Onaga great dragon egg
Onaga great dragon egg
''Hoping to gain eternal life, he ordered the last known dragon egg to be kept, hoping that the blood of an infant dragon would grant him immortality''
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Is this mentioned in any mortal kombat game ?????
''Hoping to gain eternal life, he ordered the last known dragon egg to be kept, hoping that the blood of an infant dragon would grant him immortality''
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Is this mentioned in any mortal kombat game ?????

It's in Deadly Alliance, yes.

dhejaka Wrote:
Mortal kombat deadly alliance only mentioned that the last known dragon egg was hidden in the lava shrine. They didn't mention that the blood of an infant dragon would grant onaga immortality.
Mortal kombat deadly alliance only mentioned that the last known dragon egg was hidden in the lava shrine. They didn't mention that the blood of an infant dragon would grant onaga immortality.
Hang on, I'll pop in the game and find the exact picture and text...
Update: I've gone through all the Konquests and Kontent and apparently the bit about the dragon's blood granting immortality isn't in Deadly Alliance. Or if it is, it wasn't mentioned in the pictures I looked at. I am now checking Deception. If it's spoken by a Konquest NPC and I have to run around talking to everybody, god am I gonna be pissed...
Update 2: Alright, I can't find it in the Krypt Kontent or Arena Bios. It must be either an NPC quote or Onaga's full biography was posted online rather than put into the game, much like the backstory of Mythologies was. But I've gotta take a break before I lose my mind because I know it's there somewhere, I'm sure I have read it before, I just can't remember where or find it now. Either way, I'm in no mood to spend the next billion hours running around as Shujinko, talking to every man and woman in 6 realms.
I did, at the very least, find proof mentioned in one of the Krypt pics that Onaga's holy men did take the egg and start incubating it before he died, so that much at least is there.
And if the reason they took the egg wasn't always "when it hatches, he'll come back to life", because he wasn't dead yet when they first took it...then what else could it be? This is the only explanation that exists. And if it's on every goddamn website, it must've come from somewhere valid, made up fan ideas don't spread this well.
The Kombat Pavilion has all of DA's Konquest mode chatter, and it's nowhere to be seen ( http://tabmok99.mortalkombatonline.com/mkda_konquest.html ). I can't seem to find it anywhere myself.
I've checked:
- DA Konquest Mode
- DA Bio cards
- DA Endings
Haven't checked:
- Deception stuff (does it really mention the Dragon Egg?)
- Armageddon stuff? (even less likely)
- DA/Deception Comics?
Then again, the exact wording is tough to come by. I was checking "Egg" but they might use other terminology or something.
I've checked:
- DA Konquest Mode
- DA Bio cards
- DA Endings
Haven't checked:
- Deception stuff (does it really mention the Dragon Egg?)
- Armageddon stuff? (even less likely)
- DA/Deception Comics?
Then again, the exact wording is tough to come by. I was checking "Egg" but they might use other terminology or something.
RazorsEdge701: '' I did, at the very least, find proof mentioned in one of the Krypt pics that Onaga's holy men did take the egg and start incubating it before he died, so that much at least is there.''
Could you tell me which krypt pic mentioned this.
Could you tell me which krypt pic mentioned this.

