*SPOILER*Subzero, Smoke, and Noob... Return of the Jedi style :)
posted10/02/2004 02:36 AM (UTC)by
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02/10/2003 01:32 AM (UTC)
Alright, I'm assuming everyone is familiar with the star wars movies. For those who haven't seen Return of the Jedi, that's cool, but you won't really understand the parallel themes. But keep in mind, this is a VERY, VERY, VERY LOOSE ADAPTATION. By no mean did this happen in the MK story.

Also note that if you don't know the Noob-Smoke story, this won't make sense. To sum it up, Noob found Smoke's cybernetic body and he reactivated/reprogrammed it to work for him. This ending occurs under the assumption Smoke and Subzero will fight. Anyway, I modeled this ending after RoTJ. Enjoy.

After Subzero and his reformed Lin Kuei sucessfully decimated the Dragon King's Tarkatin Hordes, the Tyrant ruler turned to the newly established Brother Hood of the Shadow to assassinate the ice warrior. Imploring Noob Saibot to eradicate this pest, he gladly took on the objective under the notion that bringing down the Lin Kuei would bring prestige upon his own clan.

Feeling that it would be best to further explore Smoke's potential, the shadow ninja decided to send him on the mission and observe the results himself under the cloak of invisibility. As Noob programmed the objective into Smoke's internal data, he stumbled upon a synethetic memory vault. To his astonishment, Noob discovered that Smoke was a dear ally to Subzero. Not only would Subzero be finally destroyed, but the fight itself would be sadistically entertaining to view, thought Noob Saibot.

As Kenshi and Subzero went on their travels to regroup with the other earth warriors, they were ambushed by the stealth cyborg. Kenshi was knocked unconscious by a preemptive attack, and Subzero stood face to face with this warrior, completely oblivious to fact that this was his old ally.

The two began to fight rapidly, and it didn't take long for Subzero to recognize that the cyborg's fighting style was extremely familiar. The idea that this ninja was what his old friend became after the automation sizzled in his mind. "No.. It can be," he said.

"But it is," replied a voice.

"Who are you!?" screamed out Subzero as he was fending off the cyborg.

"Why don't you ask Smoke. He's your friend and ally, is he not?"

Subzero heard this demonic voice, but could not see another warrior in sight. Yet deep within his soul, he knew this warrior could be none other than Smoke. The Lin Kuei had indeed automated him and robbed him of his humanity.

"Do what you must, Subzero. Kill your ally before he inflicts such upon you."

"Never! There has to be another way. I'll choose death before I kill Smoke.

"Then be destroyed," whispered Noob.

Eventually, the kombat grew too intense. Smoke was unrelenting, and Subzero had no choice but to deal a a fatal hit. He formed his kori blade and slashed the cyborg clear across the chest, releasing circuitry and oil.

Still out of sight, Noob began to laugh sardonically. "Well done, Subzero. Now finish him. Seal his fate."

Subzero shook his head and threw his blade to the ground. "No. He can be saved. I can lift this curse."

Noob wasn't satisifed with this answer. "You fool. If that is your choice, brace yourself for your demise." Noob lifted his invisibility and dealt a near fatal blow to back of Subzero. The ice ninja went down, too weak and disorientated to fight back. Slowly, Noob toyed with him and beat him down further, inflicting more pain with each attack.

And there Smoke stood, starring back and forth from Noob Saibot and Subzero. The blood on Subzero's face, his screaming... it was bringing him back to reality. The pain of memory was flowing into his mind, and his soul had awaken. Now aware of his surroudings, conscious to what he had done, he picked up Subzero's Kori blade, snuck up behind Noob, and then stabbed him fully through the chest.

Noob was drowning in both shock and anger. "You... No... I don't believe this... You are MY servant... MY ally!!!"

"I... have... but one... ally" replied Smoke. Then after, Noob took in his last breath, and faded from into the netherealm forever. Smoke fell on one knee, and Subzero came to his aid. "Subzero... please... forgive me."

"Don't speak. You need to save your strength."

"It's... it's too late now," Smoke responded. "Subzero... take off my cybernetic mask... let me... see you with... my own eyes."

