hehe... sorry if i scared ya.
i hope its 100.00 in April bc thats how much xbox will cost that month. i read it 2 weeks ago at gamespot i duno if it stills there or not.

Both my friend's and my PS2s crapped out on us. The even MORE fucked up thing is, it would read the blue disks and NOT the new silver ones... Thats amazing!
Sony's engineers are awesome! Ps2 has enough AI in it to turn it into a guided missle, yet it wont play its own games... LOL!!
whats so amazing about not reading silver ones?>
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