Sure. It's in the Kontent > Extras category. It's the picture of the stone mummies called "Undefeatable Army." The text says:
"The Dragon King died before his holy men could hatch the last known Great Dragon. So that his undefeatable army could join him when he was finally resurrected, they willingly allowed themselves to be ritualistically killed and buried within his tomb."
So...that's all I've been able to find so far. Just proof that the holy men were trying to hatch the egg before he died. So he wanted it for something other than resurrection, 'cause he wasn't dead yet.
The part about the dragon's blood granting immortality must have been something posted by Midway somewhere online, like a plot synopsis before the game came out or a piece of concept art or...hell, Onaga's bio could've been on a damn Myspace page, they've legitimately been using social networking sites to promote their games for a few years now. I know it's canon, I just can't find the damn source.
"The Dragon King died before his holy men could hatch the last known Great Dragon. So that his undefeatable army could join him when he was finally resurrected, they willingly allowed themselves to be ritualistically killed and buried within his tomb."
So...that's all I've been able to find so far. Just proof that the holy men were trying to hatch the egg before he died. So he wanted it for something other than resurrection, 'cause he wasn't dead yet.
The part about the dragon's blood granting immortality must have been something posted by Midway somewhere online, like a plot synopsis before the game came out or a piece of concept art or...hell, Onaga's bio could've been on a damn Myspace page, they've legitimately been using social networking sites to promote their games for a few years now. I know it's canon, I just can't find the damn source.
http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Onaga&oldid;=5411378 24 August 2004 Oldest Source i could find. The part about the dragon's blood granting immortality couldn't have been mentioned in Mortal Kombat Deception or Armageddon because Deception and Armageddon where released after 24 August 2004.
"The Dragon King died before his holy men could hatch the last known Great Dragon."
This doesn't mean that the holy men where trying to hatch the egg BEFORE the Dragon King died.
Maybe the last known dragon egg didn't exist yet or the holy men couldn't find it.
Maybe that's the reason why the holy men couldn't hatch the egg before the Dragon king died.
This doesn't mean that the holy men where trying to hatch the egg BEFORE the Dragon King died.
Maybe the last known dragon egg didn't exist yet or the holy men couldn't find it.
Maybe that's the reason why the holy men couldn't hatch the egg before the Dragon king died.

HGCJHGFD547643 Wrote:
"The Dragon King died before his holy men could hatch the last known Great Dragon."
This doesn't mean that the holy men where trying to hatch the egg BEFORE the Dragon King died.
Maybe the last known dragon egg didn't exist yet or the holy men couldn't find it.
Maybe that's the reason why the holy men couldn't hatch the egg before the Dragon king died.
"The Dragon King died before his holy men could hatch the last known Great Dragon."
This doesn't mean that the holy men where trying to hatch the egg BEFORE the Dragon King died.
Maybe the last known dragon egg didn't exist yet or the holy men couldn't find it.
Maybe that's the reason why the holy men couldn't hatch the egg before the Dragon king died.
The point is that they still wanted the egg before Onaga's death. Which means they wanted it for something unrelated to his resurrection, or else they wouldn't have even had a reason to look for it before he died.
You are right
You are right
Onaga is the "Dragon" king and the holy men where searching the last known ''Dragon'' egg. So maybe the "Dragon" king wants to keep the egg safe to protect his kind.
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Sounds right, but I can't place it for the life of me.
Will be interested to see if someone comes up with the source.
Will be interested to see if someone comes up with the source.

