I didn't think the 3d era was bad, it did try to expand the story with doing risky moves like killing off Liu Kang and the good guys don't win after Deadly Alliance. While the graphics look clunky now, it was the standard for fighting games to be in a 3d era for the 2000's. Deception to me was one of the bleaker Mortal Kombat games and the endings were cool. I'll admit, I thought Armageddon was rushed when playing it and not given time. Some new characters were pretty cool like Kenshi and Li Mei.
But a franchise cannot do the same thing over and over. We can't have Mortal Kombat 3 every 2-4 years.
Why do you posters think there's hate towards this era?

Yes, some of the newer characters from that era suck, but many of them don't and it doesn't get the praise for that.
also, the combo system was truly immersive and amazing for what it was. It was possible to translate the skills learnt in one game to the next, unlike now where the characters have all-new movesets to learn.
I started my love affair for MK with MKDA, so i love the 3D era, and i wish people would stop bashing it.
Yes, some of the newer characters from that era suck, but many of them don't and it doesn't get the praise for that.
also, the combo system was truly immersive and amazing for what it was. It was possible to translate the skills learnt in one game to the next, unlike now where the characters have all-new movesets to learn.
There were some bad characters from that era no doubt, but there were plenty of good ones too. I thought the combo system was nice and Konquest for Deadly Alliance and Deception were fun. I liked how the fighters used different martial arts for styles.
I never really saw the hatred fans have for the 3D era until I was on this forum and gamefaqs.

Must kill Sub-Zero. Whee~
Although Armageddon was clearly rushed out the door I think the DA/Deception/Armageddon era was incredibly statisfying. I spent months on each of those games individually when they were new and every few years I get the urge to revisit them. When I go get the urge I usually spend a good month going through all three games finishing the Konquest modes and unlocking the character endings on new profiles.
I typically go back to the DA-Armageddon era more so than the MK 1-4 erabecause there’s so much content in the 3D games. I do think the current era (MK 9 and X) is the best overall. Then I would say the classic (MK 1-4) era is the second best and lastly the 3D era was the weakest but I like all ten main fighting games and I go through phases with each game (like I’ll get an itch for MK 4 and play nothing but MK 4/Gold for a week). I don’t think any of the fighting games - Armageddon and DC Universe included - qualifies as a bad game. Although I will admit that in regards to Armageddon most of the time I play it I am either doing Konquest runs or screwing around in Kreate-a-Fighter than slogging through the actual arcade mode (the fact that you can’t save the “endings” makes going though the ladder with every character pointless).
Anyway that’s just my opinion. I’ve always enjoyed the story and character aspect of the MK games just as much as I enjoyed the game play so that’s probably why I have such great memories of the PS2 games. I would gladly drop sixty bucks for an HD Collection (sorry.... Kollection) of the PS2 games for the PS4 or XB1.

As a result of NRS' separation anxiety, we had characters WAY past their shelf date like Kano and Kung Lao inserted into MKX instead of giving the 3D guys a second breath.
I understand that because everyone here in Brazil (where im from) simply hates the 3D era (exception of Shaolin Monks), but I LOVE! I remember myself, a 14 yr old looking at this very site here searching for news about MKDA, and since then Deception, SM and Armageddon, damm i really loved that time! Best time of my life...! I don ́t hate this era, i LOVE so much!