"But Smoke, you'll die!" Subzero screamed.

Again, Smoke shook his head. "That... is inevitable. There.. isn't... any other way."

So Subzero complied. He undid the airlocks on his face mask and pulled off the metal frame. Smoke's face, mostly preserved by the metal and oils, looked up onto him, tired and remorseful. "Till we meet again... farewell... Subzero," spoke the last words of Smoke.

Lamenting the death of his friend, Subzero performed a ceremonial burning of Smoke's cybernetic body. Thereafter, he revived Kenshi into consciousness. Upon explaining what had occured, they both grieved Smoke's death and carried on towards the Earth realm.

10/01/2004 09:36 PM (UTC)
damn thats pretty sad. but atleast smoke didnt die in vain, he died with honor. he held his head high. great story though Temp.
10/01/2004 09:44 PM (UTC)
Yeah, that was a good read, TUN. Good work. I can actually see something like that happening, too.
10/01/2004 10:11 PM (UTC)
LMAO! That's a good thepry man.
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10/01/2004 10:40 PM (UTC)

SubZeroRTCW Wrote:
LMAO! That's a good thepry man.

Eh? What do you mean, exactly. confused

Anyway, thanks for all the replies, peeps. smile Hell, thank you for even reading it.
10/01/2004 11:35 PM (UTC)

TemperaryUserName Wrote:

SubZeroRTCW Wrote:
LMAO! That's a good thepry man.

Eh? What do you mean, exactly.

Anyway, thanks for all the replies, peeps. Hell, thank you for even reading it.

no problemo Temp.
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10/01/2004 11:52 PM (UTC)
Excellent, Temp. That was my favorite moment in the entire trilogy, and you've made it work well.

"Darth Smoke" would have sounded way better than Noob Smoke, methinks...
10/01/2004 11:52 PM (UTC)
Damn Temp! Very nice adaptation. I thoroughly enjoyed that. I have an idea for you. Do you think you could make an adaptation of The 6th Sense starring Liu Kang, Kitana and Kung Lao. That would be some cool shit.
10/01/2004 11:53 PM (UTC)
10/01/2004 11:55 PM (UTC)
Sorry Again
10/01/2004 11:56 PM (UTC)
10/02/2004 12:00 AM (UTC)
Eh, meant to write theory. Was a typo.
10/02/2004 12:38 AM (UTC)
That'd be a pretty good ending Temp. grin It'd be interesting to see what Smoke looks like underneath that weird helmet of his.
10/02/2004 01:32 AM (UTC)
I didn't read it word for word but it's pretty good.

It's great if it's only a what if ending, but if you mean this could happen then I have to disagree. It sorta seems like you think Smoke is still a cyborg when he clearly is not.

But as for a what if ending/story, it's awesome.
10/02/2004 01:56 AM (UTC)
Great stuff. If only Smoke was Sub-Zero's father...........................
About Me
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10/02/2004 02:13 AM (UTC)

CMETH Wrote:
I didn't read it word for word but it's pretty good.

It's great if it's only a what if ending, but if you mean this could happen then I have to disagree. It sorta seems like you think Smoke is still a cyborg when he clearly is not.

But as for a what if ending/story, it's awesome.

Actually... well, I can't really explain it. I agree, he looks in no way like a cyborg, but unfortunately he is. The official Noob Smoke bio confirmed it. Honestly, I would have rather him been an elmental. sad
10/02/2004 02:36 AM (UTC)

TemperaryUserName Wrote:

CMETH Wrote:
I didn't read it word for word but it's pretty good.

It's great if it's only a what if ending, but if you mean this could happen then I have to disagree. It sorta seems like you think Smoke is still a cyborg when he clearly is not.

But as for a what if ending/story, it's awesome.
Actually... well, I can't really explain it. I agree, he looks in no way like a cyborg, but unfortunately he is. The official Noob Smoke bio confirmed it. Honestly, I would have rather him been an elmental.

sad Hes a cyborg? man sad

but anyway nice story the only part I dont like is that smoke dies. You should make it more like that one movie... oh yeah Ella Enchanted when he starts hearing voices and stops noob, i hate noob but Smoke rulezez j00 omg losers
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