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For the most in-depth, in-detail, Mortal Kombat lore analysis vids, there's only one source:
I looked through all of the MK: Deception dialogue, and it wasn't there.
If you'd like to have a look for yourself, some dedicated MK fan dumped it all. It's split up, realm by realm:
Just in case it was embedded in the reverse speech (and thus not available in text format), I checked the transcriptions of all the reverse speech, too:
Deceptions Konquest Reversed Speeches - Full Text Transcript
I think if it's anywhere, it's either MKDA or probably somewhere online that's not accessible any more. (For instance, possibly the old MKDA website.)
If you'd like to have a look for yourself, some dedicated MK fan dumped it all. It's split up, realm by realm:
Just in case it was embedded in the reverse speech (and thus not available in text format), I checked the transcriptions of all the reverse speech, too:
Deceptions Konquest Reversed Speeches - Full Text Transcript
I think if it's anywhere, it's either MKDA or probably somewhere online that's not accessible any more. (For instance, possibly the old MKDA website.)
Mortal Kombat Deception was released on October 4, 2004 and Armageddon was released on October 11, 2006.
The oldest source about the infant dragon granting immortality is from 24 August 2004, so it can't have been in Mortal Kombat Deception or Armageddon. Here is the source.
I have looked through the Kontent Gallery of Deadly Alliance (Arenas, Koncept Art, Extra) and this is the information i found about the Dragon egg.
Undefeatable army
"The Dragon King died before his holy men could hatch the last known Great Dragon. So that his undefeatable army could join him when he was finally resurrected, they willingly allowed themselves to be ritualistically killed and buried within his tomb."-----------(Posted by RazorsEdge701)
Great Dragon egg
"For an untold number of years, holy men loyal to the Dragon King have been secretly incubating the only know Great Dragon egg known to exist. An ancient prophecy tells of the return of the Dragon King upon its birth"
Sarna ruins
"The Sarna Ruins were located just outside of the pyramid of the Dragon king. After the king's death, it was hoped that the last dragon egg could be incubated here. But with growing instability in the land, the Dragon King's holy men were forced to hide the egg in an underground molten cavern far from this location."
Lava shrine
"The Last Dragon Egg incubates in an underground Lava shrine. A secret group of priests cares for and protect the egg, waiting for it to hatch."
Lava shrine sketch
"Pencil sketch of the Lava Shrine. The globe on the altar was changed to a giant egg being incubated by pouring sheet of lava. The priests were caretakers of the shrine for thousands of years, waiting for the sacred egg to hatch..."
Lava shrine priests
"Sketches of the Lava shrine Priests, who were intended as background characters. Generations of guardians have sworn to protect and care for the last dragon egg."
Lava shrine exterior concept
"Pencil sketch of the Lava Shrine exterior. Priests are shown on their way to the interior to visit the incubating egg. All of them secretly dread the long walk and the intense heat."
The oldest source about the infant dragon granting immortality is from 24 August 2004, so it can't have been in Mortal Kombat Deception or Armageddon. Here is the source.
I have looked through the Kontent Gallery of Deadly Alliance (Arenas, Koncept Art, Extra) and this is the information i found about the Dragon egg.
Undefeatable army
"The Dragon King died before his holy men could hatch the last known Great Dragon. So that his undefeatable army could join him when he was finally resurrected, they willingly allowed themselves to be ritualistically killed and buried within his tomb."-----------(Posted by RazorsEdge701)
Great Dragon egg
"For an untold number of years, holy men loyal to the Dragon King have been secretly incubating the only know Great Dragon egg known to exist. An ancient prophecy tells of the return of the Dragon King upon its birth"
Sarna ruins
"The Sarna Ruins were located just outside of the pyramid of the Dragon king. After the king's death, it was hoped that the last dragon egg could be incubated here. But with growing instability in the land, the Dragon King's holy men were forced to hide the egg in an underground molten cavern far from this location."
Lava shrine
"The Last Dragon Egg incubates in an underground Lava shrine. A secret group of priests cares for and protect the egg, waiting for it to hatch."
Lava shrine sketch
"Pencil sketch of the Lava Shrine. The globe on the altar was changed to a giant egg being incubated by pouring sheet of lava. The priests were caretakers of the shrine for thousands of years, waiting for the sacred egg to hatch..."
Lava shrine priests
"Sketches of the Lava shrine Priests, who were intended as background characters. Generations of guardians have sworn to protect and care for the last dragon egg."
Lava shrine exterior concept
"Pencil sketch of the Lava Shrine exterior. Priests are shown on their way to the interior to visit the incubating egg. All of them secretly dread the long walk and the intense heat."
It is just a story that somebody posted on Wikipedia some months before the release of MK Deception. It was the fist article about Onaga and that's the reason the information spread so well. But some people forget that the information on Wikipedia is not official and absolutely not trustworthy. The story could not have been in MK Deception or Armageddon and it is nowhere to be found in Deadly Alliance. So it must have been fan made.
From the information found in Deadly Alliance, I suppose that the Last Great Dragon was just meant to be the successor of the Dragon King. That's the reason why the holy men wanted to hatch the egg before the Dragon King died. The story about the infant dragon's blood is just too far-fetched.
From the information found in Deadly Alliance, I suppose that the Last Great Dragon was just meant to be the successor of the Dragon King. That's the reason why the holy men wanted to hatch the egg before the Dragon King died. The story about the infant dragon's blood is just too far-fetched.