I never understood why MK 5, 6 and 7 got so much hate. I remember when MK4 came out it wasn't anywhere near as good as the first three games but it was something fresh and interesting, but when Deadly Alliance came out I was blown away at how damn cool and how much better it was than the 90's era games(at that time, at least). My biggest gripe in DA was the smaller roster. MK Deception was cool in it's time because it included the Shujinko story quest first of it's kind, it was a step up from DA for the most part. Armageddon was by the far the best of the 3D era, sure the story quest wasn't as good as MK6, but it had all of the characters and the kreate a fighter feature which were awesome. Since MK5, 6 and 7 all essentially play nearly identical these new features in 7 easily made it the best MK game pre-2007.
The gameplay with all the angles and switching and shit, the uber-cheesy polygonal graphics, the piss-poor story modes, the fakeness brought on by the cheesy graphics, the horrid amount of characters attached to very thin storylines. And the fact, clearly seen in this thread, most of us who hate this era grew up during the early 90s when the original era/massive amounts of marketing took to storm. Until MKA in 1997 was released we had tons of comics, trading cards, decent figurines, lots of music CDs, trading cards, a movie, an animated series, and although many fans didn't like TJB for its repetitiveness and its own crappy 3D fights, that helped to get us more excited about MK than anything. Add to the fact MK games were marketed en mass throughout our televisions and often cross-promoted with stuff we actually watched, aka WCW wrestling when wrestling was good, not to mention we had an entire year coined "The Year of Mortal Kombat" in 1995, movie novel adaptations, etc. Plus all the hype from the politicians trying to censor and ban MK fueled our passion. All that advertising equaled appeal. We literally ate, shit, and slept MK in the '90s.
Up until recently we didn't really have any of that. Piss-poor attempts with convoluted storylines (aka the MKX comics) and cross-over merch bundled with video games themselves (bookends with the MK9 game, let alone all these expensive ass statues with these cheap ass bobbleheads and even cheaper figurines). This animated film has kind of helped to bring the excitement back plus it delivered on many things where the original film has failed (the extra features). In order to get most of the extras for the first film you either had to buy foreign copies or the Laserdisc not to mention Youtube for the Behind the Dragon documentary that aired on TNT.
It's alot like the downfall of McDonalds, besides the fact it's unhealthy. Since it's been ruled unhealthy, McDonalds has changed their advertising. Alot of companies, like The Lego Company and Disney, don't promote with the happy meals like they used to (Lego used to sell sets to McDonalds but their company policy prohibits toys and only allows stupid cups) and Disney had broke their deal with McDs in the early 2000s so for a while McDs never offered anything Disney with the Happy Meal. Not to mention McDs has taken even more hits with lesser advertising. I remember watching Disney's DTV Monster Hits during Halloween in 1987. Guess who it was sponsored by? McDonalds. And guess what commercial aired... their famous "Scared Silly" commercial. Not to mention alot of their Halloween toys were Halloween-themed buckets your food came in then you could use them at Trick or Treat, thus free advertising for McDs.
In conclusion, without a hype machine, things suck. The 3D era didn't have that and with the disaster of MKA many of us never forgave the MK team for shitting on MK and shitting down our throats while laughing in the process.
I grew up with mk1-3 but I really liked the 3d era.
Ofcourse it was different but I had a great time playing MKDA and MKD. MKA really sucked because it was really rushed. And yes there were some cool features in it but after a month I was done playing MKA.
My favourite 3D MK is MKD..The roster, the story and the Dragon King where great. Ah man and Qonquest, I believe I walked for ours and ours just to get al the quests and side-quests.
The kasuals and 2D era fanboys aka dickheads are the ones who hate the 3D era mostly. Boons hate for the 3D was also an influence. 3D were far from perfect, but they had the best storylines, soundtracks, atmosphere and maybe designs(debatable). That's what the newer games lack. The newer games have no "soul" feel bland and shit. It doesn't feel like I'm playing a MK game more like a glorified crossover with the inclusion of all of these guest.
People disliked the 3D games because they were fucking unplayable pieces of garbage,plain and simple,story,costumes snd all that fluff is irrelevant when the gameplay is fucking broken.
2011-2019 MK games are far superior to the pile of shit 3d era games,not only for the "graphix" but for the not absolutely perfect but better gameplay mechanix.
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
Who's hating on the 3d era? Sure it has flaws, but it expanded the lore so much. The weapons. Hazards/Deathtraps. Konquest modes. Kreate A Fighter. Not to mention the awesome designs, stages, and world atmosphere. The 3d era rocked so much!
My only complaints are the gameplay is a bit wonky. If only they could've fully implemented what they were trying to go for. And the character models looked like bulky plastic action figures. Sareena having pink lips instead of black.
These games were Ace, I wish I still had them.

I only hate Armageddon because it was obviously a rushed product (fatalities, goofy air kombat, limited fighting styles, lack of new costumes for returning characters).
... but Armageddon's KAF and Konquest mode are far superior features compared to what its predecessors had.
I think the hate stems from it not "feeling" like a traditional MK game. But (despite some lackluster new characters) I think they progressed the MK franchise in a far better direction that anything I've seen since - that's for damn sure. No time travel in other words.
The kasuals and 2D era fanboys aka dickheads are the ones who hate the 3D era mostly.
Well, first...see the above Quoted comment. One of the main reasons there's hate for the 3d era is because of subhuman trash scumbags like this jackoff acting as the face of 3d era fans.
That aside, here's the main rundown -
Now admittedly, some of that improved from one game to the next. For example - MKD improved upon everything from MKDA...but MKD was still basically a slight upgrade to MKDA and nothing else. Armageddon (AKA Mortal Kombat Trilogy 2) was another example of an unpolished rush job that, while it had a barely notable create-a-fighter feature, it was just more of the same 3d era gameplay, this time with a lazy "create-a-fatality" system and 50+ characters that all played exactly alike. Mortal Kombat was a complete laughing stock in the fighting game genre during this time, and went too far off the deep end with the cartoony, childish antics. It really lost its identity during this time and needed to be reeled in.