Alright, Onaga's Holy Men captured a dragon egg from a nest in Outworld. This was the last of all known dragon eggs, by chance, and was placed in a shrine for the Dragon King, knowing the infant's blood would grant him immortality. But his adviser, Shao Kahn, killed him before it hatched, and the holy men used Blaze to guard it, Hornbuckle battling Blaze in MK2 shows how this came to be, by using brainwashing. Reptile was there when the egg hatched, and, with Reptle being the closest being to the egg, the spirit embed itself into Reptile's body, and the spirit was that of Onaga's. Reptile became Onaga, and Onaga was eventually defeated by Shujinko, and banished to the Netherrealm by Nightwolf. But he escaped through that of Quan Chi using a portal, as he conspired for Kahn, Onaga, and the Deadly Alliance to ally themselves in the Battle of Armageddon. Onaga apparently dies in this battle, as only Raiden and Kahn are left in the end. Source, all MK Game stories from MK2 to MK9, excluding MK3, MK4, DCU, and Shaolin Monks.
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Alright, Onaga's Holy Men captured a dragon egg from a nest in Outworld. This was the last of all known dragon eggs, by chance, and was placed in a shrine for the Dragon King, knowing the infant's blood would grant him immortality. But his adviser, Shao Kahn, killed him before it hatched, and the holy men used Blaze to guard it, Hornbuckle battling Blaze in MK2 shows how this came to be, by using brainwashing. Reptile was there when the egg hatched, and, with Reptle being the closest being to the egg, the spirit embed itself into Reptile's body, and the spirit was that of Onaga's. Reptile became Onaga, and Onaga was eventually defeated by Shujinko, and banished to the Netherrealm by Nightwolf. But he escaped through that of Quan Chi using a portal, as he conspired for Kahn, Onaga, and the Deadly Alliance to ally themselves in the Battle of Armageddon. Onaga apparently dies in this battle, as only Raiden and Kahn are left in the end. Source, all MK Game stories from MK2 to MK9, excluding MK3, MK4, DCU, and Shaolin Monks.
Alright, Onaga's Holy Men captured a dragon egg from a nest in Outworld. This was the last of all known dragon eggs, by chance, and was placed in a shrine for the Dragon King, knowing the infant's blood would grant him immortality. But his adviser, Shao Kahn, killed him before it hatched, and the holy men used Blaze to guard it, Hornbuckle battling Blaze in MK2 shows how this came to be, by using brainwashing. Reptile was there when the egg hatched, and, with Reptle being the closest being to the egg, the spirit embed itself into Reptile's body, and the spirit was that of Onaga's. Reptile became Onaga, and Onaga was eventually defeated by Shujinko, and banished to the Netherrealm by Nightwolf. But he escaped through that of Quan Chi using a portal, as he conspired for Kahn, Onaga, and the Deadly Alliance to ally themselves in the Battle of Armageddon. Onaga apparently dies in this battle, as only Raiden and Kahn are left in the end. Source, all MK Game stories from MK2 to MK9, excluding MK3, MK4, DCU, and Shaolin Monks.
So from which Mortal Kombat did you get the story about the infant dragon granting immortality ?

Two places- it's a ChaosRealm backwards message, and in the Deception bonus disc it is briefly mentioned in a few places. Glad to be of help, supposing this helped.
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Two places- it's a ChaosRealm backwards message, and in the Deception bonus disc it is briefly mentioned in a few places. Glad to be of help, supposing this helped.
Two places- it's a ChaosRealm backwards message, and in the Deception bonus disc it is briefly mentioned in a few places. Glad to be of help, supposing this helped.
Thanks for helping. Could you tell me exactly where you found it because i have looked through the backwards messages and Deception bonus disc and I can't find it anywhere.

Sure, and I'm sorry, I meslead you, it wasn't Deception's bonus disc, it's on Onaga's Bio Kard. A woman near the purple telport platform will occasionally speak backwards stating "Onaga is eternal with infant dragon blood." blatantly and straight up. Good to be of help.
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Sure, and I'm sorry, I meslead you, it wasn't Deception's bonus disc, it's on Onaga's Bio Kard. A woman near the purple telport platform will occasionally speak backwards stating "Onaga is eternal with infant dragon blood." blatantly and straight up. Good to be of help.
Sure, and I'm sorry, I meslead you, it wasn't Deception's bonus disc, it's on Onaga's Bio Kard. A woman near the purple telport platform will occasionally speak backwards stating "Onaga is eternal with infant dragon blood." blatantly and straight up. Good to be of help.
If you are talking about Onaga's bio card from Mortal Kombat Unchained and Armageddon, I have already checked those bio cards and I didn't find anything about the infant dragon.

Really? I thought John Vogel during story explantion mentioned the infant dragon's blood? Oh well, sorry again, but it IS said by a woman near a teleport platform, but she doen't always say it. It takes a few tries usually.
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